Calculate 50% of 7.9 giving your answer to one decimal place?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

50% means half.

Divide by 2.

7.9 ÷ 2 = 3.95.

Round to the tenths place.


I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and mark brainliest pls!

Related Questions

a test for diabetes results in a positive test in 95% of the cases where the disease is present and a negative test in 07% of the cases where the disease is absent. if 10% of the population has diabetes, what is the probability that a randomly selected person has diabetes, given that his test is positive



0.9378 = 93.78% probability that a randomly selected person has diabetes, given that his test is positive.

Step-by-step explanation:

Conditional Probability

We use the conditional probability formula to solve this question. It is

[tex]P(B|A) = \frac{P(A \cap B)}{P(A)}[/tex]

In which

P(B|A) is the probability of event B happening, given that A happened.

[tex]P(A \cap B)[/tex] is the probability of both A and B happening.

P(A) is the probability of A happening.

In this question:

Event A: Positive test

Event B: Person has diabetes.

Probability of a positive test:

0.95 out of 0.1(person has diabetes).

0.007 out of 1 - 0.1 = 0.9(person does not has diabetes). So

[tex]P(A) = 0.95*0.1 + 0.007*0.9 = 0.1013[/tex]

Probability of a positive test and having diabetes:

0.95 out of 0.1. So

[tex]P(A \cap B) = 0.95*0.1 = 0.095[/tex]

What is the probability that a randomly selected person has diabetes, given that his test is positive?

[tex]P(B|A) = \frac{P(A \cap B)}{P(A)} = \frac{0.095}{0.1013} = 0.9378[/tex]

0.9378 = 93.78% probability that a randomly selected person has diabetes, given that his test is positive.

Given the recursive formula shown, what are the first 4 terms of the sequence?




Step-by-step explanation:

a1 = 5

an = 4 an-1

Let n = 2

a2 = 4 * a1 = 4*5 = 20

Let n = 3

a3 = 4 * a2 = 4*20 = 80

Let n = 4

a4 = 4 * a3 = 4*80 = 320



Recall the angle sum identity for cosine:

cos(x + y) = cos(x) cos(y) - sin(x) sin(y)

cos(x - y) = cos(x) cos(y) + sin(x) sin(y)

==>   sin(x) sin(y) = 1/2 (cos(x - y) - cos(x + y))

Then rewrite the equation as

sin(4x) sin(5x) + sin(4x) sin(3x) - sin(2x) sin(x) = 0

1/2 (cos(-x) - cos(9x)) + 1/2 (cos(x) - cos(7x)) - 1/2 (cos(x) - cos(3x)) = 0

1/2 (cos(9x) - cos(x)) + 1/2 (cos(7x) - cos(3x)) = 0

sin(5x) sin(-4x) + sin(5x) sin(-2x) = 0

-sin(5x) (sin(4x) + sin(2x)) = 0

sin(5x) (sin(4x) + sin(2x)) = 0

Recall the double angle identity for sine:

sin(2x) = 2 sin(x) cos(x)

Rewrite the equation again as

sin(5x) (2 sin(2x) cos(2x) + sin(2x)) = 0

sin(5x) sin(2x) (2 cos(2x) + 1) = 0

sin(5x) = 0   or   sin(2x) = 0   or   2 cos(2x) + 1 = 0

sin(5x) = 0   or   sin(2x) = 0   or   cos(2x) = -1/2

sin(5x) = 0   ==>   5x = arcsin(0) + 2   or   5x = arcsin(0) + π + 2

… … … … …   ==>   5x = 2   or   5x = (2n + 1)π

… … … … …   ==>   x = 2/5   or   x = (2n + 1)π/5

sin(2x) = 0   ==>   2x = arcsin(0) + 2   or   2x = arcsin(0) + π + 2

… … … … …   ==>   2x = 2   or   2x = (2n + 1)π

… … … … …   ==>   x =   or   x = (2n + 1)π/2

cos(2x) = -1/2   ==>   2x = arccos(-1/2) + 2   or   2x = -arccos(-1/2) + 2

… … … … … …    ==>   2x = 2π/3 + 2   or   2x = -2π/3 + 2

… … … … … …    ==>   x = π/3 +   or   x = -π/3 +

(where n is any integer)

which of the following are ordered pairs for the given function f(x)=1+x.? (1,2) (3,3) (0,2) (1,0) (0,1)









is not an ordered pair of the function  










Step-by-step explanation:

Ordered pairs are usually written in the form  






by tradition.

so usingthe function,









we can rewrite it as,






any pair of x and y that satisfy this equation are solutions to the equation.

so subbing in  

















which is not true so the point does not make the function true.

It might be easier to see graphically,

graph{1+x [-10, 10, -5, 5]}

any combination of x and y on this line make the equation true and as such are an ordered pair of the function.


Step-by-step explanation:

a grocery store cashier packed 2 carts of groceries equally into 12 paper bags. what fraction of a cart is in each bag?



Step-by-step explanation:

(2 carts)/(12 bags) = (⅙ cart)/bag

The table shows a linear function.

Which equation represents the function?

x f(x)
-6 -1
-3 4
0 9
3 14

A. f(x)= -5/3x+9
B. f(x)= -5/3x-9
C. f(x)= 9x+5/3
D. f(x)= 5/3x+9




Step-by-step explanation:

Try A:

x = -6, f(x) = -1:-

f(-6) =   -5/3(-6) + 9

= 10 + 9 = 19   NOT A.

Try B:

f(-3) = -5/3(-3) - 9

= 5 - 9 = -4  NOT B

Try C:

9(0) + 5/3 = 5/4   NOT C

Try D:

f(3) = 5 + 9 = 14

f(0) = 9, f(-6) = -1 and f(-3) = 4

A survey is conducted to determine the percentage of students at state universities who change their major at least once. In a study of 100 students 78% indicated that they graduated with a major different from the one with which they entered college. Determine a 90% confidence interval for the percentage of students who change their major.



Step-by-step explanation:

Confidence Level - "P" values  

90% 1.645

Confidence Interval - "P" values  

(0.7119 , 0.8481 )  

The length of a rectangle is (x+1) cm, and its width is 5 cm less than its length.
a) Express the area of the rectangle, A cm^2 , in terms of x.
b) The area of the rectangle is 24 cm^2. Calculate the length and width of the rectangle.



a) x^2-3x-4(you also can express it as (x+1)(x-4))

b)The length is 8 cm, the width is 3 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

a) The length is x+1

The width is (x+1-5)= x-4

The area is the product of the length and the width

(x+1)(x-4)= x^2-3x-4

b) The formula for counting the area is x^2-3x-4

It is equal to 24

S0 x^2-3x-4=24


a=1 b=-3 c=-28

D= b^2-4ac= 3^2-4*(-28)= 9+112= 121

sqrtD= 11

x1= (-b-sqrtD)/2a=(3-11)/2=-4  The length is -4+1=-3<0, but the length must be positive, this root isn't suitable.

x2= (-b+sqrtD)/2a=(3+11)/2=7 The length is 7+1=8 (it is suitable)

8-5=3 - The width

Need help please due in 1 hour and 30 mins



the answer of that is number C

Find the length of the segment indicated.

A. 16.4
B. 11.4
C. 12.1
D. 13.3


using Pythagorean triplet

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto P^2=H^2-B^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x^2=19.6^2-15.4^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x^2=384.16-237.16[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x^2=147[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=\sqrt{147}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=12.1[/tex]


C.) 12.1

Step-by-step explanation:

I got it correct on founders edtell

Need the help thanks guys



x=−5+√29 or x=−5−√29


Let's solve your equation step-by-step.


Step 1: Subtract 14 from both sides.



For this equation: a=1, b=10, c=-4


Step 2: Use quadratic formula with a=1, b=10, c=-4.










x=−5+√29 or x=−5−√29

Write the equation of the line in fully simplified slope-intercept form.


From the graph, we can write that

The equatuon of line passes through (0,4) and

(-8,0) points.


[tex] \sf \: slope \: \: m = \frac{4 - 0}{0 - ( - 8)} = \frac{4}{8} = \frac{1}{2} \\ \therefore \green{\sf \: m = \frac{1}{2} }[/tex]

Intercept of Y-axis c = 4

So equation is :

[tex] \bf \: y = mx + c \\ \bf = > y = \frac{1}{2} x + 4 \\ \bf = > 2y = x + 4 \\ \bf= > \orange{ \boxed{ \bf \: x - 2y + 4 = 0}}[/tex]

A scientist has two solutions, which she has labeled Solution A and Solution B. Each contains salt. She knows that Solution A is 55% salt and Solution B is 70% salt. She wants to obtain 30 ounces of a mixture that is 60% salt. How many ounces of each solution should she use?



Let x = the number of ounces of Solution A

Let y = the number of ounces of Solution B

x + y = 180        y = 180 - x

.60x + .85y = .75(180)

.60x + .85y = 135      Multiply both sides of the equation by 100 to remove the decimal points.

60x + 85y = 13500

60x + 85(180 - x) = 13500

60x + 15300 - 85x = 13500

-25x = -1800

x = 72ounces

y = 180 - 72

y = 108 ounces          

Step-by-step explanation:

Wyzant (ask an expert) solution on their website.

find the probability of being dealt 5 cards from a standard 52 card deck, and the cards are 6,7,8,9, and 10, all of the same suit. What is the probability of being dealt this hand is


Answer: 20/52 x 4/51 x 3/50 x 2/49 x 1/48 = .00000153908

Step-by-step explanation:

The probability of being dealt 5 cards from a standard 52 card deck, and the cards are 6,7,8,9, and 10 of the same suit is 0.00000153908

What is Probability?

The probability that an event will occur is measured by the ratio of favorable examples to the total number of situations possible

The value of probability lies between 0 and 1

Given data ,

Let the number of cards in deck be = 52 cards

Total number of cards selected = 5

The number of ways of choosing 5 cards = ⁵²C₅

The cards selected are of the same suit

So , there are 4 ways to select them , Hearts , Clubs , Spades and Diamonds = ⁴C₁

And there is only one way to select the cards 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 = 1

Now , we use combination to select the cards in a deck,


The probability of being dealt 5 cards from a standard 52 card deck, and the cards are 6,7,8,9, and 10, all of the same suit is calculated by,

P ( x ) = 1 / ⁵²C₅ x ⁴C₁ x 1

P ( x ) = 1 /  52! / ( 47! x 5! )  x  4! / 3!  x  1

P ( x ) = 1 / ( 52 x 51 x 50 x 49 x 48 ) / ( 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 ) x 4

P ( x ) = 1 / ( 2598966 ) x 4

P ( x ) = 4 / 2598966

P ( x ) = 0.00000153908

Hence , The probability of being dealt 5 cards from a standard 52 card deck, and the cards are 6,7,8,9, and 10 of the same suit is 0.00000153908

To learn more about probability click :


How many times greater is
3.8 X 10^5 than
1.9 X 10^2



2 * 10^3 = 2000.

Step-by-step explanation:

3.8/1.9 * 10^5/10^2

= 2 * 10^3

2000 is the answer

1.9 x 10^2= 190
3.8 x 10^5= 380000

x2= 380
x20= 3800
x200= 38000
x2000= 380000

Correct Answer: 2000

A store spends $10 for each pair of Brand X jeans and adds a 120% markup to the cost. What is the selling price of the jeans? (circle one)




Step-by-step explanation:

120 divided by 100 =1.2 x 10

Help 50 point question




Step-by-step explanation:

.444444444(repeating)- .111111111111(repeating)





Let x = .3333333.....

10x = 3.3333333.....

Subtract the first equation from the second

10x = 3.33333.....

-x =     .33333.....


9x = 3

x = 3/9

x = 1/3


write down the length of the diameter of the circle​



Diameter = 2 × Radius

Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

The diameter of a circle is the length of the line through the center and touching two points on its edge. In the figure above, drag the orange dots around and see that the diameter never changes. The diameter is also a chord.

find out the area of ​​the following composite figures​



First composite: 30cm^2
Second composite: 18cm^2

Step-by-step explanation:

Area for the first composite = l • w where l = length w = width

We will first need to break it into two pieces!

One piece can be a rectangle shape and another piece can be the square above the rectangle.

Solve for the area of the rectangle!

Area of the rectangle = L • 8

The length isn’t given but we see that the whole length is 5 and if we subtracted the length from the square we can actually get the missing length for the rectangle.

Length of the rectangle = (5 - 2)

Length of the rectangle = 3

Area of the rectangle = 3 • 8

Area of the rectangle = 24cm^2

Now solve for the area of the square!

Area = L • W

Area = 2 • 3

Area = 6

Finally add the area of the two shapes!

24 + 6 = 30cm^2
Area for the second composite = L • W

Again, we’ll need to break it into two pieces. One piece would be the top rectangle, another piece would be the bottom rectangle.

Area for the top rectangle = 2 • 4

Area for the top rectangle = 8cm^2

Now solve for the area of the bottom rectangle!

Area for the bottom rectangle = 2 • 5

Area for the bottom rectangle = 10cm^2

Finally add the area of the two shapes!

8 + 10 = 18cm^2

Help meee I’ll give 10 pts and brainliest!!!


Step-by-step explanation:

i) [tex]\overline{AB} = \sqrt{(x_A - x_B)^2 + (y_A - y_B)^2}[/tex]

[tex]\:\:\:\:\:\:\:=\sqrt{(2)^2 + (12)^2} = 12.3[/tex]

ii) [tex]m = \dfrac{y_A - y_B}{x_A - x_B} = \dfrac{-12}{2} = -6[/tex]

iii) [tex](\overline{x},\:\overline{y}) = \left(\dfrac{x_A + x_B}{2},\:\dfrac{y_A + y_B}{2}\right)[/tex]


This answer was confusing for sure


Answer:  y = cos(2x) which is choice C


Normally, y = cos(x) has a period of 2pi. This means that every 2pi horizontal units, the graph repeats itself. However, we can see that the period here is pi units instead.

One way to see this is to start at (0,1). This is a local max point. Move to its neighboring local max at (pi,1). We have moved pi units along the x axis and the cycle is finished, after which point the cycle repeats itself.

Since T = pi is the period, we then can say B = 2pi/T = 2pi/pi = 2

This is then plugged into y = A*cos(B(x-C))+D where

A = 1

C = 0

D = 0

That leads us to y = cos(2x)

Since the period is often connected to time values, it might help to think of this wave's oscillations occurring twice as often compared to y = cos(x). So that might help see why we replace the x with 2x.

Please Help! I will give you the brainiest and a lot of points!

a.Use the information given by the graph to determine the truth value of the compound statement. Choose the correct answer below.

b. Write the compound​ statement's negation. Choose the correct answer below

c. Use the information in the graph to determine the truth value of the negation in part​ (b). (Is it True or False?)


Answer: TRUE


State if the scenario involves a permutation or a combination. Then find the number of possibilities.

The batting order for nine players on a 12 person team.




Step-by-step explanation:


is answer of this question

Find a 3 digit number with all these properties: all 3 digits are different, the 1st digit is the square of the second digit in the 3rd digit on one more than twice the second digit



425 or 937

Step-by-step explanation:

First, I listed out all the possible numbers for the first digits, namely, the squares under 10.




Since all the digits have to be different, the first digit cannot be 1 because 1 squared is 1. So that leaves us 4 and 9 to work with, which I tried out one at a time.

Starting with 4:

2 squared is 4.


2 times 2 plus 1 equals 5.


Starting with 9:

3 squared is 9.


2 times 3 plus 1 equals 7.


So here we have two numbers that both work and meet the requirements (unless I understood the problem wrong at the part where it says "...the second digit in the 3rd digit on one more than twice the second digit")!

I hope this helped! :D

2. mrs nepali draws rs 19800 as her monthly salary in a wholesale cosmetic shop and certain commission is given as per the monthly sales. if the sales of a month is rs 1200000 and her total income of the month including commission is rs 31800 find the rate of commission. * O 1% 4% 3% 2%​


Commission = 31800-19800 = 12000
Rate = commission/sales = 12000/1200000= 1/100 = 1%


Find the equation of the line with an x intercept of 4 and a y intercept of -1.5



y = 4x -1.5

Step-by-step explanation:

The slope intercept form of a line is given by

y = mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y intercept

y = 4x -1.5

Mr. Green just spent $11.95 on a
haircut. About how much should he
leave for a 15% tip?


1) you find the multiplier by dividing 15÷100=0.15

2) multiply the answer by 11.95 so 0.15x11.95=1.792 so the answer is $1.792 because it is 15% of $11.95



Step-by-step explanation:

To determine the tip, take the total amount and multiply by the tip percentage

11.95 * .15


Round to the nearest cent


Add this to the cost of the haircut



(Use Pascal's triangle to expand each binomial. (x – 5y)^5


The n-th row in Pascal's triangle tells you the coefficients of terms in the expansion of (a + b). Starting with n = 0,


1 … 1

1 … 2 … 1

1 … 3 … 3 … 1

1 … 4 … 6 … 4 … 1

1 … 5 … 10 … 10 … 5 … 1

In more concrete terms, this translates to

(x - 5y)⁵ = 1 x ⁵ (-5y)⁰ + 5 x ⁴ (-5y)¹ + 10 x ³ (-5y)² + 10 x ² (-5y)³ + 5 x ¹ (-5y)⁴ + 1 x ⁰ (-5y)⁵


(x - 5y)⁵ = x ⁵ - 25xy + 250x ³y ² - 1250x ²y ³ + 3125xy ⁴ - 3125y

4) In a clinical test with 2353 subjects, 1136 showed improvement from the treatment.




Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]Subjects = 2353[/tex]

[tex]Improvement = 1136[/tex]


The number that didn't improve --- missing from the question.

Let the unimproved be represented as x.

So, we have:

[tex]x + Improvement = Subjects[/tex]

Substitute known values

[tex]x + 1136 = 2353[/tex]

Solve for x

[tex]x =- 1136 + 2353[/tex]

[tex]x =1217[/tex]

it give f(x) = x-3x⁴ +2x³ -4x² +5x -10 and f(4)(x)?​



f(x) + f(4)

Step-by-step explanation:


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