How should human resources be developed?​


Answer 1


Human resource development is the process by which an organization adds value to their organization by adding value to their employees. Professional education, career training, growth opportunities, and knowledge of government regulations are all ways in which organizations develop their employees

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Which type of climate do you prefer to live in ? why? give reason . long answer


A moderate climate is the

best, whether if it would be

moderately cold or

moderately hot. As a

person who likes the cold

as my favourite season.

But if we're talking about

extreme situations, I might

go with cold because let's

compare two cities hot

Arizona to cold Montana.

In Montana, there are

around 40 days of below

freezing weather with some

snowing. There are also

four distinct seasons

including warm summers.

So it accommodates both

cold and warm weather.

In Arizona, there are

around 110 days of triple

digit heat. No fall, and it

can still be hot in Octobers.

So, I would prefer a cold

climate region over a hot

climate region.

What is the name of the form your parent or guardian will need to fill out in order to prove your Texas residency



Texas Residency Affidavit


Residency Affidavit can be regarded as legal document that can be used in verification of ones residence as well as the residency of Co dwellers.

An Affidavit can be used in areas such as court, school as well as financial institution as a request for the proof of residency. For someone To fill out the Texas Residency Affidavit, the person

need someone that lives at the same address as him or her. Then the

person will fill out the Affidavit as well as making a provision of proper identification along with two documents which gives verification of the residency. In a case that the person is one of family member, provide proof that shows the family relationship must be provided. It should be noted that the Texas Residency Affidavit is the name of the form your parent or guardian will need to fill out in order to prove your Texas.residency

The ______ is a memory aid in which a person creates images of to-be-remembered information and pairs them with locations along a familiar route or place.



The appropriate answer is "Method of loci".


A memory improvement approach that employs visualizations of recognizable spatial contexts to improve knowledge retrieval, is termed as "Method of loci".Throughout the certain sequence, relevant knowledge could be remembered by following this very similar route mostly on the imaginative excursion. The individual combines objects with points of interest in certain recognizable spots to remind them of events going.

The positive aspects of a person's life, such being satisfied with life in general and having positive emotions, determines one's sense of



well being


what people report as memories is based on what actually happened plus additional factors such as other knowledge, experiences, and expectations. this principel





When recalling or giving a narrative of an event or scene stored in memory, individuals may choose to give a constructive memory recall of the scenrio by choosing to give account of what actually transpired as stored in the person's memory. However, in a bid to exercise completeness or give a detailed account of what transpired, this may lead to use of the individual's general knowledge on other to pad the narrative. This is called constructive memory, this is different from reconstructive memory which is subject or personal or individual interpretation.

When people are asked to recall a list of words they had earlier memorized, they often substitute common synonyms for some of the words on the original list. This best illustrates the effects of



This best illustrates the effects of semantic encoding.


The encoding process is the brain's way of understanding information and converting it into memory for storage and retrieval. The encoding process occurs when information is first processed and categorized. Semantic coding is the process that best solidifies a new concept in a person's understanding because it is understood within a meaningful context. During this stage, a new concept can be understood in a more applicable way that goes beyond learning its sensory aspects, as occurs in visual and acoustic coding.

Research has found that securely attached infants are more likely to be ______ attached relationship partners.





Secure attachment: The term "secure attachment" is distinguished by specific children who tend to show some kind of distress when their parents or caregivers leave a particular place but are capable of composing themselves rapidly when the caregiver or parents returns. A securely attached child reacts familiarly to a stranger as he or she reacts with his or her caregiver.

The secure attachment is associated with specific "abusive situations" as well.

In the question above, the given statement represents "securely attached" relationship partners.

Mention the inter-relationship between person and a society​



The relation between individual and society is very close. Essentially, “society” is the regularities, customs and ground rules of antihuman behavior. ... Man is biologically and psychologically equipped to live in groups, in society. Society has become an essential condition for human life to arise and to continue.

Callie has the following persistent symptoms: hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized speech. In addition to this had several manic episodes. However, the hallucinations and delusions persist after the manic episodes. Her most likely diagnosis is:





Schizophrenia is a critical mental health illness that affects the functionality of a person. This illness is usually causes major mood episode (manic or depressive mood). The diagnosis of this illness is challenging. But some symptoms of this illness include delusions,  disorganized thinking, hallucinations , anosognosia, disorganized speech  , social withdrawal.

These symptoms usually appear before the age of 40.

Avery has been snorting cocaine for over a year. In his attempts to achieve a high that is as euphoric as his first (which he will never be able to do), he now needs increasingly greater amounts of the drug. This demonstrates _______. Group of answer choices


Answer: Tolerance


The more we take a certain substance, the more the body becomes adept at dealing with it which would mean that more quantities would have to be taken each time in order to try to get to the original effect the substance caused.

This is called tolerance. The body is getting better at tolerating the substance. This is the reason alcoholics drink more to be intoxicated than non-alcoholics. It also explains what happened to Avery here.

In Glenn's experiment, a rat must push a lever to get a reward. If the rat is successful, it gets a piece of banana every 2 minutes. Glenn has the rat on a _____ reinforcement schedule.



fixed interval


The fixed interval reinforcement is used in operant conditioning. In suc, there is a schedule of reinforcement where the first response receives rewards only after a particular period of time has passed. in this question the rat only gets a banana as a reward after two minutes if it was able to push this lever.

How is the Chesapeake bay important to the US development


The answer to the question “Why is the Chesapeake Bay so important?” is multi-faceted, but it begins with the fact that the Chesapeake Bay is the largest of more than 100 estuaries in the United States. As such a large estuary, the Bay impacts the health and safety of thousands of species of animals and plants, as well as the 18 million people who live in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
The Chesapeake Bay’s ecosystem impacts the quality of the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. It’s wetlands protect communities from extreme weather such as erosion, flood waters and storm surges. And the trees that sprawl from the Bay shores and forests cool our communities. As an interconnected system, the health of the Bay impacts the health of regions far and wide, including the people in them.
Thousands of species of animals and plants also rely on the Chesapeake Bay for livable habitats. The crabs we feast on. The produce we grow. The birds, turtles, foxes, bears, bugs and hundreds of other critters humans have come to love—not to mention the plants we put in our garden or give to loved ones—all depend on the Bay to live. By protecting the Bay, we are ensuring their survival and thus reaping the benefits they offer.
The Bay is also an important economic resource. Seafood, recreation and tourism generate significant revenue for all Chesapeake watershed states, producing jobs and boosting local economies. The Chesapeake is also home to two of the five major shipping ports in the North Atlantic: Baltimore and Hampton Roads. If we are unable to preserve the Bay, these economic benefits will diminish and we could even see a reduction in the seafood that feeds citizens across the country.
If you don’t live near or on the Bay, you might be wondering how do these issues affect you? The Chesapeake Bay has a vast watershed, which means that the water—and the pollution it carries—drains from parts of Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and all of the District of Columbia and into the Bay. That means that the health of your local waterways, parks and forests are connected to the health of the Bay. The same factors that damage the Bay also disturb your local wildlife, produce challenges for your local farmers and pollute your drinking water, among other issues.
The Chesapeake Bay, due to its sheer size and scope, could be an example for estuaries around the country and around the world. Every action we take on the land affects our local streams and rivers, and ultimately the Bay, so it’s up to the 18 million of us that live in the Bay watershed to take the correct actions: ones that will help, rather than hurt, an already degraded ecosystem.

Which Enlightenment idea is reflected in the excerpt?



c tthe social contract of the governmen


social contract or social compact

(in the theories of Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, and others) an agreement, entered into by individuals, that results in the formation of the state or of organized society, the prime motive being the desire for protection, which entails the surrender of some or all personal liberties

A recent study indicated that the ______ men were married, the ______ their risk was of developing a disease.


A recent study indicated that the “longer” men were married, the “lower” their risk was of developing a disease.

Class- 8

Sub : Political Life

Lesson : 30 Role of the Police and the

1. Fill in the blanks.

(a) Every person has the right to a
______ in a court of law.

(b) The police porce in a state is headed by the _______.

(c) An FIR is a _______ that reaches the police first in point of time.

(d) The _______ should be given a copy of the FIR.

(e) The public prosecutor represents
______ interest.



a. speak

b. government

c. report

d. police


What caused the Crusades?
A. Corruption on the part of Church leaders

B. A desire to revive Biblical and New Testament theology

C. Disputes between Christians and Muslims regarding the Holy

D. Martin Luther challenged the Roman Catholic Church on the
matter of Indulgences.



B is the answer because I did this test earlier




Disputes between the Christians and Muslims

The mode of treatment that focuses on provision of an array of community support services is known as:



Psychosocial rehabilitation


Psychology can be defined as the scientific study of both the consciousness and unconsciousness of the human mind such as feelings, emotions and thoughts, so as to understand how it functions and affect human behaviors in contextual terms.

This ultimately implies that, psychology focuses on studying behaviors and the mind that controls it.

Psychosocial rehabilitation can be defined as a mode of treatment used by psychologists and it's typically focused on providing an array of community support services to the people. Thus, it's a psychological evaluation and treatment process that involves the provision of several community support services such as vaccination, eye treatment, blood pressure check, blood donation, etc.

what is the meaning of multi-party democracy



A multi-party system is a political system in which multiple political parties across the political spectrum run for national elections, and all have the capacity to gain control of government offices, separately or in coalition.


Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. The Proclamation of Neutrality barred French and English warships from American ports. Please select the best answer from the choices provided



True! It barred the English and the French warships.

qualities that are important to ensure good relationships



honesty is a good quality to have in a relationship



write the name of two dry valleys location in gandaki province​



The Manang Valley, which lies close to the Nepal-Tibet border, offers ... The northern parts of Manang Valley are dry, brown and desolate places, very .

Which of the following groups are not protected by the Fourth Amendment's probable cause protections?
•government officials
•high school students
•people previously accused of a crime
•small business owners



Without having much detail in the question or answers, I'd say high school students while on the school property.


for example, they can search a student's locker without probable cause.

The fourth amendment of the constitution does not provide protection to the high school students, while they are in the school premises.

What is the significance of the fourth amendment?

The fourth amendment of the American constitution provides the American citizens' protection against unreasonable causes of search and seizures by the government and other lawful authorities.

High school students, who are under school premises, are liable to show their lockers without any reasonable cause, as they have been omitted from protection against the fourth amendment.

Hence, option D holds as an exception to the fourth amendment.

Learn more about fourth amendment here:


The collection of data can be searched to find all the action of one person creates a(n) ________ that reveals a highly detailed account of your life.



"Digital footprint" is the right answer.


A personalized track of information concerning usage patterns, events, conversations, and digital entertainment exchanges or purchases, is termed as Digital footprints.Such internet surfing behaviors, produced outside our agreement or understanding, are components of our passively digital footprint but we can always probably access our aggressive such footprint, analysis of social networking platforms.

Last week, Tate went into the hospital for a painful medical procedure. Amazingly, he did not seem worried beforehand, and he showed no signs of autonomic nervous system arousal. In addition, Tate seems to lack a conscience for wrongdoing. It is possible that Tate would be diagnosed as having:Last week, Tate went into the hospital for a painful medical procedure. Amazingly, he did not seem worried beforehand, and he showed no signs of autonomic nervous system arousal. In addition, Tate seems to lack a conscience for wrongdoing. It is possible that Tate would be diagnosed as having:



Tate would be diagnosed as having: antisocial personality disorder


Antisocial personality disorder is related to crime, violence and delinquency. Individuals who present it treat others insensitively, without apparent concern, without feeling of guilt, even motivated by opportunities to manipulate others. People with this personality disorder are extremely rigid, they cannot adapt to reality, which weakens their operational capacity. Antisocial people develop a relatively small fear of the threat of physical punishment, although they are motivated to avoid the loss of tangible rewards. In addition, there is a chronic low response of the autonomic nervous system, which is heavily involved in emotional responses.

7. According to a study conducted at the University of North Carolina, one reason that college students feel so much pressure to drink is: A. The experience of living away from home for the first time B. The false impression that underage drinking is common C. The overwhelming pressure to succeed academically


The correct answer is B) The false impression that underage drinking is common.

According to a study conducted at the University of North Carolina, one reason that college students feel so much pressure to drink is "The false impression that underage drinking is common."

According to this study, students tend to think that drinking is a normal activity during their college years. Indeed, most of them believe it is expected of them, as part of their status as college students.

That is why they do not think of the consequences of drinking too much alcohol.

Many times, students feel the pressure to drink at parties just to feel they can belong to a group or fratermity. They want to be accepted and they wrongly think that drinking alcohol is the best way to be accepted by their "friends."

George killed his two children because he believed he heard voices telling him that if he did not kill them, his neighbor would. His defense attorney argued that due to George's insanity at the time of the crime, George should not be held responsible for the crime and should thus be acquitted of the crime. Which of the following best describes the plea that George's defense attorney made?
a. Not Guilty but Mentally Ill
b. The Durham test
c. Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity
d. Guilty But Mentally Insane



The option which best describes the plea that George's defense attorney made is:

C. Not guilty by reason of insanity


What George's attorney is doing is he is admitting that George did kill his children but, while doing that, he was incapacitated or mentally disturbed. That means he cannot be held responsible and seen as guilty, since he did not have the intention of committing a crime. By definition, this plea is consistent with "not guilty by reason of insanity".

How is the human being defined in the Declaration of Human Rights?



Explanation to the following question is as follows;


Human rights are manifested in the form of national and international legal standards that are established via legislation, tradition, and court decisions.

"All people should be treated equally," the Declaration of Human Rights declared, "that they have been endowed by everyone's “ unalienable rights, among those are Life, Personal freedom, and the liberty and The pursuit," repeating John Locke's "lives of people, individual freedom, and ownership."

Approximately _____% of the participants in Milgram's experiment were willing to deliver the maximum shock level to the participant.





What is a factor that influences population growth is female education in an Less-developed countries


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to include a question. Here we just have a sentence, but not a question.

What is your question? What do you want to know?

If this is a true or false question, then the answer is "true."

It is true that a factor that influences population growth is female education in less-developed countries.

In developing countries and poor nations, women can't access education. Most of them stay in the family environment, doing any kind of chores or jobs to earn some money and support the family.

They don't have access to quality education, and they do not learn about family birth-control procedures. They easily get pregnant due to this situation. And at an early age, these women are mothers, single mothers, which makes their lives even more complicated.

Click this link to view O*NET's Skills section for Electrical Engineers. Note that common skills are listed toward the
top and less common skills are listed toward the bottom. According to O*NET, what are some common skills
Electrical Engineers need? Select four options.
✓ active listening
X operation and control
x installation
critical thinking
reading comprehension
complex problem solving​





Answer:A-active listening, D-critical thinking, E-Reading comprehension, F-complex problem solving



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