mga salitang katunog ng "Wika"​


Answer 1
with is a wanna be turtle and he gained 20 ants

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Sabbai Nepali harulai good morning hai,pheri thyaha,same to you bhanne ni.​



Same to you.............

Brittney spent time one weekend helping her neighbor do yard work. She was paid $6.50 per hour plus a $20 bonus when
she finished. All together she earned $91.50.
Prepresents her total pay and h represents her toatal hours worked. Find the correct equation and number of hours Brittney workers


Answer: "D"


oque significa verbal e não verbal


Answer: no contexto da linguagem e comunicação, verbal é quando se utiliza a fala, palavra e também a escrita para se comunicar. Já não verbal é quando a comunicação se dá por meio visual, gestos, postura ...

Explanation: exemplo: verbal - uma conversa, uma mensagem / não-verbal: música, ilustração

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It's still the same mochi.


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Pls answer this in 20-30 words


i go and talk to tiger.ask questions=

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1st question answer


वृक्षों से हमें प्राणवायु ऑक्सीजन मिलती है. (2) पेड़ों से वायु, जल और ध्वनि प्रदूषण को कम करने में सहायता मिलती है. (3) इनसे में बहुमूल्य जड़ी बूटियां प्राप्त होती है जिससे कई प्रकार की बीमारियां ठीक हो जाती है. (4) वृक्षों से हमें भोजन करने के लिए फल और अन्न मिलता है.

Select the restrictive clause in the sentence below.

The boy who is in yellow is my brother.

he boy who is in yellow
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Ans = who is in yellow is my

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I'm not sure I understand your question

कहानी में वर्णित स्कूली जीवन तथा आज के स्कूली जीवन में उदाहरण सहित अंतर स्पष्ट कीजिए । - sapno ke se din



Explain the difference between the school life described in the story and today's school life with examples.

cuál es el Interés por los valores humanos.



Los valores humanos básicos se refieren a aquellos valores que están en el centro del ser humano. Los valores que se consideran valores básicos inherentes al ser humano incluyen la verdad, la honestidad, la lealtad, el amor, la paz, etc.porque


1.- Barbara …………… (live) in Greece for three years before she ………… (move) to Italy.
2.-My team …………….. (not win) the football match because they ……………. (play) badly.
3.-The teacher ……………. (punish) the student because he …….……. (be) very naughty.
4.-By winter, the new soap opera ……………. (become) the most popular show on TV.
5.-He …………… (mug) three passengers by the time the police …………….. (arrive)
6.-The pirates ……………. (hijack) an enormous ship two months ago in Somalia.
7.-The captain of the ship ………………….(surrender) because he … ……… (hate) violence.
8.-The journalist …………. (interview) the famous actress before the TV…………. (come)
9.-Everyone ……………. (leave) the train before the bomb ……………… (explode)
10.- By the time my mum …………..… (prepare) lunch, we ………….. (lay) the table.


1. lived , moved
2. won’t win, played
3. punished, was being
4. became
5. mugged, arrived
6. hijacked
7. surrendered, hated
8. interviewed, came
9. left, exploded
10. prepared, laid


Ans 1. lived , moved

     2. won’t win, played

      3. punished, was being

      4. became

      5. mugged, arrived

     6. hijacked

     7. surrendered, hated

     8. interviewed, came

     9. left, exploded

     10. prepared, laid

what is a good way of remembering ya,yu,yo,ga,gi,gu,ge,go




in how many languages bible is written



Bible is written in 704 languages.


As of September 2020 the full Bible has been translated into 704 languages, the New Testament has been translated into an additional 1,551 languages and Bible portions or stories into 1,160 other languages. Thus at least some portions of the Bible have been translated into 3,415 languages.


Scholars generally recognize three languages as original biblical languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek.

Titulo do poema é"O poeta da roça". O eu poético é alguém que apenas fala da Vida na roça ou que faz parte dela? Comprove sua resposta com versos do poema
Espero que me ajudem



¿Es poético y alguien que apenas deja de dar vida na roça o qué rostro forma parte de ello? Comprueba tu respuesta con los versos del poema Espero ajustarme.

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4 upadaxya is the correct

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fast pls​



लहरो हो

२ no को हो

,I think it will help u

Arrange the permanent members of security council from west to east ( Britain, France, China, Russia, U.S.A )​
plz ans !!!!!



China, France, Russia, Great Britain, and United States of America.


Hpoe this help.

2. A criança molhou-se inteira tentando dar banho no cachorro. * 10 pontos A frase está na voz reflexiva porquanto o sujeito recebe e pratica a ação expressa pelo verbo. A frase está na voz ativa porquanto o sujeito faz a ação expressa pelo verbo. A frase está na voz passiva porquanto o sujeito recebe e pratica a ação expressa pelo verbo.



A criança molhou-se inteira tentando dar banho no cachorro.

a. A frase está na voz reflexiva porquanto o sujeito recebe e pratica a ação expressa pelo verbo. >> correta

b. A frase está na voz ativa porquanto o sujeito faz a ação expressa pelo verbo.

c.  A frase está na voz passiva porquanto o sujeito recebe e pratica a ação expressa pelo verbo.


Voz reflexiva >> usada  para indicar que a ação do verbo recai sobre o próprio sujeito

A voz reflexiva pode ser usada:

→ para dar ênfase

Eles consertaram as bicicletas sozinhos.

→ para dizer que alguém fez algo sozinho

Ele mesmo fez a tarefa.

→ para indicar uma ação que afeta quem a praticou  

Brenda se machucou quando andava de bicicleta.

importance of trees in hindi​


1.hame tree se oxygen milta hai

2.tress k baja se forest hara hotha hai

3. tress hame lakdi deta hai

“São fabricados nos E.U.A.?”. “Fabricados aqui?” Espantada, ela me explicou que seus tênis são produzidos no Brasil e na Ásia.

Bill Krenn, Gerente de relações públicas dos sapatos K-Swiss, retornou minha ligação, mas me interrompeu antes que eu pudesse concluir minhas perguntas. “Não fornecemos informações sobre a produção”, disse. “Só posso dizer que é realizada no exterior”.

A maioria dos operários que produzem sapatos no sudeste asiático é de adolescentes e mulheres jovens. Eles trabalham de 15 a 16 horas diárias. Muitas mulheres vivem em alojamentos, separadas de suas famílias; em alguns casos são virtuais prisioneiras, proibidas de deixar as instalações da fábrica sem um passe especial. O salário mínimo na Indonésia é de 1,80 dólar por dia.

Telefonei para a Nike mais uma vez, na condição de jornalista. Falei com Keith Peters, diretor de relações públicas. Entre longos silêncios, ele disse que não é “economicamente viável”, para a Nike fabricar seus sapatos nos Estados Unidos. (...)”

Após a leitura do texto, responda:

1- Quais são os lugares citados no texto?

2- Qual o assunto retratado pelo texto?

3- Quando e onde aconteceram tais fatos?

4- Onde são fabricados os produtos consumidos nos EUA?

5- Porque os EUA produzem e compram tênis na Ásia e não fabricam em seu próprio país? Explique.



what does this mean


Crie uma crônica de 25 a 30 linhas qm fizer agradeço muito eu ia pegar na internet mas proffesora n deixo



Create a chronicle of 25 to 30 lines if you do it, I'm very grateful I'd get it on the internet but I won't let you



Narrative chronicle : intends to narrate an everyday event, presenting the author's point of view on the facts. Therefore, it starts by presenting the situation, develops the events and closes with an opinion from the chronicler.

Argumentative chronicle : wants to be for or against a certain topic or, at least, to make people think about it. So it starts by presenting the discussion, develops some possible interpretations, and ends with the writer's opinion.

Literary chronicle : the greatest icon of this style is Clarice Lispector , but Luis Fernando Veríssimo also uses this technique, which consists of telling an everyday story to demonstrate a point of view through it.

Humorous chronicle: this is one of the most rebellious of the group, because José Simão and Millôr Fernandes have already proven that the structure can be broken. Want a tip? It is necessary to expose a situation or context very well to be funny.

5. देवकुमारी थापाले कति वर्षसम्म विराटनगरको बाल मन्दिरमा सेवा प्रदान गरिन् ? 1. पन्ध्र > 2. बीस 3. पच्चीस 4. तीस
fast pls​



4.30 is the answer ... from nepal

Signals or gestures without the use of the hands are known as

A) location

B) movement

C) palm orientation

D) non-manual signals


I’m pretty sure it’s D ) non manual signals

How to increase tourism in nepal?Please give answer in nepali??ASAP PLEASEEEEEE​



Reduce the taxes paid by touristsBuild more hotels in your area

Read the passage from the website:

President Thomas Jefferson believed that for Americans to be virtuous and free, they needed to farm land. He wanted to expand westward to create more farmland. Jefferson also wanted to obtain the Port of New Orleans at the mouth of the Mississippi River so farmers could easily transport their goods. He facilitated the purchase of New Orleans and the rest of the French territory from France in 1803 for $15 million. This new land was called the Louisiana Territory and stretched partway across the continent. It was the first step in expanding the United States. The purchase of the Louisiana Territory led to a pattern of westward expansion through payment, negotiations, and conflict.

Read the passage from the website:

The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States and vastly increased its resources and riches. The roles of the president and the Constitution were also defined, as it was determined that the president could purchase the land without consulting Congress. Despite the advantages of expanding westward, one prominent disadvantage was the growing tension between slave states and free states regarding whether new states would permit slavery. The opportunity to grow a nation would endanger its very survival during the Civil War.

According to the information in both texts, how did the Louisiana purchase benefit the United States?

By securing the Mississippi River and the Port of New Orleans to open the door to westward expansion
By strengthening the nation's ally, France
By making President Jefferson happy that the United States had more farm land
By showing the growing tension between slave and free states over whether new states would permit slavery
Its not D


" By securing the Mississippi River and the Port of New Orleans to open the door to westward expansion. " is the correct answer


By securing the Mississippi River and the Port of New Orleans to open the door to westward expansion


 Give your insight in the story below.

Newton the great scientist. Newton was a devout believer of God. He had a friend who was also a scientist but an atheist. One day, Newton made a model of the solar system. At the center is the gilded sun and around the sun are the planets arranged in their own orbits.  When the curved handle is pulled, the planets would each revolve around its own orbit in perfect harmony. One day, the friend came to visit him and saw the model. After playing with it for a good while, he marveled and exclaimed, “Who made this?” Newton answered, “Oh, nobody. It just came about by chance.” The friend countered, “For sure someone made this, and this someone must be a genius.”

At this point, Newton patted his friend on the shoulder and said, “My friend, you cannot believe that this simple model came about by chance without somebody designing or making it; yet you say that this real and vast universe came about naturally without a God who created it. Does this make sense?”

The friend was subdued, and from then on, believed in the existence of God.​



nothing can be made on its on, there will be a hand behind everything that is done

यात्रा सुरु गर्दा समय किन अनुकुल छ?​



यात्रा सुरु गर्नका लागि समय एकदमै अुनुकूल रहेको छ । हाल देशले सयौँको बलिदानपछि गणतान्त्रिक सँविधान प्राप्त गरेको छ । यसले सबै जात , भाषा भाषी, धर्म, सँस्कृति र क्षेत्रलाई समान अवसर प्रदान गरेको छ ।

साथै नेपालीहरुमा विस्पट्ट अन्धकारको युग चिरेर नयाँ जीवन सुरु गरिसकेको अवस्था छ । वर्तमान समयमा नेपालीहरुले विगतका सारा असङ्गत कुराहरुलाई विर्सिएर राष्ट्रको नव निर्माणको यात्रा सुरु गर्नु आवश्यक छ । हामीले शान्ति र समृद्धिका सपना सजाएर अघि बढ्ने वातावरण भएको छ । त्यसैले समय एकदमै अनुकूल भएकाले राष्ट्रको नव निर्माणमा अघि बढ्न यात्रा बढ्न यात्रा सुरु गर्नका लागि समय अनुकूल रहेको कुरा कवितामा स्पष्ट पारेको छन् ।

Other Questions
When comparing Be2 and H2: I. Be2 is more stable because it contains both bonding and antibonding valence electrons. II. H2 has a higher bond order than Be2. III. H2 is more stable because it only contains 1s electrons. IV. H2 is more stable because it is diamagnetic, whereas Be2 is paramagnetica. II,III,IVb.II,IIIc.III onlyd.I,IIe.III,IV. Describe the similarities and differences between the cheek cell wet mount and dental plaque wet mount. BENEFITS OF VIDEO CONFERENCING Video conferencing is the technology that allows you to hold meetings with people who are in different places while seeing them and talking to them in real time. It is different from simple video calling, which is often one-to-one video communication. In the past, video conferencing needed complex and expensive equipment. Today, it's easy to join in a video conference on your computer or smart phone with Internet connectivity. Moreover, video conferencing is also an important tool for people who work away from the office, often at home because it helps to save time and money for them. Video conferencing can help teachers in teaching, too. Video conferencing is a great way of learning and sharing knowledge beyond distance. Courses can take place with the teacher and each different student living in a different location. This will help education spread even to remote mountainous areas.1. Video conferencing helps people _____________. A. send message B. send snail mail C. send snail mail D. hold meetings2. How does video conferencing help people? A. It helps connect people in different places in real time. B. It helps connect people in different places in future time. C. It helps connect people in same places in real time. D. It helps connect people in same places in future time.3. What can people do with video conferencing? A. People can see and touch each other. B. People can see and use telepathy. C. People can see and talk to each other. D. People can talk and touch each other.4. Which statement below is NOT TRUE? A. Video calling is often one-to-one communication B. Video conferencing can happen between many people. C. In the past, video conferencing needed simple equipment. D. Today, video conferencing only needs smartphone with Internet connectivity.5. How can video conferencing help people who work away from the office? A. It saves time. B. It saves money. C. It saves time and money. D. None of them.6. Who will get benefits from video conferencing? A. farmer B. teacher C. engineer D. housewife7. What is the advantage of studying through video conferencing? A. Teacher can start class late. B. Teacher doesn't know his/her students. C. Teacher and students can be in same places. D. Teacher and students can be in different places.8. What does the word "mountainous" mean? A. a place has rivers B. a poor place C. a place has mountains D. a far placeFilters do not remove all _____________ from water. (CONTAMINATE) Find the slope of the line that passes through (-26, 9) and (32, 71). what aspect of the US justice system has its roots in Jewish scripture? what did Ganeshman Singh mean when he said history cannot be bent decribe your favorite room If x^2-ax+b and x^2-cx+d both have a factor x-m prove that m=d-b/c-a 2x+3y=19 // 6x+2y=22 is there any responsible way to use student loans why or why not write 3/2 4/5 8/5 in decimal notation Please Help Me! I will give brainly!! The distance from your front door to the mailbox is 18 4/5 meters. The distance from your front door to your basketball hoop is 13 7/10 meters. How much farther from your front door is the mailbox than the basketball hoop? If $a$ and $b$ are positive integers such that $\gcd(a,b)=210$, $\mathop{\text{lcm}}[a,b]=210^3$, and $a 11. What are the importance of traditional skills and technologies? Also write it's methods of preservation. Write an inequality and show on a number line all numbers:less than 4 but greater than or equal to 0 1. What does it mean to be unique in the world today? In first case a mass M is split into two parts with one part being 1/6.334 th of the original mass. In second case M is split into two equal parts. In both the cases the two parts are separated by same distance. What ratio of the magnitude of the gravitational force in first case to the magnitude of the gravitational force in the second case help please I'll give brainliest Find the measure of the missing angles. what is the capital of the following countries: Fiji,Australia,New zealand,Pakistan,Canada,Germany, Vanuatu,Samoa,Tonga,New caledonia,Tuvalu,American samoa ,China,Japan,Turkey,Korea