The base area of a cylinder is 154cme and the
curved surface area is 880cm2, find its total surface area.​


Answer 1


Since curved surface area of a cyclinder = 154 cm2 [given]

Total surface area of cyclinder = 3 × curved surface area

2πrh + 2πr2 = 3 × 154

154 + 2πr2 = 462

2πr2 = 462 - 154 = 308

r2 = 308 × 7 / 2 × 22 = 49

r = 7 cm

Now, 2πrh = 154

2 × 22 / 7 × 7 × h = 154

h = 154 / 44 = 3.5 cm

∴ Volume of cyclinder = πr2h

= 22 / 7 × 7 × 7 × 3.5 = 539 cm3

Related Questions

Prove that the circumcenter of a triangle is equidistant from its vertices.



Step-by-step explanation:

The circumcenter is equidistant from the three vertices of the triangle. From the figure shown, we will prove DA = DB = DC. 2) DA = DB, DC = DB(If a point is on the perp. bisector of a segment, it is equidistant from each endpoint of the segment.)

Plzzzz help its urgent i will mark u as brainiest i cant find it help




Step-by-step explanation:

25 + 32/10 + 4/100

25 + 3.2+ .04


[tex] \sf25 + \frac{32}{10} + \frac{4}{100} \\ \sf = 25 + 3.2 + 0.04 \\ \sf \: = 28.24[/tex]


C. 28.24

Hope you could get an idea from here.

Doubt clarification - use comment section.

Find the product of 3 1/5 and 7 1/4. Express your answer in simplest form.


If I'm not mistaken, it should be 28/5 or 5 3/5 as the product is timesing the products together
if you convert to an improper fraction, you will get 16/5 and 29/4. Since you are finding the product, which is multiplication, you would just multiply the numerator by the numerator (16x29) and the denominator by denominator (5x4) you will get 116/5 (simplified) . if you convert back, you will get 23 1/5

Answer the question based on the data in the two-way table.

Gender Grades
Average Above
Average Total
Boy 14 23 37
Girl 16 22 38
Total 30 45 75

Which statement is true?
P(boy|above average grades) = P(boy)
P(above average grades|boy) = P(above average grades)
P(boy|above average grades) P(above average grades)
P(above average grades|boy) = P(boy)


The answer is probably c

Acellus Find the expected value of a random variable x having the following probability distribution. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Probability 1/8 1/4 3/16 1/4 1/16 1/8 ​



"2.25" is the right answer.

Step-by-step explanation:

According to the question,

The expected value will be:

= [tex]\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_i P(X = x_i)[/tex]

= [tex]0\times \frac{1}{8}+1\times \frac{1}{4}+2\times \frac{3}{16}+3\times \frac{1}{4}+4\times \frac{1}{6}+5\times \frac{1}{8}[/tex]

= [tex]0+\frac{1}{4}+\frac{3}{8} +\frac{3}{4}+\frac{1}{4} +\frac{5}{8}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{1}{4} +\frac{8}{8} +\frac{4}{4}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{1}{4} +1+1[/tex]

= [tex]0.25+2[/tex]

= [tex]2.25[/tex]

Thus the above is the right approach.


The answer is 9/4 in fraction form

Step-by-step explanation:

Rate the answer you welcome.

This is a graph of the function g(x) =-3x+2. Determine the domain value when th
range value is -4.


Range = -4= g(x)

Therefore, g(x) = -3x+2

or, -4=3x +2

or, 3x= -4-2

or, 3x= -6

or, x= -6/3 = -2

OPTION A is the correct answer.

When the range value is -4 for the function g(x) = -3x + 2, the corresponding domain value is x = 2.

To find the domain value when the range value is -4 for the function

g(x) = -3x + 2, we need to solve for x when g(x) = -4.

Given: g(x) = -3x + 2

When the range value is -4, we have:

-3x + 2 = -4

Now, isolate x:

-3x = -4 - 2

-3x = -6

Now, divide by -3 to solve for x:

x = -6 / -3

x = 2

So, when the range value is -4 for the function g(x) = -3x + 2, the corresponding domain value is x = 2.

To know more about range:


the function y=-2(x-3)^2+4 shows the daily profit (in hundreds of dollars) of a hot dog stand, where x is the price of a hot dog (in dollars). Find and interpret the 0's of this function.


X intercept would mean plug in 0 for Y.
Then finding the y intercept would mean X is 0. Your answer will be 69420

Find the value of 3 √ 512




Step-by-step explanation:


= 3√(256×2)

= 3√(256)×√(2)

→ we know that 16² = 256 then √(256) = 16



= 3 × 16 ×√(2)

= 48√(2)

Brainly to fastest and correct answer,




2.1 tenths


Step-by-step explanation:

Are shape I and shape II similar? If so, give the dilation that proves they are similar. If not, explain why the shapes are not similar.



The answer is "They are similar".

Step-by-step explanation:

They were comparable in this respect because both aspect ratios of the top triangle are one square more. The top triangle is equal to the base triangles if you remove one square away from the height and width.

Otherwise, we can say that it forms all different. The dilation factor which translates that bottom left point of shape I to form II is 2. But this does not map the other shape I vertices onto form II. There's, therefore, no dilation in form I of maps on form II.

write the square root of 4√53/169​


[tex] \sqrt{4 \frac{53}{169} } [/tex]

[tex] \sqrt{ \frac{729}{169} } [/tex]

[tex] \sqrt{ \frac{27}{13} } [/tex]

▪▪▪ Cutest Ghost ▪▪▪

How many pounds of water must be evaporated from 50 pounds of a 3% salt solution so that the the remaining solution will be 5 % salt



Step-by-step explanation:

This is kinda tricky, but not nearly as bad as d = rt problems. Those are a nightmare!

We will make a table for this:

                         #lbs solution           *          % salt         =           lbs. salt

  3% solution

-  Water                                                                                                      

New solution

And we will now fill in what we know. The 3% solution part is easy. The number of pounds of that is 50 and the percent salt in 3% salt is....well, 3%. As a decimal, it is .03:

                             #lbs solution        *        %salt        =        lbs salt

  3% solution                50                 *          .03         =           1.5

-  Water                                                                                                

New solution

The last column there with a 1.5 in it is the product of 50 times .03, since that is what the formula at the top of the table tells us we have to use. Now for the water. That's easy, too, since the amount of water we are evaporating (notice the subtraction sign out front of the word "water"; that indicates we are removing water) is our unknown, and we also know that water has 0% salt in it:

                          #lbs solution         *       %salt        =        lbs. salt

   3% solution            50                  *         .03         =           1.5

-   Water                       x                  *            0          =            0        

New solution

Now all we have left is the new solution row and the equation. Finding the equation from a mixture table is as easy as it can be! Super easy!

The new solution will be 50 - x since, going down column 1, we are subtracting the water from the 3% solution, the % salt is to be 5%:

                            #lbs. solution        *       %salt        =        lbs. salt

   3% solution               50                *         .03          =           1.5

-   Water                          x                 *           0           =            0        

New solution         50 - x                  *         .05          =     2.5 - .05x

Now we're ready for our equation. I got the 2.5 - .05x from multiplying

.05(50 - x), just so you know.

if we had to subtract the water from the salt solution and set it equal to the new solution in the first column, we also have to do it in the third column:

1.5 - 0 = 2.5 - .05x and solve for x:

-1 = -.05x so

x = 20 pounds of water

Find the remainder when f(x)=2x3+2x2−3x−3 is divided by x−2.



The function is:


To find:

The remainder when the given function is divided by [tex]x-2[/tex].


According to the remainder theorem, if a polynomial P(x) is divided by (x-c), then the remainder is P(c).

We have,


This function is divided by [tex]x-2[/tex]. By using the remainder theorem, the remainder is f(2).

Putting [tex]x=2[/tex] in the given function, we get





Therefore, the remainder is 15.

A model of the Pythagorean Theorem is shown below.

If a = 6 and c = 10 , which of the following could NOT be used to find the value of b?

A. 102 = 62 + b2

B. 102 + 62 = b2,

C. 100 = 36 + b2,

D. 100−36=b2



D can others can't..............

Answer B


All the other options simplify to


B is the odd one out

Find question attached.​





Solution given:


3x=2*75°[inscribed angle is half of central angle]





<BDC=34°+x[exterior angle is equal to the sum of two opposite interior angle of triangle]


<DCB=34°+x[base angle of isosceles triangle]


<ABC=90°[inscribed angle on a semi circle is 90°]


In triangle


<A+ <B+<C=180°[sum of interior angle of a triangle is 180°]





a) Solution

By using the inscribed angle is half of central angle,

→ 3x = 2 × 75

→ 3x = 150

→ x = 150/3

→ x = 50°

Thus, 50° is the value of x.

b) Solution

By using the exterior angle is equal to sum of two opposite interior angle of triangle,

→ <BDC = 34+x

→ <DCB = 34+x

(base angle of isosceles triangle)

→ <ABC = 90°

(inscribed angle on a semi circle is 90°)

Then in ∆ ABC,

By sum of interior angle of a triangle is 180°,

→ <A+<B+<C = 180°

→ 34+90+34+x=180°

→ x = 180°-90°-68°

→ x = 90°-68°

→ x = 22°

Thus, 22° is the value of x.

The population of a town is 24,000 and is
increasing at a rate of 6% per year for 3 years


You answer would be 432000 as your answer

Which digit is in the thousandths place?

A. 7
B. 2
C. 3
D. 9




Step-by-step explanation:

it is A.

Answer: A. 7

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the number 98.327, then we are going to title each digit with a name

9 = tens

8 = ones

3 = tenths

2 = hundredths

7 = thousandths

Therefore, 7 is in the thousandths place

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

Select the true statement about triangle ABC.

A. cos A = cos C
B. cos A = sin C
C. cos A = sin B
D. cos A = tan C




Step-by-step explanation:

We know that cosθ= adjacent/hypotenuse,  sinθ=opposite/hypotenuse, and tanθ=opposite/adjacent.

Using this, we can first try between cos and sin for A-C. We know that two different angles will not have the same side adjacent to both of them. However, one angle might have an adjacent side that is opposite to another angle. Using this knowledge, we can say that A is incorrect, as two different angles in the same triangle cannot have the same cos value (unless the triangle is isosceles).

For B, we can say that cos A = adjacent/hypotenuse = 12/13, and sin C= opposite/hypotenuse = 12/13. These are equal, but we can double check by making sure the other answers are wrong.

For C, we can tell that B is a right angle, signified by the small square representing the angle. sin(90°) = 1, and cosA = 12/13. These are not equal.

Finally, for D, sin A = opposite/hypotenuse = 5/13, while tan C = opposite/adjacent = 12/5. These are not equal

What are the x and y-intercepts of the line described by the equation?

2x + 4y = 12.4

Enter your answers, in decimal form, in the boxes.



Step-by-step explanation:

x intercept is at y=0

2x= 12.4

x = 6.2

y intervept is at x=0

4y= 12.4

y = 3.1

Solve for y in terms of x. 2/3 y - 4 = x



y = 3/2x + 6

Step-by-step explanation:

2/3 y - 4 = x

2/3y = x + 4

y = 3/2 * (x + 4)

y = 3/2x + 6


Step-by-step explanation:





help please summer school sucks!!!



X =30

Step-by-step explanation:

= 60+90


angle sum property


x=180- 150

x= 30


Step-by-step explanation:

90 + 60 = 150

(right angles = 90)

There is 180 degrees in a triangle, therefore,

180 - 150 = 30

Therefore, x = 30

p.s. Are you good at history?

p.p.s I dont like summer school either =)

Solve the equation 3(2x+9)=30




Step-by-step explanation:

3(2x+9) = 30

Multiply out the 3

6x + 27 = 30

Subtract 27 on both sides

6x = 3

Divide by 6 on both sides

x = 1/2



Step-by-step explanation

Find IG in the image below .


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]ig =2 \times yx = 2 \times 11 = 22[/tex]

Please help ASAP!!!
What is m



∡A  =115°

as for your question ... m is asking for the  "m" (measure) of angle A

Step-by-step explanation:


∠ A = 118°

Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of the 3 angles in a triangle = 180°

Sum the 3 angles and equate to 180

3x + 13 + x - 8 + x = 180, that is

5x + 5 = 180 ( subtract 5 from both sides )

5x = 175 ( divide both sides by 5 )

x = 35


∠ A = 3x + 13 = 3(35) + 13 = 105 + 13 = 118°

Which sentence can represent the inequality 2.4 (6.2 minus x) greater-than negative 4.5?
Two and four tenths times six and two tenths minus a number is larger than negative four and five tenths.
Two and four tenths multiplied by the difference of six and two tenths and a number is more than negative four and five tenths.
The difference of six and two tenths and a number multiplied by two and four tenths is not less than negative four and five tenths.
The product of six and two tenths minus a number and two and four tenths is at minimum negative four and five tenths.


Answer: Choice B

Two and four tenths multiplied by the difference of six and two tenths and a number is more than negative four and five tenths.



2.4 = 2 + 0.4

2.4 = 2 and 4/10

2.4 = 2 and 4 tenths

2.4 = two and four tenths


Through similar reasoning,

6.2 = six and two tenths

And also,

-4.5 = negative four and five tenths


Notice how 6.2 - x translates into "difference of six and two tenths and a number"

We then multiply that by 2.4, aka two and four tenths.

So that's how we get the phrasing "Two and four tenths multiplied by the difference of six and two tenths and a number"

All of this is greater than -4.5 aka negative four and five tenths.

This points us to Choice B as the final answer.


Answer: Choice B

Step-by-step explanation:


What is the length of the hypotenuse


Answer: 25 in.

Step-by-step explanation:

find the area of the shaded region,(π=3.14).

plx help me​



115.395 cm2

Step-by-step explanation:

The radius of the whole figure: 14 : 2 = 7 (cm)

The area of the whole figure: 7 x 7 x 3.14 = 153.86 (cm2)

The area of the unshaded region:  3.5 x 3.5 x 3.14 = 38.465 (cm2)

The area of the shaded region: 153.86 - 38.465 =  115.395 (cm2)

Answer: 115.395 cm2.

Hope it helps!

What are the features of the quadratic function ƒ(x) = x2 + 10x + 21?



B is the answer

Step-by-step explanation:

The intercept is at x = 0 then y = 21 or (0,21) so A and D drop out.

The vertex (-5, -4) satisfies the equation but (-4,-5) does not so C drops out leaving B.



Step-by-step explanation:


The ancient Greeks were able to construct a perpendicular bisector for a
given line segment using only a straightedge and compass.
O A. True
B. False




Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is "True". Let me explain.

Let's say that we have a line segment which we will call AB, construct a perpendicular bisector. The following steps will be taken;

1) Draw a semi circle with its centre at point A and passing through point B.

2) Draw a semi circle with its centre at point B and passing through point A.

3) The two semicircles will intersect at two points with one being above and the other being below the straight line segment AB. Now, a line will have to be drawn that passes through those two intersecting points. This drawn line is called the perpendicular bisector for line segment AB.



Step-by-step explanation:

Make sure you’re paying attention to if your question says “were able to” or “were not able to”.

The following are the dimensions of a triangle, 6 cm, 8 cm, and 12 cm.

Is this a right triangle?? Use the Pythagorean theorem and the basic law of exponents to prove whether this is a RIGHT triangle.

Show your work and POST your answer.



Perimeter of original triangle: 6+8+10=24 cm

Perimeter of new triangle: 3+4+5=12 cm (You get 3, 4, and 5 from dividing 6, 8. and 10 by 2.)

Ratio of original to new is 24 to 12, simplified to 2 to 1.  

The ratio of the perimeter is the ratio of the corresponding sides, as the original measurements are two times the length of the new measurements.

Area of original triangle: (6x8)/2=24 cm^2

Area of new triangle: (3x4)/2=6 cm^2

Ratio of original to new is 24 to 6, simplified to 4 to 1.

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