(I missed the Spanish class because I had a dentist appointment)

Choose the best response to the following question.

¿Qué puedos comer el domingo?

1. Puedo comer tacos
2. Podo como tacos
3. Poder comer tacos
4. Puedo como tacos

Choose the correct translation of the following sentence.

Can you talk to John?

1. Pueden hablan con Juan?
2. Tú hablar con Juan?
3. ¿Puedes hablar con Juan?
4. Podemos hablar con Juan?


Answer 1


first question is 1.

second question is 3.


I'm a native speaker (and took advanced spanish)

Answer 2
1 and 3 hope this helps

Related Questions

Rewrite these sentences changing the direct object noun to the correct direct object pronoun.
1. Ant'es de la comida, tengo que poner la mesa.
2. Mi familia y yo vamos a ir al cine este fin de semana.



Tengo que poner la mesa antes de la comida.

Yo y mi familia vamos a ir al cine este fin de semana.

Explanation: Let me know if you have any other questions !!

en un vuelo con dirección madrid-miami, mauro se ve envuelto en serios problemas debido a su mal comportamiento con algunos pasajeros. sin embargo, cuando el piloto decide regresar a madrid, mauro manipula a los demás pasajeros y toma el papel de mediador entre éstos y la tripulación. de esta manera, consigue que el vuelo retome su curso inicial hacia miami. en un vuelo con dirección madrid-miami, mauro y algunos miembros de la tripulación planean secuestrar a los pasajeros. el piloto se entera de la situación y decide regresar a madrid. los pasajeros, al darse cuenta del plan, se unen para detener a los secuestradores.



On a flight to Madrid-Miami, Mauro is involved in serious problems due to his bad behavior with some passengers. However, when the pilot decides to return to Madrid, Mauro manipulates the other passengers and takes on the role of mediator between them and the crew. In this way, he gets the flight to resume its initial course towards Miami. On a flight to Madrid-Miami, Mauro and some members of the crew plan to kidnap the passengers. the pilot finds out about the situation and decides to return to Madrid. the passengers, realizing the plan, band together to stop the hijackers

que tipo de dibujo tecnico tiene como proposito la confeccion de mapas


Cartography or cartografía

Spanish fill in the gaps with the preterite tense in Spanish


IbaFuimosSalíamosDuroLeiaComíaDieronGustóCharlabaJugábamos LlegábamosEstábamosTomamosFuimosEstabaTeníamosCompartía


these r the answers hope it helps


















Podemos saber qué habilidades tienen los robots actuales con fines industriales, médicos o militares



The skills of robots in different industries are as follows:

Industrial: They lift a lot of weight, they are scanners, they allow to organize the articles, and in the automotive sector they assemble parts.

Doctor: They are not so autonomous but they allow to perform tomography, carry the blood pressure count, among others.

Military: they allow to detect bombs, as well as heat sources.


Select a Spanish speaking country and research its important holidays and historical dates. Write an essay (about 200 words) comparing and contrasting
two Spanish countries. You can write your essay in English.


Answer: his list is designed to reflect the major holidays and celebrations of the Spanish-speaking countries. The celebrations of holidays are rich with meaning.

Explanation: hope this helps :)


mexico celibrates the day of the dead on november 1st


A que iba maria a estancia novela el tunel



Que es tú pregunta? :)


enseña la clase de ingles en la sexta hora


Answer:  Qué significa eso


Create sentences using the command indicated. Follow the model.MODELOjugar con tus amigos (- tú)No juegues con tus amigos.


bañar al perro

tú no bañas al perro

jugar conmigo

tú no juegas conmigo

hacer la tarea

tú no haces la tarea

bailar y cantar

tú no sabes bailar y cantar

tener amigos

tú no tienes amigos

Escucha el párrafo sobre la vacación de Micaela y ordena las frases en el mismo orden del párrafo.

1. A
Micaela pasea hasta el Jardín de los Poetas.
2. B
Micaela termina su día con una caminata por el jardín botánico.
3. C
Micaela está de vacaciones en Buenos Aires.
4. D
Micaela tiene una cita para ir en canoa al lago.



A Micaela está de vacaciones en Buenos Aires.

D Micaela termina su día con una caminata por el jardín botánico.

C Micaela tiene una cita para ir en canoa al lago.

B Micaela pasea hasta el Jardín de los Poetas.


A Micaela está de vacaciones en Buenos Aires.

D Micaela termina su día con una caminata por el jardín botánico.

C Micaela tiene una cita para ir en canoa al lago.

B Micaela pasea hasta el Jardín de los Poetas.


adjectivos demonstartivos

¡¡¡¡por favor!!!!




1. esta, aquel

2. ese, estos

3. esos, aquellos

4. ese, aquel

5. estos, esos

6. aquella, ese

7. este, aquel

8. esos, aquel

No se si las hize esto bien!! :) :)

Cam is las sigientes oraciones del presente Al preterito.


Hi! ♡


Carlos jugó fútbol americano en la escuela.Mis amigos corrimos en el parque todos los sábados.Mi familia y yo comímos en un restaurante después de la iglesia.Tú fuistes de compras al centro comercial.Yo fuí a la escuela de lunes a viernes.¿Hablaste español en clase?Mi mamá se maquilló todas las mañanas. Jorge se lavó la cara antes de dormir.Mis amigos y yo fuimos al gimnasio los fines de semana.¿Compraron ustedes la ropa?

SpanishGirl ಌ - Greetings!

I need help please

Estefanía _________ (to work) en una Universidad.

Vanesa y tú ___________ (to draw) muy bien.

Yo __________ (to have dinner) a las 8:00 p.m. ¿Y tú?

Las profesoras _________ ( to arrive) a las 8:00 a.m.

La clase de economía ___________ (to end; to finish)a las 4:00 p.m.

Amelia y Clara _________ (to watch; to look at) la TV .

A ella ______________ (to like) la música las 24 horas del día.
¿Tú ____________ (to look for) tu cuaderno?


Answer:  Estefanía trabaja en una Universidad.

Vanesa y tú  dibujan  muy bien.

Yo como a las 8:00 p.m. ¿Y tú?

Las profesoras llegan a las 8:00 a.m.

La clase de economía se acaban a las 4:00 p.m.

Amelia y Clara miran la TV .

A ella le gusta la música las 24 horas del día.

¿Tú buscas tu cuaderno?


Trabaja= Works

dibujan= to draw

como= to have dinner

llegan= arrive

se acaban= end at

miran= watch

le gusta= likes

buscas= search



Estefanía ____ trabaja_____ (to work) en una Universidad.

Vanesa y tú _____ dibujan______ (to draw) muy bien.

Yo ___ ceno _______ (to have dinner) a las 8:00 p.m. ¿Y tú?

Las profesoras __ llegan __ (to arrive) a las 8:00 a.m.

La clase de economía __ concluye __ (to end; to finish)a las 4:00 p.m

Amelia y Clara __ miran __ (to watch; to look at) la TV .

A ella _ le gusta_ (to like) la música las 24 horas del día.

¿Tú _ buscas__ (to look for) tu cuaderno?

He de reconocer que aquel día tenías toda la razón. Cuando llegué a mi casa,empecé a analizar la situación, y estuve pensando en lo ocurrido. En elmomento de la discusión, no lo reconocí, pero cuando pasaron unas horas,y lo medité bien, me di cuenta de mi error. Eché a correr a tu casa paradisculparme. Llevaba recorrida una manzana, cuando me percaté de que nose veía ninguna luz.



I think the answer to your question is I

have to admit that you were absolutely right that day. When I got home, I started to analyze the situation, and I was thinking about what happened. At the time of the discussion, I did not recognize it, but when a few hours passed, and I pondered it well, I realized my mistake. I ran to your house to apologize. I had been walking for a block when I realized that there was no light



Ana y sus amigas llegaron temprano a la tienda pero yo llegue tarde.

Yo empezer mi tarea a las tres pero mi hermana empezó su tarea a las siete y media.

Tu comienza a leer y yo comienzo a estudiar

yo busco mi suéter en mi ropero

Yo juego al futbol americano pero ellos juegan al béisbol

Nosotros empezar a trabajar a las ocho

yo practicó mi clarinete y tu practica la trompeta

ella saco su tarea pero yo no sacar la mía

Hope this helps!





hoy voy al mercado al aire libre cerca de mi casa con mi tía carmen. me gusta ir con





If you want me to finish the sentence the Answer is “me gusta ir con mi tia Carmen”

Hello guys
Can you help my assignment ?
1. ¿Cuál es el propósito del artículo?
a. Convencer a los jóvenes de que deben jugar al fútbol
b. Describir la manera como evolucionó el programa
c. Hacer un análisis critico del programa
d. Resaltar los esfuerzos de futbolistas famosos colombianos


1. What is the purpose of the article?

to. Convincing young people that they should play soccer

b. Describe how the program evolved

c. Do a critical analysis of the program

d. Highlight the efforts of famous Colombian footballers


What are three aspects of Mexican culture that are similar to your culture in the United States?



Dress and grooming are status symbols.


Según la presentación, ¿a qué se denomina "reserva de la biosfera"?



Las Reservas de la Biosfera son lugares que la UNESCO distingue dentro del Programa MAB ("Hombre y Biosfera") en los se busca encontrar el equilibrio entre el hombre y su entorno.

Biosphere Reserves are places that UNESCO distinguishes within the MAB Program ("Man and Biosphere") in which it seeks to find the balance between man and his environment.

Answer about a trip Teresa is going to make to Mexico.


I need to see the text it is referring to so I can answer the questions

En Matilde de julio Cortázar sinopsis



Que es your question?


Explíca brevemente los temas modernistas que se encuentran en el poema "Juventud, divino tesoro" de Rubén Darío.


I think the answer to your question is Briefly explain the modernist themes found in the poem "Juventud, divino tesoro" by Rubén Darío.

escucha de nuevo las lineas 15 a 18 y actua como un detective


Answer: que es esto .............


5. Escribe esta oración en el pretérito: 3 points)
Él va
va a Madrid el lunes.



Se/El fue a Madrid el Lunes.


Ir, (or va in el/ella form) is irregular in the preterite tense as well. It will change to "fue."

Hi! ♡


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Él fue a Madrid el lunes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SpanishGirl ಌ - Greetings!

Answer the following questions with complete sentences in Spanish. Note the hints in parentheses.

1. ¿Te gusta bailar?

2. ¿ Dónde está El libro (under the desk)

3. A la profesora, ¿Le gustan Las enchiladas?

4. ¿Dónde estás? (next to cafeteria)

5. ¿Te gustan Las peliculas románticas?

6. how would you translate the sentence "Spanish class is very far away"

7. ¿Cuáles son Tus pasatiempos favoritos (to read,to play soccer,and to dance)

8. Tell someone what you like to do (to sing or to play piano)

9.A ustedes ¿les gusta la clase de atre? (sí)

10. Tell someone that the pencil is on top of the book​


1. Si, me gusta bailar.
2. El libro esta abajo del escritorio.
3. Si, me gusta las enchiladas de pollo.
4. Estoy alado de la cafetería.
5. Si, me gusta la películas románticas.
6. El clase de Español esta muy retirado.
7. Mi pasatiempo favorito es jugar los videojuegos.
8. Ami me encanta cantar la música.
9. Si, me gusta pintar en el clase de arte.
10. El lápiz está en cima de el libro.

cual es el complemento predicativo de la oración:
"Camila y Pedro eran los hijos de aquel hombre malvado y cruel"



Eran los hijos


Pide el complemento predicativo, eso se refiere a lo que eran o hacían

muchas familias se juntan para ir a la playa. Escoge la palabra correcta de la caja para completar el texto



no puedo ver el texto


Read and choose the option with the correct country, based on what you learned from the lesson and from Marina's and Julián's story.

Hola, soy Marina y hoy es un día bonito. Es mi boda. Tengo 15 años y mis padres quieren mi boda. Mi novio es Julián, él tiene 16 años y sus padres quieren nuestra boda también << too >>.


Puerto Rico


República Dominicana





por la señal de la santa cruz de nuestros enemigos


Answer: Líbranos señor Dios nuestro, en el nombre del padre, del hijo, del espíritu Santo, Amén


Es la continuación de lo que escribiste

presiones de una arruga en el tiempo



pressures of a wrinkle in time.

Other Questions
If 4 gallons of milk cost $16.24, how much would 7 gallon of milk cost Scientists unearth one of the oldest known dinosaurs. Millions of years ago, a bloodthirsty dinosaur roamed Earth. The rough reptile terrorized its prey, viciously ripping apart animals with its sharp claws and knife-like teeth. Who was this fierce hunter? No, not Tyrannosaurus rex. It was Eodromaeus-a dinosaur the size of a dog! Scientists recently introduced the teeny meanie, whichthey discovered in Argentina. That is a country in South America. Experts say Eodromaeus (ee-oh- DROH-mee-uhss) is one of the oldest dinosaurs ever discovered. It lived during the Triassic Period about 230 million years ago. The dinosaur's name means "dawn runner." The pint-sized predator was four feet long from nose to tail and weighed less than fifteen pounds. Though Eodromaeus was small, it may hold big clues about the world's first dinosaurs."We're looking at a snapshot of early dinosaur life," says Paul Sereno. He is a paleontologist who helped find the reptile.A Meaty History Eodromaeus has a history that scientists can really sink their teeth into. The dinosaur was one of the very first theropods. A theropod was a meat-eating dino that walked on two legs. The great-granddaddy of T. rex shared some key features with later carnivores, or meat eaters. The reptile had sharp, narrow teeth. "They have small, steak knife-like [edges] so that when they are jabbed into flesh, they open a wound," Sereno explained to WR News. Eodromaeusmost likely chowed down on small dinosaurs and the young of other reptiles. Also, like later meat eaters, the dinosaur had hands that were perfect for grabbing its dinner. "The bones behind the claws are very long, so it can get the claw around something," Sereno explains.In addition, the end of the dino's tail was stiff to let Eodromaeus keep its balance while running.The Big Reveal Eodromaeus is helping scientists learn about other early dinosaurs. The reptile shared its turf with a similar-looking dinosaur called Eoraptor (ee-oh-RAP-tor). For years, experts suspected, or thought, that Eoraptor ate meat. But after comparing Eoraptor's and Eodromaeus's features, they determined that Eoraptor was an herbivore, or plant eater. Despite the dinos' different diets, they had a lot in common, including their size, experts say. "I think if they [ran] by, you might not even know the difference except that one might want to rip your arm off and the other one might ... hide in a bush," Sereno says. The fact that the dinosaurs shared so many features could mean that they are also very similar to the world's first dinosaur, Sereno says. Experts believe that dino roamed Earth ten million years earlier than Eoraptor and Eodromaeus did. That may seem like a long time, experts say, but it is relatively short compared with the 183 million years that dinosaurs existed.Digging Deeper Sereno and his team found both Eodromaeus and Eoraptor in northern Argentina. They believe the country may hold even more fossils-including the remains of the very first dinosaur. "We're going to go back," Sereno says. He's pretty sure some fossils will turn up. "They always come out to say hi when we come!"Profile of a Predator Small animals, beware! Eodromaeus's skeleton shows certain features that are common in all meat-eating dinosaurs, including T. rex. WHAT IS THIS ABOUT I need help with this Spanish 1 questions Write a question that has the quotient of -3/8 Is 666 = 37 positive or negative? 7.0g divided by 5.6g/cm cubed What is (- 2g-6)-(g-10) Snog plz help me or anyone plz lend an hand to a failing grade plz be so kin as to help start by reading this The American colonies had accomplished an amazing success. Angry about their treatment by the British government, the colonists had protested and then revolted. After winning the Revolutionary War against England, they had formed a new country: the United States of America.During the war, the Continental Congress had formed a government under the Articles of Confederation. This document served as the first constitution of the United States. Because of their experiences with the British government, the colonists had limited the power of the United States central government under the Articles. After the war, however, many people realized that the government had too little power. It could not collect taxes or regulate trade. There was no executive to enforce laws and no court system to make sure laws were fair. The countrys leaders realized the United States needed a new plan of government.Respected people, or delegates, from all the colonies except for Rhode Island met in Philadelphia in 1787 to create a new constitution. For four months the delegates discussed problems and solutionsin secret so that no one would influence the decisions. Finally, in September 1787, they completed the writing of the United States Constitution. The next step was to get the document ratified, or approved, by nine of the thirteen states. That task was not easy.When Americans learned the specifics of the Constitution, two groups formed. People who supported the strong government created by the Constitution were called Federalists. People who worried that the government would be too powerful were called Anti-Federalists. As the states prepared to ratify the Constitution, these two groups worked hard to get people to join their side. Leaders of the Federalists wrote a series of essays published throughout the country. They urged the states to ratify the Constitution without any amendments. Meanwhile, the Anti-Federalists wanted to make sure that peoples rights were protected against the government. It soon became clear that some statesespecially big states such as Massachusetts, New York, and Virginiawere not ready to adopt the Constitution.What were the rights that the Anti-Federalists wanted to protect? The list included the right to speak freely, to worship freely, to have fair searches, and to have a trial by jury. These were all rights that the British government had ignored before the Revolution. Federalists claimed that those rights were protected even though they were not specifically listed. After more than two years of discussions, James Madison proposed amendments, or additions, to the Constitution that would protect a citizens rights.The House of Representatives passed seventeen amendments on August 24, and the Senate consolidated them into twelve amendments. The Senate passed them on September 9. In order for the amendments to become law, however, the states also had to approve them. Congress sent the amendments to the states on September 25. The states approved ten of the twelve amendmentsknown as the Bill of Rightson December 15, 1791. The United States had a new government plan that allowed it to become not only the most powerful nation in the world but also the greatest protector of human rights. What are two central ideas of the passage? Federalists didn't want a Bill of Rights.The creation of the Constitution was complicated.Many people worked together to create the Constitution.Personal rights were unimportant to Americans.James Madison proposed seventeen amendments. ayer / felipe y lola / enviar / mensajes por correo electrnico The big worry at the chapter's end isQuestion 5 options:dividing the treasureSmaug's locationreplacing the ponies Jumbled Words: Arrange the following words. (KITCHEN WEARS/TOOLS/EQUIPMENT)1. IBCENTAN - 2. WDRRAE - 3. OTLEW - 4. ISETUS - 5. NIKS - 6. BLETA KPANNI - 7. LEPAT - 8. SAGLS - 9. RFKO - 10. NOSOP -This is URGENT! 5 MIN. LEFTY'all i need this to be doneee!! Don't answer this quest if you don't know what's the answer.. Thanks!! Helpful answer/w explanation = Brainliest Answer Unhelpful answer/ Nonsense = Report (Delete) PLEASE HELP ITS DUE NOW!!!!!!WILL MARK BRAINLIEST!!!!! What is the equation of the line in slope-intercept form?Write your answer using integers, proper fractions, and improper fractions in simplest form. plz i will give u 93 point and a brainlylist and I will add u as a friend Diedres sister works as a lifeguard. Last summer she earned $14 per hour. She earned a total of $5,180 workingas a lifeguard last summer. How many hours did Diedres sister work as a lifeguard last summer? is 10/110 an irrational or rational number Graph y+6=45(x+3) using the point and slope given in the equation. Use the line tool and select two points on the line. Find the value of k, if g(x) = f(x) + k. F(x)=|x| g(x)=|x|-4. 25% of 80 Question: find the percent of the numberOther if you could also do: 30% of 70, 91% of 60, 40% of 85, 250% of 18 The hypotenuse of a certain number is 5 units and one leg is 3 units long. Find the area of the triangle