calculate using the distributive property



Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

7 * 19

Rewrite 19 as 20 -1

7 * (20-1)


7*20 - 7*1

140 - 7


Related Questions

what's the rational approximation of 15​



15 / 1

hope that helps uh...

Mrs. hilt baked 7 dozen cookies and sold them for $4.25 per half dozen. how much money would Mrs. Hilt make if she sold all the cookies?




Step-by-step explanation:

Half dozen = $4.25

Full Dozen = 2 X (4.25)

= 8.5

7 Dozens price = 7 X 8.5 =

= $59.5

Answered by Gauthmath

Someone help please




Step-by-step explanation:

62.5 = 10(b)^2

62.5÷10 = b^2

6.25 = b^2

square root 6.25 and b^2

the answer is 2.5

Which are the solutions of x2 = –13x – 4?



The 3rd dot and 4th dot, you should select to get the correct answer.

i think i got the hang of it but i still need help

pls help !​




Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of interior angles in a triangle is equal to 180 degrees

since one of the angle is given as 80 the remaining is 100

The given is an isosceles triangle which means two of its side length and so its angles are equal in measure so 100/2 = 50


4/5 t

Step-by-step explanation:


80%xt by definition of p%=p/100


80/100t reduce the fraction with 20

so the answer is;

4/5 t

Hope it helps

In a biconditional statement, the output is true if at least one input is true.



In a biconditonal statement the output is true if at least one input is true….this is false.

What are the solutions of the following system?



(0,-5) and (-4,3) are the points to the equations.

Step-by-step explanation:


Step 1: Make an equation for y to substitute to the first equation.



Step 2: Substitute the y-value to the first equation.



Our x-values would be 0, and -4.

Step 3: Solve for the y-values by substituting 0 and -4 to the equation y=-2x-5.

y=-2(0)-5=-5 and makes the ordered pair (0,-5)

y=-2(-4)-5=3 and makes the ordered pair (-4,3)

Therefore our answers would be (0,-5) and (-4,3)


(-4;3), (0;-5)

Step-by-step explanation:

The vertex of parabola is -3,-2, what is the equation?



[tex] {y}^{2} = \frac{4}{3} x[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Master equation:

[tex]y {}^{2} = 4 {ax}[/tex]

with point ( -3, -2 ):

[tex] {( - 2)}^{2} = 4a( - 3) \\ 4 = - 12a \\ a = - \frac{1}{3} [/tex]

Equation is:

[tex] {y}^{2} = \frac{4}{3} x[/tex]


y = x² + 6x + 7

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a parabola in vertex form is

y = a(x - h)² + k

where (h, k ) are the coordinates of the vertex and a is a multiplier

Here (h, k ) = (- 3, - 2 ) and with a = 1 , then

y = (x - (- 3) )² - 2

  = (x + 3)² - 2 ← expand using FOIL

  = x² + 6x + 9 - 2

y = x² + 6x + 7 ← equation of parabola

Can you please factor the problems below and explain/show all your steps. I will be attaching a photo with the problems as well in case they are more understandable on there. Also if you can please explain how you used the key concepts from the photo in your work if you used them.
Factor: 2a^3 + 4a^2 + 8a
Factor: 6y^4 - 294y^2
Factor: 5x^2 + 50x +125


1) The factorization is: [tex]2a(a^2 + 2a + 4)[/tex]2) The factorization is: [tex]6y^2(y - 7)(y + 7)[/tex]3) The factorization is: [tex]5(x+5)^2[/tex]


To factor each expression, we apply the given concepts, that is, greatest common factor, difference of squares and perfect squares.


Expression 1:

The expression is:

[tex]2a^3 + 4a^2 + 8a[/tex]

First, we find the gcf of the numbers 2, 4 and 8, which is 2.

Of the exponents, the gcf between 3, 2 and 1 is 1, so:

[tex]2a^3 + 4a^2 + 8a = 2a(\frac{2a^3}{2a} + \frac{4a^2}{2a} + \frac{8a}{2a}) = 2a(a^2 + 2a + 4)[/tex]


Expression 2:

The expression is:

[tex]6y^4 - 294y^2[/tex]

The gcf of 6 and 294 is 6.

The gcf of the exponents 2 and 4 is 4.


[tex]6y^4 - 294y^2 = 6y^2(\frac{6y^4}{6y^2} - \frac{294y^2}{6y^2}) = 6y^2(y^2 - 49)[/tex]

Then, applying the difference of squares:

[tex]y^2 - 49 = (y - 7)(y + 7)[/tex]

Thus, the factored expression is:

[tex]6y^2(y^2 - 49) = 6y^2(y - 7)(y + 7)[/tex]


Expression 3:

The expression is:

[tex]5x^2 + 50x + 125[/tex]

The gcf of the coefficients, 5, 50 and 125 is 5, so:

[tex]5(\frac{5x^2}{5} + \frac{50x}{5} + \frac{125}{5}) = 5(x^2 + 10x + 25)[/tex]

Applying the perfect square, we get that:

[tex]x^2 + 10x + 25 = (x + 5)^2[/tex]

Tus, the factored expression is:

[tex]5(x^2 + 10x + 25) = 5(x+5)^2[/tex]

A similar question is given at

Solving inequalities and graph it's solution


Step-by-step explanation:

answer is 10 am i right plzz correct it

Pls help answer, also explain. I will give brainliest



8 lb box

Step-by-step explanation:

Find which laundry detergent has a lower unit price

The unit price is how much something costs for a single unit

In this case, it is how much the detergent costs for 1 pound

7.4/8 lbs = 0.925 dollars per lb

5.38/4 lbs = 1.345 dollars per lb

Since 1.345 > 0.925, the 8 lb box is a better buy

Case 1

Cost of 8 pound detergent = $7.40

So, cost of 1 pound detergent

= $7.40 ÷ 8

= $0.925

Case 2

Cost of 8 pound detergent = $5.38

So, cost of 1 pound detergent

= $5.38 ÷ 4

= $1.345

$0.925 < $1.345

$0.925 < $1.345So, cost per pound in 8 pound box < cost per pound in 4 pound box

So, buying the 8 pound box is better.

in angle PQR, angleQ=70 angle R=45 then angleP=.....




Step-by-step explanation:

Because its a triangle,

P + Q + R = 180


P + 70 + 45 = 180

P + 115 = 180

Subtract 115 on both sides

P = 65

A farmer uses 1/3 of his land to grow corn and 1/4 to grow yams . What fraction of the land is left?




Step-by-step explanation:

3*4=12. 4/12+3/12=7/12.



Step-by-step explanation:

you find the common factor of 12, divide 12 by the denominator, multiply the numerator by that, add the new numerators, put it on the denominator of 12, subtract it from 12/12

To find the missing value?



To fine the missing value JUST transpose

___ -(-5) = -7       {- * - = +}

___ +5 = -7

___ = -7-5

___= -12

so the missing place is -12



Step-by-step explanation:

Find the inverse of A if it has one, or state that the inverse does not exist.




[tex]\begin{bmatrix}\dfrac{-1}{5} &0\\\dfrac{-1}{10}&\dfrac{1}{4}\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

See jointed file

The inverse of the matrix A is

[tex]A = \left[\begin{array}{cc}-5&-2\\0&4\end{array}\right][/tex]

What is a matrix?

A matrix is a set of numbers arranges in rows and columns such that it form a rectangular array.

We have,

[tex]A = \left[\begin{array}{cc}-5&0\\-2&4\end{array}\right][/tex]

The matrix A is a square matrix and its determinant is not zero.

So the inverse exist.

The inverse of matrix A.

We will change the rows into columns and columns into rows.


[tex]A = \left[\begin{array}{cc}-5&-2\\0&4\end{array}\right][/tex]


The inverse of the matrix A is given above.

Learn more about matrix here:


Independent Practice

Which model is most appropriate for the set of points?

(–2, 5), (–1, –1), (0, –3), (1, –1), (2, 5)





Quadratic because if you plot it on a graph it will look like a U

if sum of two no is 21 and sum of their square is 256 find the number
i.e x+y=21
find value of x and y​


Step-by-step explanation:

you're going to solve for y in the first equation and then substitute it in for the second equation and solve.

Place the two large triangles around the square to form a triangle, a parallelogram ,and a trapezoid .Please answer it step by step



Step-by-step explanation:


Todd has earned the following test scores in his chemistry class so far: 76, 83, 89, 95, 100. There is one last test this semester that will count toward his grade. What grade must Todd make on the sixth test to have a test average of 90 or better?




Step-by-step explanation:


there are all 6 tests.

we consider marks of last lest as "X"

x should be added to total mark

to obtain average mark, total marks should divided by no. of tests.






Hope my answer helped u :)

Two trains leave towns 1542 kilometers apart at the same time and travel toward each other. one train travels 11 km/h slower than the other. if they meet in 6 hours, what is the rate of each train?

Rate of the slower train:

Rate of the faster train:



Slower trains: 123 km/h

Faster train: 134 km/h

Step-by-step explanation:

In order to solve this problem, one must know the following formula:


The problem gives one the following information:

There are two trains heading towards each other, one is (11 km/h) faster than the other.There are (1542 km) between the two trains.It takes 6 hours for the two trains to meet each other.

Let ([tex]speed_1[/tex]) represent the speed of the slower train and ([tex]speed_2[/tex]) represent the speed of the faster train.

One can form an equation, let (x) represent the speed of the slower train. Using the distance equation, one can state that the speed of each train times the travel time equals the distance. Since the trains met each other in (6) hours, and the combined distance traveled between the two trains is (1542 km); one can use this information to form an equation.

[tex](travel\ time)(speed_1)+(travel\ time)(speed_2)=distance[/tex]



Simplify, distribute, multiply every term inside of the parenthesis by the term outside of it. Then combine like terms,



Inverse operations,




Solve for the speed of the faster train. It is given that it is (11 km/h) faster than the slower train.


Is the answer option c?




Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = x^2 -1

Hope it helps!!

Please I need help will get max points as many as



ur answer is 199 thank me later


194 ft²

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of rectangle R1 = length * width

                                  = 8 * 5

                                  = 40  square feet

Area of rectangle R2 = 14 * 11

                                    = 154 square feet

Area of the figure = 40 + 154 = 194 ft²

A square has area x cm^2, and perimeter of x cm . What is the value of x?


Let the perimeter be 100cm

Then value of x = 100/4

x = 25cm

Answered by Gauthmath must click thanks and mark brainliest

Geometry, please answer question ASAP


9514 1404 393


  D.  180°

Step-by-step explanation:

The letter S is symmetrical about its center. The letter looks the same when it is rotated 180° about its center.

Find the value of y. Round
the nearest tenth.


Answer: 178.3

Step-by-step explanation:

Use cos to find the value of x: cos(27)=350/x

You will find x = 392.81

Using this value, find sin(27):  Sin(27)=y/392.81

You will find y=178.33

Rounding to the nearest tenth, you get 178.3

if a:b=5:7 and b:c=6:12, then a:b:c


Step-by-step explanation:

A/B=5/7 , B/C=6/12

Taking B=12×7=84, we get

A=12×5=60, C=7×6=42


60:84:42. Answer

Let's make some smores! Chocolate bars come in packs of 8 and graham crackers come in packs of 12. What is the smallest number of chocolate bars and graham crackers we would need to buy so we don't have any left over?​



3 chocolate bars and 2 graham crackers

Step-by-step explanation:

8 times 3 equals 24

12 times 2 equals 24

i need help



[tex]13\ units[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

One is asked to find the distance between two points on a coordinate plane. The easiest way to do so is to use the distance formula, this formula is the following:


Where ([tex](x_1,y_1)[/tex]) and ([tex](x_2,y_2)[/tex]) are the points which one needs to find the distance between. In this case, these points are as follows:

[tex]k\ (-3,5)[/tex]

[tex]j\ (-8, -7)[/tex]

Substitute these points into the formula and solve for the distance between these points,










Amanda rented a bike from Ted's Bikes.
It costs $10 for the helmet plus $4.25 per hour.
If Amanda paid about $33.38, how many hours did she rent the bike?
a) Let h = the number of hours she rented the bike. Write the equation you would use to solve this problem.



≈ 5.51 hours

Equation: 4.25h + 10

The number of hours Amanda rented the bike is 5.5 hours.

The equation used to solve this problem is 33.38 = 10 + 4.25h.

The rent cost for the helmet is $10.

The rent cost for the bike per hour is $4.25.

We need to find the number of hours Amanda rented the bike as she paid $33.38 in total.

We also have to make an equation that would solve this problem.

Consider h = number of hours Amanda rented the bike.

The cost for renting the helmet = $10.

And rent cost for the bike per hour = $4.25.

Amanda's total cost = Helmet rent cost + bike rent cost

Since we do not know the number of hours the bike was rented we will denote bike rent cost  = $4.25 x h

We have,

$33.38 = $10 + $4.25 x h

33.38 = 10 + 4.25 x h

33.38 - 10 = 4.25 x h

23.38 = 4.25 x h

h = 23.38 / 4.25

h = 5.5011

Rounding to the nearest tenths we get,

h = 5.5 hours

The number of hours Amanda rented the bike is 5.5 hours.

The equation used to solve this problem is 33.38 = 10 + 4.25h.

Learn more about solving word problems using equations here:


Sheldon is baking 2-inch cookies. He has 3 trays that are the same size. On one tray, he makes 5 rows with 4 cookies in each row. He cannot fit any more cookies on the tray. He fills the second tray completely and only part of the third tray. How many cookies could Sheldon have made?


Answer: Sheldon has made 50 cookies

Step-by-step explanation: for the first test because there are 5 rows and 4 cookies on each row you would multiply 4 times 5. That equals 20. The first tray has twenty and all trays are the same size so if the second one is completely full then it also has twenty. The third one is only half way full meaning twenty divided by two equals ten. Ten is the amount of cookies on the third tray. If you add that all together that is 20+20+10=50

The number of cookies made by Sheldon will be equal to 50.

What is an arithmetic operation?

The four basic mathematical operations are the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of two or even more integers. Among them is the examination of integers, particularly the order of actions, which is crucial for all other mathematical topics, including algebra, data organization, and geometry.

For the first test, you would multiply 4 by 5 because there are 5 rows and 4 cookies on each row. 20 is the result.

Since all trays are the same size and the first tray has twenty, if the second tray is totally filled, it will also have twenty.

Twenty divided by two equals 10 because the third one is only half full.

There are ten cookies on the third tray.

The total is,

20+20+10 = 50.

To know more about arithmetic operations:


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