please help quickly ! which two scenarios best show an example of internal conflict?


Answer 1


i think its


the third and the forth

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Which of Maria-José's traits does her family value MOST highly?


Even though the answer choices for this question are missing, we can still provide some insight. Below you will find a general answer that will help you choose the best option for this question.

- The trait Maria-José's family values the most is her self-abnegation. That means they take it for granted that Maria-José has abandoned her own hopes and dreams. They believe she has chosen to dedicate her life to them.

"Aunt Zeze's Tears" is a short story by Brazilian author Carmen Dolores (pseudonym of Emília Bandeira de Melo). The main character is Maria-José, or Zeze.The story is set at a time when all women could hope for in life was marriage.However, Zeze is becoming an old maid. Her lack of beauty has kept her from finding suitors and marrying a good man.She suffers a great deal, but her family does not seem to notice. She lives with her sister's family, and they all seem to take her for granted.They go out and have fun at the opera without her, leaving her at home to take care of the younger children.They do not seem to worry as to whether she is sad or not. They have simply accepted her fate as an old maid, and chosen to believe that she has accepted that fate too.

Learn more about the topic here:




Factorise I am not sure if you are follow me please please f it is a great place to work for and it is a great place to work for and it is a great place to

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The little girl asked which way she should go.

The little girl asked which way she should go. In reported speech




What kind of question is this?

Explanation: :>


15 points yay


have a nice day

Someone plz help me :(



maybe A? I dont know sorry


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The central character is an old Cuban fisherman named Santiago, who has not caught a fish for 84 days. The family of his apprentice, Manolin, has forced the boy to leave the old fisherman, though Manolin continues to support him with food and bait. Santiago is a mentor to the boy, who cherishes the old man and the life lessons he imparts. Convinced that his luck must change, Santiago takes his skiff far out into the deep waters of the Gulf Stream, where he soon hooks a giant marlin. With all his great experience and strength, he struggles with the fish for three days, admiring its strength, dignity, and faithfulness to its identity; its destiny is as true as Santiago’s as a fisherman. He finally reels the marlin in and lashes it to his boat.However, Santiago’s exhausting effort goes for naught. Sharks are drawn to the tethered marlin, and, although Santiago manages to kill a few, the sharks eat the fish, leaving behind only its skeleton. After returning to the harbour, the discouraged Santiago goes to his home to sleep. In the meantime, others see the skeleton tied to his boat and are amazed. A concerned Manolin is relieved to find Santiago alive, and the two agree to go fishing together.

anyone did this plz help today is the submission or if u know how to do it help me I will give brainliest



number one answer

to share your wealth with those in need

number two answer

i agree with the daughter because instead of a party the money can be used to help those in need

number three answer

indulgent they raise in luxury or would do anything for her not to get hurt

number four answer

she was upset beause she saw the poor woman and while she was to have a party which was going to be expensive it could help poverished families

number five answer

flora is willing to share while her father is not

number six answer

instead of giving things away you should teach one useful skills so they can survive

giving a fish will help satisfy one hunger for today but tommorow he is still hungry teach him how to fish we can survive iwn his own because he know how to


hope this help good luck!

4. The rich people
some of the poor people. (1 point)
5. The poorest of the poor become ___?
the police.
the teacher.



I believe it would be hire, and honest.


Rich people have the money to hire poor people, and the poorest of the poor people become honest

Is there any difference between Alliteration and Assonance?
Explain this while citing examples from Robert Frost's poem "Fire and Ice".



you have patience the distance.


ok and I have been working on the student finance and the family of the fun world.

which of the following is a fact? Zebras should not be kept in zoos. Zebras should be better protected. Zebras sleep standing up. Zebras are the most beautiful creatures on the planet. what is the right answer​



"Zebras sleep standing up."


The rest are all opinions, "Zebras sleep standing up" can be proven with facts.

what figure of speech is:Waste not: want not​



waste not want not

is a proverb

proverbs are words of advice or they express the truth


Can you help me? …….



Secondary source


Since the map wasn't created at the origin of the time, it is a secondary source.  If the map was from the same time, it would be a primary source.

1. In dramatic irony, the reader understands the meaning of a character's words and
actions, though the character himself does not. Which statement about the narrator of "The
Tell-Tale Heart" is an example of dramatic irony?
He is not mad because he planned his murder so carefully.
His "blood ran cold" when he looked at the old man's “evil eye.
He thinks, "The old man's hour had come."
He did not desire the old man's gold.





Complete the given sentence transitively. (Rewrite in a complete sentence.) A group of students played____



(not too sure) "A group of students WILL play"

Answer:A group of students played hockey

What is the antecedent in the sentence, "Many of the cheerleaders who attend the summer camp have also done gymnastics.



Gymnastics is the antecedent.


An antecedent is a thing or event that existed before or logically precedes another. In this case, the phrase, "have also done," implies that they took gymnastics in the past, making it the antecedent.

Which of these sentences best states the poem’s theme?

Civil rights are essential to building a democratic society today.

Owning land is a basic freedom, and it should be guaranteed to all people.

Freedom is essential for all, but it is not available to everyone.

Letting things take their course always brings change in a democratic society.





A drama in which the characters and setting are presented in typical and real-world ways is known as:



realistic drama


“It isn’t fair, it isn’t right” Why does Tessie say this?



WTh IS TESSIE and i need 20 word minimum to answer that

what is the importance of responding property to various issues that human being contend with?​


Answer: It is vital therefore that people everywhere should strive to understand what human rights are. When people better understand human rights, it is easier for them to promote justice and the well-being of society.

Human rights are basic rights that belong to all of us simply because we are human. They embody key values in our society such as fairness, dignity, equality and respect. ... Most importantly, these rights give us power and enable us to speak up and to challenge poor treatment from a public authority.


whats your favorite subject and are you doing good in school


Answer: Language Arts, and yes i have a A :)


Write two to three sentences explaining how women’s clothing changed over time as a result of the bicycle.

P.S no links and i'm giving out brainlyest




I used to bicycle about 30 km 3 times a week. It's not far, but it's enough to know what I think the answer is.

A common problem for all cyclists (male and female) is clothing getting caught in the chain. Nothing completely protects the rider from that happening. So dresses would have to be shortened probably about mid calf and they would have to be widened, to give women the space they need for their legs and the comfort they need to have their limbs moving up and down. That's one change that would be absolutely necessary.

A less obvious one is the blouse. I don't know how to put this, and I'm sure not going to ask, but I think it can't be too tight and too dainty at the same time. There's a lot of effort needed to bicycle (say) up a hill and there can't be something restricting being warn. This last point applies to a lot of garments that were popular in the mid 1800s to the 1920s for a lot of reasons other than bicycles. You could think about riding horses, to expand your question.

Using an alternative means of transportation is the only
way to decrease our dependence on foreign oil. Taking the
bus to work is not only more relaxing than sitting in traffic
it can help save over 200 million gallons of gas every
year. And riding a bike not only saves fuel, it also benefits
the physical and mental health of the rider.
Which word best describes the tone of this example?
O A. Angry
OB. Upset
C. Informed
D. Confused


The answer would be C. Informed

Explanation: this is informational writhing because it is educating and giving numbers as well as health benefits as evidence to back up the original statement about alternatives for dependence on foreign oil

The answer is (C) Informed

What is an Information?  

Information is stimuli that has that means in a few context for its receiver. When information is entered into and saved in a computer, it's miles normally referred to as statistics. After processing -- which includes formatting and printing -- output information can once more be perceived as statistics. When records is compiled or used to better recognize something or to do something, it turns into understanding.    

To know more about information refer :


How does Gary’s character reflect the passage’s theme ?

a) The character illustrates that bullies do not care who they push around.

b) The character demonstrates that all kids are afraid of being caught skipping class

c) The character’s dialogue reveals that heroes are people of very few words

d) The character’s transformation shoes that the unlikeliest of people can be heroes


Answer: D) The character's transformation shows that the unlikeliest of people can be heroes.

I took the test and got the answer right

Is it “what i see in this picture or what i can see on this picture”?



both can be used but it depends on how you word it in the sentence


What does it mean to provide an objective summary?



only includes information that comes from the text.


An objective summary is a summary that does not include any opinions or judgments about what is written in the text. Instead, it only includes information that comes from the text. Writing objective summaries can help you understand texts that you read and identify the most important information in the text.

answer all questions


I finished it by just one glance, Ain't I smart?

A relationship in any of the characters (two not three or four characters), where conflict is present (The Outsiders).

Please answer fully :>
(10 minutes maximum)



Man vs Man is shown through the feud between the Greasers and the Socs. Meanwhile, Man vs Society can be seen in the social/economic class struggles of the characters, namely that of the Greasers, who are poor and struggle to fit in with the rest of society. Man vs Nature happens as Johnny and Pony save the children from the church fire, Johnny getting seriously hurt in the process. Man vs Self conflict is in Pony dealing with his guilt over the deaths of Dally and Johnny.


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