Some maps are prepared with special themes.​


Answer 1


A thematic map is a map that focuses on a specific theme or subject area such as physical phenomena like temperature variation, rainfall distribution and population density in an area.

Answer 2


Thematic maps emphasize spatial variation of one or a small number of geographic distributions. These distributions may be physical phenomena such as climate or human characteristics such as population density and health issues.

Related Questions

I need help with this question



A big and young population strains the food supply and the economy. As the youthful population matures, fewer employment will be available for succeeding populations.

Explain how landscapes have economic value. In your answer refer to the image below and your own knowledge. Remember to write your paragraph using TEEL.



Landscapes have economic value because the owners of the land or the area have many visitors coming and going and they can put up shops etc to get money


We Nepalese people have diversified climate verification lifestyle and other variation due to cultural variation explain​



We nepalese people have diversified climate verification lifestyle and other variation due to cultural variation because Nepali itself is divided into 3 regions (terai,hilly and mountain).

People of different culture/ethnicity live in their particular regions such as Sherpas, Manangis,Lopas etc are inhabitant of mountain region. Rai,Limbu,Chettris etc are inhabitant of hilly and Tharus,Brahmin

,Madhesi etc are inhabitant of terai.

Their inhabitants differ their lifestyle as terai people are inhabitant of hot climate,hilly people are inhabitant of mild climate and people on the mountain are inhabitant of cold climate. They celebrate their own culture on the basis of their inhabitants.

Name at least two extinct species that share a close evolutionary relationship with humpback whales.


Thewissen and other collaborators announced that Indohyus, a small deer-like mammal belonging to a group of extinct artiodactyls called raoellids, was the closest known relative to whales.


The extinct species called Pakicétus and Indohyus may have had close evolutionary ties to humpback whales. The differences between Indohyus, Pakicetus, and Humpback whales are that Indohyus and Pakicetus both had legs and lived on land, while whales live in the ocean and have no legs. Although the embryo of a humpback whale has limbs that are dormant when it is adult, this could indicate that the animal's ancestors lived on land. Pakicetus and Indohyus are similar to humpback whales because their heads are shaped like long whale skulls. Everything is constantly changing due to evolution, the fossil record of the humpback whale is probably incomplete.

in a volcanic eruption molten magma rocks, ash and gases come up through a) gate b) vent c) pipe d) drain​



it come out throw vent ok

Mention the significance of Northern Plains​



Extremely fertile and good for crops,  rivers are navigable throughout the year,  flat land- good for roads and railways,  irrigational facilities, and for construction of H.E.P. Plants.


Northern Plains have fertile soil which is needed to grow crops. They are drained by rivers Ganga, Brahmaputra, Indus. To feed the country, Northern Plains are necessary.  

o Very short answer questions Which force is responsible for the moon revolving round the earth?​



Gravitational force is responsible for the moon revolving the earth .


Earth's gravity.


trust me bro.

write two each example for metallic and non metallic mineral​


Metallic minerals: Iron, copper, gold

Non-metallic minerals: Gypsum, marble, mica


Metallic minerals include Chalcopyrite, Iron, Copper, Bauxite, Tin, Manganese

Non metallic minerals include limestone, manganese, mica, gypsum, coal, dolomite, phosphate, salt, and granite


How many genes are in a virus DNA?



This virus genome synthesizes 75 genes encoding for known proteins. Among them, 69 genes are found to exist in a single copy and three genes in two copies each

Hope this will help if not so sorry :)


there are 75 genes in a virus DNA please give me brainliest

Which country is #3 marking on this map? (With Map)
A. Syria
B. Lebanon
C. Turkey
D. Israel





A country in the Middle East, touching the Mediterranean Sea.

Lebanon is a small Middle Eastern country situated on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Hence option B is correct

How is Lebanon ?

It is known for its rich history, diverse culture, and beautiful landscapes. The country has a population of around 6 million people, consisting of different religious and ethnic groups, including Muslims, Christians, and Druze.

Lebanon has faced numerous political and economic challenges over the years, including civil war, political instability, and regional conflicts. In recent years, the country has been facing a severe economic crisis, with high unemployment, inflation, and a shortage of basic goods.

Despite these challenges, Lebanon remains a vibrant and resilient country, with a thriving arts and culture scene, delicious cuisine, and friendly people.

Beirut, the capital city, is known for its lively nightlife, beautiful beaches, and historical landmarks. Lebanon is also home to many UNESCO World Heritage Sites, such as the ancient city of Byblos and the ruins of the Roman city of Baalbek.

Thus option B is correct .

Learn more about  Lebanon here


One of the major motivations for altering the environment in Mexico City was
A. creating arable land
reducing population growth
C. providing recreational opportunities
D. reducing dependence on agriculture





xidici o i ifi ivic9 9 ivovofvoodododovobovvivo i oi y cgg. f d fhcxh cc dbfbdxhj u u i kdjfkfvj j iciisicxkdjdkckkdii ocxocicixisi o

Which is the only state from which water runs in three directions?


Wyoming is the only state from which water runs in three directions

Which of the following best describes the kind of conflict between opposing
groups with different ideas on how society should be organized?
O A. Treaty or alliance
O B. Trade war
O C. Ideological
O D. Financial



Because societies Being organized financially will help balance everything in the long term

Place the following events in chronological order



In chronological order means that we must put the events in the order in which they happened.

1. Jawaharlal Nehru is elected prime minister

2. India gains independence

3. A conflict breaks out at the Saikh GoldeN Temple

4. Indira Gandhi is assassinated

A conflict breaks out at the Saikh GoldeN Temple = 10 June 1984Indira Gandhi is assassinated = October 31, 1984India gains independence = August 15, 1947Jawaharlal Nehru is elected prime minister = August 15, 1947 (8.30 a.m)


1. India gains independence

2.Jawaharlal Nehru is elected prime minister

3. A conflict breaks out at the Sikh Golden Temple

4. Indira Gandhi is assassinated


What effect do tax incentives have on economic development? A. Tax incentives have no impact on economic development. B. Tax incentives only allow the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer. C. Tax incentives encourage international trade of human or physical resources. D. Tax incentives only affect economic development when a nation creates an important technology. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. A B C D



A and B is the correct answer

Sediments in a subsiding sedimentary basin a. experience decreased pressure and temperature because of the geothermal gradient. b. lose any oil they might contain because metamorphic conditions destroy organic molecules present. c. become high-grade foliated metamorphic rocks at depth. d. undergo no changes when they're at shallow depth.



B. lose any oil they might contain because metamorphic conditions destroy the organic molecules present.


Sediments in a subsiding sedimentary basin do the following:

1. lose any oil they might contain because metamorphic conditions destroy the organic molecules present.

2. undergo burial metamorphism when they reach depths greater than 8 to 15 km

3. experience increased pressure and temperature

4. undergo diagenetic changes when they're at shallow depth.

what could be the possible shape of universe with an evidence. ​





When we talk about the "shape" of the universe. It is its intrinsic shape, not the embedding of the universe within a larger space.

It does make sense to talk about the intrinsic shape. Properties like "curvature" can be measured from inside a shape, you don't need suppose that the universe is "in" something to talk about its shape.

Now the space of the universe is three dimensional, this creates visualisation problems. So I'm going to first talk about an imaginary 2d universe:

A 2d universe could be flat, with a curved boundary (like a disc) Or it could be flat with no boundary (an flat infinte plane). Or a 2d universe could be intrinsically curved. If it has positive curvature it could be like the surface of a ball (positive curvature, finite with no boundary) Or shaped like a bowl (positive curvature) Alternatively it could have negative curvature: it could be shaped like a "Pringles crisp" These have negative curvature (this can happen with or without a boundary). Finally there could be regions with different curvature: positive in some parts, negative in others.

The same possibilities exist for our universe: It could be flat (with or without boundary) It could be positively curved (This is intrinsic curvature and your brain can't visualise this for a 3d shape) Or it could be negatively curved (again, don't try to visualise this for a 3d shape, you can't). In the case of positive curvature, it could be finite and unbounded, but for negative curvature, it must either have an edge, or be infinite.

So mathematically these are the possibilities. What does the science say?

We can measure the curvature on large scales. Our measurements are not perfect, there is some room for error. We measure the large scale mass/energy density of the universe, since curvature is caused by gravity, and gravity is caused by mass and energy. If the mass/energy density is > 1 then space would be positively curved. We actually find that the energy density is 1.00±0.02 That is the universe is either flat, or very nearly flat.

No there are profound problems with supposing that the universe has a boundary. But there are also problems with supposing it to be infinite. Scientifically, no edge has ever been detected. So when we build models of the universe, we will generally suppose to have no edge.

Thus our "best guess" is that the universe is uncurved and infinite.

Post: Describe Dentist and dentistay in brief​



A dentist also known as a dental surgeon is a medical professional who specializes in dentistry,the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases and conditions of oral cavity.The actual profession of been a dentist is what is known as dentistry.

I hope this helps

what are plankton fossils?​



Some plankton are known for making shells whose chemistry records the environment they live in. ... Their microscopic, mineralised plates (known as coccoliths) contain a chemical imprint of the cell, as well as the environment, and leave a different and highly variable chemical signal in the sediments preserving them.

What's a representation of something using objects ?


a physical model??
explanation :


physical model. A representation of something using objects.

posters with the key features of the ideal student in mind​


This is the answer. Please mark me brainlist




claiming a God given right to rule----- divine right

claiming to be the only group doing right----ideology

maintaining absolute control over the lives of the people---fear

keeping citizens in line through fear and violence---- totalitarianism

ASAP Please

Which of the following statements about the world's population is the most accurate?
A) It has grown rapidly in the last few centuries.
B)It has grown at a steady rate for the last 1,000 years.
C)It is growing more slowly now than 100 years ago.
D)It is growing fastest in rural areas.


A) Ha crecido rápidamente en los último siglo.

Answer: A

Explanation: It has grown rapidly in the last few centuries.

Are the magnetic north pole and the geographic North Pole always the same distance apart?





It has to do with the rotation of the liquid iron inside the earth.

Identify the true statement. a. As the sea floor spreads, the lithosphere rises to fill the space between plates. b. Some magma generated during seafloor spreading erupts from submarine volcanoes. c. New oceanic crust is ultramafic in composition. d. Some magma generated during seafloor spreading spills out to produce a new layer of seafloor called gabbro.



d. Some magma generated during seafloor spreading spills out to produce a new layer of seafloor called gabbro.


The magma is spilled from the mid-oceanic ridges and spreads onto the seafloor creating a newer seafloor. This is why it's called as the divergent boundary due to the spreading of magma on both sides of the floor. Grabbo is a coarse-grained mafic intrusive igneous rock and is formed at the oceanic ridges.

Which of the following water resources is not a source of regional dispute?

A. The Euphrates River
B. The Tigris River
C. They are all disputed water sources.
D. The Jordan River



Correct Answer is C.


The correct answer is C. They are all disputed water sources


C. They are all disputed water sources.


hope this helped

(Give me answer I will give you brainliest and thanks☺️) pls solve this!! Pls!!!!
5 Importance of water in human life


Your body users the water in all its cell ,organ and tissue to help regular temperature and maintenance other bodily functions.water keep the human body healthy all living creatures need water to survivewithout water our life can't be executedwithout water we can't flushing the wasted particles from the bodywithout water our body will be like diarrhea , vomiting ,severe blood loss , high fever .

Hope you are satisfied with my answer

Match each term to its description.

1. crust
the earth's outermost layer
2. inner core
the semi-solid layer between the top layer and the upper mantle
3. lower mantle
the layer between the asthenosphere and lower mantle
4. asthenosphere
the metallic layer at the earth's center
5. upper mantle
the hottest part of the mantle
6. top layer
the layer surrounding the inner core
7. outer core
the firm layer between the crust and the asthenosphere



crust- the earth's outmost layer

inner core- the metallic layer at the earth's center

lower mantle- hottest part of the mantle

asthenosphere- the semi solid layer between the top layer and the upper mantle

upper mantle- The layer between the asthenosphere and lower mantle

top layer- The firm layer between the crust and the asthenosphere

outer core- The layer surrounding the inner core


all answers included in the image

match the group in column 1 to the action it wants to take toward the amazon forest in column 2



Native american = Live traditional lives in the forest

Ranchers = clear the forest

Environmentalist = preserved the forest

Power Companies = build dams

Hope this help


Power Companies -- Build Dams

Ranchers -- Clear the Forest

Native Americans -- Live Traditional lives in the Forest

Environmentalists -- Preserve the Forest


Got it right on A P E X :)

Will you please mark as Brainliest? =D

In the Northern (and Southern) Hemisphere, the ________________ cell is the continuous atmospheric convection cell that has an ascending limb near the equator and a descending limb near 30 degrees latitude. The columns of vertical movement are connected by south-moving winds at low altitudes and north-moving winds at high altitudes.





In 1735, George Hadley proposed a model of the atmospheric circulation for planet Earth and it was referred to as the Hadley cell.

Hadley cell are low-latitude overturning circulations which comprises warm, moist air that rises into the atmosphere near the equator and air sinking at roughly 30 degrees latitude.

This ultimately implies that, the Hadley cell is the continuous atmospheric convection cell in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere which have an ascending limb near the equator and a descending limb near 30 degrees latitude.

Additionally, the south-moving winds and north-moving winds connect the columns of vertical movement at low altitudes and high altitudes respectively.

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