"Being struck by lightning is a really shocking experience.", what literary form it is?


Answer 1

Answer: it is a pun


Related Questions

IV. Put the verb into the correct form using WILL or BE GOING TO.
1. A: I’ve got a headache. B: Have you? Wait there and I (get)……….an aspirin for you.
2. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water? B: I (wash) ……………….. the car.
3. A: I’ve decided to re-paint this room. B: Oh, have you? What colour (you/paint)………. it?
4. A: Look! There’s smoke coming out of that house. It’s on fire!
B: Good heavens! I (call)…………………... the fire-brigate immediately.
5. A: The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it?
B: No, it looks as if it (fall)……………. down.
6. A: What do you want to be when you grow up?
B: I (be)……………….. an astronaut.
A: Good for you!
7. A: Do you mind if I turn the TV off? I (place)………………….. a long distance call, and it’s hard
to hear if the TV is on.
B: No, that’s fine. I wasn’t watching it anyway.
8. A: Who wants to erase the board? Are there any volunteer?
B: I (do)………………… it ! C: I (do)………………… it ! D: No, no! I (do)……………….. it!
9. A: Why do you have an eraser in your hand? B: I (erase)………………….. the board.



will get

was going to wash

are you going to paint

will call

is going to fall

will be

am going to place

will do

will do

will do

am going to erase


change the voice smitha will do this work​



This work will be done by smitha.

Active voice:-

The voice told directly by the speaker is called active voice

Ex:-I play cricket

Passive voice:-

The voice told indirectly by the speaker is called passive voice.

Ex:-Cricket is played by me

Identify the verb and its mood in the sentence below.
"Jamile takes the bus home today."



"takes" is the verb


None of the other words are verbs. "takes" describes an action and a verb is an action word.

1.Write a letter along with a cover letter to Pakistan Railways for appointment as a booking clerk OR 2. Write a letter to the editor highlighting the miserable situation of traffic in your city. OR Write a letter to the director complaining the misconduct of your juniors.



Letter to the editor highlighting the miserable situation of traffic in my city.


ABC Colony

New Delhi


The Editor

XYZ Daily Express

New Delhi

23 May 2018

Subject: Miserable situation of traffic in our area.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to your esteemed newspaper about the horrendous situation of traffic in and around ABC Colony. Not only is the traffic bad on normal days, but it also becomes much worse during the monsoons and winters. There are no traffic lights working, nor are there any traffic policemen on duty. Moreover, the road is full of potholes that further disrupts and pose a huge threat to the movement of traffic and even the safety of both drivers and the ones walking.

The colony’s welfare association has written to the concerned authorities about the issue but no action has been taken so far. So, I am writing to your newspaper in the hope that the issue catches the attention of the concerned authorities.

Thank you.


Mr. Atul Sharma

A resident of ABC Colony.

Why did Kii Yazhi get his mouth washed out with soap?



Mr. Reamer washed his mouth out with soap because he spoke Navajo.





Using evidence from the text, what reasons did the White Sox players give for going
through with the confidence game scandal? Do their explanations surprise you? Why or
why not?


Can you please take a photo of the text so we can explain to you.

Drag each tile to the correct box.
Match each excerpt to the mood it evokes or the image it creates.



I can't understand your question


please attach your question

emergency fast answer it ​


A nation can influence it's citizens through it's noble works like through it's good development steps and measures for weaker sections of the society.

If a friend says that she wants a confidence with you, what does
she mean? Base your answer on the meaning of confidence as it
appears in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Act II.


C. She wants to speak to you privately

She wants to speak to you privately in  the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Act II.

What is Romeo and juliet?

A verbal altercation quickly turns physical. Montague's relative Benvolio approaches and draws his sword in an effort to break up the altercation. Tybalt, a Capulet kin, draws his own sword after spotting Benvolio's drawn one.

Benvolio tries to explain that he is only trying to maintain order, but Tybalt declares that he hates peace just as much as he hates the Montagues and launches an attack.

The conflict is attempted to be resolved by a group of citizens brandishing clubs. Only their wives stop Montague and Capulet from attacking one another as they enter. When Prince Escalus arrives, he issues a stop-fighting order under threat of torture.

Therefore, She wants to speak to you privately in  the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Act II.

To learn more about Romeo, refer to the link:



1. I use laptop for __________and projects.A. doing cookingB. assignmentsC. skipping ropeD. playing tennis



I use laptop for assignments and projects

I use a laptop for assignments and projects.

Hope this helps! Have a great day!

1. I’m feeling tired. ………. So am I …………… . 2. I don’t like eggs. ……………………………….. 3. I need a holiday. ……………………………….. 4. I don’t like milk. ……………………………….. 5. I couldn’t get up this morning. …………………….. 6. I’d love a cup of tea. ………………………………. 7. I’ve never been to Africa. ………………………….. 8. I was ill yesterday. ………………………………… 9. I should smoke less. ……………………………….. 10. I spent the whole evening watching television . ……………………… 11. I didn’t know that Ann was in hospital. …………………………….



2. so do I

3. so do I

4. so do I

5. so did I

6. so would I

7. so have I

8. so was I

9. so should I

10. so did I

11. so did I

_______ and ______ experiences winter during the Summer Solstice​



when the earth North Pole is tilted farttest from the sun


2. It’s the first time that I have ever talked to a foreigner. => I have ...................................



to talk politely and i need to make them feel their own ones

How many chromosomes does a child inherit from his or her parents?



Along the segments of our DNA, genes are neatly packaged within structures called chromosomes. Every human cell contains 46 chromosomes, arranged as 23 pairs (called autosomes), with one member of each pair inherited from each parent at the time of conception.


46 chromosomes


An average human being has 46 chromosomes in total, when two parents come together and make a child, the child will receive 50% of each parent's traits, considering that human beings are diploid cellular organisms. Of course we would have to divide 46 in half, which is 23, but considering there are two parents, 23 + 23 = 46. Meaning that the child will inherit 46 chromosomes from his or her parents.

The Thames Barrier is a (16)________major____ part of the flood defence scheme for protecting London (17)___________rising water level. The defenses (18)__________ included raised embankments and (19)_________________ flood gates at strategic points, including the Barking Barrier. The unique structure that is the Barrier spans the 520 – meter wide Woolwich reach and (20) ______________ of 10 separate movable gates, each pivoting and supported between concrete structures which house the operating machinery.

When raised, the four main gates (21)____________ stand as high as a five – storey buildings and as wide as the opening of Tower Bridge. Each (22)___________3700 tonnes. During the first twelve years of (23)___________, the Barriers has been closed twenty times to protect London.

(24)___________ the Barrier from the comfortable cafeteria. Picnic on the riverside. Picnic on the riverside embankment. Enjoy beautiful view from the riverside walk. Visit the shop which stocks a large selection of souvenirs, books and Barrier information.

There is a children play are suitable for 4- to 12- year olds, located adjacent to the riverside walk. A visit to the spectacular Thames Barrier is a (25)_____________experience.

16. A. major

B. frequent

C. similar

D. various

17. A. against

B. for

C. between

D. with

18. A. and

B. also

C. still

D. too

19. A. addition

B. add

C. additional

D. additionally

20. A. consists

B. includes

C. involves

D. contains

21. A. which

B. every

C. each

D. none

22. A. measures

B. costs

C. calculates

D. weighs

23. A. operation

B. surgery

C. vocation

D. profession

24. A. Sight

B. View

C. Hear

D. Explore

25. A. forgettable

B. memorable

C. forgetful

D. memorized



16) A

17) A

18) B

19) D

20) A

21) C

22) A

23) A

24) B

25) B


The Thames Barrier is a major part of the flood defenses scheme to protect London against rising water levels. The defenses also included raised embankments and in furthermore, flood gates at strategic points, including the Barking Barrier. The unique structure that is the Barrier spans the 520-meter wide Woolwich reach and consists of 10 separate movable gates, each pivoting and supported by concrete structures which house the operating machinery.

When raised, the four main gates each stand as high as a five-story building and as wide as the opening of Tower Bridge. Each measures 3700 tonnes. During the first twelve years of operation, the Barriers has been closed twenty times to protect London.

View the Barrier from the comfortable cafeteria. Picnic on the riverside. Picnic on the riverside embankment. Enjoy the beautiful view from the riverside walk. Visit the shop which stocks a large selection of souvenirs, books, and Barrier information.

There is a children's play area suitable for 4- to 12- year olds, located adjacent to the riverside walk. A visit to the spectacular Thames Barrier is a memorable experience.

5 complete examples of fragments



a sentence usually missing one or more. of three components: subject,a predicate and. a complete though.

Select the correct answer.
Read the last stanza of Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken.” Why is it significant that the two roads diverged?
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

from "The Road Not Taken"
by Robert Frost

The speaker is recalling, "with a sigh," how difficult it had been for him to choose the more traveled or the less traveled of the two roads. The forked road is a metaphor for the inherent duality in the natural world.
One of the forks in the road represents the speaker in his youth when he chose a road; the other stands for the speaker "ages and ages hence." The forked road is a metaphor for the many contradictions found in nature.
The speaker is relieved that he chose the road of moral living over one of temptation and ruin, which would have come from the other path.
The speaker is imagining what it might be like to describe his choice of a life path after he has taken that path to close to its end.





He is saying that there are 2 roads leading away from a critical point in everyone's life.

He is glad that he has chosen the one that is less travelled which means he has gotten what he could from the life he lived.

Jesus says much the same thing in Matthew 7:13 and 14. One way leads to destruction, the other is the righteous path.

I think Frost had this in mind when he said that the less travelled path has made all the difference to him, because he is not lead by other people.

I think given what I have written, I believe that C is the correct answer. I don't think the metaphor means anything to do with nature. It has to do with moral behavior.



The speaker is relieved that he chose the road of moral living over one of temptation and ruin, which would have come from the other path.


I took the test

What does this mean?

“The treadmill completes this transformation by allowing travel to be measured entirely by time, bodily exertion, and mechanical motion. Space—as landscape, terrain, spectacle, experience—has vanished.”



terrain :

landscape ::______________

landscape ::______________ a) repair : damage

landscape ::______________ a) repair : damage b) land : water

landscape ::______________ a) repair : damage b) land : water c) ocean : sea

landscape ::______________ a) repair : damage b) land : water c) ocean : sea d) travel : road

I’ll give a brainliest plzzz help !!!!!

Re-read Leonheadt's "The Choice Between Kneeling and Winning" and your one sentence summary. Using 200-250 words, write a fair and neutral summary of the author's argument.



I can't understand the question


so I'm very very sorry

............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9. Morning/ stored/ picked/ can/ tomatoes/ the/ be/ in/ and



Tomatoes can be picked and stored in the morning.


A sentence can be defined as a group of words that comprises of both a subject and predicate used to convey a logical information. Sentences are classified into three (3) main categories and these includes;

I. Simple sentence.

II. Compound sentence.

III. Complex sentence.

In English language, a simple sentence can be defined as a sentence that comprises of a single independent clause, a predicate or verb and a subject. Also, the subject in a simple sentence is joined together by a conjunction such as "and" and "because" to reflect the action that is being performed or done by the verb in the sentence.

In this scenario, you are required to rearrange the sentence in such a way that it becomes logical and expresses a complete thought.

Hence, the sentence is rearranged and written as follows;

"Tomatoes can be picked and stored in the morning."

what are you writing in passive voice ​



What is being written by you now?

How can character traits influence a character's decisions that they make in the novel ??



An author uses traits to describe a character. Character traits help a reader learn more about characters



 The same way a person's character traits influence their decisions in real life. Your character traits may determine how you react to events, and the decisions you make based on that reaction

A of thieves entered the deserted house late at night.
1stack 2gang​



gang of thieves entered the deserted house at late night


hope that helps you please mark brainliest

please follow

find the animal in the sentence Magnus ate a whole bowl of popcorn while watching the movie​


Answer: Sorry

Explanation: i dont know the answer

Please mark me as braninlest

Answer: find the animal in the sentence Magnus ate a whole bowl of popcorn while watching the movie


1 I got to my friend's house at three o'clock. They had... already played.... football for hours.(play)​



its not 'already played' its 'been playing'


Which statement best shows the difference between romantic and realist literature



B)  Romanticism celebrates the beauty of nature, whereas realism depicts the struggles of everyday life.


A. Romanticism depicts people in love, whereas realism depicts the real nature of people.

B. Romanticism celebrates the beauty of nature, whereas realism depicts the struggles of everyday life.

C. Romanticism celebrates the protagonist’s glory, whereas realism glorifies the antagonist of the story.

D. Romanticism highlights the human connection with nature, whereas realism depicts supernatural elements. E. Romanticism emphasizes the emotions of characters, whereas realism highlights human relations.

Romanticism: natural wonders, magical creatures Reality: social issues, everyday characters Romanticism celebrates nature, while realism depicts everyday struggles. Like naturalism, realism arose in the second half of the 19th century. Realistic depiction of reality. Unlike romanticism, it does not beautify or appeal. Realistically depicts everyday events. The former uses fantastic situations and personal feelings. Realism captured the social changes caused by industrialization. Romanticism includes a love of nature and a study of human nature.

(x + 40) / 2*3 when x = 8

answer: 6



The answer is 8


= (8 + 40) / 2*3

= 48 / 6

= 8

Please help ASAP!!!!!





extremely tower? no

extremely after? no

Tired, you were just look at the word after extremely and that would be your answer. For example you would say Dirty red shirt, So you would know that an adjective or something that describes the noun or object, So in the example I gave shirt is the object in the word before that is red which is describing the shirts so red would be the adjective and then the word before that would be the adverb if it like describes the shirt as well so dirty is describing how the shirt looks so dirty would be the adverb so your answer would be “tired”.

what is the preposition in the sentence. After it has caught its prey, the frogmouth crushes the animal in its beak, batters it a bit, and then swallows it whole



the preposition is after




1:although he told lies, many people believed him




despite. the bad things he has done or said


I hope this helps complete you sentence. Have a nice day!

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