imagine that you lived in jebel faya in the past what skills do you have to learn in order to meet your basic needs​


Answer 1


Presence of water and vegetation.


jebel faya is a eastern desert located in Arabia, is an arkeological site that includes a limestone hill. The site has a limestone mountain outlined in central region. The presence of freshwater and vegetation cover in the area has helps human subsidence

Related Questions

Which of the following explains one method the Roman Catholic Church used to unify Europe after the Roman empire collapsed


The  statement that explains one method the Roman Catholic Church used to unify Europe after the Roman empire collapsed is B.It brought European Christians together to combat the spread of Islam.

What method did Roman Catholic Church used to unify Europe?

It should be noted that the Catholic Church unified Europe socially through the continuing masses, as well as the holding baptisms and weddings, and caring for the sick.

However the  Catholic Church unified Europe politically  through the process of acting as a unifying "leader" for Christians and it can be considered as a place people could come to for help they needed and the Church would be there, hence considering the case above it brought European Christians together to combat the spread of Islam.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more about Roman Catholic Church at:


missing options:

A. It forced all Eastern Orthodox Christians to respect the pope’s authority.

B.It brought European Christians together to combat the spread of Islam.

C. It established the Code of Justinian as the official European legal system.

D. It required that Latin act as the official spoken language throughout Europe.

It brought European Christians together to combat the spread of Islam

YALL I NEED ANSWERS FAST 1. Who were the Moors?

*O the Almoravid and Almohad rulers of al-Andalus

*Christians who lived under Muslim rule in al-Andalus

*North African Muslims who founded al-Andalus


Answer: North African Muslims


The Moors were a Muslim people of mixed Berber and Arab descent who populated the Maghreb region of northwest Africa during the Middle Ages and the early modern period. Despite originating on the African continent, in the eighth century the Moors conquered the Iberian Peninsula—what we know today as Spain and Portugal.

Summary of the journey to find a way to save the country (time, place)


Biginning of Journey- The narrator boarded a Russian research ship-The 'Akademik Shokalskiy'. It was heading towards the coldest, driest and the windiest continent in the world, Antarctica. His journey began 13.09 degrees north of the Equator in Madras (Chennai). He crossed nine time zones, six checkpoints, three bodies of water and at least three ecospheres. He travelled over 100 hours in car, aeroplane and ship to reach there.
Southern Supercontinent(Gondwana)- Six hundred and fifty million years ago a giant southern supercontinent Gondwana did indeed exist. It centered roughly around present-day Antarctica. Human beings hadn't arrived on the global scene. The climate at that time was much warmer. It supported a huge variety of flora and fauna. When the dinosaurs became totally extinct and the age of mammals began, the landmass was forced to separate into countries as they exist today.
Study of Antarctica-The purpose of the visit was to know more about Antarctica. It is to understand the significance of Cordilleran folds and pre-Cambrian granite shields; ozone and carbon; evolution and extinction. Ninety per cent of the earth's total ice volumes are stored in Antarctica. Icebergs are as big as countries. Days go on and on in 24-hour austral summer light. Human Impact- The most hotly contested debate of our time is whether West Antarctica Ice sheet will melt entirely or no. If we want to study the earth's past, present and future, Antarctica is the place (for us) to go. Antarctica has a simple eco-system and lacks of biodiversity. It is the perfect place to study how little changes in the environment can have big repercussions (results). Scientists warn that a further depletion of the ozone layer will affect the lives of the sea-animals and birds of the region. It will also affect the global carbon cycle.
The burning of fossil fuels has polluted the atmosphere. It has created a blanket of carbon dioxide around the world. It is increasing the global temperature which is visible at Antarctica when we see ice bergs melting away. It shows how minor changes in the atmosphere can cause huge effect. If the global temperature keeps on increasing the human race may be in peril. “Students on ice” is a programme which provides the students an ample opportunity to understand how global temperature can be a big threat to human existence. It inculcates a new understanding in them. Geoff Green thinks that high school students are the future policy makers. They can help in saving the earth from ecological dangers and the effects of global warming.

Effect of Climatic Change- The author gives us an example to show how small changes in the atmosphere can be threatening. The microscopic phytoplanktons are single celled plants. They nourish
the entire Southern Ocean’s food chain. They use the sun’s energy to assimilate carbon and supply oxygen. Any further depletion in the ozone layer may affect this functioning and indirectly affect the lives of all marine animals.
Walk on the Ocean-It was the most thrilling experience of the visit. They climbed down the gangplank and walked on the ocean. They were 52 persons. They were walking on a meter-thick ice-pack. Under the ice pack there was 180 meters of living, breathing, salt water. Seals were enjoying themselves in the sun on ice. The narrator was wondering about the beauty of the place. He wished it would not become a warm place as it used to be millions of years ago.

How did some Islamic groups respond to the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia before September 11, 2001? They joined forces with the Saudi government. They asked for US support to take over Saudi Arabia. They demanded that the US withdraw its forces. They asked for US support to help take over Iraq. Mark this and return


Answer: They demanded that the US withdraw its forces.


Saudi Arabia is home to both Mecca and Medina which are the two holiest places in all of Islam and Islamic groups did not appreciate the fact that the United States, a country they considered unholy and sinful, was so close to such holy sites.

They demanded that the U.S. withdraw their forces and this was one of the reasons cited for Osama Bin Laden planning the 9/11 terror attacks.

Answer:C) They demanded that the US withdraw it forces


Got it right on ed2021

What was the
main idea and
arguments from
Old Major's
speech on
Animalism in animal farm?


Answer: Animals must and will rebel against the tyranny of mankind and take control of their own destiny. That is the only way they will no longer be exploited and reduced to short, miserable lives.

What is a second-generation Japanese American called?




you’re answer is actually Nisei




The first generation is Issei, desu is a japanese copula used to connect subjects with predicates, and ossu is a shortened japanese greeting.

a country may prefer that localized economies play a large role in its economic polisiee becahse localized economies​


what is the question

Which of the following is related to cinematography?
A. Decisions about lighting
B. Decisions about lens focus
C. Decisions about costumes
D. Decisions about the script



Cinematography  is the art of motion picture photography.Cinematographers use a lens to focus reflected light from objects into a real image that is transferred to some image sensor or light-sensitive material inside a movie camera.[1] These exposures are created sequentially and preserved for later processing and viewing as a motion picture. Capturing images with an electronic image sensor produces an electrical charge for each pixel in the image, which is electronically processed and stored in a video file for subsequent processing or display. Images captured with photographic emulsion result in a series of invisible latent images on the film stock, which are chemically "developed" into a visible image. The images on the film stock are projected for viewing the motion picture.

Cinematography finds uses in many fields of science and business as well as for entertainment purposes and mass communication.

Answer: B. Decisions about lens focus

Explanation: None needed..

what's life. I wanna know. Just tell me lol



eeeee life lol



Emptyiness. Well depends. Many myths claimed life is fire, others calimed dools. Depends on you rreligion


3.1.5 Out The Articles of Confederation
Question 2 of 5
Which sentence best completes the diagram
Congress powers under
the Artides of
Passing laws that
apply to all states
Printing and
borrowing money
O A Enforcing laws through national courts
O B. Forcing citizens to join the military
O C. Collecting tales to fund the government
O D. Waging war against foreign countries



D. Waging war against foreign countries


Question 1 of 10
What was an argument made by women in the Progressive movement?
O A. They felt that strikes and marches were too public a show of
B. They had a duty to improve society.
C. They could best create change by focusing on their home lives.
D. They could best create change by supporting men in public life.




They had a duty to improve society.


Women became leaders in a range of social and political movements from 1890 through 1920. This period is known as the Progressive Era. Progressive reformers wanted to end political corruption, improve the lives of individuals, and increase government intervention to protect citizens. Earlier generations discouraged women from participating in public, political movements, society began to embrace female activism in the late nineteenth century. Progressives often argued that women’s politics complemented their traditional roles as wives and mothers, caregivers and keepers of virtue.


I thinkthe ans is B


all the best

buddhism was fist followed by



When Gautama passed away around 483 B.C., his followers began to organize a religious movement. Buddha's teachings became the foundation for what would develop into Buddhism. In the 3rd century B.C., Ashoka the Great, the Mauryan Indian emperor, made Buddhism the state religion of India.


hopes it helps you☺

.The Greeks were responsible for breaking away from the previously held idea that laws came directly from _____________ and contending that they were in fact a __________ institution.
gods, human
human, gods
nature, gods
human, natura


I’m pretty sure it’s A

Economists can use new technology to


Make new improvements to society

Why was the development of the Bessemer process important to Great
Britain's Industrial Revolution?


The Bessemer Process was an innovative way to produce steel.

Increased the quality of steelAllowed for mass productionMore construction of skyscrapers

Subjective measures are numeric or quantifiable while objective measures are based on the perceptions of the family members or therapist ?
True or false


The correct answer is False


The word "subjective" is a concept that refers to the opinion or point of view of a person or group on a specific topic. While the word "objective" is a concept that refers to information or knowledge that does not include the opinion or point of view of its author, but rather focuses on the nature of a specific topic in general and specific. According to the above, the correct answer is false because subjective measures are not numerical or quantifiable but refer to an opinion or point of view and perceptions, while objective measures are not based on someone's perceptions but rather refer to numeric or quantifiable information.

Silvio Berlusconi, prime minister of Italy, owns nearly half of the country’s television stations, its most popular news magazine, its largest advertising agency, and a publishing house. His brother owns a major newspaper. What is the MOST LIKELY consequence of this situation on the Italian media?

a. limitations on freedom of the press
b.a greater variety of programming
c. an increased diversity of viewpoints
D. more reporters investigating government corruption



a. limitations on freedom of the press


As a result of the prime minister of Italy having majority ownership of the press establishments in the country, the MOST LIKELY consequence of this situation on the Italian media is that there will be limitations on freedom of the press.

This is because, as majority owner, Mr Berlusconi can attempt to control what the press says thereby severely limiting the freedom of the press.

If you were alive at the time, do you think you would have advocated to keep the plantation system after the abolishment of slavery? Why or why not?



Yes I would


If I were alive at the time, I think I would have advocated to keep the plantation system after the abolishment of slavery.

This is because, it was an already proven and working system, but instead of using slaves, hired workers would be gotten, instead.

White supremacy is primarily about when someone utilizes a racial slur or attacks you physically. True or false



It is a mindset about people who are white being a superior race. It is primarily a mindset about the superiority of the white race.

Hope this helps. Please consider making me the Brainliest, it’s not necessary but it is appreciated as I put time and research into each answer. Have a great day, stay safe and stay healthy.

2 problems faced by indians during the indian mutiny



1)The immediate result of the mutiny was a general housecleaning of the Indian administration.

2)The East India Company was abolished in favour of the direct rule of India by the British government.

enlightenment and the great awakening


the Enlightenment promoted the power of reason and scientific observation. Both movements had lasting impacts on the colonies. ... He embodied Enlightenment ideals in the British Atlantic with his scientific experiments and philanthropic endeavors.

Name three Sumerian inventions.


1.) sailboat
2.) wheel
3.) chariot




cuneiform script




1. What motivated the United States to build the Panama Canal?
please answer in 4-5 sentences




The United States was motivated to build the Panama Canal to shorten ship routes. The only way to get from California to, let’s say, Brazil, was to go all around South America and waste so much time getting there. So as a result, The United States decided to build a canal for boats and ships to pass through in Central America to shorten the journey, and therefore getting goods faster and easier.

Hope this helps (:

Following the failure of a French construction team in the 1880s, the United States commenced building a canal across a 50-mile stretch of the Panama isthmus in 1904. The project was helped by the elimination of disease-carrying mosquitoes, while chief engineer John Stevens devised innovative techniques and spurred the crucial redesign from a sea-level to a lock canal. His successor, Lt. Col. George Washington Goethals, stepped up excavation efforts of a stubborn mountain range and oversaw the building of the dams and locks. Opened in 1914, oversight of the world-famous Panama Canal was transferred from the U.S. to Panama in 1999.

Italian-American American women, because of their poverty, frequently worked outside of their homes as domestics in order to support their Italian husbands.

O True

O False​





The vast majority of Italians who came to the United States were very poor peasants or workers from Southern Italy (the poorest part of Italy), who had to live in harsh conditions, work for long hours, and support each other in order to survive during their first years in the United States.

Italian American women did not only work as domestic servants to help support their families, but also as laborers in factories, because most Italians emigrated to the industrial Northeast, and also in shops, restaurants, bars, and even agriculture.

The exercise of power as it relates to race in result a) prejudice b) discrimination c) racism d) violence





Belief that there are distinct human races with inherent differences which determine their abilities, and generally that some are superior and others inferior.

Standing your ground is primarily about protecting an individual from criminals charges. True or false


The answer to your statement would be “true”
The answer is true mate

What were some of the causes that led to the The British North America Act of 1867?



The answer is below


There are various causes or reasons that led to the British North America Act of 1867, some of which are

1. The provinces proposed to become one dominion with a single Constitution similar principle compared to that of the United Kingdom.

2. To ensure that Canada would be a mostly independent nation.

3. Britain no longer wanted to play to defend Canada's interest.

The British North America Act of 1867 unite the four provinces that formed the independent nation of Canada today, including New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, and Ontario, and gave them self-government.

!!!!!!!!!!35 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The cheapest way to live in Polotzk was to pay as you went along. Even a little girl understood that. In your father’s parlor hung a large colored portrait of Alexander III. The czar was a cruel tyrant—oh, it was whispered when doors were locked and shutters tightly barred, at night—he was a Titus, a Haman, a sworn foe of all Jews—and yet his portrait was seen in a place of honor in your father’s house. You knew why. It looked well when police or government officers came on business.

The czar was always sending us commands,—you shall not do this and you shall not do that,—till there was very little left that we might do, except pay tribute and die. One positive command he gave us: You shall love and honor your emperor. In every congregation a prayer must be said for the czar’s health, or the chief of police would close the synagogue. On a royal birthday every house must fly a flag, or the owner would be dragged to a police station and be fined twenty-five rubles.
—Mary Antin: A Little Jewish Girl in the Russian Pale, 1890

Why might the Russians close a synagogue?
for health reasons
to open a Christian church
failure to pray for the czar
failure to pay a fine

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




I think the best answer is a


The unfair business practices of the Standard Oil Company were exposed by
A.Ida Tarbell.
B.Lincoln Steffens.
C. Upton sinclair.
d. Ida B. Wells.



A. Ida Tarbell


The answer is Ida Tarbell

this for my religion class



JacobMoses Temple of SolomonTalmudDiasporaKaraites MaimonidesKabbalahBaal ShemTovZionist Sally Priesand MonotheisticSederYom Kippur

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Buna, intrebarea aata e doar pt romanii din Uk:Mama poate sa imi faca cont la Barclays chiar daca am 16 ani, fac in Septembrie 17. Network externalities: Select one: A. exist when the usefulness of a product increases with the number of consumers who use it B. are created when celebrity endorsements of products lead to a surge in the demand for those products C. can only exist when there are economies of scale D. prevent the dominance of a market by one firm. Solve for y. 14y-6(y-3)=22 [tex]\sqrt{-25[/tex] 30 POINTS WHERE ARE THE EXPERTS AND ACE!!!!!!! I NEED HELP PLS SHARE YO SMARTNESS!!!!! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST AND RATE AND VOTE!!! EASY IM JUST NOT SMART 40. PLEASE GIVE EXPLANATION after 2 years the population of a town will be 33620 at the population growth rate of 2.5% pa find the present population of the town. How does Aristotle's idea of telos or entelechy prevent somebody to think that You can be whoever you wanted to be, a rugged notion of individualism that is prevalent today? they sold $62 by selling 4 adult tickets and 2 student tickets. find the cost of an adult ticket. Laying the groundwork for the 'germ theory' of disease _________ discovered that organisms cannot spontaneously arise, but must be introduced into an environment.A. Anthony Van LeeuwenhoekB. Louis PasteurC. Robert HookeD. Ernst Ruska 32X =degrees.please the scientific name of the great egret has recently been changed from Casmerodius albus to Ardea alba. What is a possible reason for the reclassification of egrets?A) Allopatric speciationB) Discovery of a different ancestorC) A change in the mating behaviorsD) A change in their habitat and geological range "Healthy environment supports healthy and happy life." Justify it If there is a childhood obesity problem, who is on the best position to change it: The Government, Parents, or Fast Food companies? To what extent is Ghana said to be a nation. Author Ken Yabuki wrote a magazine article based on ____ recent visit to IcelandSelect one:a. his b. hec. himd. himself What do you think has been the most important invention in history and why a particle P moves in a straight line such that, t s after leaving a point O, its velocity v ms^-1 is given by v=36t - 3t^2 for t>_ 0 1) find the value of t when the velocity of P stops increasing2)find the value of t when P comes to instaneous rest3) find the distance of P from O when P is at instaneous rest4) find the speed of P when P is again at O 1. In the past, Sam cashed his paycheck each month at Ready Cash, a check cashing service thatcharges a 5% fee. He recently opened a checking account at Bank of America so he can nowdeposit and/or cash his paycheck without a fee. If Sam is making $28,500 per year, how much willhe save by not going to Ready Cash anymore? Imagery is when the author uses words to create "mental images" for the reader.TrueFalse A. 4B.-1/4C. 4D. 1/4