Now, use your research to decide which business is the best choice for this community. Explain your choice in two to three sentences, using factual evidence to support your claim.


Answer 1


It depends on the resources.


Business that is the best choice for this community depends on the presence of available resources in that region because people do business of only those items which can be produced at that area. If there is a lot of flat land with sufficient amount of water so agriculture is the best business for them while on the other hand, if there is a lot of grazing area so then rearing of livestock animals is the best business. If there are mines present in that region then extraction of minerals is the best business for them.

Answer 2


The best business for this area is The Shoe Hut. This is the case for several reasons. First, there is less competition for custom sporting goods, as the supply in the area is lower. Survey data shows that there are more individuals who desire custom outdoor sporting goods than there are people who desire more coffee shops. Finally, the overall capital required to start and maintain The Shoe Hut is lower. Less equipment is needed, any building can be rented, and if an employee cannot be hired immediately, I can run the store on my own.


Related Questions

What is the sentence structure that makes the object the focus of the sentence?



Passive Voice and Active Voice Structures

A passive sentence structure makes the object the focus of the sentence.

A passive sentence structure follows the following pattern: Object + “be” + Verb + (optional “by” phrase) + Subject.

Using this passive structure,  the object of the verb or the receiver of the action is moved to the front position while the doer of the action moves to the end of the sentence.  This grammatical arrangement is usually followed by a “by phrase”.  

The passive structure is mainly used when the doer is not important.  Therefore, the speaker or writer showcases the object and the action done to the object, thereby disregarding the doer.  It is the opposite of an active sentence structure, wherein the doer is the subject of the sentence, while the receiver of the action is the object.

Thus, the focus of a passive sentence structure is on the person or thing affected by the action of the doer and not on the doer.

Learn more about the difference between the passive and active sentence structures or voices here:

If we (know)_______ who he was, we (invite)______ him to speak at our meeting.




would have invited


was is in the past tense, so we need to use the past tense for the verbs "know" and "invite".

Excellent. The past tense of know is "knew" and the past tense of invite is "invited".

Careful! For invited, we have to use "would have invited" because the statement makes it seem like they did not invite him to speak at their meeting (i.e. the "if we knew").

Hope this helps!

ways to improve games and sports​


the competitiveness. everyone around me is always so competitive and full of themselves thinking they are the best out of everyone.

please help mee!! The predicate of a sentence is....​



what is said about the subject or what the subject does


the 2nd option: what the subject does or what is said about the subject

please arrive early for us to start the meeting on time. (so that)


Please arrive early for us so that we can start meeting on time.

I’m so confused I was wondering if you could help me



i would say maybe 2, but it is confusing as none of them seem correct, I would reach out to your teacher.


The reason i would say the Second one is that if t started in 2008 and continued till 2011, mabey it occurend annually on the same day? Im not sure.

As always make sure to back through your lessons and readings so you dont miss anything and can get closer to the ansew your teacher might want/expect. Also please do not copy-cut- and paste the above answers, reword.

~Woofer Books, Happy Learning

1. By the time I gave you back the book, I _____________(read) it carefully.
2. Caroline felt nervous during her flight because she___________ (not fly) before.
3. The movie ____________: (not start) when we got the theater.
4. The baby (fall asleep) __________ _________________ before eight o’clock.
5. I (not think) __________ _________________ of that question before.
6. Sue got wet because she (not bring) __________ _________________ an umbrella.
7. He (own) ___________ _________________ his car for a year before he sold it.
8. I didn’t notice that the traffic light (turn) __________ _________________ red.



1)Had read

2)Had not flown

3)Had not started

4)Had fallen asleep

5)Had not thought

6)Had not brought

7)Had owned

8)Had turned


1. Read

2.Never flew

3. Hasn't started

4. Fell asleep

5. Never thought

6. Got

7. Owned

8. Turned


In your opinion, is "The Monkey's Paw" effective at creating and relieving tension? Why or why not?



Yes, "The Monkey's Paw" is effective at creating and relieving tension.


"The Monkey's Paw" is a short story by William Wymark Jacobs (1863-1940), an English author famous for his horror stories.

Jacobs effectively creates and relieves tension throughout the story by means of several literary techniques. The plot begins with a mummified monkey paw being brought into the Whites' home by a friend. At this point, for instance, Jacobs uses foreshadowing, a technique in which a detail is revealed that serves as a clue to something that will happen later. The Whites' friend tells them about the paw's magic and about how its first owner wished for his own death.

As the story progresses, several other elements add to the tension and the suspense in the plot. The strange, somber weather outside, and the scary cracking noise the Whites hear upon making their first wish are just a couple we can mention as examples.

Create a properly formatted works cited page for a research paper about the Little Rock Nine. Include at least five sources to



Nine African American pupils arrived to Little Rock, Arkansas, Central High School and were ready to attend class on the 4th September 1957. But they were told to leave by the Arkansas National Guard.

The Nine Rocher's was a group of students of the National Guard in Little Rock, Arkansas, seized by the American African American Guard on 4 September 1957. This episode is largely considered a turning point in the history of American civil rights.

Separate education systems have been maintained in the United States for many years for Afro-Americans and Whites. In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that public-school segregation was unconstitutional under the US Constitution.

The first banned the nine black students from entering the building was the Governor of Arkansas Orval Faubus, but then changed his decision. Afterwards, crowds of people threatened to lynch them. President Eisenhower deployed the 101st Army Division to Arkansas, placing under federal jurisdiction the Military Arkansas Guard.

Post reading strategies are used ____

A) Before Reading A Text
B) When Reading or Specific Information
C) When Reading for a General Meaning
D) After Reading a Text​



all of the above


Read the excerpt from the eResource below and answer the question that follows. An examination of a school handbook from a local public high school shows that the "expectations" of students are more like laws by which a citizen must abide to live in a society. "Respect the teacher's position as leader in the classroom . . . " sounds like a statement of a tyrant. These "expectations" seem forced upon the students with no freedom. If schools want students to be successful citizens, they should allow students to take the courses they want and let them breathe. Which change would make the evidence stronger?



Supporting evidence " If schools want students to be successful citizens, they should allow students to take the courses they want and let them breathe."  does not connect to "Respect the teacher's position as leader in the classroom . . . " sounds like a statement of a tyrant." They are unrealted. Explanation:




Crystal said to Medeline ,"I hope our friendship lasts".in indirect speech plss helppp​



Crystal said to Medeline that she hoped her friendship will last

How does the text structure help the author convey his central idea that a prince is judged by the quality of his servants
chapter 22 of The Prince


Answer: providing supporting evidence of a prince believed to be clever because he chose a good servant.


You didn't give the passage or the options to the question. I got the options online and the correct answer has been chosen.

The text structure helped the author convey his central idea that a prince is judged by the quality of his servants by providing supporting evidence of a prince believed to be clever because he chose a good servant.

According to the author, the intelligence of a prince can be judged based on the kind of servants that the prince chooses.

In a situation whereby the prince choose a faithful servant, then it's believed that the prince posseses a high level of intelligence. An example was given about the prince of Siena who chose a faithful and hardworking servant and therefore was seen to be intelligent.

Which point of view would be best if an author wants to develop several characters, each of whose thoughts and actions are a part of the story a.Third- person limited b. Third- person omniscient d.Second person d.First person



a. Third-person limited


Indeed, by means of the third-person limited point of view, an author is able to narrate the thoughts of his character(s), in a way that they become part of the story.

Using this point of view, the author is limited in that he makes fewer generalizations about the thoughts of his characters, rather the author often shares the observed feelings, thoughts, and actions of each individual character(s) as a part of the story.

How was the Prince able to frighten the Demon? (The Demon with the Matted Hair)​


Answer: His sword—it was three-and-thirty inches long—stuck in the Demon's hair! The Bodhisatta struck him with his spear—that stuck too! He struck him with his club—and that stuck too! When the Bodhisatta saw that this had stuck fast, he addressed the Demon.


Hope it helps you if not sorry


With is sword


his sword was very strorng and powerful

What does this simile help you imagine? Check all
that apply.
the dignity of the father
Baldwin's youthful innocence
the consequences of too much education
the father's effect on Baldwin



first and last option


right on edge


a & d


the dignity of the father

the father’s effect on Baldwin

Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb in Past Continuous Tense ____they not ______for the examination.(prepare)​


Have they not prepared for the examination.

I need help ASAP PLEASE!



The could not grow any crops. This is because of a drought that consumes Malawi. William notices that friends are starving, people are dying, and parents are even selling their children into the marketplace for food. His family is forced to eat almost nothing each day. Another thing that William loses along with his sister is the privilege of going to school.


The could not grow any crops. This is because of a drought that consumes Malawi. William notices that friends are starving, people are dying, and parents are even selling their children into the marketplace for food. His family is forced to eat almost nothing each day. Another thing that William loses along with his sister is the privilege of going to school.

In one paragraph, briefly explain the qualities of someone who exhibits professionalism.


Answer: See explanation


Professionalism refers to the behavior, conduct, and attitude of a person in a business or work environment. It should be noted that professionalism is necessary as it brings about success in the workplace and a high level of excellence.

The qualities of someone who exhibits professionalism include:

1. Conscientiousness: Someone who is high in conscientiousness works hard, reliable and dependable.

2. Good interpersonal skills.

3. Someone who exhibits professionalism is honest and can be trusted.

4. Competence: Such person is competent and knows what is expected of him or her and does it. They always put in their best to ensure organizational goals are achieved.

5. Such person possesses and emotional intelligence.

Please help fast answer this all questions​



1. I would not at all respond to the em.ail, I could get hac.ked. I would sit back and think if I even did apply for some kind of raffle to get a fre.e la.ptop.

2. Why would the Mine.craft che.ats need to a.dd.ress and nu.mber? The best response would be to block the email's sender and not reply to the email.

3. Opening an email attachment is a serious breach if you don't know what the attachment contains. But you could be downloading a it can simply in to your e.mail and start sending using your account.

4. Report the user. This is not normal and should be reported immediately to an adult. Who knows what they want? Block the sender.

Happy learning!


HExamine the painting Self-Portrait with Monkey and Parrot. What do the animals and the background suggest about the artist? her interest in nature her appreciation for beauty her interest in pleasing others her feelings about her conditio



her interest in nature


Presenting a Self-Portrait with Monkey and Parrot, the artist shows her interest in nature and wildlife, as a characteristic that expresses who she is. We can see this, because a self portrait is the way the artist wants to present herself to the world, showing elements that present her true self and what characterizes her. When the artist wants to present the self-portrait with elements of nature such as animals, she is showing that her interest in nature is a striking feature she has.

Answer: D

Explanation: did it myself

What was Katniss's reaction when Peeta doesn't whistle back



when Peeta didn't whistle back, Katniss thought he was dead as they both promised each other that they would signal when they heard the other signaled.

In the passage, Roosevelt refers to the Axis powers as "gangsters." Explain the
connotations, or ideas and feelings, associated with that word. What central idea
about the attack on Pearl Harbor do the word gangsters and other inflammatory
language in the passage help convey?



The word GANGSTER as used in the passage gives a NEGATIVE connotation and could be inferred to mean the word ENEMY.


CONNOTATION simply means the perception of idea which a word gives when used or uttered as deduced from it's literal meaning.

The literal or primary meaning of the word gangster is a criminal, immoral and violent individual. This meaning resonates negativity and hence a negative CONNOTATION.

The use of the word GANGSTER and other inflammatory words such as TREACHEROUS is used to invoke the American people to see the Japanese as their enemy and prepare to hit back.


•The word GANGSTER gives a negative CONNOTATION and implies enemy.

• Inflammatory language used help convey a message to hit back.

1. The word "gangster" refers to a group of vicious criminals who usually operate in an organized manner.

The word Axis Powers here refers to the coalition of Germany, Italy, and Japan. So, because the attack was jointly carried out by this group of states, President Roosevelt in an attempt to brand them accordingly used the word "gangsters".

2. The general context and language of the speech in the passage underscores the criminality of the actions of the Axis Powers.

In the context in which President Roosevelt used this word, he was referring to the above-named coalition. His speech was a call to all countries of the world to bear the United States of America witness against the actions of the Axis Powers and in a way, to absolve the United States of America from the consequences of any retaliatory actions that she was prepared to carry out against the Japanese.

History shows that the US's retaliation was devastating and lasted generations afterward.

Roosevelt was not only incensed about the attack on America but delivered the above speech using words such as gangster to connote that their actions were criminal and unpopular. One could say that his objective was to ensure that listeners would become sympathetically inflamed as well.

The central idea of Roosevelt's delivery, therefore, is that no country has the right to deny other states the entitlement to live in harmony with its neighbors and that to attack a neighbor was a criminal action.

For more about the Axis Powers, please see the following link:


What does this sentence do?
We will need fewer teachers in the next five years.





It's not asking a question, but it is not ordering someone either.

A . tells because theres no ? Mark and there is no command

To make inferences or draw conclusions, you need to engage in what


To make inferences or draw conclusions, you need to engage in critical thinking.

what is the suitable adverb of the river flows​



Maybe stream


river and stream are pretty close so maybe try that

Plzzzz help 25 points!!!!
Select the correct answer. Which detail is emphasized in the text but not in the image? A. millions of years of erosion B. the deep, red landscape C. high winds in the valley D. steep canyon walls


Answer: C. High winds in the valley


The detail that is emphasized in the text but not in the image is the high winds in the valley. Thus, the correct option is C.

What is Valley?

Valley may be defined as a place that is generally peaceful and resting that is typically utilized by the person who is traveling to a destination. It is a lengthened depression of the earth's surface usually between ranges of hills or mountains.

The context of this question illustrates the picturization of details which are easily represented by the image given below. The given image only demonstrates the observable qualities but not the sensing ones. While winds of any geographical region is sensational.

The details that are easily emphasized in the text as well as in the picture are millions of years of erosion, the deep, red landscape, and steep canyon walls.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is C.

To learn more about Valleys, refer to the link:


the oth with the



Hellou hai ai dou nou sei english but i sou boa obrigada tenkiusou muchi baii


Helloiu neg lips for eye

Easy Question !!!

Please answer correctly


Please help !!!!



1. d

2. e

3. a

4. b

5. f

6. c


I can see how you would think 2 is f but it is actually e.

Can you please find the answers please I needs it


Answer: bro we can’t even read it


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