You are assisting an emergency department physician while she is examining a
patient. The patient has sustained a knife wound to the upper left quadrant.
What organs are likely to have been injured from this wound?
Due date: Initial Postings are due by WEDNESDAY. Peer replies are due the
SUNDAY of each week.
Content: Ensure your posting is substantial enough to provide new information on
the subject being discussed. Postings should be a minimum of 150 words for your
initial posting and 50 words for your replies to your peers. If you use resources to
sup your statements, ensure that you are posting the link and giving credit to
the author of the original work. Plagiarism is unacceptable.


Answer 1

I'll give you a hint on this: the upper left quadrant refers to the upper left quadrant of the abdominopelvic cavity. Part of the stomach and the spleen are located in that quadrant.

Related Questions

Cara has just come in for her morning shift , but the sales floor is a mess . Looks like the night crew didn't clean up . She groans , but then gets to work cleaning the displays before customers come . If she doesn't , who else will ? What good problem - solving skills is she exhibiting? a ) Seeking advice when necessary Ob ) Open to seeing new perspectives c ) Having a solutions - oriented attitude



having a solutions-oriented attitude

All of the following are signs or symptoms of a concussion, except



All of the following are signs or symptoms of a concussion, except difficulty breathing.

5 points ) Which of the following is a benefit of using email to communicate at work ? a) You can express yourself in a limited number of characters b) You don't have to worry about using proper grammar. c) You always get a response right away. d ) You can reach a large audience with one communication .


D sounds the most accurate to me

What kind of study has a post-test but no baseline measurement?

A: Survey
B: True Experiment
C: Placebo-Controlled study
D: Double-blind study


The kind of study that has a post-test but no baseline measurements is a placebo-controlled study. So the correct option is C.

What is a placebo-controlled study?

This is a study performed during human- trials of a drug. In this study, the people selected for the trial are divided into two groups. One group gets the actual drug or the active treatment and the other group is given a placebo.

A placebo is a substance that has a look and taste similar to the actual drug but it contains no active substance as the drug. This is given to eliminate the chance of a placebo effect.

A placebo is a tendency to feel better when we are receiving treatment for a disease even if the treatment is not having an actual effect.

Since, in a placebo-controlled study, the two groups do not know if they are receiving the actual drug or the placebo, the chances of a placebo effect occurring are reduced to a minimum.

Thus, a placebo-controlled trial is required for a drug trial.

therefore, the correct option is C.

Read more about the placebo-controlled study, here



What is the correct clases for this drugs

heelp me please



Promethazine is in a class of medications called phenothiazines. It works by blocking the action of a certain natural substance in the body.

Which of these sections from the text contains an example of isolation? Mark all that apply.
Group of answer choices

She thought it was best to keep our relationship a secret from our family and friends.

One day after school, Taylor invited me over to her place when her parents weren’t home.

She started crying and saying that sex was the only way she knew how to show her love.

I stopped hanging out with my friends as much because I was afraid she’d feel left out and get mad.



i think it's 1,4 :)


because that seems like isolation to me



Ella pensó que era mejor mantener nuestra relación en secreto para nuestra familia y amigos.

Explain what hypertension is; list causes and prevention options



Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure. It can lead to severe health complications and increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and sometimes death.


The most common causes of hypertension include smoking, obesity or being overweight, diabetes, having a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, high salt or alcohol intake levels, insufficient consumption of calcium, potassium or magnesium, a deficiency in vitamin D


To help manage your blood pressure, you should limit the amount of sodium (salt) that you eat and increase the amount of potassium in your diet. It is also important to eat foods that are lower in fat, as well as plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

The instrument developed for use in the bisected-angle technique is
A) collimator.
C) XCP instrument.


You’re best choice has to be D

Which behavior would best describe someone who has integrity ? a) Alerting a supervisor when a coworker comes in late b) Putting off tough tasks until the last minute c) through following on a promise d) Signing in for a coworker who's running late





Why is developing partnerships to improve global health such an important effort?

a. Because countries with high resources should keep them

b. Because global health is a global public good

c. Because even though there is no MDG specific to global partnerships, cooperation is still a good thing

d. Because transational issues require solely domestic action



Because even though there is no MDG specific to global partnerships, cooperation is still a good thing

Mr and Mrs Nunez attended one of your sales presentations. they have asked you to come to their home to clear up a few questions.



Then i would them about my sales and what I would do wit the money( i would probably give it 2 the childrens hospital)


Write a few way in which you can contribute for population management of your country.​



Increase employment to women.Marriage at appropriate ageThe emphasis in using the means of family planning.Women education and employment.Extension of health services.Equal behaviour between son and daughter.Appropriate management of migration.


The things which we can do to manage the population are:Equal behavior between Son and Daughter,Extension of health services,Appropriate management of migration etc.

Charlie’s friend has been questioning her gender identity and is now being harassed by a group of students at school.

Which statement best explains how Charlie should respond?

He should avoid the situation since he is not directly affected
He should confront the group of students and tell them to stop
He should encourage his friend to fight back and defend herself
He should tell a trusted teacher and get advice on how to proceed


Getting an older peers advice could be helpful since they have experience in what to do and say in a situation like that.




Please help me ?!!!!!!!


True, false, and false?

5 Select the correct answer. What is technology? A. the ability to perform a task in a short period of time using little to no energy B. the ability to perform a task using a full range of motion in a short period of time C. the production of new machines as a result of processes using science and knowledge D. the interaction among people, companies, and governments of different nations



C. The production of new machines as a result of processes using science and knowledge.


Technology is the application of scientific research and knowledge .

Sydney has finished all his work on time, but many of his teammates are still struggling to complete their assignments. What should he do? a) Not distract them; they may get farther behind. O b) Listen to them complain about their workloads O c) Help them complete their work d) Share his thoughts on how they could get their work done faster
thank you everyone



C) Help them complete their work

he chart below shows some events in Earth's history and the primary sources of information which were examined to date the events.

Earth event Marine animals appear fuel sources appear Mammals appear ferns appear
Primary source of information history books fossil in rocks green plants root structures

Which of these Earth events was dated using the most valid and reliable source of information?
marine animals appear
fuel sources appear
mammals appear
ferns appear



fuel sources appear


first sign of life on our planet

fuel sources reappear

Two staff members just quit during the restaurant's busiest season . Denise would like to be considered for an assistant manager role . Which behavior will best help her earn her supervisor's respect and demonstrate that she would be a good fit for the promotion ? a ) Telling her supervisor that more staff needs to be hired to keep more people from quitting b ) Expressing disapproval over the employees who just quit c ) Trying to do all the work herself d ) Offering to take on some extra shifts


Its D, offering to take some extra shifts. The manager will see you trying to compensate for the people who quit in a modest way. Also it shows integrity.




















among says D

The nature of healthcare has demanded that providers create and maintain effective patient documentation. This intensive attention to patient records and electronic healthcare records has stimulated nursing to focus on both the need for superior patient documentation and how such documentation affects professional nursing. Rebecca, a freshman nursing student, is asked to prepare a short presentation regarding the introduction of standardized terminologies to nursing practice.
What should Rebecca mention that were the primary focus and criteria during the initial process of introducing standardized terminologies to nursing practice?


She should show all records and all prior information

A total of 850 insulation workers employed between 1940 and 1945 was identified from the personnel records of three large insulation manufacturing plants in the Midwestern U.S. in 1980. During the period 1940-1980, 28 deaths from lung cancer were discovered among the workers. Only eight lung cancer deaths, however, were reported among a comparable group of 800 coworkers who did not work with insulation during the same time period. The investigators had hypothesized that exposure to the insulation material increases the risk of lung cancer.

Which epidemiology study design best represents this description?



The correct answer is - Retrospective Cohort


A Retrospective cohort study is a type of observational study or research. The investigator looks back in time self-report data to see if the risk of disease was different between exposed and non-exposed patients.

The distinguishing feature, that help in identifying it, of this study is that the investigators conceive the study and begin identifying subjects after results have already been found or developed in some of the subjects.

What's the prefix of angioscopy


the prefix is angio-

You are a new medical assistant working for a medical office in your hometown. Two weeks after you begin your new job, you find that ethical decisions made at the office do not agree with your ethical values. How would you handle this when you are asked to do a job, such as fee-splitting or up‑coding insurance, with which you do not agree?



Report it to higher authority


You can always report something that you know is not right to your boss, or even in this case, the federal government. Hope this helped :)

Problem about enamel in dental


if your enamel is damaged it could causes serious issues like, cavities, temp. sensitivity, and infections
if your enamel is damaged you can get cavities tooth decay and many smaller disadvantages such as bad breath, loss of colour( yellow) headaches, toothaches abs many more
When this occurs, your gums will become more susceptible to gum disease.

I hope this helps

Body composition refers to

improved blood and oxygen delivery to the body
stronger muscle function and endurance
improved flexibility and range of motion
healthy fat-to-lean tissue ratio



The correct answer is healthy fat-to-lean tissue ratio


Body composition is a term used often by doctors and health professionals. It refers to the percentage of fat, bone, and muscle in your body. Doctors use body composition to see if you’re at a healthy weight for your individual body.

Mark Brainiest Plz :)

which is/are true regarding bruxism? 1. Stress is not a factor in the etiology of TMD. 2.
Stress is associated with an increase in bruxism. 3. There are two separate categories of
bruxism: sleep bruxism and awake bruxism. 4. Certain medications can cause an increase
in bruxism.



1. Stress is not a factor in the etiology of TMD. TRUE.

2. Stress is associated with an increase in bruxism. TRUE.

3. There are two separate categories of bruxism: sleep bruxism and awake bruxism. TRUE.

4. Certain medications can cause an increase in bruxism. TRUE.


1.  Stress can definitely contribute to TMJ, or even be a direct cause of TMJ. This is because stress is thought to be a big factor that contributes to grinding and clenching, also known as “bruxism.”

2. In particular, bruxism seems to be more severe during periods of heightened stress and anxiety.

3. Awake bruxism (AB) and sleep bruxism (SB) are considered to be two different behaviours observed during wakefulness and during sleep.

4. Certain medications increase the risk of bruxism, so sometimes a prescription change could be all it takes to ​resolve the condition.

A case series research design is defined
Select one:
a. A group or series of case reports given
similar treatment
b. A series of tests run with a single case
c. A randomized clinical trial with experimental
o d. A report of two cases who had similar
results from a medication



I THINK its A report of two cases who had similar

results from a medication



how can nursing models be used to support patient care planning



By putting meat on the bones of a broad approach to care planning, nursing models can enhance the way in which we assess patients and deliver the best quality care. ... However, they offer us valuable guidance in the provision of care that is centred on the individual needs of our patients.


By putting meat on the bones of a broad approach to care planning, nursing models can enhance the way in which we assess patients and deliver the best quality care. ... However, they offer us valuable guidance in the provision of care that is centred on the individual needs of our patients.


what is blood ? what is tha function of WBC ? ​



A type of blood cell that is made in the bone marrow and found in the blood and lymph tissue. White blood cells are part of the body’s immune system. They help the body fight infection and other diseases. Types of white blood cells are granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils), monocytes, and lymphocytes (T cells and B cells). Checking the number of white blood cells in the blood is usually part of a complete blood cell (CBC) test. It may be used to look for conditions such as infection, inflammation, allergies, and leukemia. Also called leukocyte and WBC.


hope it is help ful

White blood cells are also called leukocytes. They protect you against illness and disease. Think of white blood cells as your immunity cells. In a sense, they are always at war. They flow through your bloodstream to fight viruses, bacteria, and other foreign invaders that threaten your health.

The main function of WBCs is to defend and fight with the infections in the human body. WBCs also produce a special protein known as the antibody. The main function of this protein is to recognize the presence of foreign elements in the body and fight them.

Blood has many different functions, including: transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues. forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss. carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection.

Part C
Choose a classmate, friend, or family member to work with as your partner. You'll practice having a conversation in which a friend (played by your
partner) will try to persuade you to drink alcohol in a situation that you're not comfortable with. You'll practice assertive refusal. Also pay attention
to body language C during your conversation. Try to be assertive both verbally and with your body language.
Imagine you're on a camping trip with a group of friends. One friend (played by your partner) pulls a bottle of liquor out of a backpack and starts
to pass it. Your entire group of friends drinks from the bottle before passing it to you.
Begin your dialogue with your friend by assertively refusing the drink. You may explain your refusal in any way that makes the most sense to you.
Your friend should then respond by trying to persuade you. Continue this role-playing until each of you has had a few opportunities to speak.
Describe the conversation you had with your friend. In what ways were you assertive in your refusal? Describe your body language. What
methods of persuasion did your friend use? Were they difficult to resist? Why or why not? If you found yourself in a similar situation, would you be
able to practice assertive refusal? Explain
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because I'm now a grown up who knows what's good and bad, I gat my principles. I'm experienced

Changing which of the following can reduce anger?
B) Sleeping schedule
C)Communication style
D)Stimuli causing the anger



Explanation: common sense
C) Communication style
Other Questions
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