la fábrica
la zona comercial
la zona industrial
la zona residencial
el campo
el barrio viejo


Answer 1
Necesitas ayuda para traducir esto al español? No incluye pregunta

Related Questions

Read the prompt and then write your response, using the guidelines:

Your pen-pal from Puebla, Mexico, sent you an email that describes what she does before school. She has asked you to write back and explain how you get ready for school. Write your response in Spanish and use complete sentences. You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿

Remember to only use the vocabulary words from this lesson and correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Include all the requirements from below: :

the verb ser
the verb estar
one possessive adjective
one regular adjective
one vocabulary phrase that has a reflexive verb
***Can someone write in spanish for me following the requirements above this sentence below ***
"Hi friend, in the mornings when I am getting ready for school I follow a routine. I wash my face first. Then, I brush my teeth and my hair. I put on some makeup and then finally get dressed for the day."


Hola amigo, en las mañanas cuando me estoy alistando para la escuela yo sigo una rutina. Primero me lavo la cara. Después, yo me lavo mis dientes y me cepillo el cabello. Me pongo un poco de maquillaje y finalmente me visto por el día.

Which of the following features is NOT mentioned in the ad?

date reminder? compatibility with other software programs?
two-year calendar? accessible from any computer?

Le permite
Consultar su agenda desde
cualquier computadora.
* Recordar citas, cumpleaños
y más acontecimientos.
* Sincronizar sus datos con los de Microsoft Outlook y Palm Pilot.
* Administrar sus actividades en
su lista de tareas


I think we need to answer by seeing an ad

Which verb form correctly completes this conversation?

Laura: ¿Dónde estuviste ayer?
Eva: Ayer _______ a visitar unos primos en Antigua Guatemala.



Laura: ¿Dónde estuviste ayer?

Eva: Ayer fui a visitar unos primos en Antigua Guatemala.

Hope it helps you ✨





Fill in the blank with the correct verb and conjugation:
Yo _______ hacer las matemáticas muy bien.






Yo sé hacer las matemáticas muy bien.


for spanish, please help :(....



1st answer: Science / Ciencias

2cnd answer: social studies /cosas sociales

3rd answer: ELA / Artes del lenguaje inglés

4th answer: Math / Matemáticas

5th: technology/ tecnología

6th: substitu / Profesora sustituta

7th: all classes / todo's classes

8th: all the teachers / todo's los mastras


:) yw!

Hi, please help me it's reading in Spanish. Please I'm begging you to help me because I only have a week left for school to finish and I want to pass this class. If anyone is fluent and knows how to read in Spanish. Please help me. NO LINK!!! Also, I'll give brainiliest as well.



1. F

2. C

3. C

4. C

5. F


1. Que tiene el potencial de ser una de las mejores del año.

2. Que es una película cómica entre dos personas, un agente que está enamorado de una escritora pero ella está bastante concentrada en su trabajo que no se da cuenta del amor que siente el agente por ella.

3. La actriz Silvia López hace el papel de la famosa escritora.


I hope it helps you!! <3

write this sentence in negative.

Yo Siempre compro pan también.

Write this sentence in negative.





1. Yo no siempre compro pan tampoco.
2. Ella no habla francés y tampoco Italiano.

what is gender based violence​



Gender-Based violence refers to harmful acts directed at an individual based on their gender. It is estimated that one in three women will experience sexual or physical violence in their lifetime.


Gender-based violence (GBV) involves acts of violence committed against women, men, boys or girls, as a result of social norms about roles and behaviour expected of each gender. It often occurs within relationships.

una Situación problemática?


Cuando trabajadores hacen marchas en las calles luchando por mas sueldo porque les pagan muy poco cuando ellos trabajan mucho. 24/7



La guerra entre judios y palestinos.

El racismo.

El desempleo y la pobreza.

Reflection Question 1:
Compare and Contrast: What are some similarities and differences between Colombia and the USA?
Think about everything we've discussed about Colombia and our country this year, about the video you watched and pictures you saw about Colombia



I really dont know how to answer to that because i dont know what they have thought u in class


D ty ghdgcxgvjfbvcfhhbvccccvvgive fhfgbj juh Fgg

Translate the breeze into Spanish by filling in the missing letters:





Su principal función es mostrar un juicio o valoración sobre el tema que expuso dentro del ensayo y se permite dar algunas sugerencias de solución. *



La respuesta correcta es Conclusion yo creo no se

B. Subraye con una línea los complementos directos, con dos los
complementos indirectos y con tres los complementos circunstanciales.
1. Puse las joyas en la maleta.
2. Abelardo jugó el dinero.
3. Ismael le explica los verbos a Pepe.
4. Los terremotos destruyeron la ciudad de Antigua.
5. Los alumnos devolvieron los libros a la maestra.
6. El delincuente pagará su deuda a la sociedad.
7. Ella dijo que iría con Miguel a la reunión.
8. Los héroes ofrendaron su vida a la patria.
9. Mandaron saludos a sus antiguos profesores.
10. Los Rodríguez no van conmigo en el coche, van con Orlando y José.






Choose the corresponding pronoun.
O nosotros
O ellos
O ustedes


The correct answer is nosotros
The answer is nosotros

Indica si lo que dice el texto es cierto o falso.
La visa es un documento especial que se obtiene en la embajada o el consulado de tu país.



Hola,¿como estás?

Espero que te encuentres muy bien.

El texto es verdadero.

The text is true.

Tema 4. Escribe un texto de 5 líneas, que tenga cinco (5) verbos distintos conjugados.
Resáltalos en otro color.



Corro todos los días en la calle naranja. Hablo con mis amigos mientras corro. Después de correr, desayuno y un plátano amarillo.


Pls vote my answer as brainliest



Ayer nosotras, mis amigas y yo, "fuimos" a "pasearnos" por el parque que está cercano a la escuela "íbamos" "platicando" cuando, de pronto, Yalirza, una mis amigas, "empezó" a correr y también se "animó" a correr Minerva, ambas "recorrieron" la pista muy rápido, "son" unas grandes atletas. Al final todas "regresamos" muy contentas.

(El resaltado de las conjugaciones está entre comillas, es decir, las conjugaciones están entre comillas)

Read the following sentences from magazine ads written by teens looking for pen pals. In the spaces provided, write the present tense form of the verb ser that best completes the text




Spanish traslation:

Lea las siguientes oraciones de anuncios de revistas escritos por adolescentes que buscan amigos por correspondencia. En los espacios provistos, escriba la forma presente del verbo ser que mejor complete el texto.

[tex]8 \times 2[/tex]


8 times 2 is 16 because it is


Hi, there your answer is 16


Someone please help me


1¿Donde está comiendo Luis?
2 ¿Que estás haciendo tu ?
3 Ellas están viviendo en Madrid.
4 Yo ahora estoy aprendiendo a conjugar verbos en el presente progresivo.

Please help due today



1. no tienes sed 2. a el gimnasio


Best English translation for signi








siempre muy antipático.
A. sois
B. está
C. eres
D. es



A but i may be wrong




Explanation: B has a feminine ending

Palabra con description
Los retos


It would be detalles

Can someone pls translate this text my boyfrien.d sent me.. I’m so confused



Hope this helps you..look it once.

Argentina has the smallest Jewish population in Latin America, which is why prejudice is so prevalent.
O True






missing cardinal direction:
En el sur de la ciudad hay un parque muy bonito. En el _ de la ciudad hay
un lago muy grande y bonito. En el este hay un monumento muy interesante
y en el oeste hay unas tiendas bonitas.
A. norte
B. esta
C. centro
D. senda



C. Centro


A. Norte , it mentions the south , east , west & we know it’s giving directions so its the only one’s simple - Norte

escribir un texto de 10 líneas, el cual debe tener título; debe tener 10 adjetivos resaltados y además, debe tratar de la descripción de una persona favorita.




Palabras a mi hermano.

Siempre fuiste una gran persona, "admirable", tus acciones siempre iban de acuerdo a tu forma de pensar, es decir, eras "congruente", siempre fuiste una persona "cabal" llena de principios y valores éticos y humanos. Siempre te portaste con nosotros, tus hermanas y hermanos, con firmeza y a la vez con cariño, es decir, fuiste "amoroso" y a la vez "exigente", fuiste "leal" a tus principios, "inteligente", "responsable", "trabajador", "honesto, "honorable", en fin fuiste una gran persona, siempre te recordaré, hasta siempre, amigo, mi "querido" hermano.

(Los adjetivos aparecen entre comillas)

____ que todos comprenden la importancia de los
trabajadores indocumentados para la economía del país.

fill the blank.



Me parece


Me parece que todos comprenden la importancia de los trabajadores indocumentados para la economía del país.




Parece que todos comprenden la importancia de los trabajadores indocumentados para la economía del país.

organizacion social actual de los mayas


La sociedad maya del Postclásico estaba organizada jerárquicamente y se distinguían cuatro clases sociales: la nobleza, el sacerdocio, los plebeyos y los esclavos. ... En cuanto a la nobleza, de sus familias provenían los jefes locales, los miembros del consejo y los altos funcionario

la transformación social que se da en el renacimiento marca una ruptura con respecto a la edad media?



Si. La edad media se caracterizó por ser oscurantista y por eso es que a la revolución o trasformación de está se le llamó “renacimiento”, es decir, un nuevo nacer para la humanidad en todos sus dogmas.  


Other Questions
In what way, if any, are scripting languages different from markup languages?A) Markup languages tell the computer what content to present, while scripting languages make things run faster.B) Markup languages tell a single computer what to do, while scripting languages help computers communicate with each other.C) Scripting languages tell the computer what content to present, while markup languages make things run faster.D) Scripting languages tell a single computer what to do, while markup languages help computers communicate with each other. Q1. SISKO & Co. Ltd commences business and issues one million shares with a nominal value of Le3 each. The company allows its allottees to pay Le1.25 on allotment and the remainder at a later date. All the allottees chose to do this and all the shares are sold. What is JEMILEX & Co. Ltd's paid-up share capital? A. Le1.25 million B. Le3 million C. Le1.75 million D. Le500,000 Q2. Cash Balance Le15,000; Trade Receivables Le35,000; Inventory Le40,000; Trade Payables Le24,000 and Bank Overdraft is Le6,000. Current Ratio will be : (A) 3.75:1 (B) 3:1 (C) 1:3 (D) 1 : 3.75 10 reasons why criminal law is important...? Why does he feed Santiago?What obligation of the Koran is the one he desires most to do?Why doesnt he go?What are two new ideas that Santiago suggests to the Crystal Merchant: The area of the rectangular floor in Tamara's room is 95 5/6 squarefeet. The width of the room is 8 1/3 feet. What is the length of Tamara'sroom? Consider the following class, which uses the instance variable balance to represent a bank account balance.public class BankAccount { private double balance; public double deposit(double amount) { /* missing code */ }}The deposit method is intended to increase the account balance by the deposit amount and then return the updated balance. Which of the following code segments should replace /* missing code */ so that the deposit method will work as intended?a. amount = balance + amount;return amount;b.balance = amount;return amount;c.balance = amount;return balance;d.balance = amount;, , return balance;,balance = balance + amount;return amount;e.balance = balance + amount;return balance; Read the passage from chapter 2 of Animal Farm. Yes, it was theirseverything that they could see was theirs! In the ecstasy of that thought they gamboled round and round, they hurled themselves into the air in great leaps of excitement. They rolled in the dew, they cropped mouthfuls of the sweet summer grass, they kicked up clods of the black earth and snuffed its rich scent. Then they made a tour of inspection of the whole farm and surveyed with speechless admiration the ploughland, the hayfield, the orchard, the pool, the spinney. It was as though they had never seen these things before, and even now they could hardly believe that it was all their own. Which prediction does this passage best support? The farm will not belong to the animals in the end. The animals will give the farm back to the humans. The farm and the land will be destroyed by a drought. The animals will live happily ever after on the farm. Question 5 of 24The purpose of a review of a written work is to:A. inform the reader of strengths and weaknesses of the writing.B. show the writer how to revise his or her work.C. change the writer's behavior in the future.D. let the reader know if the work is entertaining.SUBMIT The data given to the right includes data from 30 candies, and 5 of them are red. The company that makes the candy claims that 32% of its candies are red. Use the sample data to construct a 90% confidence interval estimate of the percentage of red candies. What do you conclude about the claim of 32%? Construct a 90% confidence interval estimate of the population percentage of candles that are red. _% As an IT technician for your company, you have been notified that the Windows domain does not seem to be functioning properly. Being familiar with domains, you are fairly confident you know what the issue is. But just to be safe, you take the applicable time to gather additional information and to identify what, if anything, has changed.Which of the following is the BEST next step?A. Determine the appropriate fix.B. Create a hypothesis.C. Implement the fix.D. Identify what has changed.E. Gather information. Which phrase describes prosperity in the Roaring Twenties?o A. equally sharedO B. Scarce and confinedO C. unevenly distributedO D. widespread and abundant What is the sum of 4.2 10^5 and 5.3 10^5 Melanie recorded a number with two sevens. The value of the first 7 is 7,000. The value of the second 7 is 700. Which could be Melanie's number? Leeza is making labels in the shape of parallelograms each label has an area of 18 square centimeters and a base of 6 centimeters. What is the height of each labe Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee A plant costs p dollars and a bush costs b dollars. Ana buys 2 plants and 4 bushes for $42. Paola buys 7 plants and 9 bushes for $107. Write down a pair of simultaneous equations and solve them to find out the value of p and the value of b. which sentence has a grammatical or spelling error? After three months of deliberation, the committee of experts submitted its plan for revitalizing our downtown. An international organization has striven for decades to eradicate this disease from the region, with mixed results. both are correct. How many hills is Rome built on? (SS Question)Also: I need help! My male betta have FIN ROT, and I don't know what I can do, I know aquarium salt is good but some of the reviews say it kills fish, and I can't take that risk. Pls tell me if u know anything that will help cure betta fish fin rot other than aquarium salt. The photograph shows a fungus growing on a horse dung. Describe how fungus breaks down the horse dung? The AHA recommends developing written protocols for the use of certain high-alerts drugs. Examples of these include all except which of the following?