How is the gerund phrase used in this sentence?
We get most of our exercise by swimming in the new pool.
A) direct object
B the object of a preposition
C predicate noun
D appositive phrase


Answer 1

The correct answer is B. The object of a preposition


The object of the preposition is a noun or a pronoun that completes the meaning of the preposition. Some prepositions are: by, above, behind, in, outside, under, among others. On the other hand, a gerund is the non-personal or impersonal form of a verb that ends in "ING", for example, swimming, walking, watching, playing, among others. According to the above, in the sentence presented swimming a gerund and is used as the object of the preposition "by" because it completes the meaning of this preposition. So, the correct answer is B. The object of a preposition

Related Questions

I need help please.





the author's last name and the page number of quoted or paraphrased passage


Fill in the blank questions usually require
One key word
b. A list of vocabulary words
in the answer.
C. Complete sentences
d. None of these
Please select the best answer from the choices provided
U 000 >


Answer: i didn't understand this ell but i believe its c, complete sentences.


questions need a full sentence to be expressed properly

a summary about brexit process


Mark Brainliest please

Answer :


Brexit stands for “Britain Exit”, which refers to the UK’s decision to leave the European Union.
The process involves the renegotiation of things such as residence permits and trade regulations.
The announcement of Brexit caused the depreciation of the pound, a decrease in car manufacturing within the UK, and the relocation of $1 trillion worth of assets from the UK to other European countries by the financial services industry. However, many analysts believe Brexit will ultimately be net positive economically for the UK.

Benefits of Brexit

If the United Kingdom does a hard Brexit, they will achieve more freedom to create their own trade deals and regulations. A hard Brexit is a scenario in which the UK gives up access to the single market and customs union. Regaining sovereignty is seen as a win even by those who opted to stay in the EU.

For example, under EU law, a citizen of another EU nation can decide to move to and live in the UK with no restrictions. This has led to a large increase in immigration into Britain and created difficulties fulfilling housing and service needs. Through a hard Brexit, the UK will exercise full control over its borders.

Drawbacks of Brexit

By being a part of the EU, the United Kingdom benefits from trade deals between the EU and other world powers. As an entity, the EU exerts stronger bargaining power as it is the largest economy as a group. Therefore, by leaving, the UK would lose negotiating power and free trade with other European countries. As the UK tries to recreate trade deals with other countries, they may get less favorable results.

The uncertainty of Brexit also causes volatility and affects businesses operating within the UK. In the case of a hard Brexit, goods and services will be subject to tariffs, increasing the cost of raw material into Britain and finished products out.

Brexit’s Impact on Britain

On the day of the referendum result, the pound dropped to a 31-year low. This reflected the uncertainty investors felt for the UK’s future after Brexit. As investors adapted to the news, the pound strengthened over the next year. However, once the Brexit transition plans were released and rejected multiple times, the pound weakened again. While a lower value currency increases exports, the volatility of the pound shows a lack of investor confidence. It also makes it unattractive to buy UK fixed-income assets, and foreign direct investment (FDI) will likely slow.

Uncertainty in terms of tariffs caused the UK car industry to slump 46% in 2017 and 80% over three years. While Brexit was not the sole reason for the decrease, it played a major role. British car plants get components from Europe and export a majority of finished cars to Europe as well. If there are vehicle import tariffs, auto manufacturing plants in the UK may become unprofitable.

Brexit may also impact the supply chain. With possible delays at the borders and additional requirements for importing components, companies will need to hold more inventory to avoid delays. Honda already closed its plant in Britain, while Nissan decided to make a new model of car in Japan instead of in Britain. However, both companies stated the decision was not made because of Brexit.

Another industry heavily impacted is the financial services industry. Since there are many regulatory laws in place for banks set by the EU, Brexit would leave the banks in the UK in an uncertain situation. For example, during a hard exit, UK banks may not be able to access the European market. At the beginning of 2019, it was reported that banks and financial companies had already shifted $1 trillion worth of assets from the UK to the EU.

What story elements most clearly suggest Mead is living in a dystopian
society in "The Pedestrian"?
A. There is no government because people govern themselves.
B. He is arrested for simply going for a walk.
C. He cannot get married because there is so little social interaction.
D. There is no work, so people only stay home and watch TV.


Answer: He is arrested for simply going for a walk.


A dystopian society is referred to as a society which imposes an oppressive, harmful, and miserable existence on the members, it's seen as a wrong and unideal society. A dystopia society is the opposite of the utopia society which is an ideal society.

Therefore, the story elements most clearly suggest Mead is living in a dystopian society in "The Pedestrian" is when he is arrested for simply going for a walk.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

How does the author's choice to begin the story with a
description of Thaljiyeh's birth most impact the story?
O by providing a clear picture of the setting
O by explaining why Thaljiyeh is a joyful person
by establishing Thaljiyeh as a sympathetic
O by introducing the origin of Thaljiyeh's name


A. clear picture of the setting

Read the story description and historical context for the short story "Daughter of Invention" and answer the question. Select a detail that supports the idea that General Trujillo was a violent dictator


Answer: May I see the questions??


Select ALL the correct texts in the passage,
Which two lines in this excerpt from the poem "Consumption" by William Cullen Bryant reflect the theme of the poem? (The word consumption
refers to tuberculosis.)


Answer: "Glide softly to thy rest then;"

"And we will trust in God to see thee yet again."


The two lines in this excerpt from the poem that reflect the theme of the poem is : "Glide softly to thy rest then;"

"And we will trust in God to see thee yet again.".

The poem simply describes the path of a tuberculosis patient and she went to heaven. The speaker begins by describing the death by saying words like "set for the grave". Then, the speaker describes the way that she'll depart for heaven.


See image



Writing college-level assignments can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. This week, let’s have a discussion on writing strategies.

Imagine that you have been asked to speak to your classmates and share your most helpful strategy for college-level writing. What would that strategy be?
When you write, what is the difference between writing a paper and writing a discussion post? How does the writing process differ for these two types of assignments? Furthermore, what is the difference between writing an initial discussion post and a response to one of your classmates?


Answer and Explanation:

1. The most useful strategy for me is to create an outline with the main topics I want to present in the official paper. In this outline, I show the order in which topics will be presented and which research sources I will use in each topic. This helps me not to run away from the topic and optimizes writing time.

2. Writing an article requires more preparation and extensive research. In the article, the author must present that he has done in-depth research on the topics discussed. In the article, it is necessary to outline ideas, follow a fixed structure and carry out fixation of research sources. The discussion post, on the other hand, does not require as much preparation and research, but it does require that the content presented in a class be understood and discussed with evidence, which shows that the student understood it efficiently.

3. The discussion post requires more formality than replying to a colleague, as the discussion post is an academic text. Responding to a colleague requires a more informal and less precise language.

To choose the correct of (does/does not):I will not deny that the defendant's action might seem heinous. Nevertheless, such a competent jury cannot deny the dire circumstances of the defendant's upbringing! Orphaned at birth, a loveless foster home, little encouragement in either schooling or vocation: Who among us cannot understand the desperation that such circumstances might inspire? I submit that the defendant's crime would never have happened except for such desperate circumstances. You must acquit.
(DOES/DOES NOT) commit a fallacy; specifically, it (DOES/DOES NOT) commit a straw man fallacy.



It does commit a fallacy; specifically, it does not commit a straw man fallacy.


The text presented in the question above presents a fallacy, but not the fallacy known as straw man, but the fallacy known as appeal to penalty.

A fallacy is an incorrect argument, which presents irrelevant and error-filled reasoning, in an attempt to convince the listener to make an incorrect decision in the case. The text presented above, presents the fallacy known as appeal to penalty, where the speaker tries to justify the wrong actions committed by someone, putting that person as a victim and trying to win the listener's sympathy to free that person from the accusations. The speaker of the text above, uses this fallacy when trying to victimize a criminal and claim that the crimes committed were carried out because of the sad life that the criminal went through and for that reason, he should be acquitted.

Read the excerpt from Fast Food Nation.

The labor practices of the fast food industry have their origins in the assembly line systems adopted by American manufacturers in the early twentieth century. Business historian Alfred D. Chandler has argued that a high rate of “throughput” was the most important aspect of these mass production systems. A factory’s throughput is the speed and volume of its flow—a much more crucial measurement, according to Chandler, than the number of workers it employs or the value of its machinery.

Which of the following choices best describes the evidence used in this excerpt?
An expert’s opinion provides historical background of an important concept.
An expert’s viewpoint presents a counterclaim to the author’s argument.
Statistical and factual evidence prove the author’s claim.
Personal experience creates persuasive, emotional appeal.



An expert's opinion provides historical background of an important concept.


The text presented in the question above, presents us information about the labor practices used in the fast food industry adopted in the beginning of the 20th century. To give veracity and relevance to this information, the text presents the report and opinions of Alfred D. Chancler, a business historian. The presence of an expert like Alfred, makes the text more versatile and specific, since we know that an expert will provide true information about these labor practices. Thus, we can state that the text presents evidence developed by an expert, who provides real historical concepts to confirm that the information contained in the text is true.


The answer is A. An expert's opinion provides historical background of an important concept.


write a letter to your friend about your community​



long time no see, I'm writing this letter to you about my community. It's pretty well put together and we have great fun in our neighborhood, wish would come visit sometime! until next time :)


"write a letter to your friend about your community." Although I was not told I had to be truthful, my community is not actually well put together and fun, more inlikely chaotic.

Dear friend my community has its ups and downs but its nice living here I like the quality of life as well as the appearance of it. However, I don’t like that most people here know each other, because of this, it’s very difficult to have many different friend groups because everyone knows each other. Therefore, If someone were to get into an altercation with a friend, the majority of the community would discover this and side with one of these people, leaving the other excluded.

Which of these is a form of mass media?
A Making a documentary movie
B. Writing an email
C. Showing someone a photograph
D. Sending an instant message


A because that’s what I got on the test

find out about a popular folktale prevalent to ISLAM region.



many persons who spared islam


kulrus osam a Oatman empire


Fatima the spinner is one of them

help me please! Is for noww :-(((


Answer: Read Below


Have you.. heard the news?

I'm really.. happy for you

What.. a nightmare!

I've got some.. interesting news

Hope that helps!


1. Have you heard the news?

2. I'm really happy for you.

3. What a nigtmare!

4. I've got some interesting news.


1. heard the news?

2. happy for you.

3. a nightmare !

4. some interesting news.

Drag each tile to the correct box. Which strategy for organizing your information is described?​





Read the excerpt from Their Eyes Were Watching God.

For instance during the summer when she heard the subtle but compelling rhythms of the Bahaman drummers, she’d walk over and watch the dances. She did not laugh the “Saws” to scorn as she had heard the people doing.

Which phrase from the excerpt is the best example of nonstandard English?
For instance during the summer
subtle but compelling rhythms
laugh the “Saws” to scorn
had heard the people doing


The phrase from the excerpt which is the best example of nonstandard English is laugh the “Saws” to scorn

What is Nonstandard English?

This refers to the use of grammar which is considered to be informal and makes use of slangs and colloquial language.

With this in mind, we can see that from the given excerpt, there is the narration where the speaker makes use of nonstandard English when he talked about laughing the “Saws” to scorn

Read more about Nonstandard English here:




idioms of unforgettable 5 line tell me pls​



1. Larger than life

2. On the map

3. Out of this world

4. Class act

5. Red-letter day

Hope it was helpful:)

why do you think the speakers sassines will upset others still i rise​



Because Angelou´s self-confidence and her feisty approach to life might seem like not good qualities for a black woman in the eyes of those who are racist and/or against the human rights of women and African Americans.  


Maya Angelou´s poem titled "Still I Rise" is an ode to the resilience of those who suffer oppression. Angelou was a civil rights activist whose poetry often referred to blackness and black womanhood, so it´s likely that this poem is a critique of anti-black racism.

When she asks if her sassiness might upset some people, she uses irony to reflect her disdain for what the white man thinks of her. She repeatedly describes herself as behaving like someone with lots of money and power would, and since she´s a black woman, she knows there are people who won´t like that. So her question is actually a provocation: she couldn´t care less about offending that kind of people.

Which word or phrase most clearly describes the genre of a document?

A. Movie review
B. Plot
C. Peer-to-peer
D. Multimodal


D, Multimodal is the one that describes the genre of a document

Which of the following is a possible theme statement for the topic “Edna’s sense of herself”?

A woman can become a successful artist despite society forbidding it.

A woman can take steps toward independence even if society discourages it.

Women always love their husbands and children too much to leave them.

Edna is ready to divorce her husband and marry Robert.

Answer is B
A woman can take steps toward independence even if society discourages it.



2 is correct


to which order it belongs During the whole of a dullI, dark, and soundless day last autumn, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I was passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country, and at length I found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of a deserted house. I don't know how it was- but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of unbearable gloom gripped my spirit. I looked upon the scene before me- the mere house, the simple landscape features of the domain, the moss-grown walls, the vacant eye-like windows, and a few white trunks of decayed trees- with an utter depression of soul. *
what was the order used by the author in this statement
1_ spatial order
2_ chronological order
3_ time order
4_ empathetic order



1_ spatial order


Spatial order is a description of things as they appear when observed. It also describes the location of things in space. For example, they could be located up or down, before or after, behind or in front, etc. Objects are also vividly described so that readers can relate to them. The writer makes use of this order in the passage above. These are seen in expressions such as:

a dulI, dark, and soundless day last autumn

I looked upon the scene before me- the mere house, the simple landscape features of the domain, ...

Descriptions such as the above help the reader to have a better visualization of the scene.

Discuss three ways in which the local government should provide services that promote safe and healthy living



At first glance many local governments may think health is not a local government responsibility, however, local governments have the ability to promote health in their communities through healthy community design, parks and recreation facilities and healthy living programs, health-related policies, and building

active : she bakes injera.


Answer: Depends..

Explanation: Could you provide more context as to what you want answered? You can do this through screenshot, comment, or editing the post. This will help you effectively get the answers you need.

If you are asking for the passive voice of this sentence, it would be ( The injera was baked by her.)

Hope this helps!

In 3–5 complete sentences, thoroughly explain how your protagonist changes from the beginning of the story to the end in your Module One short story? Provide at least two specific details from the text to show how the protagonist changes from the beginning of the story to the end. Hamadi by Naomi Shihab Nye


The story Hamadi is written by Naomi Shihab Nye and details a girl named Susan and Hamadi. The main character changes herself throughout the story.

Who is Susan?

Susan is a high school student from Texas who has a family friend named Saleh Hamadi. At the beginning of the story, her character is shown as a complex girl that changes throughout the story especially after meeting Hamadi.

When she meets him she starts questioning the things around herself and becomes curious about the things around her. As she grows older, she becomes depressed and sorrowful, as seen by the phrase indicating that she may learn from Hamadi.

Later in the novel, she developed into a kind and loving person who didn't complain much, as evidenced by her assistance in the kitchen with her mother. She was becoming wiser, and she wanted to work hard to achieve her goal.

Learn more about "Hamadi" here:


Deciding on a course of action
was difficult for Jane.
If you divide the above
sentence into two parts,
the subject and the predicato,
the predicate is
1 Deciding
2 Deciding on a course
of action
3 was difficult
4 was difficult for Jane
none of these



Deciding on a course of action


The subject names the person or thing that is being talked about or performs an action in a particular sentence.

The predicate on the other hand, gives details about what the subject does or gives information about the subject.

In the sentence Given above ;

Deciding on a course of action was difficult for Jane.

The subject here is Jane.

The information given about the subject is about decision making, Hence, the predicate is : DECIDING ON A COURSE OF ACTION.

Read this excerpt from the persuasive essay "Pets in School: A Supportive Friend for Every Child." Which sentence provides evidence that supports the writer’s claim?
Studies have also shown that interacting with animals can help ease children’s anxiety. This improves their health in the long term. Children who are less anxious learn better and more easily. In a study conducted by University of California, third graders were asked to read to a dog for 10 to 15 minutes once a week for 10 weeks. Even with this limited amount of animal contact, the third graders’ reading fluency improved by 12 percent. What’s more, other studies have found that interacting with a pet can instill a sense of responsibility in children.



"Studies have also shown that interacting with animals can help ease children’s anxiety"


An evidence is an statement within the text that justifies and shows how true the argument presented by the author of the text. In the case of "Pets in School: A Supportive Friend for Every Child." the author reinforces the importance of pets in the classroom. Within this subject the author argues that the presence of these animals is able to help children, make the environment more comfortable and pleasant for them and reduce levels of stress and anxiety. To justify and support this argument, the author shows that there is scientific research, studies that confirm that the presence of pets in the classroom can really reduce anxiety in children and this improves their learning and quality of life.

1. What is the topic sentence?
2. What are the supporting details?



1. A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. Sometimes referred to as a focus sentence, the topic sentence helps organize the paragraph by summarizing the information in the paragraph. In formal writing, the topic sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph (although it doesn't have to be).

2. Supporting details illustrate, interpret and unfold the main idea. They provide examples, reasons and statistics that make the main idea clear and convincing. There are two kinds of supporting details. ... The major details are essential to understand the main idea and the minor details support major details.


pls mark me as the brainiest !!

Comment about the articles-a, an, the as used in relation to nouns.​



a and an are use for singular nouns only

evaluate three responsible actions the media can take to involve citizens In awareness concerning gender based violence​



1. publish an Editorial by a professor of Women's Studies to inform the public

2. Invite victims if gender based violence to share their stories


put capital fulstop n apostrope in the para graph



Very easy


Sarah is a women who lives in Manchester. She is teacher in a primary school. She teaches.......... (blurred not cleared sentence ) She usually wakes up at 6 o'clock and like have to like drink coffee because it gives her headache. She drove her car to work .....( not cleared ). In her free time she likes to do many things on Wednesday she meets her friends and they .... movie and eat popcorn on Friday. She likes to go gym and do aerobics at the weekends. She usually buys a lot of things but She don't likes to spend a lot of money on Sunday evening. She .... and relaxes in front of television

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