compute (-12)+(-8)+30​


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

(-12) + (-8) +30


-20 + 30


Related Questions

Please helps fill in the charts
A and b
With order of pairs




Step-by-step explanation:

seeee the above picture

What is the smallest number that has both 6 and 9 as a
A 54
B 12
C 36
D 18


The answer is D (i have to type at least 20 letters soooooooooo)


yep it's D

Step-by-step explanation:

work out missing angle following polygons​



x = 150°

Step-by-step explanation:

Interior angle of a hexagon = 120° and interior angle of a square = 90°

so remaining angle, 360-120-90 = 150°

A bicycle with 24-inch diameter wheels is traveling at 12 mi/h.

What is the exact angular speed of the wheels in rad/min?
Number rad/min:

How many revolutions per minute do the wheels make?
The answer must be rounded to three decimal places by the way.


9514 1404 393


1056.000 radians per minute168.068 revolutions per minute

Step-by-step explanation:

The linear speed 12 mi/h translates to inches per minute as follows:

  (12 mi/h) × (5820 ft/mi) × (12 in/ft) ÷ (60 min/h) = 12,672 in/min

The relationship between arc length and angle is ...

  s = rθ

For a constant radius, the relationship between linear speed and angular speed is ...

  s' = rθ'

  θ' = s'/r = (12,672 in/min)/(12 in) = 1056 rad/min

There are 2π radians in one revolution, so this is ...

  (1056 rad/min) ÷ (2π rad/rev) = 168.068 rev/min

A whitetail deer can sprint at speeds up to 30 miles per hour. American bison can run at speeds up to 3,520 feet per minute. Which animal is faster and by how many miles per hour? There are 5,280 feet in one mile.



The Bison is faster by 10 miles per hour.

Step-by-step explanation:

The Bison runs at 3520 ft / min

= 3520/ 5280 miles / minute

= (3520/ 5280) * 60 miles per hour

= 40 miles per hour

please help me with this



d = 2

f = 4

To find:

Value of  [tex]\frac{14(7)-d}{2f}[/tex]


we need to substitute and then find the value,

[tex]= \frac{14(7)-2}{2(4)}\\ \\=\frac{98-2}{8} \\\\=\frac{96}{8}\\\\=12[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is option C) 12

Happy to help :)

If you need help, feel free to ask

Find the output, hhh, when the input, ttt, is 353535.
h = 50 - \dfrac{t}{5}h=50−

h, equals, 50, minus, start fraction, t, divided by, 5, end fraction


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

Put the value where t is and do the arithmetic.

  h = 50 -t/5

  h = 50 -35/5 = 50 -7 = 43

The output, h, is 43 when the input is 35.



Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is 43 on Khan :)

The least-squares regression equation
y = 3 + 1.16x can be used to predict the height of a plant (in centimeters) after x weeks. Suppose the height of a plant was 9.2 centimeters after 5 weeks.

Calculate and interpret the residual for this plant after 5 weeks.

The residual is
✔ 0.4
, which means that the predicted height of the plant is
✔ 0.4 centimeters less
than the actual height of the plant of
✔ 9.2



✔ 0.4

✔ 0.4 centimeters less

✔ 9.2

1.16(5) + 3 = 8.8

9.2 - 8.8 = .4


The residual is 0.4

What is regression?

'Regression takes a group of random variables, thought to be predicting Y, and tries to find a mathematical relationship between them. This relationship is typically in the form of a straight line (linear regression) that best approximates all the individual data points.'

According to the given problem,

y = 3 + 1.16x

After 5 weeks, x = 5,

⇒ y = 3 + 1.16(5)

⇒ y = 3 + 5.8

⇒ y = 8.8

Now subtracting y from actual height of plant,

⇒ 9.2 - 8.8

=  0.4

Hence, we can conclude the residual to be 0.4.

Learn more about regression here:


Solve this inequality: 4x-8>-40



x > - 8

Step-by-step explanation:

4x - 8 > - 40

4x > - 40 + 8

4x > - 32

Divide 4 on both sides,

4x / 4 > - 32 / 4

x > - 8


x > 12

Step-by-step explanation:

4x - 8 > 40

Add 8 to both sides

4x > 48

Divide both sides by 4

x > 12

A certain drug is used to treat asthma. In a clinical trial of theâ drug, 17 of 258 treated subjects experienced headachesâ (based on data from theâ manufacturer). The accompanying calculator display shows results from a test of the claim that less than 11â% of treated subjects experienced headaches. Use the normal distribution as an approximation to the binomial distribution and assume a 0.01 significance level to complete partsâ (a) throughâ (e) below. â
a. Is the testâ two-tailed, left-tailed, orâ right-tailed?
b. What is the best statistics?
c. What is the P-value?
d. What is the nut hypothesis and what do you conclude who det hypothesis?
Identify the null hypothesis.
A. H0: pâ 0.11.
B. H0: p=0.11.
C. H0: p<0.11.
D. H0: p>0.11.
Decide whether to reject the null hypothesis.
A. Reject the null hypothesis because theâ P-value is greater than α.
B. Fail to reject the null hypothesis because theâ P-value is less than or equal to α.
C. Reject the null hypothesis because theâ P-value is less than or equal to α.
D. Fail to reject the null hypothesis because theâ P-value is greater than α
e. What is the finalâ conclusion?
A. There is not sufficient evidence to warrant rejection of the claim that less than 11â% of treated subjects experienced headaches.
B. There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim that less than 11â% of treated subjects experienced headaches.
C. There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that less than 11â% of treated subjects experienced headaches.
D. There is sufficient evidence to warrant rejection of the claim that less than 11â% of treated subjects experienced headaches.


Solution :

a). The test is a left tailed test.

b). The sample proportion is :

[tex]$\hat p = \frac{x}{n}$[/tex]

[tex]$\hat p = \frac{17}{258}$[/tex]

  = 0.065

Determining the Z statistics using the formula :

[tex]$Z=\frac{\hat p - p}{\sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}}}$[/tex]

[tex]$Z=\frac{0.065 - 0.11}{\sqrt{\frac{0.11(1-0.11)}{258}}}$[/tex]

   = -2.31

∴ Z statistics value is -2.31

c). Using the excel function, the P-value is :

P-value = Normsdist(-2.31)

             = 0.0104441

d). The null hypothesis is [tex]$H_0: P = 0.11$[/tex]

    The level of significance is 0.01

    We fail to reject the null hypothesis as the P value is less than or equal to the significant level.

Which equation shows a slope of 3 and a y-intercept of (0,7)?
y = 7x + 3
y = −7x + 3
y = 3x
y = 3x + 7



[tex]{ \tt{y = 3x + 7}}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

General equation of a line:

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bf{y = mx + c}}}[/tex]

m is the slope, and c is the y-intercept:

m = 3, and c = 7

Identify the triangle, ABC, which has a 72∘ angle and a 36∘ angle.



isosceles acute

Step-by-step explanation:

sum of angles in a triangle = 180

to find third angle, subtract 72 & 36 from 180 and you get 72

72, 36, and 72 are all less than 90 so it will be an acute triangle

It will also be isosceles bc there are 2 angles of the same measure

If the average(arithmetic mean) of g and 100 is 75,what is the value of g + 100?


The value of g + 100 is 150.

Given that,

The average of g and 100 is 75.

And we have to determine the value of g + 100.

So that means

The arithmetic mean of g and 100 is 75.

So, mathematically it should be

[tex]\frac{g + 100}{2} = 75\\\\[/tex]

So, g + 100 = 150

Therefore we can conclude that the value of g + 100 is 150

Learn more about the mean here:

I need help completing this problem ASAP



D. [tex]3x\sqrt{2x}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The problem gives on the following equation:


Alongside the information that ([tex]x\geq0[/tex]).

One must bear in mind that the operation ([tex]\sqrt[/tex]) indicates that one has to find the number that when multiplied by itself will yield the number underneath the radical. The easiest way to find such a number is to factor the term underneath the radical. Rewrite the terms under the radical as the product of prime numbers,


Now remove the duplicate factors from underneath the radical,





Hello Pls help and thanks



c.) in the correct answer

factorise m^2 - 12 m + 24




Step-by-step explanation:

m^2 - 12m +36 -12

= (m-6)^2 - 12

= (m-6+2root3)(m-6-2root3)[root 12 = 2root3]

Wyatt is making a salad using tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots. This table gives the cost, per kilogram, of each ingredient, and the amount, in kilograms, that Wyatt uses:
Ingredient Price per kilogram Amount
Tomatoes 3.30dollars per kilogram 0.3
Cucumbers x dollars per kilogram y kilograms
Carrots z dollars per kilogram 0.20
The total amount Wyatt spends on ingredients is C dollars.
Write an equation that relates x, y, z, and C.


According to the given information, we build the equation for the cost. After we build the equation, the equation that relates these measures is:

[tex]C = 0.99 + xy + 0.2z[/tex]


0.3 kilograms of tomatoes, at 3.30 dollars per kilogram.

Thus, the cost starts at:

[tex]C = 0.3*3.3 = 0.99[/tex]

y kilograms of cucumbers, at x dollars per kilogram.

Considering this, the cost will now be of:

[tex]C = 0.99 + xy[/tex]

0.2 kilograms of carrots, at z dollars per kilogram:

Now, we have to consider this for the cost, so:

[tex]C = 0.99 + xy + 0.2z[/tex]

A similar example is given at

Consider a credit card with a balance of $7000 and an APR of 16.5 %. If you want to make monthly payments in order to pay off the balance in 1 year, what is the total amount you will pay? Round your answer to the nearest cent, if necessary.​


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The amortization formula tells the payment amount.

  A = P(r/n)/(1 -(1 +r/n)^(-nt))

where principal P is paid off in t years with n payments per year at interest rat r.

Using the given values, we find ...

  A = $7000(0.165/12)/(1 -(1 +0.165/12)^-12) = $7000×0.01375/(1 -1.01375^-12)

  A = $636.77

The total of 12 such payments is ...

  $636.77 × 12 = $7641.24

You will pay a total of about $7641.24.


Additional comment

Since the payment amount is rounded down, the actual payoff will be slightly more. Usually, the lender will round interest and principal to the nearest cent on each monthly statement. The final payment will likely be a few cents more than the monthly payment shown here.

find all points (x,y) that are 13 units away from the point (2,7) and that lie on the line x-2y=10



(14,2) and (-6/5,-28/5)

Step-by-step explanation:

The distance, d, from two points (x,y) and another point (a,b) can be calculated using


Our point (a,b) is (2,7) and d=13.

Making substitutions:


We are also given the relation between x and y is given as x-2y=10.

Adding 2y to both sides gives: x=10+2y

Make this insertion into our equation:


Simplify inside:


Square both sides:


Expand binomial squares:


Combine like terms:


Subtract 169 on both sides:


We could try to factor


So y=2 or y=-28/5

Recall x=10+2y

So if y=2, then x=10+2(2)=10+4=14.

So if y=-28/5, then x=10+2(-28/5)=10+(-56/5)

=50/5 +-56/5


So two points satisfying given criteria is

(14,2) and (-6/5,-28/5).

The product of two rational numbers is 47/42 and one of them is -11/21, find the other number​



another number is -47/22


let one number be x and the other be y

-11/21 × y = 47/42

y = -47/22


- [tex]\frac{47}{22}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

let n be the other number , then

- [tex]\frac{11}{21}[/tex] × n = [tex]\frac{47}{42}[/tex] ( divide both sides by - [tex]\frac{11}{21}[/tex] )

n = [tex]\frac{\frac{47}{42} }{-\frac{11}{21} }[/tex]

   = [tex]\frac{47}{42}[/tex] × - [tex]\frac{21}{11}[/tex] ( cancel 21 and 42 )

   = [tex]\frac{47}{2}[/tex] × - [tex]\frac{1}{11}[/tex]

   = - [tex]\frac{47}{22}[/tex]

Angelica’s bouquet of a dozen roses contains 5 white roses. The rest of the roses are pink what fraction of the bouquet is pink? There are 12 roses in a dozen.

A. 5/12
B. 7/12
C. 5/7
D. 7/5




Step-by-step explanation:

There are 12 roses - 5 white = 7 pink

7 pink / 12 total

*20 points*
how do you get the weighted average from this table?



it is



Step-by-step explanation:

Why wouldn't you use division to find an equivalent fraction for 7/15



This depends whether you want to make the fraction bigger or smaller.

Step-by-step explanation:

If you want to the the fraction into something smaller than it already is, you would use division because when you divide something, you get a smaller number.

However, if you want to make the fraction bigger, then you would multiply.

Hope this helps! :)


Because 7 is a prime number which means it can only divide by itself and one so you cannot divide seven but you can divide 15.

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of a circle whose circumference is 100ft




Step-by-step explanation:


Area of circle=C^2/4pie


△DOG ~△?
Complete the similarity statement and select the theorem that justifies your answer.
**If they are not similar, select "none" for both parts


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The reduced side ratios, shortest to longest are ...

  AC : AT : CT = 8 : 9 : 15

  OD : OG : DG = 5 : 6 : 10

These are different ratios, so the triangles are not similar.

In the following problem, the ratios are directly proportional. Find the missing variable.
If y1 = 4, x2 = 6, and y2 = 8, what is the value of x1?



x1 = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

first set up the proportion (write as fractions):

(y1/x1) = (y2/x2)

then fill in the variables:

4/x1 = 8/6

now cross multiply:

8 • x1 = 6 • 4

simple algebra:

8 • x1 = 24

x1 = 24/8

x1 = 3

If y1 = 4, x2 = 6, and y2 = 8, then the value of x1 is 3 which we can solve using ratios.

In a directly proportional relationship, the ratios between the corresponding values of two variables remain constant. This constant ratio is often referred to as the "proportionality constant."

In this problem, you have two pairs of values: (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). We're given that the ratios are directly proportional, which means:

x1 / y1 = x2 / y2

Plugging in the given values:

x1 / 4 = 6 / 8

Now, cross-multiply to solve for x1:

x1 * 8 = 4 * 6

x1 = 24 / 8

x1 = 3

Therefore, the value of x1 is 3.

Learn more about ratios here:


Mr. Cole packed 20 pounds into a suitcase, and Mrs. Cole packed 23 pounds into the same suitcase. They then had to remove 8 pounds because it was too heavy. How many pounds was their suitcase after making it lighter?



35 lbs is the final weight

Step-by-step explanation:

20 +23 = 43 lbs

Then they had to remove 8 lbs

43 - 8 =35

35 lbs is the final weight

How many minutes will the bus take to complete the trip If a bus completes half a trip at 40 km per hour and the other half at 50 20. if the whole trip was 60 k.m. ?​



The bus will take 81 minutes to complete the trip.

Step-by-step explanation:

To determine how many minutes will the bus take to complete the trip if a bus completes half a trip at 40 km per hour and the other half at 50 km per hour, and the whole trip was 60 km, the following calculation must be performed:

60/2 = 30

30/40 = 3/4 of an hour = 45 minutes

30/50 = 3/5 of an hour = 36 minutes

45 + 36 = 81

Therefore, the bus will take 81 minutes to complete the trip.

Help me plz 20 points to who ever gets it right


Step-by-step explanation:

2., 3., 4., 5.

yes, you had the right idea to calculate the half distances between the coordinates. just create the absolute values of the full distance before cutting it in half.

you need to remember : we have to go this half distance from one point to the other (meaning adding our subtracting the half distance to/from the starting point).


(-4, 6) to (10, -10)

in x the distance is 10 - -4 = 14. half is 7.

in y the distance is |-10 - 6| = |-16| = 16. half is 8.

so the midpoint is

(-4 + 7, 6 - 8) = (3, -2)

remember, to go the half distance in the direction towards the second point (so we have to choose properly, when to use "+" and "-" depending on the change of the coordinate : from -4 to 10 we have to add, from 6 to -10 we have to subtract, of course).


(-3, -8) to (-6.5, -4.5)

in x distance : -3 - -6.5 = 3.5. half is 1.75

in y distance : -8 - -4.5 = |-3.5| = 3.5. half is 1.75

midpoint is

(-3 - 1.75, -8 + 1.75) = (-4.75, -6.25)


(3, 7) to (-8, -10)

x : 3 - -8 = 11. half is 5.5

y : 7 - -10 = 17. half is 8.5

midpoint is

(3 - 5.5, 7 - 8.5) = (-2.5, -1.5)


(-6, -13) to (-6.4, -3.8)

x : -6 - -6.4 = 0.4. half is 0.2

y : -13 - -3.8 = |-9.2| = 9.2. half is 4.6

midpoint is

(-6 - 0.2, -13 + 4.6) = (-6.2, -8.4)


(-1, 7) to (5, 1)

x : -1 - 5 = |-6| = 6. 1/3 is 2.

y : 7 - 1 = 6. 1/3 is 2.

1/3 from C to D

(-1 + 2, 7 - 2) = (1, 5)


2/3 of the way from D to C is the same point as in 6. (1/3 from C to D).


(1, 5)


2/3 of the way from C to D.

so, we need to double what we added in 6.

(-1 + 4, 7 - 4) = (3, 3)


1/3 of the way from D to C is the same point as in 8. (2/3 of the way from C to D).


(3, 3)


exactly. Pythagoras.

the square root of the sum of the squares of the coordinate differences.

distance = sqrt((x1 - x2)² + (y1 - y2)²)


(6, 8) to (-1, 8)

distance = sqrt((6 - -1)² + (8 - 8)²) = sqrt(49) = 7


(5, -6) to (5, 6)

sqrt((5-5)² + (-6-6)²) = sqrt(144) = 12


(-2, 0) to (11, 0)

sqrt((-2 - 11)² + (0-0)²) = sqrt(169) = 13


(1, -5) to (9, 1)

sqrt((1-9)² + (-5 - 1)²) = sqrt(64 + 36) = sqrt(100) = 10


ST and MT are basically the same equation.

MT is half of ST.

ST equation based on 2 points :

y – yS={(yT – yS)/(xT – xS)}(x – xS)

M = (xS + (xT - xS)/2, yS +(yT - yS)/2)

so, let's put that into the general equation :

y - yM={(yT - yM)/(xT - xM)}(x - xM)

y - (yS +(yT - yS)/2) = {(yT - (yS +(yT - yS)/2))/(xT - (xS + (xT - xS)/2))}(x - (xS + (xT - xS)/2))


the two corners farthest away are (5, 10) and (9, 6).

what distance from (0, 0) is now bigger ?

since it is (0, 0), we can skip the 0s and just sum up the squares of the coordinates.

5² + 10² = 125

9² + 6² = 117

so, the corner (5, 10) is the farthest away.

the ratio of sadia's age to her father's age is 3:6. The sum of their age is 96 .What is sadia's age​


We have,


Introduce variable [tex]x[/tex] such that [tex]a=3x,b=6x[/tex]

The sum [tex]a+b=96[/tex] is therefore [tex]9x=96\implies x=10.\overline{6}[/tex]


[tex]a=3\cdot10.\overline{6}=\boxed{32}[/tex] (sadia's age)

[tex]b=6\cdot10.\overline{6}=\boxed{64}[/tex] (father's age)

Hope this helps :)

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