Now that you have worked through a lot of material that includes these basic patterns, and you have compared grammatically correct and incorrect sentences, write down what you think is a rule that could explain what makes a sentence grammatically correct or not. For example, you might write something like: "verbs always match nouns in number, and they usually come before the noun." In other words, make your best guess for the grammar rule that makes sense out of the pattern(s) you see in the phrases you have been working with. Review if you need to, and you might briefly check your hunches against the sentences you have been working with in this or previous modules. Keep in mind that what you're after is your hunch, not a grammar rule from a text book. Then check your hunch with the explanation of this principle in the following pattern.


Answer 1

Answer: what grade are u in??????


Related Questions

¿como funciona un termotanque a gas natural?


Todos los termotanques brindan agua caliente a través del calentamiento del volumen de agua contenido en su interior de su tanque, manteniéndolo a la temperatura que vos elijas. ... A medida que se consume el agua caliente, se va recargando de agua fría, lo cual

¿Cómo está tu bistec?

Nuestro bistec está delicioso.
Mío bistec está delicioso.
Tu bistec está delicioso.
Mi bistec está delicioso.



Mi bistec está delicioso.


¿Cómo está tu bistec?

Mi bistec está delicioso.

Mi bistec está delicioso.

Complete the following question with the correct form of poder:
¿______ Pablo hablar francés?






Puede Pablo hablar francés is the answer
¿Puede Pablo hablar francés? (The verb is present simple second person)

What is Nicaragua's capital city?
Gallo Pinto





I earned this in history yesterday

investiga sobre algún suceso donde haya algún daño por contaminación​



Investigate about some suceso where there has been any damage from contaminacion.

Juan prefiere esa mantequilla.





En el cuento bicicletas 3 cemento fresco
¿Quién halló la solución? y ¿cómo? ¿qué atractivos tenía el nuevo circuito?



eso esta complicado


Can someone make this in Spanish with phrases that use the subjunctive?

Some people use essential oils for headaches. I don’t think it works. At least not like modern medicine works. Pills like ibuprofen or Tylenol will work fine. Oils just smell good.



Algunas personas usan aceites esenciales para los dolores de cabeza.

No creo que funcione. Al menos no como funciona la medicina moderna.

Las píldoras como el ibuprofeno o Tylenol funcionarán bien. Los aceites simplemente huelen bien

Quizas hoy no se me quite el dolor de cabeza.

Quizas no funcione.

Quizas no como funciona la medicina moderna.

pls help meeeee quick​




1. Maria ira a la escuela

2. Mi madre y yo iremos a la iglesia

3. Iras tú a la playa?

4. Manuel y Miguel iran al aeropuerto.

5. Yo ire a la tienda.

6. Ustedes iran en coche.

7. Nosotros iremos a pie.

8. Mis amigos iran a Mexico.

1. Maria -va- a la escuela.
2. Mi madre y yo -vamos- a la iglesia.
3. -Quieres ir- tú a la playa.
4. Manuel y Miguel -van- al aeropuerto.
5. Yo -voy- a la tienda.
6. Ustedes -van- en coche.
7. Nosotros -vamos- a pie.
8. Mis amigos -van- a México.

**Hope this helps :)**




may your love, love you back


You're offending some people.

only right answers get brain listed
1. Enter the word that correctly completes the sentence.

Those desks are white.

________escritorios son blancos.
2.Which words correctly complete the sentence?

Yo, Rodrigo y Ana ______ al parque.

deciden ir

decidir vamos

decidimos ir

decidimos vamos

3.Which is the correct way to say, "Alex can play soccer."?

Alex juega puede fútbol.

Alex puede jugar fútbol.

Alex juega poder fútbol.

Alex puede juega fútbol.
4.Enter the words that correctly complete the sentence.

Elena, Roberto and Juan want to eat tacos.

Elena, Roberto y Juan ______ tacos.



1. Esos

2. Deciden ir

3. Alex juega puede futbol.

4. quieren comer

I think those are the answers, it's been a while since I practiced Spanish but I'm pretty sure those should be rihgt. Sorry if I'm no help.

2) decidimos ir
3) Alex puede jugar fútbol
4) quieren comen
- from a Mexican student taking Spanish 3 in 10th grade

It's time to show off the Spanish skills you've been working on. With these "Putting it Together" activities, you are going to take everything that you've learned so far and put it together in a realistic situation. Sometimes you'll answer questions about documents and pictures that you see, sometimes you'll write stories and descriptions--sometimes you'll do both! These activities will really help you see how Spanish is used in the real world. Good luck!

Performance Challenge

Write yourself an excuse note for a missed school day due to an illness or injury. Indicate to the office secretary what ailed you. Did you go to the doctor or no? What were you sick with -or- what did you injure? What did you do to help yourself get better. How are you feeling now? Write a minimum of 5 complete and detailed sentences in Spanish.

You will be graded on (a) appropriate use of grammar and vocabulary, (b) completeness and detail of the response, and (c) overall quality of the response.


(Name) excusado/a por el/la Dr/a (name) para el día de ayer. Estuvo en el hospital.

Indicate office secretary: Me fracturé la pierna al caerme de mi bicicleta, fui al hospital ayer ya que mi madre quería ver si me mejoraba por la noche. La pierna se me hinchó mucho por la cual mi mamá me llevó al hospital en donde me pudieron sacar placas y confirmar de que me había fracturado la pierna. El doctor me dijo que tuve mucha suerte. Si el hueso se hubiera movido un poco más a la derecha me iban a tener que poner tornillos para poder mantener el hueso derecho y sin movimiento. No estoy en mi mejor estado pero sigo para adelante. La vida es dura y así son las cosas.

Not the best but I tried :)

La familia pasó el día en el parque. No____
a. dio un paseo
b. jugó al boliche
C. compró helado
d. remó por el lago



b. jugó al boliche


La familia pasó el día en el parque.

No jugó al boliche.

Question 2
el vocabulario por tres horas. (estudiar)


Present tense - estudia
Preterite tense - estudió
Imperfect tense - estudiaba
Future tense - estudiará




Carmen estudia el vocabulario por tres horas.

¿Qué frase expresa que tú necesitas hacer algo?

A) Tenemos muchos alumnos.
B) Están haciendo la tarea de español.
C) Vamos a viajar a España a fin de mes.
D) Tengo que sacar mi pasaporte para poder viajar al extranjero.





Is talking about you need to get out your passport.

D) tengo que sacar mi pasaporte para poder viajar al extranjero.

please help, 3 spanish words for each question ​


1. La navidad es el 25 de diciembre
2. El año nuevo es el 1 de enero
3. El día de independencia de los Estados Unidos es el 4 de julio
La Navidad es el 25 de diciembre.
El Año Nuevo es enero 1.
El día de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos es El 4 de julio.

Yo_____ (saber) el poema de memoria.
O A. sé
O B. sabes
O C. saben
O D. saber


Yo sé el poema de memoria


A. Se


plz help me with a good answer with a good explanation.I will give u branist and also like u.i will even follow u and rate your answer 5 star.plz help me​


1. Yes, human desire is the root cause of ozone depletion. Ozone depletion is different from global warming. Ozone depletion is the depletion of ozone layer and global warming is the increase in greenhouse gases.

2. Global climate change influence biodiversity because more temperature is melting the polar ice, so it is affected polar biodiversity. Also, due to irregular weather patterns, tropical and deciduous diversity is affected.

3. Environmental factors influence the phenophases of plants and animals, because due to irregular weather patterns, their normal phenophases is disturbed.

que son las células globosas?



neuronal progenitors or in spanish progenitores neuronales


Los glóbulos rojos, también conocidos como eritrocitos o hematíes, son células globosas de color rojo. ... Junto a los glóbulos blancos y las plaquetas, componen el grupo de los elementos formes de la sangre.

Which verb form correctly completes the sentence? Ayer, Mia primos ____ 15.000 pesos
A. Gastaste
B. Gastaron
C. Gastan
D. Gasta


La respuesta correcta es B. Gastaron

Usa el se impersonal para completar las oraciones con los verbos batir, cortar, hablar, lavar, mezclar, necesitar, poder, poner, o preparar. (Use the impersonal self to complete sentences with the verbs beat, cut, speak, wash, mix, need, power, put, or prepare.)

1. Para preparar un sandwich de jamón y queso, _______ el jamón y el queso en lonchas.
2. Para alimentarse bien, _________ comer de los cuatro grupos esenciales de alimentos.
3. Primero ______ el brócoli y luego ______ en el agua a hervir.
4. En este restaurante ______ los mariscos con ajo y hierbas.
5. Según la receta, ________ todos los ingredientes en una fuente grande.
6. En una parrillada argentina, _______ varios tipos de carne.
7. ¿_______ francés en ese restaurante?
8. ¿________ los huevos para preparar una tortilla española?


1. Cortas
2. Necesitas
3. Cortas, pones
4. Preparan
5. Lavas
8. Batimos

I have no clue what goes there. It's not gracías, I already tried. :( ​


Usted that what I think it is

You could try his name maybe?

Yo uso este cuchillo.






because it's correct

Corrects, because the verb is in first person singular of present simple

Las naves negras ante Troya - capituló 14 ‘La suerte de Troya’

1. ¿que es el paladio?

1. ¿Que creencia hay sobre el?


1-El paladio es un elemento químico con el símbolo Pd y número atómico 46. Es un metal blanco plateado raro y brillante descubierto en 1803 por el químico inglés William Hyde Wollaston.

2- la dos no se :(

La mamá____
O está
O están
O estamos
O estar



Explanation: It’s A) esta

La mamá está cuidándolos

5. Which of the following activities is a visitor to Palenque most likely to do?



mayan ruins


The Maya civilization was a Mesoamerican civilization developed by the Maya peoples, and noted for its logosyllabic script—the most sophisticated and highly developed writing system in pre-Columbian Americas—as well as for its art, architecture, mathematics, calendar, and astronomical system.


Visit the tomb of King Pakal


Yo _____ a Elena.
A. conozco
B. doy
C. salgo
D. sé



A conozco


its right



People on your block come from all over the world. Use the verb ser and the information given to introduce each, including yourself.

George y John. Estados Unidos. Periodistas.



Jorge y Juan son periodistas estadounudenses.


so, Hi ok I translated everything in Spanish and I also put the verb "Ser" which is "son" in this case andddd this is the result

"Jorge and Juan are journalists from the United States."

Also, you can put the names as they are or in Spanish, whichever you are ordered to put. Have a nice day! Hope I helped!!

I know this answer because my first language is spanish! bye have a nice rest of the day!!!

Jorge y Juan son periodistas viviendo en los Estados Unidos.

It is the point where the area of ​​one country ends and another begins.
the passport


B. Border I am not sure
Answer is B how this help

Which sentence is grammatically correct.

Mi tio va vender su coche.

Mi tío va a vende su coche.

Mi tío vende a ir su coche.

Mi tío va a vender su coche.


Mi tío va a vender su coche.
Other Questions
Two parallel conducting plates are separated by 12.0 cm, and one of them is taken to be at zero volts. (a) What is the magnitude of the electric field strength between them, if the potential 5.6 cm from the zero volt plate is 450 V what type of Literary Devices is this passage and provide an explanation " Only the champion daisy trees were serene. After all, they were part of a rainforest already two thousand years old and scheduled for eternity, so they ignored the men and continued to rock the diamondbacks that slept in their arms. It took the river to persuade them that indeed the world was altered." need this ASAP PLEASE in heating a kettle of water on an electric stove, 3.3410^3 J of thermal energy was provided by the element of the stove. yet, the water in the kettle gained only 5.9510^2 J of thermal energy. determine the percent efficiency of the electrical element in heating the kettle of water the width of a newspaper is 13 3/4 inches. The left margin is 7/16 inch and the right margin is 1/2 inch. what is the width of the written page inside the margin? identify the part of speech for the words in brackets. (thought) How is this excerpt structured?O cause and effectOchronologyO problem and solutionO answer Case StudyManuel is a nontraditional student who just finished his bachelor's degree in business. He likeshis job, and is happily married with three healthy kids. He sometimes gets irritable and lashesout at his wife, later regretting it. When he meets with friends and family, he gets anxious,feeling they have much more than he does. Manual is showing signs of:A -suicidal tendencies.B-too much caffeine intake.-stress.D-homicidal tendencies. It is the point where the area of one country ends and another passportb.borderc.Customs 2(5x-3)=24find what x is? One purpose of using a visual aid is to clarify complex ideas that are difficult toexplain verbally.TrueFalse If f(a) is an exponential function where f(-3) = 18 and f(1) = 59, then find thevalue of f(0), to the nearest hundredth. Which point represents the unit rate?ABCD Find the value for the side marked below.Round your answer to the nearest tenth.10049y = [?] The time spent by Nadia to answer the geography quiz is 30 minutes more than the time spent to answer the history quiz. What is the total time that Nadia took to answer both quizzes? Natasha really wants to ask Felix out on a date, so she does. To her great delight he agrees, and they both find the experience very rewarding. According to reinforcement sensitivity theory, which neurobiological system was Natasha following when she made her request? (i)BAS (ii) BIS (iii) FFFS (iv) LSMFT victory[tex]()xyx {78646816481186544}^{2} [/tex] art In the following calculations, be sure to express the answer in standard scientific notation with the appropriate number ofsignificant figures.3.88 x 1079 - 4.701 x 1059x 10g 3. A bacterial isolate from a urine specimen was grown in culture, Gram stained, and then tested for its ability to ferment sugars and hydrolyze various subtrates. What approach to bacterial identification is this an example of The rope required to measure the diametwr of acicular pond is 90 m shorter than measurin its circumference. find the diameter of the pond. Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that is also called trisomy 21. A person with Down Syndrome has an extra copy of chromosome 21. What can you infer is most likely the genetic mutation that results in Down syndrome?A: Nondisjunction during meiosisB: Complete duplication of chromosomes during polyploidyC: Translocation during genetic replication D: Crossing over during meiosis