Find the value of 9x + 4y, when x = 4 and y = -3.


Answer 1


hope found the answers bye.

Step-by-step explanation:

9x + 4y - 4  =  0     

Putting in the x-value of -1, we get:

9(-1) + 4y - 4  =  0


-9 + 4y - 4  =  0

Combining the -9 and the -4:

4y - 13  =  0

Getting rid of the -13 by adding 13 to both sides:

4y - 13 + 13  =  0 + 13

4y  = 13

Dividing both sides by 4:

y = 13/4

Checking:  Is 9(-1) +4(13/4) -4  really zero?    Yes!

Answer 2

Related Questions

The equation 9 y minus 6 x = 36 is written in standard form. What is the first step when writing an equivalent equation which solves for x? Divide both sides of the equation by 36. Multiply both sides of the equation by 6. Add 9y to both sides of the equation. Subtract 9y from both sides of the equation.



D. Subtract 9y from both sides of the equation.

Step-by-step explanation:

A. Divide both sides of the equation by 36.

B. Multiply both sides of the equation by 6.

C. Add 9y to both sides of the equation.

D. Subtract 9y from both sides of the equation.


9y - 6x = 36

To solve for x

Step 1: subtract 9y from both sides

9y - 6x - 9y = 36 - 9y

- 6x = 36 - 9y

Step 2: Divide both sides by -6

- 6x / -6 = (36 - 9y) / - 6

x = (36 - 9y) / - 6

The answer is

x = (36 - 9y) / - 6



Step-by-step explanation:

Find f(-2) for f(x) = 2•3^x




Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = 2•3^x

Let x = -2

f(-2) = 2•3^-2

We know that a^-b = 1/a^b

f(-2) = 2• 1/3^2

     = 2/9

f(x) = 2 * 3^x

f(-2) = 2 * 3^-2

f(-2) = 2 * 1/3^2

f(-2) = 2 * 1/9

f(-2) = 2/9

Hope this helps!

express the equation for
[tex] \frac{15y - 10}{3x} [/tex]
=6 in the form of mx+b​



is it 6 with the 10

Step-by-step explanation:


y = 6/5 x + 2/3

Step-by-step explanation:

A equation is given to us and we need to express it in , mx + b form . The given equation to us is,

[tex]\rm\implies 6 = \dfrac{15y - 10}{3x} [/tex]

Move 3x to LHS , we will get ,

[tex]\rm\implies 6 * 3x = 15y - 10 \\\\\rm\implies 18x = 15y - 10 \\\\\rm\implies 15y = 18x + 10 \\\\\rm\implies y =\dfrac{18x+10}{15} \\\\\rm\implies \boxed{ \bf y = \dfrac{6}{5}x + \dfrac{2}{3}}[/tex]

This is the required answer .

y=x²+4x-3 y=5x+3 solve the simultaneous equation​



(-2, -7) or (3, 18)

Step-by-step explanation:

Start with your 2 equations

y = x^2 + 4x - 3

y = 5x + 3

Because both equal y, we substitute:

x^2 +4x -3 = 5x+ 3

x^2 - x - 6 = 0


(x + 2) (x - 3) = 0

Solutions for x: -2 or 3 since if either of the numbers in parentheses is 0, the equation is 0 (0* anything = 0).

Then plug -2 in for x in either equation:

y = 5* -2 + 3

y = -7

So ( -2, -7) is a solution.

Plug 3 in for x in either equation:

y = 5*3 + 3

y = 18

So ( 3 , 18) is a solution.

Hope that helps, let me know if I did anything wrong!


(- 2, - 7 ) and (3, 18 )

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the 2 equations

y = x² + 4x - 3 → (1)

y = 5x + 3 → (2)

Substitute y = x² + 4x - 3 into (2)

x² + 4x - 3 = 5x + 3 ( subtract 5x + 3 from both sides )

x² - x - 6 = 0 ← in standard form

(x - 3)(x + 2) = 0 ← in factored form

Equate each factor to zero and solve for x

x + 2 = 0 ⇒ x = - 2

x - 3 = 0 ⇒ x = 3

Substitute these values into (2) for corresponding values of y

x = - 2 : y = 5(- 2) + 3 = - 10 + 3 = - 7 ⇒ (- 2, - 7 )

x = 3 : y = 5(3) + 3 = 15 + 3 = 18 ⇒ (3, 18 )

The selling price of an apartment dropped from 250,000 to 225,000. By What percent did the price drop?




Step-by-step explanation:

The percentage decrease in price = [tex]\frac{decrease amount}{original amount}[/tex] x 100%

Original amount = 250,000

New amount = 225,000

Decrease in amount = 250,000 - 225,000

                        = 25,000

So that;

Percentage decrease in price = [tex]\frac{25000}{250000}[/tex] x 100%

                                           = 0.1 x 100%

Percentage decrease in price = 10%

The price of the apartment dropped by 10% of its original price.

Some students were asked how many pens they were carrying in their backpacks. The data is given in this frequency table. What is the mean number of pens carried by these students in their backpacks?

A. 3
B. 3.5
C. 4
D. 4.5




Step-by-step explanation:

Mean: the sum of all numbers divided by the amount of numbers

In this case it will be the sum of all frequency divided by the amount of pens

Mean = 5 + 7 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 2 / 6

Mean = 25/6

Mean = 4.16

The mean is approximately 4

The answer is going to be A

The area of a circle is 80.86cm2.
Find the length of the radius rounded to 2 DP.



Solution given:

The area of a circle =80.86cm²

we have:

The area of a circle =πr²

substituting value of area of circle we get


dividing both side by 3.14



doing square root on both side



The length of radius is 5.07cm

The length of the radius is 5.07 cm.

What is the area of the circle?

The area of the circle is given by;

[tex]\rm Area \ of \ circle=\pi r^2\\\\Where: \ r = radius[/tex]

The area of a circle is 80.86cm^2.

The length of the radius is;

[tex]\rm Area \ of \ circle=\pi r^2\\\\ 80.86=\pi r^2\\\\r^2=\dfrac{80.86}{3.14}\\\\r^2=25.75\\\\r=5.07[/tex]

Hence, the length of the radius is 5.07 cm.

Learn more about radius here;


how many metres are there in ½ of ⅕ km​


Step-by-step explanation:


1/2 of 200


math math uhhh i no like math
n33d h319 pls


10. A

hope it helps✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓

Answer: A for 10

Step-by-step explanation:

geometry, trigonometry




Answer B: 32.58°

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]sin (\widehat{A})=\dfrac{35}{65} \\\\\widehat{A}=arcsin(\dfrac{7}{13} )=32.5789...^o[/tex]

The digits 1, 7, and 8 and 2 copies of the digit 5 are all arranged to form a 5-digit integer. How many different integers can be formed?


Step-by-step explanation:

You have 5 digits.Youdonot say if duplication is allowed. I will assume not

For the first digit you have 5 choices. One of the 5 digits is gone.

You now have 4 digits to choose from. You pick one. Now you have but 3 left.

The total answer if 5*4*3*2*1 = 120

write equation!!

twice the difference of a number and seven equals five 



Its either 2(A+7=5) or 2(A+7) =5

The sum of three consecutive numbers is 117.what is the largest of the three numbers?write an equation to represent this scenario and solve for the variable




Step-by-step explanation:


The equation for the scenario is x + x+1 + x+2 = 117 and largest number is 40.

What is a linear equation?

It is defined as the relation between two variables, if we plot the graph of the linear equation we will get a straight line.

If in the linear equation, one variable is present, then the equation is known as the linear equation in one variable.

Let x be the first number:

The other numbers are:

x+1, x+2

The sum of three consecutive numbers is 117:

x + x+1 + x+2 = 117

3x + 3 = 117

3x = 114

x = 38

x+ 1 = 38+1 = 39

x+2 = 38+2 = 40

Thus, the equation for the scenario is x + x+1 + x+2 = 117 and largest number is 40.

Learn more about the linear equation here:


A boy borrowed his boat 531 feet out into the ocean. When he looked back he saw the house on a cliff above the beach where he set out. He estimated the angle of elevation was 26 degrees. Estimate to the nearest foot. the height of the house above the water



259 ft.

Step-by-step explanation:

A triangle is a polygon with three sides and three angles. Types of triangles are isosceles. scalene, equilateral, acute, obtuse and right angled triangle.

A right angled triangle is a triangle in which one of the angles is 90 degrees. Trigonometric ratios show the relationship between the angles of a right angle triangle and its sides.

Let h represent the height of the house above water, hence using trigonometric ratios:

tan(26) = h / 531

h = 531 * tan(26)

h = 259 ft.

I will mark you the brainiest for the correct answer, please be correct, Have a good day and take care, thanks. ( VIEW THE IMAGE TO ANSWER).


Mistake in Line 2 : Was in the determining the values for a ,b,c

Mistake in Line 4 : Not taking the square roots of both sides.

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] {a}^{2} + {b}^{2} = {c}^{2} [/tex]

First Mistake : Line 2

[tex]a = x \\ b = 6 \\ c = 10[/tex]

Second Mistake : Line 4

[tex]136 = {x}^{2} \\ not \\ 136 = x[/tex]

Correct Solution :

[tex] {x}^{2} + {6}^{2} = {10}^{2} \\ {x}^{2} = {10}^{2} - {6}^{2} \\ {x}^{2} = 100 - 36 \\ [/tex]

[tex] {x}^{2} = 64 \\ \sqrt{ {x}^{2} } = \sqrt{64} \\ x = 6[/tex]

Can you answer this math homework? Please!


Answer: (3.5,-2)

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this problem, all we have to do is plug in y=-2 into either equations from step one to find the coordinate. To make sure we have the right x-coordinate, let's plug in y for both equations.

4x-7y=28        [plug in y=-2]

4x-7(-2)=28    [multiply]

4x+14=28       [subtract both sides by 14]

4x=14              [divide both sides by 4]



6x-5y=31        [plug in y=-2]

6x-5(-2)=31    [multiply]

6x+10=31       [subtract both sides by 10]

6x=21             [divide both sides by 6]


Now, we know the solution to the system is (3.5,-2).


(3.5, -2)

Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

We are given a system of equations, and the value for y is already solved (y=-2)

We want to find the value of x

To do that, substitute -2 as y into either one of the equations in the system (the system has the equations 4x-7y=28 and 6x-5y=31) and solve for x

Let's use 4x-7y=28, although picking 6x-5y=31 is completely fine

Substitute -2 as y into the equation




Subtract 14 from both sides


Divide both sides by 4 and simplify

x=7/2, or 3.5

We found the value of x in the system

Substitute the values of x and y into a point form (x, y)

The solution is (3.5, -2)

Hope this helps!

Help with question 24 the answer is (y-2)(a-b) but I need explain I don’t understand



a(y_2)_b(y_2) =a_b)(y_2(

What is the range of the function f(x) = -2(6^x) + 3?
o (-inf,-2]
0 (-inf,3)
O [-2,inf)
O [3,inf)



write question in short form

Step-by-step explanation:

Original Price: $90 Sale Price: $58.50
Can you also show the math



You didn't give me any specifics about what you want me to solve or do.

There are 5 pears, 10 grapes, and 4 strawberries in a bag. What is the ratio of all pieces of fruits to pears?



19: 5

Step-by-step explanation:

Total fruit  is 5+10+4 = 19

fruit: pears

19: 5



Step-by-step explanation:

5+10+4= 19

Pears= 5

Which statements are true about finding the difference of the expressions? Select three options

[tex]\frac{3p+1}{6p}[/tex] and [tex]\frac{2p-3}{2px^{2} }[/tex]

A. The common denominator is 6p.
B. The first fraction rewritten with the LCD is [tex]\frac{3px^{2} +p}{6px^{2} }[/tex]
C. The second fraction rewritten with the LCD is [tex]\frac{6p-9}{6p}[/tex]
D. The diffrence is [tex]\frac{3px^{2} -5p+9}{6px^{2} }[/tex]
E. The difference is a rational expression.




if you suggested edits are accurate the solution would be...

[tex]\frac{3p^2 - 5p+9}{6p^2}[/tex]

that is not one of your choices, but is is almost identical to choice "D"

which is different by [tex]6px^2[/tex]  vs   [tex]6p^2[/tex]

which i think is your comment ????  

Step-by-step explanation:

The function f(x) is shown on the graph.

What is f(0)?

0 only
-6 only
-2,-1,1, and 3 only
-6,-2,-1,1,and 3 only


Answer:  -6 only (choice B)

This is because the point (0,-6) is on the blue line. This is the y intercept.

Choice C would be true if you wanted to solve f(x) = 0, instead of f(0) itself.



Step-by-step explanation:

f(0) means what is the output when the input is 0

x=0 y= -6

Ella has two 8-ft. long boards. She
needs to cut pieces that are 15 inches
long. How many 15-inch pieces can
she cut from the two boards?

My sister needs help?



Step-by-step explanation:

A line plot with the lengths of meteors is shown. Two more identical meteor measurements were added so that the total length of all meteors measured is 16 inches. What is the length of each new meteor?

A line plot with the title, length of meteors. The data is measurement in inches. The line plot goes from two eighths to one and seven eighths, with fourteen tick marks in all. The first tick mark is two eighths and has one data point. The second tick mark is three eighths and has three data points. The third tick mark is four eighths and has two data points. The fourth tick mark is five eighths and has no data points. The fifth tick mark is six eighths and has two data points. The sixth tick mark is seven eighths and has no data points. The seventh tick mark is one and has no data points. The eighth tick mark is one and one eighth and has no data points. The ninth tick mark is one and two eighths and has one data point. The tenth tick mark is one and three eighths and has two data points. The eleventh tick mark is one and four eighths and has no data points. The twelfth tick mark is one and five eighths and has no data points. The thirteenth tick mark is one and six eighths and has two data points. The fourteenth tick mark is one and seven eighths and has one data point.

1 inch
one and one eighth inches
one and two eighths inches
one and three eighths inches


Answer:The answer is 1 3/8 (D)

Step-by-step explanation:

If you added the amounts of each tick mark (which would be 13 2/8), and then subtracted it by 16, it would be 2 6/8. 2 6/8 divided by two (because we need to find the length of both of the indentical meteors) would be 1 3/8.

Now, to make sure it is 1 3/8: 13 2/8 + 1 3/8 + 1 3/8 = 16.

It is confirmed, 1 3/8 (Answer D) is the correct answer.

(Also, I took this test and got it correct :D)

Step-by-step explanation:

DB is a diagonal of parallelogram ABCD

What is the measurement of Please help ASAP




115+ 29 + m∠ADB=180

m∠ADB=180 - 115 -29

= 36°

Use the coordinates of the labeled point to find the point-slope equation of the line.
(12, -1)



Choice C.

[tex]y + 1 = - 2(x - 2)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

When converting to

[tex]y = mx + b[/tex]

We are left with:

[tex]y = - 2x + 3[/tex]

Which fits both the x-intercept and y-intercept.





b i think

Step-by-step explanation:


Its A

Step-by-step explanation:

I'm very sure

bob swarm 4/9 killometers to an island .then he swam 2/9 killometers to a boat how far did he swim in all​



2/3 kilometers

Step-by-step explanation:

Add the two distances together

4/9 + 2/9 = 6/9

Simplify the fraction by dividing the top and bottom by 3



Step-by-step explanation:

(4/9) + (2/9) = 6/9 = 2/3

Lines AB and CD (if present in the picture) are straight lines. Find x. Give reasons to justify your solutions.



180- 110= 70





Which statement correctly compares Line segment AB Which statement correctly compares Line segment AB and Line segment FD? And Line segment FD?



AB is longer FD

Step-by-step explanation:


See attachment for triangles ABC and FDE


Compare line segments AB and FD

From the attachment, we have:

[tex]AC = FE[/tex] --- equal line segments

The measure of angles will then be used to compare the line segments;

[tex]\angle C = 72^o[/tex]

[tex]\angle F = 65^o[/tex]

The longer the angle of depression, the shorter the required line segment

[tex]72 > 65[/tex] implies that AB is longer


C 3dge

Step-by-step explanation:

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