Question: Using your understanding of the 4 macromolecules explain how Earth’s early atmosphere and the 4 molecules taught could lead to the formation of life on Earth. Using your understanding of the 4 macromolecules justify the scientific theory of how life began on Earth. Include a timeline of which macromolecules formed first. Provide scientific evidence, chemical properties of the atoms found in the Earth’s early atmosphere, atoms found in the macromolecules, to support your timeline.


Answer 1


Advanced forms of life existed on earth at least 3.55 billion years ago. In rocks of that age, fossilized imprints have been found of bacteria that look uncannily like cyanobacteria, the most highly evolved photosynthetic organisms present in the world today. Carbon deposits enriched in the lighter carbon-12 isotope over the heavier carbon-13 isotope-a sign of biological carbon assimilation-attest to an even older age. On the other hand, it is believed that our young planet, still in the throes of volcanic eruptions and battered by falling comets and asteroids, remained inhospitable to life for about half a billion years after its birth, together with the rest of the solar system, some 4.55 billion years ago. This leaves a window of perhaps 200-300 million years for the appearance of life on earth.

divine interventionThis duration was once considered too short for the emergence of something as complex as a living cell. Hence suggestions were made that germs of life may have come to earth from outer space with cometary dust or even, as proposed by Francis Crick of DNA double-helix fame, on a spaceship sent out by some distant civilization. No evidence in support of these proposals has yet been obtained. Meanwhile the reason for making them has largely disappeared. It is now generally agreed that if life arose spontaneously by natural processes-a necessary assumption if we wish to remain within the realm of science-it must have arisen fairly quickly, more in a matter of millennia or centuries, perhaps even less, than in millions of years. Even if life came from elsewhere, we would still have to account for its first development. Thus we might as well assume that life started on earth.

How this momentous event happened is still highly conjectural, though no longer purely speculative. The clues come from the earth, from outer space, from laboratory experiments, and, especially, from life itself. The history of life on earth is written in the cells and molecules of existing organisms. Thanks to the advances of cell biology, biochemistry and molecular biology, scientists are becoming increasingly adept at reading the text.

An important rule in this exercise is to reconstruct the earliest events in life's history without assuming they proceeded with the benefit of foresight. Every step must be accounted for in terms of antecedent and concomitant events. Each must stand on its own and cannot be viewed as a preparation for things to come. Any hint of teleology must be avoided.

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2. Giving birth to young ones, after a long gestation period is common in both the organisms.

3. Different types of teeth which are incisor, canine, premolar and molars are present in both the organisms.

4. Both the organisms have the capability to regulate their thermal body temperature.

5. The brain size and capacity of both the organisms is large.

6. The capacity to learn and adapting to suitable behavior based on that is well present in both the organism.

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What is the result of a mutation during meiosis


The result of Mutation increases during meiosis is the answer to this question


There's a change in the DNA sequence


If a mutation occurs in cells that will make gametes by meiosis or during meiosis itself, it can be passed on to offspring and contribute to genetic variability of the population. Mutations are the sole source of genetic variability that can occur in asexual reproduction. But the effects of mutations can vary widely, from being beneficial, to having no effect, to having lethal consequences, and every possibility in between.

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to put it briefly, its because no one likes to struggle. Everyone wants to live comfortable without a worry to the world. when they see someone who has accomplished that state of life, they envy, or admire that person deeply. when you see that new loui bag or gucci belt, you instantly have this desire to own luxury things.

•. What is the phenotypic ratio of complementary gene?
a) 1:2:1
b) 9:7
c) 13:3
d) 9:3:3:1​


I think the answer is b

Two different enzymes catalyze the same reaction and both exhibit the same Vmax. When Enzyme A was run with a 40 uM substrate, the initial rate (Vo) was 10 uM/min, and when g it was run with a 4 mM substrate, the Vo was 20 uM/min. Estimate the approximate Vmax and Km of Enzyme A. When Enzyme B was run with 80 uM substrate, the initial rate (Vo) was 10 uM per minute. Estimate the Km of Enzyme B.



a) k_m = 4.08 uM

  V_{max} = 20.07 uM/min

b) k_m = 8.16 uM


Given that:

For Enzyme A:

the substrate concentration [S] = 40 uM

the initial velocity rate v = 10 uM/min

when it was 4mM, v = 20 uM/min


at 4mM = 4000 uM;

Using Michealis -menten equation;

when v = 10

[tex]V = \dfrac{V_{max}[S]}{k_m+[S]}[/tex]

[tex]10 = \dfrac{V_{max}\times 40}{k_m + 40}[/tex]

[tex]10 (k_m + 40) = V_{max}40[/tex]

[tex]40V_{max} -10k_m = 400 --- (1)[/tex]

when v= 20

[tex]20= \dfrac{V_{max}\times 4000}{k_m + 4000}[/tex]

[tex]20 (k_m + 4000) = V_{max}4000[/tex]

[tex]4000V_{max} -20k_m = 8000 --- (2)[/tex]

equating equation (1) and (2):

[tex]40V_{max} -10k_m = 400 --- (1)[/tex]

[tex]4000V_{max} -20k_m = 8000 --- (2)[/tex]

let multiply equation (1) by 100 and equation (2) by 1

4000V_{max} - 1000K_m = 4000

4000V_{max} - 20 k_m = 8000    

  0        -980k_m = 4000

k_m = 4000/-980

k_m = 4.08 uM

replacing the value of k_m into equation (1)

40{V_max } - 10(4.08) = 400

40{V_max } - 40.8 = 400

40{V_max } = 400 +  40.8

40{V_max } = 440.8

V_{max} = 440.8/40

V_{max} = 11.02 uM/min


Since V_{max} of A ie equivalent to that of B; then:

V_{max} of B = 11.02 uM/min


[S] = 80  uM

V = 10 uM/min

[tex]10 = \dfrac{11.02 \times 80}{k_m + 80 }[/tex]

10(k_m +80) = 881.6

10k_m = 881.6  - 800

10k_m = 81.6

k_m = 81.6/10

k_m = 8.16 uM

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Beta blockers.


Beta blockers are the drugs that blocks the effects of the hormone adrenaline. Beta blockers is responsible for slowing of your heart beat more which ultimately reduce blood pressure. Beta blockers  are the drugs which reduce the production of fluid in your eye, thereby lowering the pressure in your eye means intraocular pressure. Examples of beta blocker medicines are timolol (Betimol, Istalol, Timoptic) and betaxolol (Betoptic).

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If one link is stop working.


There are six points at which the chain of infection can be broken or interrupted and a germ can be stopped from infecting another people. The six links are the infectious agent, reservoir, portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry, and susceptible host. If one of the link is broken or interrupted, no infection occurs in the body of an individual because all the links are attached to each other in the form of chain which can stop working if one of it stop working.

How to deal with extremely hot weather?



Shut windows and pull down the shades when it is hotter outside. ...Avoid the heat: stay out of the sun and don't go out between 11am and 3pm (the hottest part of the day) if you're vulnerable to the effects of heat.Have cool baths or showers, and splash yourself with cool water.


everything can be found in the picture

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Laplace law


Have a nice day :)

functions of the female reproductive organs​


Are there certain ones you need, like ovaries, vagina, uterus

If Mendel had been working with his pea plants and noticed that not all purple flowers had an equal intensity of purple, what is a likely explanation for the difference?

A. variations in cell signaling driving differences in gene expression

B. variations in the weather

C. variations in how the seed was handled

D. variations in the cell walls


The Answer is either (A) Variations in cell signaling driving differences in gene expression OR (D) Variations in the cell walls

This mountain slope towers over a town several hundred feet below. Which two weather events present the highest risk to the town


avalanche or rock slide

Determine whether each statement describes mitosis, melosis, or both mitosis and melosis.



This question is incomplete as it lacks statements, the statements and the answers are as follows:

occurs in organisms that sexually reproduce - MEIOSIS

occurs during growth and development - MITOSIS

the DNA is replicated - MITOSIS AND MEIOSIS

occurs in all organisms - MITOSIS

the number of chromosomes remains the same - MITOSIS

the number of chromosomes reduces by half - MEIOSIS


Meiosis and mitosis are both types of cellular divisions that occur in living cells. Mitosis involves the formation of two (2) daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell while meiosis involves the formation of four (4) daughter cells that are genetically different from the parent cell.

The following are characteristics of the two division processes based on this question:


- It occurs during growth and development of an organism.

- it involves DNA replication

- it occurs in all organisms since every living organism undergoes growth and development.

- the number of chromosomes after mitosis remains the same in the daughter cell i.e. 2n remains 2n


- It occurs only in organisms that sexually reproduce.

- it also involves the replication of DNA

- The number of chromosomes in the daughter cells is reduced by half i.e. 2n to n.

Pistil is the male reproductive part of the plant.

True or false?



false bestie, that's a women's




How is the equilibrium of an ecosystem maintained?



Biodiversity provide stability to the ecosystem and maintains the ecological balance. Plants and animals in ecosystem are linked to each other through food chain and food web. The loss of one species in the ecosystem affects the survival of other species. Thus the ecosystem becomes fragile



what is length?Name any two devices used for measuring the length.​



the size of something from one end to the other; how long something is

Running race tracktree


A length is how long something is.


Measuring tape.

how many hydrogen atoms are contained in a singleolecule of sucrose A, 6 B,12 C,22 D,24​



C 22


which of the following are examples of mechanical erosion/weathering

A. Wind blowing sand

B. water flowing over rock

C. a plant's roots cracking

D. none of the above

E. A & B only



c. a plant's roots cracking rock


C.) a plant's roots cracking  rock

The carbon cycle ensures that carbon is not lost. which is another important benefit of the carbon cycle.


The carbon cycle ensures that living things have a continual source of hydrogen. The carbon cycle helps transport nutrients in bodies of water.

The number of organisms that an area of land can sustain over a long period time is known as



Carrying Capacity


Factors determine energy a human being requires in a day


Human energy requirements are estimated from measures of energy expenditure plus the additional energy needs for growth, pregnancy and lactation. Recommendations for dietary energy intake from food must satisfy these requirements for the attainment and maintenance of optimal health, physiological function and well-being. The latter (i.e. well-being) depends not only on health, but also on the ability to satisfy the demands imposed by society and the environment, as well as all the other energy-demanding activities that fulfil individual needs.

Energy balance is achieved when input (i.e. dietary energy intake) is equal to output (i.e. total energy expenditure), plus the energy cost of growth in childhood and pregnancy, or the energy cost to produce milk during lactation. When energy balance is maintained over a prolonged period, an individual is considered to be in a steady state. This can include short periods during which the day-to-day balance between intake and expenditure does not occur. An optimal steady state is achieved when energy intake compensates for total energy expenditure and allows for adequate growth in children, and pregnancy and lactation in women, without imposing metabolic, physiological or behavioural restrictions that limit the full expression of a person’s biological, social and economic potential.

Within certain limits, humans can adapt to transient or enduring changes in energy intake through possible physiological and behavioural responses related to energy expenditure and/or changes in growth. Energy balance is maintained, and a new steady state is then achieved. However, adjustments to low or high energy intakes may sometimes entail biological and behavioural penalties, such as reduced growth velocity, loss of lean body mass, excessive accumulation of body fat, increased risk of disease, forced rest periods, and physical or social limitations in performing certain activities and tasks. Some of these adjustments are important and may even increase the chances of survival in times of food scarcity.

which definition best describes a buffer?



where are the options


A buffer is a solution that resists changes in pH upon the addition of a small amount of strong acid or strong base. ... A buffer is composed of a mixture·of a weak acid its conjugate base. (Sometimes a solution that is technically a buffer does NOT resist changes in pH.

The oxidase test is another biochemical test used to distinguish aerobic versus anaerobic metabolism in microbes. Research the oxidase test and describe how it is performed. Include examples of oxidase-positive and oxidase-negative microbes in your answer.


The Bacillus genus is usually negative in regards for the Oxidase test.

Oxidase test is a biochemical test that is used to identify organisms that produce the enzyme  oxidase.

Oxidase test is used to distinguish aerobic from anaerobic metabolism in microbes.

Aerobic metabolism is the use of oxygen to generate energy from a food source while anaerobic metabolism is the generation of energy with the absence of oxygen.

The procedure of oxidase test includes:

Place a piece of filter paper in a clean petri dish and add 2 or 3 drops of freshly prepared oxidase reagent.Using a piece of stick or glass rod (not anoxidized wire loop), remove a colony of the test organism and smear it on the filter paper.Look for the development of a blue-purplecolour within a few seconds as shown in colour

Blue purple colour signifies oxidase positive organisms which includes Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Colourless signifies oxidase negative organisms which includes Escherichia coli

Learn more here:

Match each of the following skull features with its correct bone.

a. styloid process
b. infraorbital foramen
c. sella turcica
d. foramen magnum
e. coronoid process
f. crista galli

1. ethmoid bone
2. sphenoid bone
3. temporal bone
4. mandible
5. maxilla
6. occipital bone



The left column contains structures of the bones that belong to the right column.

a) styloid process - 3) temporal bone

b) infraorbital foramen - 5) maxilla

c) sella turcica - 2) sphenoid bone

d) foramen magnum - 6) occipital bone

e) coronoid process - 4) mandible

f) Crista galli - 1) ethmoid bone


The inferior part of the petrous temporal bone forms the styloid process that allows the stylohyoid, stylopharyngeus, and styloglossus muscles to attach with styloid ligaments.

The infraorbital foramen is the opening of the maxillary bone of the skull

sella turcica is a saddle-like structure in the body of the sphenoid bone of the skull.

The foramen magnum is the lower part of the cranial  foss that allows the connecting brain and spinal cord and it the opening

The coronoid process is shoulder joint as well and required mandibles in the skull to form.

Crista galli arises from ethmoid bone that is thick and midline triangular but smooth process.

Describe the biome in which you currently live, or one in which you want to live, or have lived. What are the atmospheric conditions (wind pattern, humidity level, etc), solar intensity, and geographic/oceanographic features that have produced this unique ecosystem



Southern Texas


The Wind pattern often is represented by the westerlies, which are the winds that flow in the northern latitude of the world. The humidity level in this zone varies from 10-20%, since we are in the desert we do not have much humidity, the solar intensity is high, often found in the 9-10 uv range, it is not advised to spend more than 10 minutes on direct sun without solar protection.  We have the Rio Grande to the south and some spare mountains.


Southern Texas


Please help!!!

Can you please give me an environmental risk or benefit for artificial selection?


Answer: Artificial selection appeals to humans since it is faster than natural selection and allows humans to mold organisms to their needs. Like many animals kept in human captivity, mating pairs of pigeons are often paired together based on their genetics to achieve the most desirable traits in their offspring.


High blood pressure may lead to strokes and heart attacks and is a risk factor that may be changed by taking medication?





High blood pressure can be redused, but can't stop permanently.

yes it can be… wjdhsjdjsjsjjwjssjnxns

What are the three different ways a baby animal develops and what is it called?


Gametogenesis, the generation of egg cells (oogenesis) or of sperm (spermatogenesis);
Fertilization, the entry of the sperm cell into the egg cell, followed by the union of the two cells' nuclei;
Embryogenesis (embryonic development) with. ...
Metamorphosis to an imago or adult.
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