Describe the life cycle
of mosquito and cockroach


Answer 1


the cockroach life cycle is comprised of three developmental phases, the egg, nymph and the adult stage. Most cockroaches are oviparous — their young grow in eggs outside of the mother's body. ... These nymphs will feed and go through a series of moultings over a period of one year as they develop into adults

Answer 2

The description of life cycle of mosquito and cockroach is that the cockroach life cycle has been comprised of three developmental phases, the egg, nymph and the adult stage. Most cockroaches are oviparous it means they lay eggs and their young ones grow in the eggs outside the mother's body. These nymphs will be feed and go through a series of the moultings over a period of one year as they develop into adults.

What is oviparous?

Oviparous is the animals that lay eggs as their young ones and  Most cockroaches are oviparous it means they lay eggs and their young ones grow in the eggs outside the mother's body. These nymphs will be feed and go through a series of the moultings over a period of one year as they develop into adults.

Genetic mutation, crossing over during meiosis, polypoidy is an example of a cause of natural variation to the mechanism of natural selection. Variation shown in many ways such as physical appearance, metabolism, reproduction, fertility behavior, learning and mental ability, such variation is called as natural variation.

Therefore, The description of life cycle of mosquito and cockroach is that the cockroach life cycle has been comprised of three developmental phases, the egg, nymph and the adult stage. Most cockroaches are oviparous it means they lay eggs and their young ones grow in the eggs outside the mother's body. These nymphs will be feed and go through a series of the moultings over a period of one year as they develop into adults.

Learn more about viviparous on:


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sentence 3


edge 2020

In sentence 3 'The Underground Railroad were a network of hiding places' a subject-verb agreement error is observed.

What is a subject-verb agreement?

In a sentence when the subject of the sentence does not accept in number with the verb, the sentence misses subject-verb agreement.

In the given sentence 'The Underground Railroad were a network of hiding places'  the verb “were” is not matching the subject, it is a subject-verb agreement error.

There would be, 'was' is used as a verb in sentence three, correctly sets the subject-verb agreement. The subject of this sentence is the singular “one,” not the plural “Railroads.” This suggests the verb should also be singular.

Therefore, sentence three correctly depicts the subject-verb agreement error.

Learn more about subject-verb agreement, here:


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A. The rates of birth and immigration were balanced by the rates of death and emigration.

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I believe the answer is adrenaline, the rest just dont make sense


Adrenaline is an example of a hormone. Hormones are chemical messengers in your body, which carry around messages. Adrenaline is a hormone that is released when you are in fear, stress, or doing something dangerous.

Let me know if this helps!

Which of the following is found in the 'rungs' of a DNA strand?

A. Phosphate

B. Thymine

C. Uracil

D. Deoxy Ribose


B, Thymine hope that helps lol

define zygote as it is used in biology



fertilized egg


Zygote, fertilized egg cell that results from the union of a female gamete (egg, or ovum) with a male gamete (sperm). In the embryonic development of humans and other animals, the zygote stage is brief and is followed by cleavage, when the single cell becomes subdivided into smaller cells.



A zygote is a eukaryotic cell that is produced when two gametes fertilize each other. The genome of a zygote is made up of the DNA from each gamete and includes all of the genetic information needed to create a new person. The zygote is the most basic developmental stage of multicellular organisms.


What would happen if there were no condensation stage in the water cycle?



Choice A. Water could not convert from a gas to a liquid.


Condensation is the process of cold humid air (gas) coming into contact with a surface and collects water droplets (liquid) on it.




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Because the purpose of dialysis is to mimic blood and clean the blood  because the persons kidneys dont work. If it is not similar to blood it wont work


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Billions of stars in a single galaxy are arranged in :  Pinwheel pattern with four major arms

What is a galaxy ?

A galaxy is a collection of, billions of stars, dust and gases. galaxies are arranged in the universe in gravitational bound clusters. While the billion stars in a singles galaxy are arranged in pinwheel pattern with four major arms.  

Hence we can conclude that Billions of stars in a single galaxy are arranged in :  Pinwheel pattern with four major arms

Learn more about billions of stars :


Which of the following is NOT an example of evolution?
A. Caterpillar entering a chrysalis and turning into a butterfly.
B. Species fur changing color because an ice age ends and their environment changes from white to green and brown.
C. Snake head size decreasing over time because large prey are poisonous.
D. Neck length of a species increasing because food sources are high up.





a is the life cycle of a caterpillar/butterfly

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please explain gyz​


Your body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate temperature and maintain other bodily functions. Because your body loses water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it's important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water.

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think the answer is A. think the answer is A.

think the answer is A.

think the answer is A.

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2. Parathyroid hormone level decreases

4. Ca and phosphate reabsorption decreases


When plasma Ca concentration decreases, the action of Parathyroid hormone level decreases  which leads to Calcium and phosphate reabsorption decreases. Parathyroid hormone is responsible for the increase of calcium and phosphorus in the blood when there is low level in the blood so when the re is huge amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, the Parathyroid hormone activity decreases which decrease the reabsorption of calcium and phosphorus decreases.

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Thats easy!


is an example of the degeneracy of the genetic code.

A.An amino acid has more than one codon.

B.Each codon specifies more than one amino acid

C.The first two bases in the CCA terminus of tRNA specify an amino acid.

D.The genetic code in mRNA is a triplet of bases.


Answer: a:an amino acid has more than one codon
Explanation: in a sequence of dna one codon is a triplet of based and when you look at the codon in an amino acid each one should consist of either one codon or one set of triplet bases.

2. Sam and Jerry are having a discussion in their Environmental Science lass. Sam
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says that biotic factors determine what abiotic factors can be in an ecosystem. Who
is correct? Use an example to support your answer. (2 points)



Jerry is right.


Abiotic factors can kill biotic factors, so technically Jerry is correct, just think of it as a TDI game, let's say Chris is an Abiotic factor, and the campers are biotic factors, Chris chooses weather or not they stay.

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A period happens because of changes in hormones in the frame. Hormones are chemical messengers. The ovaries launch the lady hormones estrogen and progesterone . those hormones motive the liner of the uterus (or womb) to build up. The constructed-up lining is prepared for a fertilized egg to connect to and begin developing. If there is no fertilized egg, the liner breaks down and bleeds. Then the identical manner occurs all once more.


It normally takes about a month for the liner to build up, then smash down. this is why a lot of ladies and women get their periods round once a month.


thectgod ig follow

The answer above me is correct

Which of the following statements are true about antibodies?
A. Polyclonal antibodies are part of the natural immune response; monoclonal antibodies are clones of plasma cells used for medical research.
B. Polyclonal antibodies are used for the treatment of cancer; monoclonal antibodies are used for medical research.
C. Monoclonal antibodies work against many types of antigens; polyclonal antibodies work against a specific antigen.
D. Both Polyclonal and Monoclonal antibodies are naturally produced in immune responses.



The answer are A and D.



Antibodies are immunoglobulin produced in the body by B cells to help i

For immune response or fight against any foreign invade in the body.

There are two common classification of antibodies and these are;

1. Monoclonal antibodies are produced in the laboratory that can help to restore and improve the immune system against cancer attack.

They bind to the antigens and are many on the surface of cancerous cells than normal cells. They are use for medical research.

2. POLYCLONAL ANTIBODIES are produced by different B cells the body. They are produced from heterogeneous molecules in live animals. They can bind to numerous antigens. They are part of the natural immune response of the animals. They are produced by injecting the animal with immunogen.

Therefore, Polyclonal antibodies are part of the natural immune response; monoclonal antibodies are clones of plasma cells used for medical research.

Both Polyclonal and Monoclonal antibodies are naturally produced in immune responses




The cell membrane regulates what enters and leaves the cell, only allowing
certain things to enter or exit. This is called:
A:Selective Permability



A)selective permeability


it allows for it to choose ,small particles easily enter and leave the cell unlike large particles

Your answer would be selective permability

what is cell differentiation?



The process through which a cell transforms from one cell type to another is known as cellular differentiation. In most cases, the cell transforms into a more specialized form. As a multicellular organism develops from a basic zygote to a complex system of tissues and cell types, it undergoes many stages of differentiation.


A person who studies about rocks is Called





Petrology, scientific study of rocks that deals with their composition, texture, and structure; their occurrence and distribution; and their origin in relation to physicochemical conditions and geologic processes.

hope it helped

Answer: Is called a petrologist

Explanation: Petrology is the scientific name for the study of rocks and the conditions in which they form so the person who study's petrology is under the term petrologist


Which of the following is a scientific question?
O A. What is the boiling point of seawater?
O B. What should I do this weekend for fun?
C. Does each period during the school day last the same number of
O D. How long can I use a pen before it runs out of ink?


A. What is the boiling point of seawater

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because of it's lower concentration

Lower concentration

How are protons and neutrons conserved as a star ages?



Students identify that atoms are not conserved in nuclear fusion, but the total number of protons plus neutrons is conserved. ... Helium and a small amount of other light nuclei (i.e., up to lithium) were formed from high-energy collisions starting from protons and neutrons in the early universe before any stars existed.

Once the universe was created by the Big Bang, the only abundant elements present were hydrogen (H) and helium (He). ... The conditions inside a star that allow the formation of the higher mass elements can be related to a pushing match between gravity and the energy released by the star.

6. If the time period were extended to 6 hours, what would be the expected blood sugar level for
Person B?


According to the graph, the blood sugar level for person B is 130 mg/dL after 6 hours of eating meal.

The blood sugar level is highest just after eating the meal but with the passage of time, the concentration of blood sugar level decreases due to absorption by the body. One hour after eating the meal, the blood glucose level is slightly decreases but after 6 hours, the blood glucose level tends to very low due to more consumption of the body or storing by the body in different parts.

What characteristic of life can you live without out of the 10 main ones




We don't HAVE to reproduce to live, but it needed for us to be brought in to this world.


1. Define the term lichen.
2. State and explain the organisms that compose a Lichen.
3. Explain how Lichens are used to establish a community or an ecosystem.​



Lichens are bizarre organisms and no two are alike. Lichens are a complex life form that is a symbiotic partnership of two separate organisms, a fungus and an alga. The dominant partner is the fungus, which gives the lichen the majority of its characteristics, from its thallus shape to its fruiting bodies.


Hope it helps

5. What are hyphae made of?


Answer:Hyphae are the feathery filaments that make up multicellular fungi. They release enzymes and absorb nutrients from a food source. Hyphae have a firm cell wall made of chitin.



They are made of the feathery filaments that make up multicellular fungi

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.disease. Some carriers of the disease exhibit Sickle cell disease is passed on from parent to offspring. Sickle cell disease is an Increased resistance to malarial parasites. This resistance is a mutation.

First drop down options are (inherited) & (acquired)
Second drop down options are





First drop down: "Sickle cell disease is passed on from parent to offspring."


Second drop down

A increased resistance to a bad thing (malarial parasites) would be Beneficial

Last electron level that has an electron in it.
Group of answer choices

Valence Level (Shell or Cloud)



Atomic Symbol


Valence level (shell or cloud)
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