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Which phrase best completes the table?
A temporary villages
B hunting and gathering
C hieroglyphic writing
D Job specialization


Answer 1


D Job specialization


Considering the information on the table the phrase that best completes the table is Job specialization.

This is because Civilization is a state of society that is characterized by its cultural and technological development. Some of its characteristics include:

1. Advanced technology

2. Social organization

3. Job specialization

4. systems for administering territories

5. division of people into social and economic classes

Hence, in this case, the correct answer is "Job specialization" which is a means of complex division of labor.

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Mini reform movement spring up in the 1800s. Which eventually resulted in a woman's right to vote?

A. Abolitionist movement

B. Temperance movement

C. Pioneer movement

D. Suffrage movement


C is the answer pioneer movement will be the answer for mini reform movement sprung up in the 1800


Suffrage Movement


nixon’s foreign policy in chile what was it & how was it archived?


Answer: Nixon focused on reducing the dangers of the Cold War among the Soviet Union and China. His policy sought on détente with both nations, which were hostile to the U.S. and to each other. He moved away from the traditional American policy of containment of Communism, hoping each side would seek American favor.

cuales son las diferentes reformas de Napoleón


Establecer un sistema de gobierno centralista.
Pacificar la sociedad francesa: permitió el ingreso de las personas que se habían exiliado del país.
Estabilizar los impuestos: creó el Banco de Francia y el Código de comercio.

Use this timeline to answer the question below.
| 1607 - The British colony of Jamestown is founded.
1636 - Harvard College is founded.
1776 - The United States declares
independence from Great Britain.
| 1789 - The U.S. Constitution is adopted.
| 1867 - The U.S. Civil War begins
1917 - The United States enters World War I. |
1945 - The United States drops atomic bombs on two Japanese cities
1969 - American Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to walk on the moon |
Which event happened last?
A. The United States enters World War I.
B. The U.S. Civil War begins.
C. The U.S. Constitution is adopted.
D. The British colony of Jamestown is founded.



It is A, ofcourse


The event that happened last is the United States drops atomic bombs on two Japanese cities (1945). The correct option is D.

Why was the colony of Jamestown founded?

The goal of Jamestown was to serve as the hub of a sustained colonization operation, generating fresh money for the London investors and re-creating English society in North America. Four months after leaving London, the colonists arrived in Jamestown.

The event that happened last on the timeline is "The United States drops atomic bombs on two Japanese cities" because it occurred in 1945, which is the most recent date on the timeline.

The timeline starts with the founding of the British colony of Jamestown in 1607 and continues through major events in American history, including the adoption of the U.S. Constitution in 1789, the start of the Civil War in 1861, and the United States entering World War I in 1917.

The dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 marked a significant event in world history and is considered a turning point in the Second World War.

Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about Jamestown here:


what is full form of UNIVAC​


UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) ,

Hope it helps you

What new labour-saving devices were introduced in the agricultural revolution?



Today's agriculture routinely uses sophisticated technologies such as robots, temperature and moisture sensors, aerial images, and GPS technology. These advanced devices and precision agriculture and robotic systems allow businesses to be more profitable, efficient, safer, and more environmentally friendly.

Please mark me as the brainlest and thanks

Which area did the Bantu not live in?
A. Great Lakes region
B. Great Rift Valley
C. North African savannah
D. Equatorial rain forest





North African savannah

What was an important effect of the Haitian Revolution?



Hey mate....


This is ur answer

The Haitian Revolution had many international repercussions. It ended Napoleon's attempts to create a French empire in the Western Hemisphere and arguably caused France to decide to sell its North American holdings to the United States (the Louisiana Purchase) thus enabling the expansion of slavery into that territory.

Hope it helps!

Brainliest pls!

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The Haitian Revolution had far-reaching international consequences. It effectively ended Napoleon's attempts to establish a French empire in the Western Hemisphere, and it may have influenced France's decision to sell its North American holdings to the United States (the Louisiana Purchase), allowing slavery to expand into that territory.


Haitian Revolution (Britannica)Effects & Impact of the Haitian Revolution (

Which of the following gave the American economy a major boost in the years after World War II?
A the return of thousands of veterans who were seeking jobs
B the conversion to a peacetime economy
C a pent-up demand for consumer goods
D a major drop in government spending



C. a pent-up demand for consumer goods



Use the timeline to answer the question:

Image of a timeline with three dates marked 3000 BCE, 0, and 2000 CE. There are lines above 3000 BCE, 0, and 2000 CE. There is also a line marked A, which is to the right of 3000 BCE. The distance between 3000 BCE and 0 is proportionately less than the distance between 0 and 2000 CE.

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Which date corresponds to letter A on the timeline?

1500 CE

1400 BCE

3200 BCE

1900 CE


It should be C. 3200 BCE


3200 BCE


Romans called Scotland HIBERNIA because it was _________.


Answer: Land of the winter

Explanation: Known to Greek and roman writers

To determine a credible research source a historian should:

read as much as they can on the subject
go to a reliable website
understanding the subject area better
look at the sources of the source


i was taught in school to look at the sources of the source. so D

Using water sources for irrigation purposes has caused __________ in parts of Central Asia. A. floods B. droughts C. corrosion D. desertification Please select the best answer from the choices provided





irrigation can course floods


Your answer would be A hope that helps you


What role did the
government play in
western settlement?


The government protected western settlements with troops and pushed the Native Americans off western lands. The Federal government also financed the constructed of the first transcontinental railroad in the west.



They federally funded irrigation projects and supported westward expansion.


The government protected western settlement with troops and pushed the Native Americans off western lands. The Federal government also financed the constructed of the first transcontinental railroad in the west.

What role did the federal government play in the development of the west? They federally funded irrigation projects and supported westward expansion.

Who was Theodore Roosevelt and how was he affected by succession?​




Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858 into a prosperous Dutch New York City family, he was a sickly, asthmatic child, then he was an athlete and books writer, the best known which is "The Winning of the West", was a great hunter and animal collector, always had a nickname "Teddy", by which everyone called him, He had several public offices, until becoming the vice president of William McKinley, later that year he would become the twenty-sixth President of the United States and the youngest President yet at 43 years old, a sudden succession, which, of course, nobody expected, since the Republicans of that time had nominated him to the vice presidency thinking that it would be an unimportant position.

Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th US president. After the president William McKinley who was previously Assassinated. Roosevelt was one of the most important and popular presidents to ever serve in the Chief Executive Office. (Of course this was in the succession time.)


Choose two people and explain why the persons you chose were important in America’s fight for independence.



Thomas Jefferson was a one of the most important and prominent figures in American history. He was a founding father who was responsible for writing the Declaration of Independence as well as the third President of the United States.Explanation:

What is a country, person, or company that uses exploitation for
production or consumption?



A taxpayer claiming the use or consumption exception must establish its ... to be extracted in the country which has exclusive rights of exploitation of ...

Please mark me as the brainliest and thanks

How are the 1968 democratic convention and the letter from national mobilization committee similar and different?


Answer:The 1968 democratic convention and the letter from national mobilization committe similar Though the 1968 protest at the Democratic National Convention were largely against the Vietnam War, the country was undergoing unrest on many fronts. The Vietnam War was in its 13th year and the recent Tet Offensive had proved the conflict was far from over, as the draft sent more young men into the fray. It was only a matter of time before a showdown would take place between the government of President Lyndon B. Johnson and America’s war-weary citizens.


The Democratic Party in 1968 was in crisis. President Johnson—despite being elected with a huge majority in 1964—was soon loathed by many of his peers and constituents due to his pro-Vietnam War policies.

In November 1967, a relatively unknown and unremarkable Minnesota senator named Eugene McCarthy announced his intent to challenge Johnson for the Democratic presidential nomination. In March 1968, McCarthy won 40 percent of the vote in the New Hampshire presidential primary, thereby validating his candidacy.

A few days later, Senator Robert F. Kennedy abandoned his support for Johnson and entered the presidential fight.

President Johnson saw the writing on the wall and, on March 31, told a stunned nation during a televised address that he would not seek reelection. The following month, Vice President Hubert Humphrey—backed by Johnson—announced his candidacy for the nomination, further dividing the Democratic Party.

Humphrey focused on winning delegates in non-primary states, while Kennedy and McCarthy campaigned hard in primary states. Tragically, the race was turned upside down again when Robert Kennedy was assassinated after giving his victory speech following the California primary on June 4.

Which of the following was responsible
for the spread of Islam into parts of
Northern and Western Africa?



Muslim refugees fleeing persecution in the Arab peninsula.

And also Islam spread throughout West Africa via merchants, traders, scholars, and missionaries.


hope i helped

The human cost of WWI was


more than 9 million soldiers and an estimated 12 million civilians died in WW1, and 21 million military men were wounded

Which ideas did you include in your response? Check any that apply.


Where’s rest of the question?

What are some consequences when a country experiences a
downturn in the economy?


Answer: The consequences of a declining economy would be sky high rate of unemployment and lower wages. It can also affect education and investment oppurtunities negatively


We call this period of time a "recession" where the economy just basically starts declining down. The great depression is an extreme example of recession but gets the point through. Business start to lose money so they start taking off their workers to cut as few losses as they can.  

Someone evil can rise to power due to people being desperate.

The African American population of Detroit grew rapidly as African

A. Migrated to jobs in automobile manufacturing
B. Attended military training
C. Gathered to center of religious worship
D. Reunited with distant relatives


The answer is A Migrated to jobs in automobile manufacturing
Please mark me brainliest

Read the excerpt from "A Model of Christian Charity." When God gives a special commission He looks to have it strictly observed in every article.... Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work... Now if the Lord shall please to hear us, and bring us in peace to the place we desire, then hath He ratified this covenant...and will expect a strict performance of the articles contained in it...

How does this excerpt contribute to the effect of Winthrop's message on his audience?
A. It establishes Winthrop's leadership and encourages his audience to think for themselves.
B. The repeated references to God set a reassuring tone that they have nothing to fear as they begin new lives.
C. It emphasizes that the success of their mission depends on how closely they follow their agreement with God.
D. Winthrop uses forceful language to bully the audience into accepting his position of authority.​


This excerpt contributes to the effect of Winthrop's message to his audience by emphasizing that "the success of their mission depends on how closely they follow their agreement with God."

This is evident when he said that "Now if the Lord shall please to hear us, and bring us in peace to the place we desire, then hath He ratified this covenant...and will expect a strict performance of the articles contained in it...

This implies that for God to help them achieve their success, they must abide by their agreement with God which is "a strict performance of the articles contained in it."

Therefore, this excerpt contributes to the effect of Winthrop's message on his audience by emphasizing that "the success of their mission depends on how closely they follow their agreement with God."

Learn more here:


C. It emphasizes that the success of their mission depends on how closely they follow their agreement with God.


I took the test, good luck btw anyone looking for answers :)

¿Qué paises durante el estado moderno desarrollaron la Monarquía Parlamentaria?



The modern concept of parliamentary government emerged in the Kingdom of Great Britain between 1707 and 1800 and its contemporary, the Parliamentary System in Sweden between 1721 and 1772.

frm wiki

Sorry I need points I’m really sorry

"in dwelling live close to the ground. in thinking keep to the simple if you realize you have enough then you truly are rich" based on these quotations which description applies to a Daoist in classical china


Hi. You did not provide any response options. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like yours, where the answer options were as shown in the attached image below. In that case, I hope the answer below can help you.


D. A teacher chooses to live in a small home equipped with bare necessities because that is all that is truly needed to survive and be happy


The statement presented in the question above shows that, according to Taoism, people do not need great wealth and excess objects to be made, or rich. Wealth, in this case, comes in resources sufficient to sustain a person's life, without excesses or exaggerations. An example of this would be seen in a teacher who chose to live in a small house equipped with basic necessities because that is all that is really needed to survive and be happy.

Which of the following strikes resulted in violent confrontation between workers and police or federal troops?
Group of answer choices

The Great Railroad Strike of 1877

The Haymarket Riot of 1886

Carnegie's steel workers' riots of 1892

All these answers



All of the above would be correct.

78% of Earth’s atmosphere contains this nutrient in the form of gas. All living things require this nutrient to make proteins, and it is found in the waste products of many living things.


Nitrogen is the most common element/ gas in the Earth’s atmosphere. All living things need this to make proteins.

How were rulers in Ancient Egypt buried during the Old Kingdom?



Kings were buried in multi-roomed, rock-cut tombs in the valley of the kings and no longer in pyramids.

In the late nineteenth century, a number of people from European countries moved to the United States. The act of moving to one nation from another is called .




hope it helps :)




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