He ___(write) three books and he is working on another one. (Put the verb from the bracket incorrect tense to make a meaningful sentence)​


Answer 1



the answer is written


He __written _(write) three books and he is working on another one. (Put the verb from the bracket incorrect tense to make a meaningful sentence)

hope it helps

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How tall is Robert?

He is tall 177 centimeters.

He talls 177 centimeters.

He is 177 centimeters tall.


the third one (he is 177 centimeters tall)

what is the difference between the opning hours of the booth in the morning and in the evening​



Difference is the way that they look in the evening the Sun goes which means seting and in the morning the sun raises so that's why they are different


I hope it helps choose me the brainest



Answer: practice














hey can u help me in my hw Human activities also cause the earth quake explain and plz don't write the thing not related 2 the question.​



Earthquakes are usually caused when rock or plates underground suddenly breaks along a fault.

This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the ground shake.

When two blocks of rock or two plates are rubbing against each other, they stick a little and start building up pressure in the two plates. When the pressure inside the plates overcome their force of sticking and the plates break causing earthquake .

How To Demonstrate Successful Leadership In The Workplace
By Dionne Mahaffey,
Founder of The Life Purpose Coaching Institute

As with all skills, some of us are more adept at leadership than others. However, if you find yourself lacking in this area, keep in mind that your current struggles may be taking you down the pathway to eventual success. You can leverage the key fundamentals of successful leadership in order to impact your team and become the leader you desire to be.

Successful leaders are effective communicators. In fact, communication will most likely be the major building block of your success in leadership. What makes a communicator effective, exactly? I have found the following guidelines to be helpful:

Always consider all angles before crafting your message. Think about the "who," "what" and "how" of the situation. Keep the following questions in mind: What is the issue at hand? How can it be solved? Who am I asking to take action? What are the possible obstacles? What tools will I need to provide to make the process easier?

Make sure your message is understood. Anyone can deliver a message, but not everyone confirms that the message is understood. Don’t hesitate to repeat yourself to make a point. Always ask your team members if they have any questions or comments. Wait five-to-10 seconds before moving on in order to give your team time to process the information and formulate responses.

Manage and prevent conflicts with consideration and purpose. Handle conflict between employees immediately. Otherwise, you risk the creation of a toxic environment where employees fail to see you as a capable leader. Stay a step ahead and strive to prevent conflict by observing your employees and learning their emotional triggers. For example, consider your employees’ working styles: some are very methodical, plugging along to the end. Others procrastinate and then rush to accomplish everything at the last minute. A way to avoid conflict is to pair employees with similar working styles.

Give specific and appropriate praise for individual and team efforts. When you specifically state what you appreciate, your praise should translate as being authentic, not as an empty gesture. For example, “The candid testimonials you gathered gave us valuable insight on the product that we wouldn’t have had otherwise.” This conveys exactly what impressed you, and offers the bonus of reinforcing desired behavior.

Title of Text: How to Demonstrate Successful Leadership in the Workplace
Author: Dionne Mahaffey





good night friend

have a good night

How do the three customers differ in their habits or ways of doing things?





Through investigation, it was discovered that Customer C killed Fannin. The first piece of evidence that proves that Customer C killed Fannin is that his silverware was on the left side of his platter. His coffee cup was ALSO on the left side of his plate. Typically, if the silverware and cups are placed on the left-hand side of the plate, it means that the diner is left-handed. The conclusion can be drawn that C is left-handed. The second piece of evidence that proves that Customer C killed Fannin is that there was a right handprint on the wall. As a rule, if there is a right handprint on the wall, the shooter pulled the trigger with his left hand. Since C is left-handed, it can be drawn that he/she pulled the trigger. The final piece of evidence that points to C as the murderer is that

describe the grasshopper by showing the position of it's parts using preposition​


is there a image i can see too answer this question

find the prefix,roots,and suffix
a) universal
b) experimenting
e) beautiful
f) expectations
g) reminders
h) started
I) invitation
j) terrible
k) confounding​
will get brainlist if it's right













Select the correct texts in the passage,
Which two details best reveal the woman's character?
The Story of an Hour
by Kate Chopin (adapted excerpt)
She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain
was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares, the notes of a distant song which some one was singing reached her faintly,
and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.
She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair, quite motionless, except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her,
as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams.
She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength, but now there was a dull stare in her eyes,
whose gaze was fixed away off yonder. It was not a glance of reflection, but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought.
There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name;
but she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air.
She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her and she was stri
as har tu



"except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her, as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams."

"She said it over and over under her breath: "free, free, free!"


I asked an English Teacher

Mrs. Mallard, a character in Kate Chopin's short story "The Story of an Hour," exhibits a change that all women must go through. In the 1800s, Mrs. Mallard violates the expectations placed on women.

How is Mrs. Mallard presented in the story of an hour?

The primary protagonist of "The Story of an Hour" is Mrs. Louise Mallard. "Young, with a fair, tranquil face, whose lines indicated constraint and even a certain firmness," writes Chopin of Louise. a lady who feels stifled and bound by her marriage.

The women in this tale are shown as the property of a patriarchal society. Mrs. Louise Mallard was imprisoned by her husband's oppressive control despite having a strong preference for freedom. She is a strong woman who decided she didn't want a man to help her achieve all of her goals when her spouse passed away.

Learn more about the story of an hour here:



39. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
A. The issue was upsetting; the destruction of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina.
B. The issue was upsetting: the destruction of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina.
C. The issue was upsetting the destruction of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina.
D. The issue was upsetting, the destruction of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina.



A. The issue was upsetting; the destruction of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina.

Please anyone help me???


1. African 2. love
those are the answers


4. African tradition

5. love songs

When you find information that is not relevant to your main research question or supporting questions, what should you do?

А. do more research on that topic
B. disregard the information
C. include the information in your research notes



B Disregard the information.

We choose to disregard the information as to save time and energy. Since the information we gathered is totally unrelated(we can say that because it's not in the supporting questions also), we can as well as disregard it and proceed.

two/ There are/ beautiful/,/ chairs/ old,/ Italian/ for sale/./



there are two old beautiful Italian chairs for sale


Suppose you are in a shopping complex. You want to buy a T-shirt. You are bargaining with the sales woman for the price. Compose a conversation between you and the sales woman.​


In this example SW means sales women, and M means me

SW: the price is twenty dollars for the shirt.

M: How can it be twenty dollars? It’s from last season!

SW: Unfortunately the price is firm.

M: I’m sure you can take a few bucks off?

SW: I would love to help you but it’s against store policy.

M: Is there a coupon I could use?

SW: not that I know of?

M: Hmmm, if I buy three will you give me thirty percent off?

SW: I guess that seems fair.

M: Yay, thank you.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

underline the subject.
five ducks waddled across the road​





the ducks are the subject

Subject = Five ducks

Predicate = waddled across the road

Hope this answer helps you..!!

What did the show say about the origin of the stone balls?

a. They could have occurred naturally. b. It’s certain that they were man-made. c. It’s possible they were part of a building.



b. It’s certain that they were man-made.

The statement that described what the show said about the origin of the stone ball is this: It's certain that they were man-made.

What is a Show?

A show can be described as a spectacle or display that is typically carried out to impress an individual or an audience. It can be seen as a play or stage drama carried out in front of an audience.

In the passage, the show described a number of things. One of the descriptions it gave regarding the stone balls was that they were man-made.

Learn more about Shows here:


4) Write an email to your friend about the Colombo International Book Fair to be organized next week at the BMICH. Invite him/her to visit that exhibition. Use about 75-100 words.


The Email is written as under

Dear Jane,

Hope you are doing well, I have been viewing the upcoming events and have come to know about an event in which I am interested and I hope you will be interested in this event too.

The Colombo International Book Fair is to be organised next week at the BMICH. The Book Fair is a complete day event, starting from morning till night so everyone can visit with their ease. I will be there at 9:00 A.M so that I can get the most out of the Book Fair exhibition.

I hope you will also come there.


Find more at https://brainly.com/question/24369226

To remember details when reading you should ______ .
1. scan
2. outline
3. skim
4. read slowly


It should be outline

To remember details when reading you should read slowly. is the correct answer

mention the factora that determine the choice of medium of communication seven point​



Nature of Message




Scale of Organisation

Supporting Technology




Explain how the theme river is personified.
[westminster bridge poem] ​



The name of the river mentioned in the poem “Upon Westminster Bridge” is river Thames which flows through the city of London. The poet William Wordsworth personifies the river Thames and refers to it as 'his'. ... The natural flow of the river remains unhindered. Thus, it flows freely and at its own 'sweet will'.

What is the best way to describe "sometimes" in the following sentence? "She sometimes returns her books late."
A. A when adverb modifying a verb
B. A how often adverb modifying a verb
C. A how often adverb modifying an adverb
D. A when adverb modifying an adverb



B)  how often adverb modifying a verb


In the sentence, "She sometimes returns her books late." the adverb "sometimes" describes how often the "verb" happens so it is rightful to say that the adverb talks about the frequency of the action. On the other hand, the other choices provided are inappropriate to describe the scenario and the construction of the sentence.

The purpose of an essay's introduction is to
summarize and restate the thesis
hook readers and state a thesis
explain and develop ideas
provide examples and details




B)  hook readers and state a thesis


When writing an introduction, the goal is to summarize and repeat the thesis; hook readers' attention and establish a thesis; clarify and expand concepts by including illustrations and supporting information.

Read the following passage. Write the correct article in each blank space. If no article is needed, leave the space blank. The first one has been done for you.
Articles - a, an, the
John lives in ..an.. apartment with his mom, dad and sister Katy. (1)……… apartment has three bedrooms,(2)……... kitchen,(3)…….... bathroom and (4)……………… living room. John’s mom works in (5).....…..office and his dad stays at (6)....…… home and looks after (7).....……. apartment. He spends much of his time in (8).....……..kitchen, preparing meals. John and Katy help their dad with (9)....……housework. John likes using (10)…….. vacuum cleaner and Katy likes to sweep (11)..…….. floor. Dad gives John and Katy money when they help him. They usually spend the money on (12)...……. computer games!



John lives in ..an.. apartment with his mom, dad and sister Katy. …The… apartment has three bedrooms, ……a… kitchen, ……a.... bathroom and ……a…… living room. John’s mom works in ....an.…..office and his dad stays at ....…… home and looks after .....the……. apartment. He spends much of his time in ....the.……..kitchen, preparing meals. John and Katy help their dad with ....……housework. John likes using …the….. vacuum cleaner and Katy likes to sweep ..…the….. floor. Dad gives John and Katy money when they help him. They usually spend the money on ...……. computer games!



Complete the blanks with a/an/the

The blanks have been completed (see answer section).

The key things to note are:

(1) The "the" article is used for when the subject is specific and definite.

e.g. the boy/house --->There are many boys/houses but in this case, we are referring to a particular boy/house

(2) The"a/an" article is used when the subject is not specific and indefinite.

e.g. a boy/house ----> This means any boy/house

an orange --> This means any orange

However, a is used when the sound that follows is consonant while an is used for vowel sounds

Unforgiveness vs Forgiveness

What is your reaction when someone does something to hurt you? (0) Did you forgive the person? Or do you pent (9) down all the hurt and anger inside? Unforgiveness is not a good thing to have in our heart. It has been (10) prove that unforgiveness can (11) causes us physical ailments. This may appear as a surprise to many, (12) so it is true. Imagine someone has hurt you and you happen to see the person. If you have not (13) forgive that person, your first reaction will be to get angry. Anger will raise your blood pressure. (14) Got angry frequently will also raise your chances of (15) have heart attack. Psychologically, getting angry will (16) ruining your outlook and destroy your peace of mind. This may lead to anxiety, sleeplessness and a host of other ailments that are interconnected with each other.



If someone do something to hurt me I will forgive the person,but I will never forget that what they have done to hurt me. Anger is not a solution.If someone try to hurt us it easily means that they are jealous of us or something like that.If you don't forgive them,then they start to hurt you more.

So,in my opinion forgive people but don't forget what they have done to you..

Example of anticlimax?




Examples of Anticlimax: 1. Tension builds in a horror movie as a young girl approaches a closed door. There is a scratching sound coming from behind the door.

If any parts manufactured by Brown Machine Inc. should prove defective within one year from the date it is delivered new to the purchaser, the product will be ____________ immediately.

Select one:
A. revised
B. replaced Correct
C. prepared
D. consumed


I see you have already provided the correct answer. I will confirm it and add an explanation.


. . . the product will be replaced immediately. (letter B)


When filling in the blanks, we must pay attention to the context given by the passage or sentence that we are supposed to complete. In this case, our job is made easier by the fact that the options are words that have completely different meanings.

The passage is about a defective product, which means it is imperfect, that it is not functioning properly. When we buy something that does not work properly, the manufacturer of the product must give us another one, that is, they must replace it with one that does work. Therefore, the best option is letter B. replaced.

You cannot be at the railway station when your father arrives there.
Your friend is going to help you to pick him up.
Write an email in about 50-80 words to your friend.
You should say:
- when your father will arrive;
- what he looks like;
- what he will be wearing.


Answer and Explanation:

Dear Tom,

I'm writing to let you know that my father will be arriving tomorrow morning at 10:00am. If you cannot be there right on time, that is no problem. He will be waiting for you by the old statue inside the station.

Dad is tall and thin. He has short gray hair and light brown eyes. He is 62 years old. He told me he will be wearing a white shirt, black pants and shoes, and a brown jacket. He always wears glasses as well. I believe he will be carrying a black briefcase.

Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it! I hope I can return this favor soon!

Best regards,

your name

what correction in spelling of the pronoun you would use in place of the highlighted words in the sentence: Email the report to Wendy and Alma's lawyer



Where are the highlighted words?

3. Which story events begin to create a sense of mystery and tension?
For story, “Where is Here”


Answer: Throughtout the whole story not knowing anything about the strangers life created the tension and mystery


Throughout the story the authour only gives hints about the strangers life and never actually tells us which creates the mystery behind the whole story.

The teachers and students roles in the Silent Way method and their roles in the Desuggestopedia method are remarkably different. How different are they?


They are totally different
- They are very different because teacher teaches them like a noob
And Students remarks their own test like me
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