Both and tell why pls……..


Answer 1


4) A

5) E

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]\frac{x}{y}=\frac{1}{10} * \frac{z}{y}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{x}{y} =\frac{1z}{10y}[/tex]

Cross multiply the equation and you get:


Since [tex]\frac{a}{b}=\frac{c}{d}[/tex]  is the same thing as [tex]ad=bc[/tex], you can change the equation into [tex]\frac{x}{z} =\frac{y}{10y}[/tex]

Cancel out the y on the top and bottom and you get 1/10


[tex]\frac{2}{3} *\frac{x}{2} =5[/tex], simplify and you get [tex]\frac{x}{3} =5[/tex] so x=15

[tex]\frac{1}{5} * 3(x)[/tex] is equal to [tex]\frac{1}{5} *3(15)[/tex] after you plug in x, and that is equal to 9

Related Questions

What Kind of Triangle is shown?

A. Isosceles Triangle

B. Acute Triangle

C. Scalene Triangle

D. Equilateral Triangle




Step-by-step explanation:

C because it has sides unequal in length.

Answer: C

Step-by-step explanation:

Isosceles: 2 sides equal

Acute: angles are less than 90 degrees

Scalene: All side lengths are different

Equilateral: All sides are equal

please help me for this​


What is the question you are trying to figure out?

The factor of x?




I D K u tell me

Step-by-step explanation:

this is what u answersed another he/she question repeating u



Step-by-step explanation: life goes around and around

Help urgent In a class of 35 students 15 of them have cats 16 have dogs 3 hangs none how many probability does have both




Step-by-step explanation:

Number of student who has cat , dog = 25 - 3 = 22

Number of students who has cat and dogs = (15 + 16) - 22

                                                                       = 31 - 22 = 9

Number of students who has only cats = 15 - 9 = 6

Number of students who has only dogs = 16 - 9 = 7

P(Cat & dog) = 9/25

Find the volume of a pyramid with a square base, where the area of the base is 12.5 ft ^2 12.5 ft
and the height of the pyramid is 16 ft. Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a cubic foot.



833.3 ft^3

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for the volume of a pyramid is:

V = (lwh)/3

V = volume

l = length of base

w = width of base

h = height of pyramid

Now we just correspond the values with the variables:

l = 12.5

w = 12.5

h = 16

And plug these values into the formula:




833.3 ft^3

Hope this helps (●'◡'●)

The solution is : the volume of a pyramid with a square base is 833.3 ft^3.

What is volume?

In mathematics, volume is the space taken by an object. Volume is a measure of three-dimensional space. It is often quantified numerically using SI derived units or by various imperial or US customary units. The definition of length is interrelated with volume.

here, we have,

we know that,

The formula for the volume of a pyramid is:

V = (lwh)/3

V = volume

l = length of base

w = width of base

h = height of pyramid

Now we just correspond the values with the variables:

l = 12.5

w = 12.5

h = 16

And plug these values into the formula:




=833.3 ft^3

Hence, The solution is : the volume of a pyramid with a square base is 833.3 ft^3.

To learn more on volume click :


Please help!! I am literally in tears!!
Without graphing, explain how you know the equation
y = - 1/2x^2 - 7 will be compressed
(compared to the parent function of y=x^2).




" because the coefficient of the x^2 term is less than 1 (between -1 and + 1)  

y = x^2 looks like a big U with the vertex (bottom) "kissing" the origin (0,0)

if you add 1 to the equation y = x^2 + 1 it shifts UP one  

if you subtract 3 y = x^2 -3 it shifts down three ....

if you change it to look like this y = (x+4)^2 it shifts (slides) to the LEFT 4 units..

note that this slide is opposite to the sign + 4 left slide , - 4 right slide...

NOW YOUR QUESTION !!!! if the coefficient is > 1  

y = 99 x^2 then the graph gets "skinny" goes up faster...

if it is less than one (between -1 past 0 to +1 ) then it flattens out

Bottom line here your coefficient is a "-1/2"  

so YOUR GRAPH IS A ∩ (goes downward) and is FLATTER than the normal ∪

I hope that this helps

Step-by-step explanation:

Expand : (3x+5y)²
please answer​



FOIL:  [tex]9x^2 +30xy + 25y^2[/tex]

(3x + 5y)(3x+5y)

F: 3x*3x

O: 3x*5y

I: 5y*3x

L: 5y*5y

[tex]9x^2 +30xy + 25y^2[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The population of a town is 157,220 and is decreasing at a rate of 0.8% each year. Predict the population in 5 years (round to the nearest whole number).




Step-by-step explanation:

If the population of a town is decreasing at 0.8% each year, the new population of the town will be [tex]100\%-0.8\%=99.2\%[/tex] of what it was last year. To find 99.2% of something, multiply it by 0.992. Therefore, we can write the following equation:

[tex]f(x)=157,220\cdot 0.992^x[/tex], where [tex]f(x)[/tex] is the population of the town [tex]x[/tex] years after the town had a population of 157,220.

Substitute [tex]x=5[/tex] into this equation to get the projected population after 5 years:

[tex]f(5)=157,220\cdot 0.992^5, \\f(5)=151031.019048,\\f(5)\approx \boxed{151,031}[/tex]

Therefore, in 5 years, the population should be 151,031.

An isosceles triangle has been constructed so that its height is half its base. Find the dimensions of the
triangle if the area is 64 m².


Answer: 4 8×8= 64 half the base which is 8 =4

Step-by-step explanation:


height = 8 m

base = 16 m

Step-by-step explanation:

Let base = 2x m

So, height = half its base = [tex]\frac{2x}{2} = x \ m[/tex]

Area = 64 m²

[tex]\frac{1}{2}* \ base* \ height = 64\\\\\\\frac{1}{2}* 2x * x = 64[/tex]

 x * x = 64

x * x = 8 * 8

x = 8 m

Base = 2x = 2*8 = 16 m

Review the data you collected for the angles in Question 2. Notice that ∠CFB is one of four angles formed by the two intersecting chords. What relationship do you observe that could help you determine the measure of any of the four angles created by two intersecting chords? Write the relationship as an equation.



The measure of an angle created by two intersecting chords is half the sum of the measure of the intercepted arc and the measure of the arc vertically opposite to the angle. In this case, I can write m∠CFB = 1/2(m∠CAB + m∠EAD)   because the measure of an intercepted arc is equal to the measure of its corresponding central angle.


sample answer from edmentum

The figure that will be formed if two 45° 45° 90° setsquares are put together is _________.​


It would be a triangle

Enter a recursive rule for the geometric sequence.

5, -10, 20, -40,...

a^1 = __; a^n = __





A shopkeeper bought two watches for rs. 400 . He sold them to gain 5 % on one and 5 % loss on other . Calculate his final gain or loss percent of the selling price of both watches is same . ​




Step-by-step explanation:


Please help!! I am literally in tears!!
Consider the function, y = - 13x +52. Find the inverse of the function by solving it for
x. Then, use the inverse to find a value of y such that x = 182.




Step-by-step explanation:

Inverse equation: x= -13y +52

simplify: y=-1/-13x + 4

Plug in for x: y= 1/-13 (182) +4

=   -10


y = -10

Step-by-step explanation:

x = -13 y + 52

y = (x - 52)/-13


y = (182 - 52)/-13

y = -10

An item on sale costs 80% of the original price. The original price was $41.​




Step-by-step explanation:

So you are trying to find out how much does the sale price cost?

Ok convert $41 into a decimal

$41 = $0.41

Then multiply 80% x $0.41

80 x $0.41 = 32.80



Step-by-step explanation:

Solve using a proportion

if 100%= $41 and 80% = x, then you cross multiply, and you get 100x = 41 (80), which would become 100x = 3280. Then you divide by 100 on both sides to get 32.8, which would be your answer!

The price of an item changed from $175 to $150. Later, the price decreased to $125. Which of the two decreases was larger in percentage and how much is it?



The second decrease is larger at 16 1/6% decrease

Step-by-step explanation:

175 to 150

Take the original price minus the new price divided by the original price

(175 -150) /175 =25/175 = 1/7 =.142857143 = 14.28 % decrease

150 to 125

Take the original price minus the new price divided by the original price

( 150-125)/150 = 25/150 = 1/6 =.16666 = 16 1/6 % decrease

The second decrease is larger at 16 1/6% decrease

what is the difference



what is question of this you asked

Expand and Simplify


The answer would be 7(a - 1)

Solve the system of equations.



(-1,3) and (2,6)

Step-by-step explanation:

The solution to the system is where the two graphs intersect

The graphs intersect at x=-1 and y =3  and x = 2 y=6

(-1,3) and (2,6)

If F is conservative, find all potential functions f for F so that F = ∇f. (If F is not conservative, enter NOT CONSERVATIVE. Use C as an arbitrary constant.)


Answer: some parts of your question is missing below is the missing data

Determine if the given vector field F is conservative or not. F = −6e^y, (−6x + 3z + 9)e^y, 3e^y


F is conservative

F = -6xe^y + ( 33 + 9 ) e^y + C

Step-by-step explanation:

The Potential functions for F so that F = ∇f.

F = -6xe^y + ( 33 + 9 ) e^y + C

attached below is a detailed solution

what is 2.9225 rounded to the nearest cent?




Step-by-step explanation:




Is what I rounded

and hope it helps

Solve the equation P=s+t+r for s.




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]P=s+t+r\qquad|\text{subtract}\ t\ \text{and}\ r\ \text{from both sides}\\\\P-t-r=s+t+r-t-r\\\\P-t-r=s\Rightarrow\boxed{s=P-t-r}[/tex]

Question 3
1 pts
Students from Mr. Caldwell's Spanish class are saving money for a summer
trip to Barcelona, Spain. Each student needs to raise $1,080 to be able to
attend the trip. This amount represents an increase of 12.5% over the cost of
the trip last year. How much did the trip to Barcelona cost last year?
O $850




Step-by-step explanation:

Let the original amount be = x

Percentage increase is equal to = 12.5%

final amount = original amount + increase

final amount = x + 0.125x

final amount = 1.125x

final amount = 1080 = 1.125x

and then solve for x

[tex]x = \frac{1080}{1.125} \\ \\ x = 960[/tex]

so in the end x is equal to $960

Solve the equation: 1080 = 1.25x

A cylindrical roller is 4m long. Its diameter is 1.4m. How many metres does it travel in 500 revolution?​


Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is in the image above

Susie is paying $540.15 every month for her $150,000 mortgage. If this is a 30 year mortgage, how much interest will she pay over the 30 years of payments?




$540.15 multiply 30

because if they ask all in every month is 540.15

and she got 30 year

Susie will pay a total of $44,454 in interest over the 30 years of mortgage payments.

How to determine How much how much interest will she pay over the 30 years of payments

To determine the total interest Susie will pay over the 30 years of mortgage payments, we need to subtract the principal amount (the original loan amount) from the total amount she will pay over the 30 years.

First, let's calculate the total amount she will pay over the 30 years by multiplying her monthly payment by the number of months in 30 years:

Total amount paid = Monthly payment x Number of months

= $540.15 x (30 years x 12 months/year)

= $540.15 x 360

= $194,454

Next, we subtract the principal amount from the total amount paid to find the total interest paid:

Total interest paid = Total amount paid - Principal amount

= $194,454 - $150,000

= $44,454

Therefore, Susie will pay a total of $44,454 in interest over the 30 years of mortgage payments.

Learn more about interest at


HALP ASAP, also im in or going into 7th grade it only goes from 10th to 100??
which makes know sence


The answer is -5

It goes down by 2s so -10 then -8 then -6 then finally -5

What is the value of x that makes l1||12?
A. 11.3
B. 14
C. 22
D. 10



[tex](8x - 14) + (2x + 54) = 180 \\ 8x + 2x - 14 + 54 = 180 \\ 10x - 14 + 54 = 180 \\ 10x + 40 = 180 \\ 10x = 180 - 40 \\ 10x = 140 \\ x = \frac{140}{10} \\ x = 14[/tex]

what is the answer to this?



x= -1, y = -1

Step-by-step explanation:

-16x +24y = -8

16x -8y = -8

16y = -16


16x = -16

x = -1


x = - 0.25 = - 1 / 4

y = 0.5 = 1 / 2

Step-by-step explanation:

4x + 6y = 2

Divide 2 on both sides,

2x + 3y = 1 ----> eq. 1

16x - 8y = - 8

Divide - 8 on both sides,

- 2x + y = 1 ----> eq. 2

Add eq. 1 and 2,

2x + 3y = 1

- 2x + y = 1


0 + 4y = 2

4y = 2

y = 2 / 4

y = 1 / 2

y = 0.5

Substitute y = 0.5 in eq. 2,

- 2x + y = 1

- 2x + 0.5 = 1

- 2x = 1 - 0.5

- 2x = 0.5

x = 0.5 / - 2

x = - 0.25

what is the solution to the equation below sqrt x+3 = x-3
A. 5
B. 6
C. 4
D. 3



The value of x = 6

Step-by-step explanation:


√x + 3 = x - 3


The value of x


Given expression

√x + 3 = x - 3

Squaring both side

(√x + 3)² = (x - 3)²

x + 3 = x² + 3² - (2)(x)(3)

x + 3 = x² + 9 - 6x

x² + 9 - 6x - x - 3 = 0

x² + 7 - 5x = 0

x² - (6 + 1)x + 6 = 0

x² - 6x - x + 6 = 0

x(x - 6) -1(x - 6) = 0

(x - 6)(x - 1) = 0

x = 6 and x = 1

The value of x = 6

pllllllssssss helpooppppp


I am sorry but I don’t know how to do this.
Other Questions
You are John Smith. You stayed at your friends house when you participated in a conference in Australia. You left a briefcase with important documents in your room. Write an email to your friend, Peter Clark. In the email, you should:- Thank you friend for the stay- Describe the briefcase- Ask him/her to return it to you by post KEY FINDER Never Be Lost Again!The average amount of time that an American spends looking for misplaced things over the course of a lifetime is one year.Electronics Today New KEY FINDER by SmartThink is the latest in convenience technology. With our key locator product, you will never lose your keys again! Plus, each unit includes a handy, super-bright LED flashlight, and more than one remote key finder can be purchased and used with the unit. It is easy to operate, effective, and, best of all, it finds your lost keys every time! Our custom-designed SmartThink adapter, charger, and rechargeable batteries are also included. 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Dont be left out; purchase one today!Select all the correct answers.Which details are emphasized in both the text and the image?The Key Finder is cheaper than similar products.The Key Finder has a compact design.The Key Finder comes with rechargeable batteries.The Key Finder is easy to operate.The Key Finder has an operating range of 100 feet. what is the role of police in protecting human right find the value and express it in standard form : 510^8210^11 Determine, to one decimal place, the length, width & height of the rectangular prism that would have the greatest volume, with a surface area of 200 cm^2. a speech on holidays ?? lol anyone? the weather calls for icy roads to the city scatter salt in the road. explain how this may affect plants that are next to the road? N is one of the numbers below. N is such that when multiplied by 0.75 gives 1. Which number is equal toN?A) 1 1/2B 1 1/3C) 5/3D) 3/2 Q: Which of the following BEST describes Reconstruction? Select one: O a. 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