CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE The____domain incorporates cultural norms that directly impact sustainable development. The___ domain focuses on the protection and preservation of natural and artificial resources

Blank 1: ......................Blank 2:
A: social..................... A: public policy
B: economic..............B: technological
C: sustainable..........C: environmental​


Answer 1


the answer is c


i got 100%

Related Questions

What is the plural of drive-in? Use a dictionary if necessary.
O drives-in
O drive-ins
O both


answer is drive- ins
“s” at the end as in multiple

How many capillary beds must a red blood cell pass through to move from an artery in the left arm to the left ventricle of the heart



two capillary beds


Capillary beds are networks of capillaries that supply blood to the organs and/or areas of the body, in which nutrients and gas exchange (i.e., O2 and CO2) between red blood cells and tissues take place. Smaller arteries (i.e., arterioles) diverge into capillary beds composed of 10 to 100 capillaries, the smallest blood vessels in the body that connect the arterioles and the venules. Red blood cells usually flow into a capillary bed from a metarteriole (i.e., a microvessel that connects arterioles and capillaries). Red blood cells sometimes pass through two capillary beds before reaching the heart. The left heart ventricle is a muscle required for pumping red O2-rich blood out through the aortic valve into the aorta, whereas arteries are large blood vessels that branch into arterioles in order to carry blood to the capillary beds.

What terms applies to a period in
evolutionary history when a species shows
little or no change?



Punctuated equilibrium


The idea of "punctuated equilibrium" suggests that species will show little to no evolutionary change throughout their history. When evolution does occur, according to this idea, it happens sporadically and relatively quickly compared to the species' full duration on Earth.

¿Cómo transformamos las fuentes de energía renovable en energía eléctrica necesarias para el desarrollo sostenible de nuestro país?



Answer to the following question is as follows.


Natural energy is used to generate power in renewable technologies. Wind, wave, ocean, hydro, biomass, and solar energy are all potential sources of energy. ... A variety of technologies, such as floating offshore wind farms, biomass power plants, and hydroelectric systems, will be required to achieve this.

Renewable energy production and utilisation will enhance energy security, the environment, the economics, mechanical production, construction, transport, and industry, as well as assist in the creation of new employment. Solar, wind, and biomass energy can fulfil local energy demands while also helping to enhance environmental protection.

Manpower is the most important resource of an organization. Explain.​



Manpower planning is counted as the most important function of the human resource management of the organization. It helps in managing the maintenance of the business goodwill by providing value to the man, material, machine and money.

in your own words, what is the definition for Anti-codon?



Basically an Anti-Condon is a sequence of three nucleotides forming a unit of genetic code in a transfer RNA molecule, corresponding to a complementary codon in messenger RNA.


Codons are trinucleotide units that present in mRNA and codes for a particular amino acid in protein synthesis. Anticodon is trinucleotide units that present in tRNA. It is complementary to the codons in mRNA.

Hoped this helped :)

Cell replication is important for reproduction of body cells and reproduction of gametes. Which type of reproduction occurs only in gametes





meiosis occurs in reproductive organs

How can a scientist determine if two species are obligate mutualists? The scientist should observe the species in the environment to determine the types of interactions that the two species have. Then, the scientist should transplant each species alone to a new area and simultaneously transplant both species together to see if the single-species transplants die. The scientist should observe the species in the environment, determine the types of interactions that the two species have, and then add an invading species to see if it outperforms one of the other species. The scientist should observe the species in the environment, determine the types of interactions that the two species have, and then transplant both species to a new location to observe if they do better or worse than the individuals in their old location. The scientist should observe the species in the environment, determine the types of interactions that the two species have, and then remove one of the species to see if the other species does not survive.



The scientist should observe the species in the environment to determine the types of interactions that the two species have. Then, the scientist should transplant each species alone to a new area and simultaneously transplant both species together to see if the single-species transplants die


When two species are obligate mutualists, both species benefit one another in such a way that one cannot survive without the other. Hence, in order to find out if two species are indeed obligate mutualists, they should be transplanted together away from other species on one side, and also transplanted individually on another side.

If they are obligate mutualists, the individual transplant would find it difficult to survive and should die in no time while the transplant done together should survive. All other factors being kept constant.

Archie took several deep breaths of air. By breathing deeply, what mechanism did he assist to return venous blood to his heart


Answer: Respiratory pump


By breathing deeply, the mechanism that Archie did hessist to return venous blood to his heart.

During the process of inspiration and expiration when the muscles contract and relax, pressure changes takes place in both the thoracic and abdominal cavities and this changes compress the nearby veins and help im the return of blood to the heart.

Betty's metabolism is unusually sluggish. There is MOST likely an abnormality with Betty's _____ gland.


Answer: Betty's metabolism is unusually sluggish. There is MOST likely an abnormality with Betty's thyroid gland.

what are chloro-fluoro carbons ??
explain !!! ​



Chlorofluorocarbons are fully or partly halogenated paraffin hydrocarbons that contain only carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine, produced as volatile derivative of methane, ethane, and propane.


can someone help me complete the unfinished DNA strands please?



it is T G C A T


as in DNA adenine pairs with thymine and cytosine with guanine. You can also remember it as Apple Tree and Car Garage

Identify and describe how bacteria, hormones, and nerves influence the health and activities of the GI tract



The GI health is supported by a varied and rich population of bacteria. The GI processes are controlled by the coordinated efforts of the hormonal system and the neurological system. Digestion and absorption together break up diets into bodily nutrients. A healthy GI system requires a balanced diet, sufficient relaxation, and frequent physical activity, to perform best.


Bacteria along the GI tract have a wide range of possible health benefits, including the production of vitamins, ion absorption (Ca, Mg, and Fe), pathogens protection, histologic development, improved immune systems, and fermentation of "no-digestible food" Bacteria have a number of potential functions.

During the digestion and absorption process hormones control the different digestive enzymes, which are secreted in the stomach and bowel. In reaction to the consumption of food, for example, the  hormone gastrin induces stomach acid output. The somatostatin hormone prevents stomach acid secretion.

Which of the following is NOT
true of the female gamete
A. The central cell divides into four
haploid cells.
B. There are multiple ovules in an ovary.
C. The flower is what draws in pollinators.
D. There is more than one egg cell in each


C is the answer for that


It’s D


True or false? Phototropism only happens after plants move from darkness into the light.
Group of answer choices





phototropism only happens after plants move from darkness into the light (false)


The answer is false.


An endoscope is a fiber-optic medical instrument that emits light. Doctors can insert endoscopes into hollow body parts. Which property of fiber-optic strands makes them most useful in endoscopes?

They can create virtual images.
They are decorative and colorful.
They can transmit data quickly.
They are small and flexible.



Sorry i`m late but the answer is they create virtual images


The property of fiber-optic strands that makes them most useful in endoscopes is that they are small and flexible.

What is an endoscope?

An endoscope is a medical instrument that consists of a long, thin, flexible tube equipped with a light source and a camera at the tip. It is used by doctors to visualize and examine internal organs or structures within the body. The endoscope can be inserted through natural body openings like the mouth, anus, or small incisions to access various areas of the body.

It allows for direct visualization of the internal organs, capturing real-time images or videos that can be viewed on a monitor. Endoscopes are commonly used for diagnostic purposes, such as examining the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, urinary tract, or joints. They can also be used for therapeutic procedures, such as removing polyps, taking biopsies, or performing minimally invasive surgeries.

Endoscopes have revolutionized medical diagnostics and interventions by providing a less invasive alternative to traditional surgical methods.

Learn more about endoscope, here:


A teacher gave the lab group shown below an "unsafe practice" warning. What is most likely the basis for the teacher's warning?


The teacher warning could be the practice you are about to do can harm you in some way if that careful. Please let me know if I'm understanding this.

During what phase is the cell polyploid? Why is it polyploid at this point--what has happened to create this state and why is it important to the process?


Polyploid is cell which has two or more pairs of homologus chromosomes. There are two basic types of cell division are meiosis and mitosis

If a person uses up his or her reserve supply of glycogen and still does not eat, the body will break down ____ to provide glucose for the brain.





this is because even though the person hasn't eaten he or she still has an amount of carbohydrates in the body that can be broken down and its end product glucose will be obtained

what are the limitations of using fossil in evolution theory. Please answer​


The limitations of using fossil in evolution theory are that fossils are rare and only show changes in bones of animals. In many environments the preservation of fossils is hard creating gaps in fossil records that can make identifying change very hard. And when changes present themselves they can be in many forms, such as changing in the soft tissue, coverage and thickness of hair, and changes in organs, all of which can not be preserved by fossilization.

I’m not sure what kind of answer you need but I hope this is sufficient. Hope this helps. Stay healthy and stay safe! :)




Sorry ...


Unfortuntely, you can only answer this question if you've read the book. Those reading this pretty much haven't.

What are the three domains into which organisms are classified



The Archaea, the Bacteria, and the Eucarya.


The Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya are the three kingdoms of life. Archaea and Bacteria possess prokaryotic cell structures, but the category Eucarya (eukaryotes) includes cells with a nuclear that separates the genetic information from either the cytoplasm.

Most body water comes from:moisture absorbed through the skin.fluids we drink.the food we eat.metabolism.



fluids we drink.


Most body water comes from fluids we drink such as water, juices etc. Our body obtains water by absorbing it directly from the digestive tract. A small amount of water is produced in the metabolism of food particles. Our body loses excess amount of water by excreting it in the form of urine from the body. Kidney is the organ that filters waster materials and excess water from the blood and remove it from the body.

A founding population usually has lower genetic diversity than the original population it came from. For those alleles that are shared by the two populations, how are allele frequencies different (or similar)



In the founding population, the allele frequency is different from the original bigger-sized population. The size of the new population affects this difference even more. Some of the alleles will tend to increase, while some others will tend to decrease in frequency.


Genetic drift is an evolutive force. It is the random change that occurs in the allelic frequency of a population through generations. Its effects are harder in a small-sized population, meaning that the magnitude of this change is inversely related to the size of the original population.  

Genetic drift results in some alleles loss -including the beneficial ones-, while some other alleles get fixated. Low-frequency alleles are the most likely to be lost. The changes produced by genetic drift accumulate in time and results in a loss of genetic variability within a population.  

Genetic drift affects a population and reduces its size dramatically due to a disaster or pressure -bottleneck effect- or because of a population split -founder effect-. The bottleneck effect most likely affects smaller populations.  

Founder effect refers to the origin of a new population from only a few individuals that are coming from a bigger-sized population. These founder individuals, which are carrying some of the genes of the original population, settle down in a new area and reproduce. The new and small population might or might not be genetically representative of the original one. Some rare alleles might be exceeded or might be lost by complete. Consequently, when the small population increases in size, it will have a genetically different composition from the original one. In these situations, genetic variability is reduced, and there exists the possibility of developing a peculiar allelic composition. When the number of individuals that originated the new population is low, the founder effect will be very extreme because the genetic drift effects are inversely proportional to the original number of individuals.  

During glycolysis, glucose is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate.
A diagram shows the conversion of a glucose molecule to 2 pyruvic acid molecules. In this process, 2 A T P form 2 A D P, 2 N A D produce 2 N A D H, and 4 A D P produce 4 A T P.
What is the main transformation that occurs during glycolysis?
Glycolysis produces ATP and pyruvate by oxidizing water.
Glycolysis produces ATP and pyruvate by oxidizing glucose and NAD+.
Glycolysis produces pyruvate, ATP, and NADH by oxidizing glucose.
Glycolysis produces CO2, ATP, and pyruvate by reducing glucose.



Glycolysis produces pyruvate, ATP, and NADPH by oxidizing glucose. During cellular respiration, glucose combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, water, and ATP.





Just after they taste a sweet liquid, mice are injected with a drug that produces an immune response. Later, the taste of the sweet liquid by itself triggers an immune response. This best illustrates



This question lacks options, options are:

a) classical conditioning

b) observational learning

c) spontaneous recovery

d) operant conditioning.  

The correct answer is a.


The classical conditioning theory derives from the experiments of the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov, he hypothesized that when any stimulus predicts the occurrence of another stimulus that triggers an automatic response, that first stimulus would acquire the ability to trigger that response, in other words , is a type of learning according to which an originally neutral stimulus, which does not provoke a response, becomes able to provoke it thanks to the associative connection of this stimulus with the stimulus that normally provokes said response. The conditioning of the immune response is built on the same principles of the classical conditioning paradigm described by Ivan P. Pavlov in which an environmental stimulus that by itself does not produce any immune reaction (conditioned stimulus), is associated with substances that stimulate or they suppress immune function (unconditioned stimulus), and finally, by presenting the conditioned stimulus alone, trigger the appropriate immune response.

1. Complete the unfinished DNA strand from below.

2. What m-RNA strand would be formed from the DNA strand that you just made in #1 above?

3. Using the codon chart in the lesson, what amino acids would be aligned from the following m-RNA strand?


4. If the first base in the sequence above (#3) were mutated to a C, what would that do to the amino acid sequence?

5. If you were given a single tiny chunk of a nucleic acid strand and asked if it was DNA or RNA, what things would you look for to tell?



1. is T G C A T because it is a DNA as it contains thymine.

2. so mRNA strand would be U G A C G U A as it is in RNA so it would be uracil with adenine.

3. is Met- Ala- Glu

4. if is mutated to a C then it would be C U G G C G A A

so it would be Leu-Ala-Glu.

5. you can look for if it contains thymine or uracil. If thymine then DNA if Uracil then RNA. you can also see if it is double or single strand. if double than DNA if single than RNA.

hope this helps you :)

Concerning the above image, what region of the eye contains rods/cones?

A) Sclera
B) Optic Nerve
C) Choroid
D) Retina
E) Other:





The retina has rods and cones.

Rods help us see dim images and comes help us see bright and colored images.

List in order the levels of classification,beginning with domain



The answer is Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.

a permanent disease process that is characterized by destruction of the alveolar walls and distention of the alveolar sacs is a type of COPD called





Pulmonary emphysema disease progressively destroys the fibers that promote respiration, leading to a decrease in respiratory function, emphysema being a more serious complication of any bronchopulmonary obstructive inflammation. In emphysema, the walls that separate many of the alveoli are damaged and gas exchange in the lungs decreases. This disease originates when the pulmonary alveoli are progressively destroyed and difficulty in breathing becomes greater and greater. When destroyed, a larger space is created, instead of small chambers. And this affects the length of the lungs and the amount of oxygen that reaches the blood.

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