7. Each of the coil springs of a car has a spring constant of 25,000 N/m. How much is
each spring compressed if it supports one-forth of the car's 12,000 N weight?


Answer 1


.12 m or 12 cm.


Interesting question.

The car weights 12000 Newtons.

The spring constant = 25000 n/m

Each spring will support (this isn't true, but it is all you have) 1/4 of the weight of the car.

1/4 * 12000 = 3000 N

Now look at the formula

F = k*x

You know F and you know k.

All you need to do is solve for x.

3000N = 25000 N/m * x        Divide by 25000

3000 N / 25000 N/m  = x

3/25 of a meter = x

x = 12 cm.

Each spring should compress 12 cm.

What makes this question really interesting is what happens when the car hits a bump?

Related Questions

when a wooden block floats in water displaces 0.006 cubic of the water find the weight of the wooden block when it is in air​



solve it with the formula 1−0.4=0.6, 0.6Vρg=Vρbg where ρb 


The buoyant force acting on an immersed body is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by it, if the fluid is in rest. In this case, the fluid is accelerating upwards so the buoyant force must also provide the displaced fluid force to accelerate. Therefore, buoyant force will be fVρgeff where V = volume of body and f = fraction of volume of body immersed in fluid and geff=g+a=1.5g.

The buoyant force acting on an immersed body is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by it, if the fluid is in rest. In this case, the fluid is accelerating upwards so the buoyant force must also provide the displaced fluid force to accelerate. Therefore, buoyant force will be fVρgeff where V = volume of body and f = fraction of volume of body immersed in fluid and geff=g+a=1.5g.When fluid is at rest: f=

The buoyant force acting on an immersed body is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by it, if the fluid is in rest. In this case, the fluid is accelerating upwards so the buoyant force must also provide the displaced fluid force to accelerate. Therefore, buoyant force will be fVρgeff where V = volume of body and f = fraction of volume of body immersed in fluid and geff=g+a=1.5g.When fluid is at rest: f=⇒ρb=0.6ρ.

The buoyant force acting on an immersed body is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by it, if the fluid is in rest. In this case, the fluid is accelerating upwards so the buoyant force must also provide the displaced fluid force to accelerate. Therefore, buoyant force will be fVρgeff where V = volume of body and f = fraction of volume of body immersed in fluid and geff=g+a=1.5g.When fluid is at rest: f=⇒ρb=0.6ρ.In the second case: 1.5fVρg=Vρbg+Vρba=1.5Vρbg⇒fρ=ρb⇒f=0.6.

The buoyant force acting on an immersed body is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by it, if the fluid is in rest. In this case, the fluid is accelerating upwards so the buoyant force must also provide the displaced fluid force to accelerate. Therefore, buoyant force will be fVρgeff where V = volume of body and f = fraction of volume of body immersed in fluid and geff=g+a=1.5g.When fluid is at rest: f=⇒ρb=0.6ρ.In the second case: 1.5fVρg=Vρbg+Vρba=1.5Vρbg⇒fρ=ρb⇒f=0.6.Thus, the fraction of immersed volume remains the same.

The buoyant force acting on an immersed body is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by it, if the fluid is in rest. In this case, the fluid is accelerating upwards so the buoyant force must also provide the displaced fluid force to accelerate. Therefore, buoyant force will be fVρgeff where V = volume of body and f = fraction of volume of body immersed in fluid and geff=g+a=1.5g.When fluid is at rest: f=⇒ρb=0.6ρ.In the second case: 1.5fVρg=Vρbg+Vρba=1.5Vρbg⇒fρ=ρb⇒f=0.6.Thus, the fraction of immersed volume remains the same.Body will float with 40% of the volume above water surface.

How is the mirror angle related to the angles of incidence and reflection?



mirror angle is related to sngle of incident n reflection becuse they are ewaul to each other




a) La fuerza que se aplica al pistón de entrada tiene una magnitud de 1968.75 newtons.

b) La presión que se aplica al pistón de entrada es de 111408.460 pascales.


a) Este problema se resuelve mediante el Principio de Pascal, el cual establece que la presión dentro de un sistema hidráulico cerrado es la misma en cualquiera de sus puntos. Por tanto, podemos calcular la fuerza aplicada al pistón de entrada mediante la siguiente relación:

[tex]\frac{F_{in}}{\frac{\pi}{4}\cdot D_{in}^{2}} = \frac{M\cdot g}{\frac{\pi}{4}\cdot D_{out}^{2} }[/tex]

[tex]F_{in} = \left(\frac{D_{in}}{D_{out}} \right)^{2}\cdot M\cdot g[/tex] (1)


[tex]F_{in}[/tex] - Fuerza aplicada al pistón de entrada, en newtons.

[tex]D_{in}[/tex] - Diámetro del pistón de entrada, en metros.

[tex]D_{out}[/tex] - Diámetro del pistón de salida, en metros.

[tex]M\cdot g[/tex] - Peso del carro, en newtons.

Si sabemos que [tex]D_{in} = 0.15\,m[/tex], [tex]D_{out} = 0.40\,m[/tex] y [tex]M\cdot g = 1.4\times 10^{4}\,N[/tex], entonces la fuerza aplicada al pistón de entrada es:

[tex]F_{in} = \left(\frac{0.15\,m}{0.40\,m} \right)^{2}\cdot (1.4\times 10^{4}\,N)[/tex]

[tex]F_{in} = 1968.75\,N[/tex]

La fuerza que se aplica al pistón de entrada tiene una magnitud de 1968.75 newtons.

b) Ahora, presión aplicada al pistón de entrada ([tex]p[/tex]), en pascales, queda descrita a través de la siguiente expresión:

[tex]p = \frac{F_{in}}{\frac{\pi}{4}\cdot D_{in}^{2} }[/tex] (2)

Si sabemos que [tex]F_{in} = 1968.75\,N[/tex] y [tex]D_{in} = 0.15\,m[/tex], entonces la presión aplicada al pistón de entrada es:

[tex]p = \frac{1968.75\,N}{\frac{\pi}{4}\cdot (0.15\,m)^{2} }[/tex]

[tex]p = 111408.460\,Pa[/tex]

La presión que se aplica al pistón de entrada es de 111408.460 pascales.

Why is an organism that reproduces asexually genetically identical to its parent?
A.All of the offspring’s genes mutated to look like the parent’s genes.

B.The offspring inherited only half of the parent’s genes.

C.All of the offspring’s genes came from the parent.

D.The offspring inherited only the parent’s dominant genetic engineering


The answer is C. When an organism produces offspring asexually, this means it only getting on parents genes. Without a second parent to interfere with the DNA and RNA and to create a mix, the offspring is going to be identical to the parent. The offspring inherited all of the one parents genes. The answer is C. All of the offsprings genes came from the parent.


1. Figure 5.20 shows a graph of displacement against time for a wave.

(a) What is meant by amplitude?

(b) Determine the period of oscillation, T. Then, calculate the frequency of oscillation.

2. Compare and contrast progressive wave and stationary wave.​



a) A = 3 cm,  b)  T = 0.4 s,   f = 2.5 Hz,

2) A standing wave the displacement of the wave is canceled and only one oscillation remains


a) in an oscillatory movement the amplitude is the highest value of the signal in this case

          A = 3 cm

b) the period of oscillation is the time it takes for the wave to repeat itself in this case

          T = 0.4 s

the period is the inverse of the frequency

         f = 1 /T

         f = 1 /, 0.4

         f = 2.5 Hz

2) a traveling wave is a wave for which as time increases the displacement increases, in the case of a transverse wave the oscillation is perpendicular to the displacement and in the case of a longitudinal wave the oscillation is in the same direction of the displacement.

A standing wave occurs when a traveling wave bounces off some object and there are two waves, one that travels in one direction and the other that travels in the opposite direction. In this case, the displacement of the wave is canceled and only one oscillation remains.

Con respecto a las magnitudes longitud del péndulo y periodo, ¿por qué la línea de mejor ajuste de los puntos-dato de la distribución indica que sí hay relación entre ambas magnitudes?



Por que existe una relación entre dichas magnitudes.

Para un pendulo perfecto de largo L, sabemos que el periodo esta definido como:

[tex]T = 2*\pi *\sqrt{L/g}[/tex]


pi = 3.14

L = largo del péndulo

g = aceleración gravitatoria = 9.8 m/s^2

Entonces podemos ver que el periodo es proporcional a la raíz cuadrada de la longitud del péndulo.

Esto es por lo que al analizar datos de un experimento se debería observar una relación entre esas magnitudes.

The lower the pH number is, the more ______ the solution.



more acidic (less base)

hope this helps! :)

True or False: Sound waves are the longest wave lengths on the electromagnetic spectrum.



False:  Wave lengths on the electromagnetic spectrum are "electromagnetic",

They are transverse waves,

Sound waves are "longitudinal" waves and depend on the motion of the medium of transmission for propagation.




Cannot see all the answer choices but, when pressure goes up, volume goes down. So your best bet is to choose the graph that has a downward slant.





Stimulants are a group of drugs that result in increased activity in the body. Sometimes referred to as “uppers,” these drugs are frequently abused due to their performance-enhancing and euphoric effects. Generally, those who abuse stimulants experience heightened energy levels and enhanced focus.

Stimulants speed up mental and physical processes, which can produce desirable effects in the short-term by increasing levels of dopamine in the brain. While users may feel great due to the short-term effects of stimulants, long-term abuse of these drugs can have significant consequences, which is why it is so important for those who abuse the drugs to get help as quickly as possible.


hope this works

I love how they said random stuff and than a response about drugs

explain the derivation of Newton's third and second law.​


Let FAB, be the force exerted on body B by body A and FBA be the force exerted by body B on A. Suppose that due to these forces FAB and FBA, dp1/dt and dp2/dt be the rate of the change of momentum of these bodies respectively.


Consider an isolated system of 2 bodies A & B. An isolated system means where there is no external force acting.Now let F be the force acting on B by A & F be the force acting on A by B.Now rate of change of momentum of A =dpA/dt and rate of change of momentum of B =d pB/dt

thus FAB=d pB/dt (i)......

FBA=dpA/dt (ii)........

Adding 1 and 2 we get FAB+FBA=d pB/dt+dpA/dt =d(pB+pA)/dt

But if no force is applied momentum will also be 0 because no velocity will be there so rate of change of momentum will also be 0

thus d(pA+pB)/dt=0

therefore FAB+FBA=0



Un móvil viaja inicialmente con una velocidad de 55 m/s, al cabo de cierto tiempo, su velocidad es de 115 m/s, de repente frena bruscamente con una desaceleración de 14, 500 m/s2. ¿qué distancia recorrerá antes de frenar?



Distancia, S = 2.84 metros


Dados los siguientes datos;

Velocidad inicial = 55 m/s

Velocidad final = 115 m/s

Deceleración = 14500 m/s²

Para encontrar qué tan lejos viajaría el automóvil, usaríamos la tercera ecuación de movimiento;

V² = U² + 2aS

115² = 55² + 2*14500*S

13225 = 3025 + 29000S

29000S = 13225 - 3025

29000S = 10200

S = 29000/10200

Distancia, S = 2.84 metros

what should you do to change a value in SI units in U.S customary units


use a conversion factor


To convert values expressed in SI unit to the other unit divide the SI unit by the value in the Multiply By column.


Which best explains why a firework being ignited is an example of an exothermic reaction and not an endothermic reaction?



The fireworks give off heat.


can i have the physical science grade 12 june 2021 paper (common paper)​



u have to purchase it via online e-commerce platforms


what your crazy anong pong common paper



2^8, 2 to the 8th power , applying laws of exponents you have to multiply 2 times 4

explain the working principle of the moving coil coil galvanometer​



When a current-carrying coil is suspended in a uniform magnetic field it is acted upon by a torque. Under the action of this torque, the coil rotates and the deflection in the coil in a moving coil galvanometer is directly proportional to the current flowing through the coil.

Resistance is equal to the potential difference divided by what? Give the name, not the unit of


We have that Resistance is equal to the potential difference divided by


The Name of the Quantity is Current

From the question we are told

Resistance is equal to the potential difference divided by what? Give the name, not the unit of  measurement

Generally the equation for Resistance  is mathematically given as







Resistance is equal to the potential difference divided by


The Name of the Quantity is Current

For more information on this visit


Explain the working of thermos flask in simple and easy words ​



a thermos is designed to keep hot things hot by not allowing heat to escape.


A thermos is a bottle with a double-walled container inside of it. The air between the two walls is sucked out during construction, creating a vacuum.

50 points question (Who is known as father of science)Albert Einstein​



Albert Einstein is known as the father of science.

3. How does the centripetal force change when
the rubber stopper makes a circular motion
with a smaller radius?​



The centripetal force increases.


Centripetal force is given by [tex]F_c=ma_c[/tex]; where [tex]a_c=\frac{v^2}{r}[/tex].

Given these two equations, we can rewrite the formula for centripetal force as:


As shown, radius is in the denominator, thus, a smaller radius would lead to a larger centripetal force.

Balance the equation-
Al+Mn02 ———-> Mn + Al2O3



4Al + 3Mno2 --> 2Al2o3 + 3Mn


Al = 1 x 4 = 4

Mn = 1 x 3 = 3

O = 2 x 3 = 6


Al = 2 x 2 = 4

Mn  = 1 x 3 = 3

O = 2 x 3 = 6

17. What is the gain in gravitational potential energy of a body of weight 2000 N as it rises from a height of 20 m to a height of 25 m above the earth's surface?

(A) 400 J
(B) 1 000 J
(C) 10 000 J
(D) 20 000 J​



C) 10000 J


∆p.e =mg∆h

= 2000 × 5

= 10000J

Can someone help me with this one :") thanks


I think it would be from the box to greg

desde lo alto de una antena de telefono se lanza una peloota de tenis, la antena mide 150 metros. se mide el alcance horizontal y cae a unos 70 metros de su base. Calcular: a)La velocidad horizontal inicial con a que fue lanzada la pelota. b) La velocidad vertical con la cual llega la pelota al piso



las respuestas están en la foto de arriba

Brian has an object suspended in the air. It has a mass of 100 kg and is 25 meters above the ground. What is the object’s potential energy?



the PE = Weight x g x Height above ground where g is the gravitational constant (9.8m/s^2)

so tge PE = 100 x 9.8 x 25 = 24500 J

calculate the density of a solid of mass 20kg if it occupies a volume of 4m³​




            =20/4 kg/m^3

            =5 kg/m^3

Which statements describe acceleration? Check all that apply. Negative acceleration occurs when an object slows down in the positive direction. Negative acceleration occurs when an object slows down in the negative direction. Negative acceleration occurs when an object speeds up in the negative direction. Positive acceleration occurs when an object speeds up in the positive direction. Positive acceleration occurs when an object speeds up in the negative direction. Positive acceleration occurs when an object slows down in the negative direction



Negative acceleration occurs when the acceleration vector points to the left.

1. Object slowing down in the positive direction.

2. Object speeding up in the  negative direction.

Following six statements:

1. T

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. F

6. T

Check direction of acceleration vector.

calculate the density of a pure substance if 100cm cubed of it has a mass of 20 grams​





20 x  5 = 100

Suggest two ways in which the boy could balance the beam?



Hope this is what you were looking for!


1) So, if we are talking about balancing a straight stick (beam), he could put a finger from each hand on either side of it and move them together. As a result of friction his fingers will meet at the balance point.

2) Method of trial and error.

He can balance it on his hand or look for something that can handle the weight of it
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