Please help me with this problem


Answer 1


4x² - 5x - 8 = 0

Step-by-step explanation:

Standard form of a quadratic: ax² + bx + c

Move all terms to one side and sort them based on the level of degree:


Answer 2


4x^2 -5x-8 =0

Step-by-step explanation:

ax^2 + bx + c = 0 is the standard form

4x^2 -9x-8 =-4x

Add 4x to each side

4x^2 -9x+4x-8 =-4x+4x

4x^2 -5x-8 =0

Related Questions

Finding an angle measure



C. 50 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

Angle EDG is 90 degrees

x = 10

5 multiplied by 10 is 50

4 multiplied by 10 is 40



50 = EDH

Step-by-step explanation:

We know that angle EDG is a right triangle (measures 90°). We also know that angle EDH and angle HDG make up angle EDG which is 90°. So ultimately we can state that;


 5x  +   4x  =   90

      9x = 90

        x = 90/9

        x = 10

Now that we know that value of x, we can say that;

EDH = 5x

since x = 10

EDH = 5(10)

EDH = 50

Hope this helps!

Find 0. Round to the nearest degree

A. 26
B. 66
C. 64
D. 24



C. 64°

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]{ \tt{ \cos( \theta) = \frac{adjacent}{hypotenuse} }} \\ \\ { \tt{ \cos( \theta) = \frac{7}{16} }} \\ \\ { \tt{ \theta = { \cos }^{ - 1} ( \frac{7}{16} )}} \\ \\ { \tt{ \theta = 64 \degree}}[/tex]

Answer:  Choice C) 64 degrees

Work Shown:

[tex]\cos(\theta) = \frac{\text{adjacent}}{\text{hypotenuse}}\\\\\cos(\theta) = \frac{7}{16}\\\\\cos(\theta) = 0.4375\\\\\theta = \cos^{-1}(0.4375)\\\\\theta \approx 64.0555^{\circ} \\\\\theta \approx 64^{\circ} \\\\[/tex]

Note: some calculators will use the notation arccos in place of the [tex]\cos^{-1}[/tex]

Can someone help me with this math homework please!



Post them individually

Step-by-step explanation:

1. B

2. 4th option ,----> Megan's at 2.5 per week

Megan's plant:

slope = 7-4.5/2-1 = 2.5= growth rate

Suzanne's plant:

slope = 7-5/2-1= 2 = growth rage


4 2nd option , $2 for each song

Rate of change = 6-4/3-2 = 2

Which of the following functions is graphed below?



non of the above thanks

don't ask me again please


where are the functions ???

Step-by-step explanation:

Which of the following is not a solution to the system of inequalities?
A) (0,4)
B) (0,3)
C) (2,3)
D) (1,3)




Step-by-step explanation:

In fact the point doesn’t lies on the graph or between the lines

C. Because Ounnjksismxikmxsmisxkmskmsxsxscdv

At a farmers market, oranges sell for $5 per bag and apples sell for $3 per
bag. Marc buys 7 bags of fruit for $29. How many bags of each type of fruit
did he buy?


Answer: 4 bags of oranges and 3 bags of apple

Step-by-step explanation:

Each bag of oranges is 5 and 5 times 4 is 20 Each bag of apples is 3 and 3 times 3 is 9 so 20 + 9 = 29

A basketball player average to 12.5 points per game there are 24 games in a season at the rate how many points with the players scored in an entire game



Wait did you mean how many points will it be after an entire SEASON?

PLEASE HELP A boat travels downstream 10 miles and returns to the starting point in 2
hours. If the speed of the stream is 15 mph, find the speed of the boat in still
water. A. 20.81mph B. 30.24mph C.25.67 D.15mph



A. 20.81 mph

Step-by-step explanation:

x = speed of the boat in still water.

one part of the trip is 10 miles downstream, where the speed of the boat and the speed of the current add together.

and the other part of the trip is the trip back the 10 miles upstream, where the speed of the current works against the speed of the boat :

10/(x + 15) + 10/(x - 15) = 2

10 + 10×(x+15)/(x-15) = 2×(x+15)

10×(x-15) + 10×(x+15) = 2×(x+15)×(x-15)

20x = 2×(x² - 225)

10x = x² - 225

0 = x² - 10x - 225

solution of a quadratic equation

x = (-b ± sqrt(b² - 4ac)) / (2a)

a = 1

b = -10

c = - 225

(10 ± sqrt(100 - 4×1×-225)) / 2 =

= (10 ± sqrt (100 + 900)) / 2 = (10 ± sqrt(1000)) / 2 =

= (10 ± 31.62) / 2

x1 = 41.62 / 2 = 20.81 mph

x2 is negative and did not make any sense.

Anybody help me with this question please? ;D


9514 1404 393


  35 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

You can count the squares, or ...

you can multiply the number in each row by the number of rows, or can multiply the number in each column by the number of columns.

Any way you do this, there are 35 square, so the area is 35 square centimeters.

Which expression is equivalent to 5(w+4) when w= 9?
O 5(9)+20




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]5(9 + 4) \\ 5(13) \\ 65 \\ prove \: it \: d \: answer \\ 5(9) + 20 \\ 45 + 20 \\ = 65[/tex]

Express the following as ONE fraction:

(( b - c )/ b ) + (b / ( b + c ))



Step-by-step explanation:

(b - c)/b * (b+c)/b  Notice how the second fraction is inverted and multiplied. That's how you handle a 4 tier fraction. Here's a simpler example

[tex]\frac{\frac{2}{3} }{\frac{4}{5} } = \frac{2}{3} * \frac{5}{4}[/tex]

What you get with your problem is

(b^2 - c^2)/b^2

What is the justification for step 2 in the solution process? 10x − 25 − 3x = 4x − 1 Step 1: 7x − 25 = 4x − 1 Step 2: 7x = 4x + 24



Add 25 to each side using the addition property of equality

Step-by-step explanation:

10x − 25 − 3x = 4x − 1

Step 1: 7x − 25 = 4x − 1  Combine like terms

Step 2: 7x = 4x + 24   Add 25 to each side using the addition property of equality

Find the value of x in the equation below.



Here is your answer....

Hope it helps.....



Step-by-step explanation:

expand the bracket by multiplying everything

inside by 3

after that collect like terms

then solve to come up with -3 as ur answer

The original price of a mountain bike was reduced by $125.

If p = the mountain bike's original price in dollars, which algebraic expression represents the reduced price?



p-$125= reduced price

Step-by-step explanation:

reduced implies that the $125 was SUBTRACTED from the original price.

A group of students is arranging squares into layers to create a project. The first layer has 6 squares. The second layer has 12 squares. Which formula represents an arithmetic explicit formula to determine the number of squares in each layer?

f(1) = 6; f(n) = 6 + d(n − 1), n > 0
f(1) = 6; f(n) = 6 ⋅ d(n − 1), n > 0
f(1) = 6; f(n) = 6 ⋅ d(n + 1), n > 0
f(1) = 6; f(n) = 6 + d(n + 1), n > 0




f(1)=6; f(n)=6+d(n-1), n>0

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given that

First layer has squares, a=6

Second layer has squares, a2=12

We have to find  an arithmetic explicit formula to determine the number of squares in each layer.


nth term of an A.P


Substitute the value of a

Now, we get




Hence, option a is correct.


f(1)=6; f(n)=6+d(n-1), n>0


f(1) = 6; f(n) = 6 + d(n − 1), n > 0

Step-by-step explanation:

I took the test on flvs and got it right.

100% Guaranteed Correct :)

, Hope this helps

Have a great day!!

In a GEOMETRIC sequence, the first term is 21 and
the common ratio is 2. Find the 15th term.




Step-by-step explanation:

hope it is well understood

Find four fractions between 1/10 and 1/8


9514 1404 393


  5/48, 5/46, 5/44, 5/42

Step-by-step explanation:

We can choose unit fractions with denominators between 8 and 10, separated by (10-8)/5 = 0.4 units:

  1/8.4 = 5/42

  1/8.8 = 5/44

  1/9.2 = 5/46

  1/9.6 = 5/48



1/8 = 0.1255/42 ≈ 0.1195/44 ≈ 0.1145/46 ≈ 0.1095/48 ≈ 0.1041/10 = 0.100


Additional comment

There are an infinite number of such fractions. We are given unit fractions with different denominators, so it works reasonably well to choose denominators between those given. Then the trick is to convert the fraction to a ratio of integers. In this case, multiplying by (5/5) does the trick.


Another approach is to write the fractions with a common denominator, then choose numerators between the ones given. For example, 1/10 = 4/40, and 1/8 = 5/40, so you could write some fractions with numerators between 4 and 5. Possibilities are 4.1/40 = 41/400, 4.3/40 = 43/400, 4.7/40 = 47/400, 4.9/40 = 49/400.

What is the length of bc



15 units

Step-by-step explanation:

If you’re trying to find out the length of a side, use Pythagorean Theorem

Pythagorean Theorem: a^2 + b^2 = c^2 where a = bc b = 8 and c = 17

a^2 + 8^2 = 17^2

a^2 + 64 = 289

a^2 = 289 - 64

a^2 = 225

Square rt 225 = 15

Therefore bc = 15

The shaded area in the distribution below represents approximately 95% of the data. Use the diagram to find the mean and the standard deviation.



mean = 85, standard deviation = 3.5

Step-by-step explanation:

The empirical rule states that for a normal distribution, 68% of the data falls within one standard deviation of the mean, 95% falls within two standard deviation of the mean and 99.7% falls within three standard deviation of the mean.

From the diagram since the shaded are is approximately 95% of the data. Hence 95% falls within two standard deviations of the mean.

σ = standard deviation, μ = mean

Hence; μ ± 2σ = (78, 92)

μ - 2σ = 78       (1);  

μ + 2σ = 92       (2)

Adding equation 1 and 2, gives 2μ = 170

μ = 85

μ - 2σ = 78

85- 2σ = 78

2σ = 7

σ = 3.5

i need help in this plz!!!!


Step-by-step explanation:

1) = {5(x+y)} - 2x

= 5x + 5y - 2x

= 3x + 5y

2)= {2(p×q)} + (p×q)

= (2p×2q)+ p×q

= 4pq + pq

= 5pq

3)= 6a + (8b + 2a)

= 8a + 8b

= 8(a+b)

4)= 3x² + ( x²+7x)

= 4x² + 7x

= x(4x+7)


Step-by-step explanation:

72) 5*(x +y) - 2x

  = 5x + 5y - 2x  {Distributive property}

  = (5x - 2x) + 5y    {Combine like terms}

  = 3x + 5y

73) 2*(pq) + pq

   = 2pq + pq     {Combine like terms}

   = 3pq

74) 6a + (8b + 2a)

     = 6a + 2a + 8b   {Combine like terms}

    = 8a + 8b

75) 3*x² + (x² + 7x)

   = 3x² + x² + 7x   {Combine like terms}

   = 4x² + 7x

Look at the figure. Which surface of the figure is represented by plane EFHG?

the right side
the back
the top
the bottom


Answer is I need the picture please to figure out

Given m|n, find the value of x.
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Step-by-step explanation:

These are corresponding angle and corresponding angles are equal

7x-1 = 8x-14

Subtract 7x from each side

7x-1-7x = 8x-14-7x

-1 = x-14

Add 14 to each side

-1+14 = x-14+14

13 =x

247 divided by 7
[tex]247 \div 7[/tex]



247/7 = 35 2/7

247/7 = 35 reminder 2

247/7 = 35.2857142857...

Step-by-step explanation:



   7    |   247







247/7 = 35 2/7

247/7 = 35 reminder 2

247/7 = 35.2857142857...

A local store sells oranges at a price for 6 fo $9.00. If Alley wants to buy 10 oranges what would the total price be?




Step-by-step explanation:

you need to check how much of e costs and you do that by dividing the price by the amount and than comes up to 1.5 that's for 1 and for 10 it's 15 hope that helps

hope this helps! feel free to clarify

Distribute and simplify the radicals below



i think A is answer you should to do

Based on the graph, how many calories will Colin burn if he walks 3 mi.?

A. 300 calories
B. 550 calories
C. 750 calories
D. 900 calories


300,000 calories are in 300 kilo-calories.

Line K has a slope of -3/4. If the slope of of lines that are perpendicular to each other are opposite reciprocals, what is the slope of a line perpendicular to line k?




Step-by-step explanation:

-3/4 * -1 = 3/4 then flip it to 4/3



Step-by-step explanation:

the slope of a perpedicular line is the inverse times negative one.

1)the inverse of -3/4 is -4/3

2)-4/3*-1 is 4/3

Please help me with this I really need help (ಥ_ಥ)



i can help you i know this question

Which set of fractions is ordered from least to greatest?



The answer is 7/12 , 6/8 , 4/5 from least to greatest.


7/12, 6/8, 4/5

Which equation represents the graphed function?
O y=-3+3
O y=3x-3
O y = 3x - 2 / 2
O ya **+3


All of our equations are in slope-intercept form. Slope-intercept form is y=mx+b. m stands for the slope, and b stands for the y-intercept. Our y-intercept is 3. Therefore, we can eliminate the equations that say the y-intercept isn’t b. Next, we can find the slope. We have the points (0, 3) and (3, 2). The formula for slope is y2-y1/x2-x1. 2-3 is -1, 3-0 is 3. Our slope is -1/3. After eliminating those without the y-intercept, we have A or D. We know that the slope is -1/3, so the answer must be D.
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