Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long ______ should not be changed for light and transient causes.


Answer 1


Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes.


The given line/ sentence is from the Declaration of Independence of the thirteen colonies of the United States of America. This document would herald the start of a newly independent nation from July 4, 1776.

The given line reads, "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes." Here, prudence refers to the ability to exercise good and cautious judgment, which the framers of the Declaration see as a must for the government.

Related Questions

Which two lines in blue suggest that inge was envious of the people on the other side of the wall?



"The wall was part of the view from the only windows they had, and Inge as drawn to the sounds she often heard from the other side- laughter, shouting, music, and the noise of busy traffic."

"It was a world of people who did not begin and end each day in shades of gray."


In the given passage from the excerpt of "Inge's Wall", the character Inge is shown 'peeking through the tiny hole she found on the wall. And through the wall, she could see that there are 'other worlds' beyond her neighborhood of poverty.

The two lines that suggest that Inge was envious of the people on the other side of the wall are-

"The wall was part of the view from the only windows they had, and Inge was drawn to the sounds she often heard from the other side- laughter, shouting, music, and the noise of busy traffic."

"It was a world of people who did not begin and end each day in shades of gray."

Thought about Mary had a little lamb????


It’s a great children’s story, especially for retelling. But, that one phrase “mary had a little lamb” is very repetitive.

It is also believed the nursery rhyme had a hidden religious meaning. Jesus is referred to the “lamb” who takes away the sins of the world and his fleece, which white as snow, symbolizes the purity of Jesus and “Mary” refers to the Virgin Mary.

write a problem and solution paragraph using one of the topic
always late for school



Many students and young pupils struggle to prepare for and arrive at school in a timely manner, due to various individual circumstances. This may be a frequent occurrence for some and sometimes impedes learning and performance in the classroom. Teachers and professors do not wait for the impunctual for the commencement of their lessons, and they occasionally reserve the first minutes of class to deliver important announcements to their students. Thus, students who are frequently absent in those precious minutes may find themselves severely disadvantaged. The cause of tardiness may be linked to various potential causes, such as inadequate sleep, poor organisational skills, a superabundance of morning tasks, and irresponsible siblings. All these problems may be resolved through careful planning and seeking support as needed. A student who finds themselves unable to manage the organisation requisite for punctuality should confer with counselors and mentors and plan through their morning to find a suitable solution. This is key because it allows for reflection and compromise.


I hope this corresponds to your expectations. I haven't much experience with writing problem and solution type essays or paragraphs, but I included an introduction of the problem, an explanation for why it is significant and problematic, a proposed solution, and a concluding sentence. I hope it helps :)

What kind of language is used in bright romantic literature?


Answer: figurative language

Explanation: Both use figurative language to express hope that the subject will be rewarded in heaven for good deeds. Bradstreet's topic is love and marriage, while Wheatley's topic is King George III.

Answer: figurative language


how is macbeth shown as a hero in act 5 scene 3???? need to know asap, 63 points for it



he is shown as the hero because of his feats in the play and he is well described as the main protaganist. He is a person who helps the people and he is for the people. This leads him to be a hero.


What are the advantages of using genetic testing to aid in drug selection for patients? Select all correct answers from the list below.

Check All That Apply

A) Patients likely to experience adverse reactions to a drug can be identified.
B) When several drugs are available for the same condition, the drug most likely to be effective can be selected.
C) Allergic reactions to drugs can be prevented.
D) The response to drug treatment can be monitored.
E) The patients prognosis can be predicted


Answer: Patients likely to experience adverse reactions to a drug can be identified

- When several drugs are available for the same condition, the drug most likely to be effective can be selected.

- The response to drug treatment can be monitored

- The patient's prognosis can be predicted


Genetic testing refers to a type of medical test which is used in the identification of changes in the genes, or chromosomes.

The advantages of using genetic testing to aid in drug selection for patients include:

• Patients likely to experience adverse reactions to a drug can be identified

• When several drugs are available for the same condition, the drug most likely to be effective can be selected.

• The response to drug treatment can be monitored

• The patient's prognosis can be predicted.

What was one way, according to Patrick Henry, to gain liberty?



Moving to Great Britain


"English is still relevant lingua franca. Discuss and support your view with examples."

can give me some idea?
just give me the point??​



Learning Task 4 Imagine you are the principal in an institution. As the school head, how are you going to address the social issues that circulate in your school? In your pad paper, copy the table. Write in the second column your suggested solution to the social issue indicated in the first column.

Social Issues

1. Gender Bias /Discrimination

2 Overpopulation

3. Bullying

4. Fake News

5. Child Abuse

Proposed Solution

Most cultures use colors as symbols for moods or behavior.
What does the word symbols mean?

stands for something else
stands for a person
stands for a type of book
stands for a type of clothing




stands for something else


stands for something else.

You are Nirja/Neeraj, Principal, Doon Public School, Delhi. Your school has just started a music department. Write a letter to the Manager of Melody House, Delhi wholesale suppliers of musical instruments, placing an order for musical instruments for the school. Ask for a discount on the catalogue prices.
Pls answer fast.. don’t spam pls it’s imp.. I’ll report u if u do



prind and ninja are fighting in school

In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is a protagonist because he is a



A protagonist is basically the main character of a story who faces major conflict and who the reader/audience feels empathy for and wants to succeed. An antagonist is another major character who creates conflicts for the protagonist. Traditionally, in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, most readers would say that Romeo is the play's protagonist because he is the one we want to succeed. We know that his intentions are pure and we feel sorry that he meets his tragic end and does not get what he was fighting for in the first place, which is to be with Juliet. In that same vein, most would label Tybalt the play's clear antagonist, as he is the one who wants to fight Romeo, and the reader is given no reason to ever really feel sorry for, or care about, Tybalt's character. All we ever see from him is his lust for a good fight and his detest for peace.



Select the correct text in the passage,
Which of these sentences gives the best description of the American identity



I think you didn't show the passage please

Which of the following is recommended when drafting a short story?

Look for ways to show events and interactions through dialogue.

Frequently alternate between exposition and resolution.

Add action and interest to the story by avoiding the use of dialogue

Look for ways to use rhythm to illustrate the theme.



Look for ways to show events and interactions through dailogue

Beatles' drummer, Richard Starkey, was born in Liverpool, England, so he is known to the world as Ringo Starr.
What is wrong with the sentence?



"Beatles' drummer, Richard Starkey, was born in Liverpool, England, so he is known to the world as Ringo Starr", has a clear and concrete writing error. Thus, the word "so" has no reason to be in said wording, as the fact that Richard Starkey was born in Liverpool is in no way a condition for the world to know him as Ringo Starr. In other words, the word "so" as a connector within the sentence does not follow logical parameters, as it does not deal with a cause-consequence situation.

Write a two paged essay on how you spent your vacation​



Um I didn't have a vacation


Examples of Quantifier phrases for different nouns



Quantifier is like putting a number before a thing

many cars

few people

some boats



Many buliding

2 kilograms of rice

would you live in a mobile home? why?​



is this any story's sentence???




Because it would be cheaper than li b ing in an actual house

What the allusion of ring round the rosy??



The allusion around ring around the rosy is

the agony of illusions fooling around you so go and find a rose bush and form a ring it is the most important part of the story and the way you have to give it your all

Brainliest please

Correct me if I'm wrong

The allusion of ring around the rosy is, the Black death. (The virus looks like red circles) The Black Death originated in China and Central Asia and was transmitted to Europe in 1347 when a Eurasian army attacked a trading port in Crimea. The army catapulted plague-infested corpses into the town to spread the infection. From this trading port, ships carried the disease westward to Mediterranean ports, and from there the disease quickly spread inland.

The pandemic was called the Black Death because of the black spots that developed on the skin of many victims.

The Black Death was thought to be a combination of two plagues: bubonic and pneumonic. Bubonic plague does not spread directly from person to person but from rodent to person or person to person by infected fleas. Pneumonic plague is highly contagious and passes from person to person through droplets from coughs or sneezes.

Living conditions in medieval towns and overcrowding in housing encouraged the spread of disease. Poor sanitation in cities created breeding grounds for rats that carried the disease. Death rates from the Black Death varied from place to place. The disease spread more quickly in populated towns than in the countryside.

Monasteries were devastated by the disease, which passed quickly through the community since monks lived in close contact with one another. They also had many visitors passing through, allowing for more chances of it entering the community.

Those with money and power and the means to leave the areas affected were not immune from the plague. For instance, King Alfonso XI of Castile and Joan, the daughter of English king Edward III, died from the disease.

Death rates from the Black Death varied from place to place. The disease spread more quickly in populated towns than in the countryside.

Monasteries were devastated by the disease, which passed quickly through the community since monks lived in close contact with one another. They also had many visitors passing through, allowing for more chances of it entering the community.

Those with money and power and the means to leave the areas affected were not immune from the plague. For instance, King Alfonso XI of Castile and Joan, the daughter of English king Edward III, died from the disease.

While mortality rates from plague during the Black Death varied in different regions, the total death count is estimated to be 25 million people throughout Europe. The population of western Europe did not return to its pre-1348 level until the beginning of the 16th century.

Which line from Matilda by Roald Dahl contains dialogue?
O Naturally Matilda was put in the bottom class, where there were eighteen other small boys and girls about the same
age as her.
O After the usual business of going through all the names of the children, Miss Honey handed out a brand-new
exercise-book to each pupil.
O "Stop!" Miss Honey said. She had been listening slightly spellbound to this smooth recital, and now she said, "How
far can you go?"
O Miss Honey paused and leaned back in her chair behind the plain table that stood in the middle of the floor in front of
the class.



"Stop!" Miss Honey said. She had been listening slightly spellbound to this smooth recital, and now she said, "How  far can you go?"


Step by step, explain the extended
metaphor comparing the life span of the
nautilus and the progress of the human soul.
Explain the "stately mansions” (line 29), the
"low-vaulted past" (line 31), "each new
temple” (line 32), the "outgrown shell” (line
35), and the “unresting sea" (line 35).


This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.


The chambered nautilus is a cephalopod that has an external shell and, upon outgrowing it, will find another one that fits better. ]Once it leaves the smaller shell, it cannot return to it. This creature serves as a metaphor for the progress of the human soul, which grows through one´s lifespan until it also outgrows its shell, meaning the human body, and must change to a bigger shell, that of the spiritual level.

The author commands his soul to "Build thee more stately mansions," which symbolizes the creation of a better way of living. When he calls to "Leave thy low-vaulted past," we can infer that it´s a calling to leave behind a less spiritual life. In this context, the "outgrown shell" signifies the old ideas that are not suitable to the author anymore, due to "life’s unresting sea," which signifies the human lifetime.


The question refers to "The Chambered Nautilus” by Oliver Wendall Holmes.

An extended metaphor is a kind of metaphor that extends throughout multiple lines, or even throughout the entire poem, like in this example.

Arrange the events from book 13 odyssey in order



- In the Odyssey Book 13 the order of the events is : 5,2,6,1,3,4,7 5) Minerva disguises Ulysses as an old beggar. 2) Neptune turns the Phaeacians’ ship into stone. 6) Ulysses falls asleep after boarding the Phaeacian ship 1) Ulysses finishes recounting his adventures of his journey home to the Phaeacians. 3) Minerva meets Ulysses in the guise of a young shepherd. 4) King Alcinous makes arrangements for Ulysses’s safe journey home to Ithaca. 7) Minerva and Ulysses plot revenge against Penelope’s suitors.  

Read the student thesis. Parents should, if they choose, limit the amount of television their children are viewing. The best way to improve this thesis is to include the pros and cons of the topic. provide a clearly expressed viewpoint. be neutral and refrain from taking a side. agree with and support any counterclaims.


Answer: provide a clearly expressed viewpoint.


A thesis is the proposed answer to a research question, and it's finalized after the completion of the research.

Since the student's thesis is that "Parents should, if they choose, limit the amount of television their children are viewing", the best way to improve this thesis is to provide a clearly expressed viewpoint.

A clearly expressed viewpoint should be written which will buttress the point that the researcher is trying to make.

The process through which a document is repeatedly translated from one language to another and back, each time by a different translator, is known as





Decentering an be regarded as central change strategy which is a Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy,

and it involves act of stepping outside of one's own mental events which then results to an objective as well as non-judging stance at oneself. As regards a document, It should be noted that decentering is the process through which a document is repeatedly translated from one language to another and back, each time by a different translator.

Consider this excerpt: "And when pitying fingers brushed the snow from their wan faces, you could scarcely have told from the equal peace that dwelt
upon them which was she that had sinned. Even the law of Poker Flat recognized this, and turned away, leaving them still locked in each other's
arms." What is the mood of the passage?
A. judgment and condemnation
B. peace and contenment
C.sadness and regret
D.anger and disgust



B. peace and contentment


C because the passage is sad but also because they were turned away from

I was only two years old when I left Cuba but I remember everything that’s happened to me since I was a baby, even word-for-word conversations. I was sitting in my grandmother’s lap, playing with her drop pearl earrings, when my mother told her we were leaving the country. Abuela Celia called her a traitor to the revolution. Mom tried to pull me away but I clung to the Abuela and screamed at the top of my lungs. My grandfather came running and said, "Celia, let the girl go. She belongs with Lourdes." This was the last time I saw her.How does the structure of the excerpt add meaning to the passage?


Answer: It introduces several of the narrators who will share their points of view.


The structure of the excerpt added meaning to the passage as it introduced several of the narrators who will share their points of view.

From the excerpt, the mother, grandmother and grandfather all shared their point of view. Her mother told her that they were leaving the country, Abuela Celia called her a traitor to the revolution and the grandfather told her to let the girl go.

We can actually see here that the structure of the excerpt add meaning to the passage in the following way:

It introduces several of the narrators who will share their points of view.

What is structure?

Structure refers to the way in which something is arranged or organized. Text structure is seen in stories and essays as it refers to the organisation of text. Text organisation helps readers to understand what the writer is trying to pass across.

Thus, we can see that the structure of the excerpt actually adds meaning to the passage in the way it introduces several of the narrators who will share their points of view.

Learn more about text structure on

You must be new, -----? tag question


whats ur favorite soupppp

Based on what Odysseus says in the passage, what
has he learned?
- Humans can become like gods.
Humans are under the gods' control.
Humans can change from beggars to soldiers.



Humans are under the gods' control.


Hello. You have not shown the excerpt to which the question refers and this makes it impossible for it to be answered.

However, when searching for your question on the internet, I could find another question just like yours, which showed the excerpt in which Odysseus informed how the goddess Athena turned him into a beggar after he returned to his island, but that she can transform it into a noble again, when appropriate. In this excerpt, he asserts that the gods have the ability not only to disguise men, but to humiliate and exalt them as well. This shows the reader how the gods are able to control human beings and use them in whatever way they see fit.

It is important to point out that Odysseus is a character in "Odyssey", a book written by Hoomer, which tells the story of how the king of Itáca, Odysseus, managed to return home after spending 20 years abroad.


Humans are under the gods' control.


A persuasive strategy of appealing to emotions is called pathos.






Pathos is a Greek word meaning 'suffering' or 'experience', and it is used in persuasive speech as an appeal to the emotions of the audience. Pathos is the way of creating a persuasive argument by evoking an emotional response in the audience/reader.

Kate's grandmother was born in Belgium and she says she is Flemish. Anne's grandmother was also born in Belgium and she says she is French. In some areas of Belgium, all signs are in French and are not possible to read unless you know the French language. The same is true for other areas with all signs in Flemish. What is creating the divide between these two cultures?


Answer: Language


The divide between the Flemish Belgians and the French Belgians seems to stem from language. The Flemish have their own side of Belgium where street signs are in Flemish and the French Belgians have the same in their side of Belgium.

This situation where both languages are spoken has led to both cultures experiencing a divide with one side espousing the need to speak one language and the other side doing the same. If they spoke the same language, there would be no divide - all else being equal - because they would integrate more.

The Last Leaf:
How does the symbol help to convey the theme?


In "The Last Leaf", Sue thinks that she will die when the last leaf from the old climber fell. The falling leaves in the climber signify the hard times of life. Just like Autumn when leaves fell from the trees, there are times in our life when we feel sad or depressed. But when the autumn is over, new leaves grow, just like that when the depressed rimes are over, we have all the colours of life again.

Other Questions
The quotient of (x -3x3-3x2 - 10x + 15) and a polynomial is (x2-5). What is the polynomial? _____ is a stimulant that excites the central nervous system, resulting in heightened arousal and activity levels. NetonBe makes sweaters, which traditionally involved the following steps: dyeing (i.e., into six different colors), knitting of the dyed fabric into three sizes each (small, medium, and large) and then distributing to the stores. As such, there were 18 different sweater color & size combinations in the end, each with a demand that is normally distributed with a mean of 1,000 and a standard deviation of 100. NetonBe has just developed a new system that allows them to knit a generic color sweater first, and then dyeing this generic sweater. As such, they only need to hold safety inventory for the three sizes, each with an average demand of 6,000. What would be the standard deviation in demand for each of these three generic sweaters? a) Approximately 600 b) Approximately 300 c) Approximately 245 d) Approximately 60 Find X in this question Pelis de terror/misterio que recomienden?'????''' Sheena, now 10 years old, was born to a teenage mother and a teenage father. Which statement is statistically true for Sheena? A. She is less likely to be in poor health. B. She is likely to score higher than her peers on math assessments.C. She is more likely to be unemployed as a young adult. D. She is less likely to repeat a grade in school. Both aldehydes and ketones contain a carbonyl group a functional group with a carbon oxygen double bond, hence the carbonyl in aldehydes and ketones forms sphybridization. Which of these describes a possible sexual orientation? A. Heterosexuality B. Masculine-oriented C. Transgender D. Intersexuality A study of performance in business organizations found that workers with higher ____ were rated as more effective leaders, as well as being more responsible for others, by their co-workers, supervisors, and subordinates.a. external locus of control b. guilt-proneness c. need to achieve d. narcissism Complete the following statement. simplify 3xy 2y step by step Suppose the figure KLMN is dilated using a scale factor of 1/3 with the center of dilation at the origin. Which are the ordered pairs for the image?1. K(-1,3), L(-3,0), M(, -8/3), N(2, 4/3)2. K(-9,27), L(-27,0), M(6, -24), N(18, 12)3. K(0,6), L(-6,-3), M(-1, -5), N(3, 1)4. K(3,-1), L(0,-3), M(-8/3, ), N(4/3,2) This question is divided into two parts. This is part (a) of the question. A proton accelerates from rest in a uniform electric field of 580 N/C. At some later time, its speed is 1.00 x 106 m/s. (a) Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the proton. (Mass of the proton is 1.67 x 10-27 kg and charge is 1.60 x 10-19 C) (in the following options 10^10 m/s^2 is 1010 m/s2) 7/3a - 8/5 +4/15a Simplified Question 2 of 32Which of the following will most likely lead to higher self-esteem?A. Argumentative behaviorB. Forgiving mistakesC. Violent behaviorD. Judging other people's appearanceSUBMIT Why was the decline of the Soviet Union an important factor in the fall ofcommunist governments in Eastern Europe?O A. It left the Soviet Union too weak to provide military support to itscommunist allies.B. It led desperate Soviet leaders to invade Eastern Europe to acquirenew territories.O C. It gave Western European democracies economic control overEastern European states.O D. It forced communist leaders in Eastern Europe to rely on theUnited States for support. Brian is making 5 triangular flags, each with the dimensions shown below.A triangle has a base of 18 inches and a height of 36 inches.How much fabric will Brian need to make the 5 flags? If Mr. David does a job in x hours and Mr. Ludwig in y hours. What part of the job they could do together if they worked for k hrs? A company has an overhead application rate of 124% of direct labor costs. How much overhead would be allocated to a job if it required total labor costing $24,000? Today I went to the zoo. I saw a(n) (adjective) (Noun) jumping up and down in its tree. He (verb, past tense) _(adverb) through the large tunnel that led to its (adjective) (noun). I got some peanuts and passed them through the cage to a gigantic gray _(noun) towering above my head. Feeding that animal made me hungry. I went to get a _(adjective) Scoop of ice cream. It filled my stomach. Afterwards I had to (verb) (adverb) to catch our bus. When I got home! (verb, past tense) my mom for a (adjective) day at the zoo.