empat kepentingan dasar perluasan kuasa kepada kerajaan pada zaman dahulu​


Answer 1


sorry, didn't get your language

Related Questions

Which statement accurately contrasts the Ottoman and Safavid empire in the 16 century


Answer: Ottoman rulers believed that Muhammad's successor was his close friend Abu Bakr, whereas Safavid rulers believed believed that Muhammad's successor was his son-in-law, Ali.

Explanation: Ap3x

The British plans for the Middle East after World War One?



maintaining stability in Iran and the Persians gulf, and guaranteeing the integrity of the ottoman empire.

Which of the following presidents invoked the Monroe Doctrine to justify intervention in South America?

Theodore Roosevelt

All these answers

John F. Kennedy

Ronald Reagan



All of these.


Many presidents, including these three, have used the Monroe Doctrine to justify intervention.

Hope this helped.

personajes principales del mensajero de agarta


Construcción de los personajes :
Felipe Isaza.
La abuela.
El señor zombie.
Edward James.

Nomads were people who _______. Question 1 options: settled in one spot and cultivated crops, such as wheat developed a system of writing built five-storied structures made of mud-brick with thatch roofs followed herds of animals for food and clothing



none of the options are correct. nomads moved frequently and didnt build lasting structures

In United States v. Nixon ,the Supreme Court ruled that



the executive branch should not have more power than other branches of government


What would you do with the hour available?



sometime watch tv

read story book

read poem book


Dentro de los distintos motivos que se pueden considerar como causas de la muerte masiva de la población indígena del “Nuevo Mundo”, según denominación europea, se puede afirmar que el principal de todos es:
1-La población del “Nuevo Mundo” se redujo drásticamente por motivos del genocidio y los malos tratos, ya que se calcula que el 95 por ciento de los pobladores indígenas de América perecieron en los primeros cien años de la llegada de Cristóbal Colón, reduciéndose de unos cien millones a sólo tres, por obra de las matanzas, primero, y, luego, de los malos tratos, como las inhumanas condiciones de trabajo impuestas por los nuevos amos
2-Según la “Leyenda Negra”, difundida en primer lugar por los ingleses y los franceses celosos del poderío español, pero iniciada por la indignación cristiana de un sacerdote dominico que tenía por nombre Bartolomé de Las Casas, el cual llevó a cabo todo un plan de exterminio contra la población “indígena” con su política llamada “Leyenda Negra”.
3-Debido a mortíferas epidemias de enfermedades nuevas y desconocidas, venidas del Viejo Mundo –Europa-, entre el choque de pueblos que llevaban separados trescientos siglos (desde la Edad de Piedra), como la viruela y la sífilis, el sarampión, el tifo, o ante el simple catarro traído de ultramar.



creo que es el #3


en chile. una característica de la situación política una vez terminado el gobierno de O’Higgins en 1823?


What’s Chile????? I’ll help you tho

What two dynasties were able to unite india


Maurya and Gupta dynasties were able to unite India.



Maurya and Gupta dynasties were able to unite India.


Doing math wrong

Note: This riddle must be done IN YOUR HEAD ONLY and NOT using paper and a pen.
Take 1000 and add 40 to it.
Now add another 1000.
Now add 30.
Another 1000.
Now add 20.
Now add another 1000.
Now add 10.
What is the total?





add each of it ...............

why did exodusters migrate west?​



Because of a belief that they would be easy to attract with offers of free or low-cost land.


which constitutional amendment directly resulted fr the civil war
A 1st
B 10th
C 13
D 17
E 21​





The answer is the13th amendment


13th amendment constitutional amendment resulted in the civil war,

importance of causes of exploration in 15th and 16th century Europe



There are three main reasons for European Exploration. Them being for the sake of their economy, religion and glory. They wanted to improve their economy for instance by acquiring more spices, gold, and better and faster trading routes. Also, they really believed in the need to spread their religion, Christianity.


Hope it helps you

Which language did Aryans speak when they migrated to India?
A. Indian
B. Egyptian
C. Indo-European
D. Chinese


The holy language of the Aryans who invaded the Indian subcontinent was Sanskrit. Many of the modern languages of northern India, such as Hindi
The most prominent of these groups spoke Indo-European!

When was Jhon f Kennedy born


he was born may 29, 1917.


He was born on May 29, 1917 :)


What do you think has been the most important invention in history and why



printing prees


to allow literacy to greatly expand

What are some hooks for a persuasive essay on Outsourcing?
How do i make a hook?!? PLEASE ITS DUE IN 10 MIN!! I NEED HELP!!!



I hope it helps you in your class because i am a kid

Ziggurats served what purpose in Sumerian city-states?
O tombs
O palaces
O temples
O schools



Its purpose is to get the temple closer to the heavens, and provide access from the ground to it via steps. The Mesopotamians believed that these pyramid temples connected heaven and earth. In fact, the ziggurat at Babylon was known as Etemenanki, which means "House of the foundation of heaven and earth" in Sumerian.

Which countries formed an alliance that would lead to World War I?
O Austria-Hungary and France
O Britain and Germany
0 Russia and France
O Russia and Austria-Hungary



Russia And France


what is a freemason?



the attach the file is the answer


Why were women in Wyoming first to achieve suffrage?



they recognized the role played by women in border settlements, others only to strengthen the conservative voting force, and another part was that people hoped more women would come to settle there since they got voting rights

After the end of the Seven Years' War, the colonists grew much closer to the British, in appreciation for British sacrifices in the war. the British lost complete control of their North American colonies. the British were forced to hand all of North America over to the French. the colonists grew increasingly frustrated with British control and taxes. the French proved to be much better for the colonies after the British left.


The correct answer is "the colonists grew increasingly frustrated with British control and taxes."

After the end of the Seven Years' War, the colonists grew increasingly frustrated with British control and taxes.

The Seven Year's War shifted the balance of power in favor of the English.

What started as another armed conflict between France and England over the control of territories in North America, ended up being an international conflict that involved other European nations such as Prussia, Portugal, and Spain. The French and Indian War started in 1754 and transformed into the Seven Years War that ended in 1763 with the victory of England.

After the war, Great Britain was in deep debt and needed money desperately. So the British monarchy decided to impose heavier taxation on the American colonies, and of course, this infuriated the colonists.

Ông vua đầu tiên của nước pháp là ai ?


Answer:Charles II

ExplanationNăm 843, sau hiệp ước Verdun, Charles II trở thành quân vương đầu tiên cai trị nước Pháp độc lập. Theo cách nhìn hiện đại, Charles II được coi là vị vua đầu tiên của nước Pháp.:

Charles II is the answer

What did NOW create that identified their goals to
Xa Constitution for women
a Declaration of Independence for women
a Bill of Rights for women




Declaration of Independence for women i believe> what is the exact question im a bit confused


The role of a joint congressional conference committee is to —
A. review of decisions made by the United States Supreme Court

B. provide oversight of the executive branch

C. decide which bills can not be amended by the full House

D. resolve differences in bills passed by the House and the Senate



D. resolves differences in bills passed by the House and the Senate

in this sermon John Winthrop writes both the consequences and benefits of following, or not following,"The lord our God" how does he see this as affecting the colony?



City Upon a Hill Speech -John Winthrop

City Upon a Hill Name given to the Puritan society that was to be created in the New World. The leader of the Puritan migration, John Winthrop planned to create a society based on Puritanism that would have no class distinction and would stress the importance of community and church. The society was to be an example to all the world of what could be achieved. It was anticipated that once the world saw this great city it would follow it example.

In the sermon in city upon a hill speech- John winthrop writes of both the consequences and benefits of following, or not following " The lord our God" How does he see this as affecting the colony?

John Winthdrop sees that the colony by Following God they will be united and strong. This is a solution to find peace and harmony when problems arise. If the colony moves away from God, havoc will happen and invaders can destroy them


Which of the following ideas was the
result of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
expanding on the social contract theory
from Locke's ideas?

A. allowing the king to rule by divine right

B. letting the people decide on their own sovereignty

C. allowing the monarchy to decide on the welfare of the people



Answer A



Letting the people decide on their own sovereignty



Which option completes the chart?
of state
A. Comptroller
an 3
B. Superintendent of schools
C. Lieutenant governor
D. Attorney general
> You





role of scientists in independence of India​



what question i don't know...thats words please understand to me...

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