Most of the miners who came to California
found gold t or f​


Answer 1




Many of them were left without gold

Answer 2




Related Questions

before he could issue the Emancipation Proclamation, President Lincoln waited for ?
A) the selection of a confederate president
B) the results of a national vote on slavery
C) a successful confederate military action
D) a successful union military action



D) a successful union military action


The correct option is D. President Lincoln first presented the Emancipation Proclamation before he could issue the Emancipation Proclamation, President Lincoln waited for a successful union military action.

Why was Emancipation Proclamation is important?

The Emancipation Proclamation was the crucial piece of legislation that offered slaves in America the chance to live free lives. It was the result of numerous abolitionist essays and arguments. Lincoln's declaration to free the slaves was a sweet gesture. The oppression brought on by servitude ended.

Thus, When President Lincoln first presented the Emancipation Proclamation to his Cabinet in July 1862, Secretary of State William Seward advised holding off until the Union won the war so that the federal government could demonstrate its ability to carry out the Proclamation.

Learn more about Emancipation Proclamation here:


What is East or Asia’s economy based on (how do they make money)



East Asia is an area usually considered to include China, Japan, North Korea and South Korea. Let's start with Japan. The economy of Japan is a free-market, capitalist economy, similar to most Western countries. It's the third-largest economy in the world, with particularly strong car and electronics manufacturing industries. Like many developed economies, most of its gross domestic product (GDP) comes from the service sector (73%), with most of the rest being a combination of industry (26%) and agriculture (1%). Japan has little in the way of mining or other primary industry.

The Economy of China

The economy of China is known as a socialist market economy, which involves a dominant state-owned sector, operating in an open-market economy. Despite criticisms of socialist economies in the West, China currently has the world's largest or second largest economy, depending on what measure you use. It's also the fastest-growing economy in the world.

Unlike many Western economies, less than half their GDP is based in the service sector. Services account for 48% of GDP, followed by industry at 43% and agriculture at 9% as of 2014. Much of the 43% for industry is manufacturing - China is the biggest manufacturing economy in the world. China is also part of the WTO, APEC and the G-20.

The Economy of North Korea

The economy of North Korea is a command economy, or an economy where production, investment, prices and incomes are all determined by a central government. Another way of wording this is to say that the economy is centrally planned and doesn't rely on the market to spread money and goods around. With less support from other communist countries, it has been difficult for North Korea to maintain a successful economy, and it's therefore one of the poorest countries in the world. Though it's hard to make estimates because so little information about the economy is known, and the currency of North Korea is not exchangeable.

As a result of the Battle of Stalingrad,

A. German forces conquered the Soviet Union.
B. France was liberated from German control.
C. the Red Army began to push the Germans out of the Soviet Union.
D. the United States entered the war



B) France was liberated from German control

Why was De-Stalinization started by Nikita Khrushchev in the Soviet Union?



Martin McCauley argues that Khrushchev's purpose was to "liberate Party officials from the fear of repression". Khrushchev argued that if the Party were to be an efficient mechanism, stripped from the brutal abuse of power by any individual, it could transform the Soviet Union as well as the entire world.



To correct the negative image that Stalin’s extreme policies had given communism.


Four fifths of Japan is covered with these.


Almost four-fifths of Japan is covered with mountains. The Japanese Alps run down the center of the largest island, Honshu.




About 73 percent is mountainous, with a mountain range running through each of the main island. Japan highest mountain is Mount Fuji, with an elevation of 3,776m (12,388 ft)

I hope it'll help you much

Thank you for asking

witch of the world war 2 agencies oversaw the manufactured of war equipment
A) war product board
B)Office of war infromation
C)war powers act
D) fair employment practices comminissions



the answer is d


i just did that question

d) fair employment practices comminissions

What is a “ring”? On the North and South: who killed Reconstruction



It was a scandal.


The Whisky Ring was a scandal that pertained to the evasion of taxes by whiskey distillers and distributors by paying bribes to government collectors and politicians.The scandal was which was exposed in 1874 costed the government millions of dollars and President Ulysses S. Grant's private secretary was also involved in the Whisky Ring scandal.

Which success did the environmental movement achieve during the 2000s?

A. It passed federal legislation requiring nationwide recycling programs.
B. It increased nationwide interest in green architecture.
C. It persuaded the Obama administration to outlaw fracking.
D. It resolved the debate about the Keystone XL pipeline project.





There are about documented foreigners currently living in Mexico. About immigrants come from the United States alone. American immigration to Mexico has in recent years. The number of Mexican workers who move to the United States is the number who return to Mexico.






equal to


The main reason why Mexicans emigrate to the United States is to improve their economic situation. Other motives exist, such as kinship relations in the destination city, but if the disparities in income opportunities were lower between the two countries, this would override kinship relations.

What is immigration?

Immigration is the process through which individuals become permanent residents or citizens of another country. Immigrants and guest workers played a vital role in the rebuilding of Europe’s infrastructure after World War II.

The process of immigration has been of great social, economic, and cultural benefit to states. The immigration experience is long and varied, and has in many cases resulted in the development of multicultural societies.

Learn more about immigration here,


| Point
What did Great Britain agree to do in the Treaty of Paris?
A. Pay the debts incurred by the colonies during the war
B. Give the colonists all of the land in Canada
C. Recognize the colonies as an independent nation
D. Stop trading with the colonies


Answer: it is D I took the test


Explain how the Soviet reforms of glasnost and perestroika contributed to the fall of the U.S.S.R.



While the reforms of glasnost and perestroika were not the sole causes of the dissolution of the U.S.S.R., the forces they unleashed destabilized an already weakening system and hastened its end.


Hope this helped :)

What factor do you think played the biggest role in
shaping American views toward the Vietnam War?



When Americans think of being at war, they might think of images of their fellow citizens suffering.

We count the dead and wounded. We follow veterans on their difficult journey of recovery from physical injuries and post-traumatic stress. We watch families grieve and mourn their dead.

But it was not always this way.

In fact, newspapers during Vietnam and earlier wars gave little space to portraying individual American service members. Journalists almost never spoke with grieving relatives. I learned this by researching depictions of American war dead in newspapers and textbooks.

Today, as the U.S. again escalates its 16-year war in Afghanistan, it is important to understand how Vietnam set a pattern for finding honor in inconclusive or lost wars.

hope this helps

Who is Abby Donelly? First one to answer gets a thanks



An american actress.





She was born on July 23, 2002, she has started in Criminal Minds and Just add Magic, etc.

What did Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, and literacy tests have in common?

Question 4 options:

They all helped give full citizenship rights to blacks.

They created an economic base for freed slaves.

They promoted segregation and fewer rights for blacks.

They helped raise revenue for the southern states following the Civil War.



They promoted segregation and fewer rights for blacks.


Which was the purpose of the watergate breakin



B to spy on the Democratic national committee

What was the Lend lease program?



The lend-lease program provided for military aid to any country whose defense was vital to the security of the United States. The plan thus gave Roosevelt the power to lend arms to Britain with the understanding that, after the war, America would be paid back in kind.


How did African American participation in North Carolina government change during Constitutional Reconstruction?



Profound changes took place in the state as North Carolina once again found her ... He wanted a constitutional amendment to abolish slavery but did not support ... This was the first statewide assembly of African Americans in North Carolina. ... slaves could participate in elections and government, while those white men, ...


at the meeting of the estates general , how many votes did each estate receive



At the meeting of the estates general, each estate recieved 1 vote.

Which was NOT one of the factors that encouraged Americans to go to war in World War I? a The sinking of the Lusitania b The women's suffrage movement c Propaganda to support Britain and criticize Germany d The Zimmermann telegram



B. the women's suffrage movement


The women's suffrage movement did not affect America's decision to go to war in World War I.


The women's suffrage movement ( im sorry if this is wrong)


Fast please
How did the Cold War effect us today?



The cold war effect us today//


World War II led to the massive mobilisation of all the people and resources nations could bring to bear. This was total war on a global scale, producing a new sense among nations that their fates were interconnected. New technologies of war, such as heavy bombers and long-range missiles like the V-2 rocket, reduced distances of time and space. In recognition of this new state of affairs, in 1942 the US Army chief of staff, George Marshall, sent identical 50-inch, 750-pound globes to British prime minister Winston Churchill and US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt as Christmas presents.

The sheer scale of the war and the complex administrative and strategic systems required to manage these global operations led to, during the Cold War that followed, a growing interdependency of a network of institutions, attitudes and ways of working.

Fuelled by the development of satellites and intercontinental nuclear missiles that further shrank the size of the planet, the Cold War redrew geopolitical notions of time, space and scale. Huge nuclear arsenals made it necessary to consider both the instantaneous and the endless: the decisive moment when mutually assured destruction is potentially set in motion, the frozen stalemate of the superpower stand-off, and the long catastrophe of a post-nuclear future.

The power of an individual decision was now outrageously amplified – the finger on the nuclear button – yet, at the same time, radically diminished in the face of unfathomable forces, in which human agency seemed to have been ceded to computers and weapons systems. The world had become too complex and too dangerous: systems were at once the threat and the solution.

It’s all about planning. x-ray_delta_one, CC BY-SA

The response

During the second half of the 20th century, many fields of enquiry from anthropology, political theory and analytical philosophy to art, music and literature were influenced by the explosion in interdisciplinary thinking that emerged from developments in cybernetics and its relationship with Cold War military research and development.

The practice of engaging with the connections and interactions between disparate elements of a problem or entity conceived as a system, and between such systems, is now commonplace in areas such as corporate strategy, town planning and environmental policy.

The pervasiveness of a systems approach also influenced the arts. The so-called systems novel, associated with writers such as Thomas Pynchon, Don DeLillo and David Foster Wallace, attempts to grasp the complex interconnectedness of society, and often the effects of technology and progress upon it. Through the 1960s and 1970s, in the radical architecture and design of the likes of Buckminster Fuller or the Archigram group, through minimalist and electronic music, and in conceptual art and emergent electronic media, the possibilities and implications of an increasingly computerised, information-driven society began to determine the form and content of cultural work.

Systems thinking offered a means of conceptualising and understanding a world that had grown hugely more complex and dangerous. Nuclear weapons demanded radical new ways of thinking about time, scale, power, death, responsibility and, most of all, control – control of technology, people, information and ideas.

The present

We are now accustomed to thinking about the current moment in global terms – globalisation, global warming, global communications, global security. Mobile phones and laptops connect us to a vast global network so we can upload and download data – data that promises to broaden our connections even as it flattens our identity into a trickle of binary code to be tracked, traded, sorted and stored.

Everyday life is firewalled and password-protected. We move under a canopy of invisible cameras and sensors, where our personal details and likenesses, our associations, preferences and transactions lie waiting to be called upon – by friends, strangers, employers or snoops. And so what? We all do it – we are already conscripted. We have already become agents, checking up on people by rifling through social media accounts or poking around on Street View.

Faced with the unfathomable complexity of world events, or climate science, or the effects of the technology that delivers updates on such matters to us in an instant, information is both the source of our dilemma and a refuge from it.


The cold war has many lasting effects on the world today. In the present, America still has an embargo with Cuba, nothing shipped to Cuba, nothing shipped back. Americans are also not allowed to go to Cuba, and with the fall of the Soviet Union, America was established as a world superpower.


What event allowed a large ,centralized empire to form on the Indian subcontinent


Answer:Boston Tea Party

Explanation:not sure that's right.

The event that allowed a large, centralized empire to form on the Indian subcontinent was the unification of the Kingdoms by the Chandragupta Maurya.

What is Indian Subcontinent?

The Indian subcontinent is a geographical area in South Asia. It is located on the Indian Plate, which extends southward from the Himalayas into the Indian Ocean. Geographically, it encompasses Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. It is also called as Subcontinent.

The first empire called as Mauryan empire ruled over the most of the parts of the India in 321 B.C.E. They made the use of the Military to gain the control over the regions and started the trading activity through ganga valley.

Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of the Mauryan empire, who formed a huge empire in the  Indian subcontinent. Therefore, it can be concluded that The union of the Kingdoms by Chandragupta Maurya enabled the formation of a massive, unified empire on the Indian subcontinent.

Learn more about Indian Subcontinent here:


Describe the rise of authoritarian governments in the Soviet Union, Italy, Germany, and Spain, and analyze the policies and main ideas of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, and Francisco Franco. Be sure to write a short summary for each of the countries mentioned in this question, and then include a short discussion of each leader with their respective countries.



All the countries that were named presented strong dominions by those presidents or during those presidencies, they were very marked presidencies since they were strongly related to the Second World War.

Among all these presidencies or presidents they were united by a common factor that was the movement of the great masses, the great warlike powers that the countries acquired, and the transcendence or milestone that these humans left in world history.

The dictatorial regime of the 20th century is the name that was assigned to this stage where these presidents were highly appointed, some believe that they were doctrines or dictatorships, others believe that they were great teachings not to re-elect similar political profiles for the life of their country.

These presidents consisted of ease in carrying out acts of war or violence, good persecution campaigns, great influences on society and extreme fanaticism, racism against certain religions or cultures, the cult of personality, "great" self-image, and world domination.


According to Lenin's opinion, terror legitimized the state. Stalin dominated this concept when he eliminated the so-called (enemies of the state), including members of the political bureau (politburo), the innocent detention quotas, and the entire agricultural class from the Soviet Union. Six to nine million people lost their lives during Stalin's purges or famous cleanups.

Mussolini organized the Italian fascist terrorist group Fasci di combattimento after the First World War. Once in charge of the country, he eliminated his close comrades and is even rumored to be his own son-in-law. He arrested Jews and sent thousands of them to an end in the Nazi concentration camps in Austria. Hitler, in his Mein Kampf manifesto, had set forth his long-term goal of (cleansing) Germany (and the world) of Jews, as he considered them a religion inferior in abilities or capabilities ... Marxists, Slavs, and every group that he considered non-Aryan and / or inferior. Eleven to twelve million died under his hand (more than half of them, Jews).

As for Stalin the rapid economic, social and political changes of the Stalinist era, millions of people were sent to Gulag labor camps as punishment, and millions were deported and exiled to remote areas of the Soviet Union.

As for Franco, he was a military dictator who imposed a regime that as a whole is known as Francoism, characterized by the absence of a clearly defined ideology beyond his proclaimed national Catholicism.

Lenin was a revolutionary, communist, philosopher, and politician who practiced politically Marxist, his contributions to Marxist thought are called Leninism.

What did the Committees of Safety do?



Committees of Safety were a network of committees authorized by the Continental Congress, endorsed by the Second Provincial Congress of North Carolina and the North Carolina Assembly, and established in late 1774 and early 1775 to enforce the Continental Association banning all trade with Britain.



Los Comités de Seguridad eran una red de comités autorizados por el Congreso Continental, avalados por el Segundo Congreso Provincial de Carolina del Norte y la Asamblea de Carolina del Norte, y establecidos a fines de 1774 y principios de 1775 para hacer cumplir la Asociación Continental que prohíbe todo comercio con Gran Bretaña.

what five things would you bring to the holocaust if you were going



Gas mask, Bullet Proof gear, machine guns, Bazooka, and a Tank


when 3x² - 2x +7 is subtracted from 5x³ - 4x²+ 10 , what's the difference?
a. 5x³-7x²+2x+3
b.5x² + x² + 2x - 3
c.5x³ - 7x² + 2x + 17
d. 5x³ + x² + 2x + 17​


the answer is 5x^3 - 7x^2 - 2x + 17

i’m assuming C.

True or False: A major source of income for the Taliban is the drug heroin. Explain your answer.



True. Opium is commonly grown in Afghanistan and the Taliban is involved in the drug trade.


What happened to Hitler and several other
Nazi leaders?



they got killed lol


Hitler shot himself in the head

What steps did Reagan take in the early 1980s to change the Cold War with the Soviet Union



Increasing defence spending

Starting stratification defends initiative

Renewing the arms race

When is Robert Todd Lincoln Birthday?



August 1, 1843



August 1


(Chp. 34) Look at the map. Rome gained the highlighted territory as a result of what?



Rome was able to gain its empire in large part by extending some form of citizenship.

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