Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.

The was too old to play roughly with the__________ to old to enjoy running around the neighborhood.

kids, it was not

kids; it was not​


Answer 1

appreciate the guy above me, its right

Answer 2

The sentence can be completed as : They was too old to play roughly with the kids; it was not​ to old to enjoy running around the neighborhood. Hence, option B is correct.

What is the use of semicolon ?

A semicolon is a punctuation mark (;) that is used to connect two independent clauses that are closely related in meaning. It is often used as an alternative to a period, to indicate a stronger connection between the two clauses than a period would suggest, but not as strong as a conjunction (such as "and," "but," or "or").

The semicolon can also be used to separate items in a list when the items themselves contain commas. In this case, the semicolon helps to clarify the structure of the list and avoid confusion.

Additionally, the semicolon can be used to separate two clauses in which the second clause explains, expands upon, or provides a contrast to the first clause. Hence, the sentence can be completed as:

They was too old to play roughly with the kids; it was not​ to old to enjoy running around the neighborhood

Find more on semicolon:


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How does paragraph 7 shed light on how a rigid view of masculinity can negatively impact
young men? Can you think of specific examples of ways in which society works to
encourage men to repress their emotions instead of dealing with them?



I think he means that you can't help people if you don't know the full extent of the problem. I agree to a point with this quote, but I do think you can help people without knowing the problem in extreme depth, but it certainly must help.


I think he means that you can't help people if you don't know the full extent of the problem. I agree to a point with this quote, but I do think you can help people without knowing the problem in extreme depth, but it certainly must help.

A. Use a possessive pronoun from the box to complete each sentence. (mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs) 1. I bought a new video game. It is _____________. 2. The jacket belongs to David. The jacket is _____________. 3. The cats belong to Mona and Sheila. The cats were _____________. 4. This telephone number belongs to Rupa. It is _____________. 5. You and I live in this house. The house is _____________. 6. My dog is bigger than your dog. The larger dog is _______​



1. I bought a new video game. It is mine. 2. The jacket belongs to David. The jacket is his. 3. The cats belong to Mona and Sheila. The cats were theirs. 4. This telephone number belongs to Rupa. It is hers. 5. You and I live in this house. The house is ours. 6. My dog is bigger than your dog. The larger dog is mine.​

Select the correct answer.
Choose the correct form of the word to complete the sentence,
Toys of
are becoming more complicated.
O C.





because word children is more suitable than rest of those word.

A. Children

If you plug in any other words it wouldn’t make sense <3

sentences structure
Rewrite the following sentences using the linking words in the brackets

He left school without any qualification.However he's one of the richest people in the world(despite)​



Despite the fact that he left school without any qualification, he's one of the richest people in the world.


'Despite' is a conjunction and it is used to link two contrasting sentences.


Paine\'s line is an indirect reference to this line from the King James Bible: ...and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18) This technique is an example of the use of
A) alliteration.
B) allusion.
C) artistry.
D) assonance.



The answer is C : Artistry.

choose the odd one out in each group.​



1 i dont know

2. adventurous

3. cute

4. brave

5. i dont know

6. i dont know


In literature The sequence of event in a play is called


Plot - is the sequence of events


In a literary work, film, story or other narrative, the plot is the sequence of events where each affects the next one through the principle of cause-and-effect. ... Plot is similar in meaning to the term storyline.


How does the proverbial Russian definition of a hero, "He who hangs o
n for one minute more," apply to Christopher Reeve? Include examples from the reading to support your conclusion. Your response must cite the articles you read in the lesson.



    In the sense that they are both heroes, Christopher Reeve and Thomas Edison are similar in the sense that Edison will keep chasing his objectives no matter how many errors he made. Additionally, as Reeve was helping others in the neighborhood, he was becoming a hero, succeeding in many ways.

Which of these sentences uses commas correctly?
Mary asked "What time do we need to be there?"
Mary asked, what time do we need to be there?
Mary asked what time do we need to be there?
Mary asked, "What time do we need to be there?"





we first keep the comma before the actual words of the speaker

1. my / at / aunt / half / was / past / at / nine / home

2. a / her / quarter / parents / to / were / seven / at

3. sister / your / yesterday / was / evening / where / ?

4. the / our / not / in / children / were / library

5. outside / his / last / cousins / night / were / ?



1. my aunt was at home

2. a quarter to seven

3. where was your sister yesterday

4. the children were in library

5. his cousins were outside last night

can someone please help me and do this for me please



lil y were u sent to schools answer it yourself

Which of the following sentences should be rewritten into active voice?
A. The ice cream was enjoyed by my students.
B. The test subject was observed for the next few days.
C. The computer was backed and no longer works.
D. The bridge was built in 1894.



a is in the passive other ans are in active voice

Because in ac

What is the most likely context for this writing assignment?

Public health course
History course
Music course


History I really dunno music and pe don’t make sense in English class

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant. . . .
He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly. . . .
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.1





Please Help I need Help Please Help
I need someone to do this ​



Bacterium: Many vaccines are created by taking bacterium from the virus inactivating it (no longer can it become a disease) and then injecting it into us so we know how to fight off that virus.

Germ: Vaccines are very important as it can protect us from harmful viruses and germs.

Smallpox: Edward Jenner created a vaccine for smallpox not even understanding the basic germ theory.

Immunity: Immunity happens when we have been vaccinated, our body knows how to fight off the virus.

Polio: On March 26th, 1953 Dr. Jonas Salk, a medical researcher invented a polio vaccine.

Rabies: My dog had to be vaccinated with a certified rabies vaccine before taking him across the border.


all that glitters is not gold (change into simple sentence)


Something/someone could be attractive yet have no value.

I need help with this



c is the correct one.......



noun: person, place or thing example: bike

adjective: describing words example: green, shiny, silver

write the essay on topic Kargil vinay diwas words are 100 to 120​


Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated on 26 July every year in honour of the Kargil War's Heroes. This day is celebrated in the Kargil–sector and the national capital New Delhi, where the Prime Minister of India pays homage to the soldiers at Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate every year. Functions are also organized all over the country to commemorate the contributions of the armed forces.

The war took place between May and July of 1999 in Jammu and Kashmir's Kargil district. The Army declared the mission successful on July 26, 1999; since then the day has been celebrated annually as Vijay Diwas.

Because the Pakistani soldiers and terrorists had positioned themselves at higher altitudes, it gave them an advantage in combat, as they could fire down at advancing Indian troops. Pakistan shot down two Indian fighter jets while another fighter jet crashed during the operation. Pakistan asked the US to intervene, but then President Bill Clinton declined to do so until Pakistani troops were withdrawn from the Line of Control. As Pakistani troops withdrew, the Indian armed forces attacked the rest of the outposts, managing to get back the last of them by July 26.

Pakistan initially denied any role in the conflict, saying India was facing off with "Kashmiri freedom fighters." However, it later awarded its soldiers medals for the conflict, removing any doubt of its involvement.

ne question.
7. Identify the error in the following sentence:
Jumping from a great height, we watched the cliff diver plunge into the water below.
A. Sentence fragment
B. Uneven parallelism
C. Misplaced modifier
D. Run-on sentence
Mark for review (Will he highlighted on



C. Misplaced modifier


This can be seen as a dangling modifier. A modifier is considered dangling when the sentence isn't clear about what is being modified. In the sentence in question, 'jumping from a great height' states an action, but does not state or make clear the doer of that action.

The various songs and operas referred to throughout the story help readers understand Georgiana’s passion and her despair. As Clark notes, her artistic soul never really died during those long years in Nebraska. It simply “wither[ed] to the outward eye only; like that strange moss which can lie on a dusty shelf half a century and yet, if placed in water, [will grow] green again.”

Which words in this conclusion best reflect the most important idea expressed in the introduction?

Select one:

songs and despair

soul and Nebraska

operas and artistic


The awnser is b I just took the test

Mark(s): 1
Choose the option that meaningfully
completes the sentence.
Microsoft announced
releasing a new product next week.
it is
it was
itself is
she is


the correct answer is

it is

Read the passage from "Ode on a Grecian Urn."

Fair youth, beneath the trees, thou canst not leave
Thy song, nor ever can those trees be bare;
Bold Lover, never, never canst thou kiss,
Though winning near the goal—yet, do not grieve;
She cannot fade, though thou hast not thy bliss,
For ever wilt thou love, and she be fair!

Which theme does the passage most convey?

Unrequited love is still timeless.
Youth is fleeting and fickle.
Music is the spice of life.
True beauty is found in nature.


Answer: Unrequited love is still timeless.


The theme that the passage most convey is that unrequited love is still timeless.

Unrequited love refers to a love that is not returned. It is a one-sided experience and this brings about shame, grief and pain. The passage explains the grief and the emotional turmoil that was faced by the person due to the unrequited love.


A. unrequited love is still timeless


Can anyone find some 6 English statements that are meaning for example
The sky is blue



Below are six statements that have meaning :

1. The blood is red in color.

2. The sun rise in the east and sets in the west.

3. The earth revolves around the sun.

4. Houses are made of bricks and cement.

5. Global warming is one of the major international issue in twenty first century.

6. Washington D.C is the capital of United states of America.

Reliable scholarly source is always stressed in academic writing because



These differences would be seen in the causes, sources and consequences of stressors. Some of the common stressors reported in an academic setting include excessive assignments, poor time management and social skills, peer competition, etc. (Fairbrother & Warn, 2003).

The need for reference of reliable scholarly source in academic writing (i.e. project) is to provide guide needed to confirm the writing of the scholar and to ascertain the writing are clear of plagiarism.

In academic writing, writers are required to state out the list of sources of information because:

To confirm authenticity of the writingTo prevent future plagiarism claim from the scholar.To provide guide on how to trace the scholar writingTo complete the requirement of good academics writing

In conclusion, providing reliable scholarly source is the backbone of writing a perfect academics article, journal inclusive.

Learn more about academic writing here

how will you describe a new job in 1000 words ​






Search online or talk to friends or family members about a meditation method. Meditate for about 15 minutes using the technique. Write a brief report on your experienceDiscuss how you felt before, during, and after meditation, and state whether you would practice meditation again.





After researching a specific meditation technique known as Trataka. I decided to try this technique. Before meditating, I had a lot of things going through my mind that were causing a lot of stress. This included work, relationships, health and future. After practicing this technique for roughly 20 minutes, I did feel less stressed and also less pre-ocupied with everything going on, the only thing I could think about was how I was feeling, which was good. This to me is a benefit and is what would make me practice this meditation technique again.


The practice of meditation is quite common in my neighborhood. There are young and old people who attend yoga classes and meditation workshops, so I attended a free meditation workshop with my friend to gain some firsthand experience. I felt relaxed from the time the meditation started to the end. The instructor asked us to sit on the floor or on a chair. I chose to sit on a chair. The instructor gave me a pillow on which I could rest my feet. She then repeated a mantra in a low and calm voice. She stayed in one place throughout the session.

During meditation, the entire room was silent and I could hear my own breathing. I tried to clear my mind like I was instructed. I felt light and relaxed. I will practice meditation on my own before attending any more meditation workshops, because this format helped me relax and calm down.


Thats the explaination from pluto

Fill in the blanks with a suitable pronoun: My birthday is coming up soon. .......... is on coming Monday. ........... will be twelve on that day. How do you celebrate........... birthday? There are four members in..... family - Father, Mother, ........ sister Anjali and me . Tomorrow is the birthday of my English teacher Mr.Sahani. I would like to give ....... a present but .......don't know what to give. I asked..... father and ....... told me to give a picture to ........ teacher. What presents would you like to give to ........... teacher for his birthday?



It; I; your; my; my; him; I; my; he; my; your.


A pronoun is one of the parts of speech in English language and it can be defined as a word that replaces a noun in a sentence. Some examples of a pronoun are he, she, you, I, who, it, them, ours, us, theirs, yours, mine, its, hers, his, our, etc.

In this exercise, you are required to fill in the blanks with the most appropriate pronoun as it's done below;

My birthday is coming up soon. It is on coming Monday. I will be twelve on that day. How do you celebrate your birthday? There are four members in my family - Father, Mother, my sister Anjali and me. Tomorrow is the birthday of my English teacher Mr. Sahani. I would like to give him a present but I don't know what to give. I asked my father and he told me to give a picture to my teacher. What presents would you like to give to your teacher for his birthday?

2. What does Krakauer do and how is that like Chris?

Into the wild Chapter 14



he thinks perfection will please his father/krakauer has to stay inside his tent due to the high winds and snow. he still has not reached the summit. Krakauer smokes a marijuana cigar he has been saving


both of their fathers are bigamists

mention the types of letter​


Answer: See explanation


There are three main types of letter in English Language and these are:

1. Formal letter

2. Semi Formal letter

3. Informal letter

1. Formal letter: This is a letter that's written by using a structured format and a formal language. This is used in companies, workplaces, governments establishments etc.

2. Semi-formal letter: This is a letter used in addressing someone that one knows or have a business relationship with such as one's advisor, assistant, etc.

3. Informal letter: This is a letter that's used in writing to people that we know and are close with such as relatives, siblings or friends. A friendly tone is used in an informal letter.

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