(Explain details about the rise of the Republican Party.)
(Compare and contrast the Republican Party of 1854 with today's party.)

The Republican Party was born out of opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. People from the Democratic and Whig parties who opposed the expansion of slavery joined forces to start a new political party. Because America was founded on the principles of a republic, the founding members adopted the name Republican, which was originally used by Thomas Jefferson.
Included in the first party platform was an emphasis on business, education, and the idea of providing free land to farmers as an enticement to move out West. The new party denounced slavery from an economic and moral standpoint.
Its first presidential candidate was John Fremont, in 1856. Although Fremont lost the election, the Republican Party proved to have a popular base among voters. Abraham Lincoln was its second candidate. When the Democratic Party experienced a severe split prior to the election of 1860, Lincoln was elected president.

Gathering Background Information

The newly formed Republican Party in 1854 was very popular among voters of the time. Its emphasis on education, business, and farming, coupled with its stand on slavery, proved to be a winning combination for the average American.
Take some time to learn about the current Republican Party platform and then consider the following question: Does the current state of the Republican Party address the needs of the average American as it was intended to in 1854?
As you are reading, use the following chart to help record your research between the two platforms.


Answer 1


Well i would say one thing they still share in common is the farmer part when looking how rural or farmland places vote they vote very heavy republican for example rural Texas is a great example or western states such as Wyoming, Montana etc today the republican party is still very focused on business such as giving out tax cuts to corporations and American citizens one difference today between the two party's is today it has more of a focused issue on immigration such as today Republicans are becoming more anti immigration with anti illegal immigration too  Republicans did hold this stance back then too with Calvin making the The Immigration Act of 1924 which was to lower immigration but later on republicans would lose a stance till most recently with trump is what awaken the immigration stance again another difference is the republican platform today is very pro gun and center around this compared to the past where republicans did not very much talk about gun issues another main platform today that was not in the past was abortion issues where as Republicans are very anti abortion another thing but back to the business is republicans are starting to become more protectionist when it comes to trade and losing that free trade stance they gained in the 80s and 90s due to bush and Reagan Republicans are starting to become very similar to 1920 republicans but with a few new issues not only that but republicans today are becoming very anti big tech and want to break these corporations up today in which this was not a issue back then so i would say the Republican party some what address the issues back then as the same today but of course they built there platform for a more modern time and around modern issues same with democrats


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Answer: I just need points and I don’t know what the points are for




hope this helps and pls mark as brainliest

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The answer is 208 because this and dat I’m sorry


I think the answer is C


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According to the article, how prepared were the Cherokee for the journey west?

They had been issued boots and clothing suitable for the weather.

They had wagons to carry their belongings.

They were unprepared, and many would likely die.



They were unprepared, and many would likely die.


The Cherokee as well as many other Native Americans were not prepared at all for their journey as they were abruptly told , well more like forced, to relocate and eave their homes. As they didn't have the necessary items or stuff with them that is required for survival, such as safety kits, medicine, clothing for harsh winters, and enough food and water supply -  they were most likely to die on their journey sadly.

you're chosen option is correct! Good job :)

They were unprepared, and many would likely die.

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Hi can you consider giving me a little more information on the question so I may be able to help you

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Squanto was a member of the Patuxet tribe best known for being an early liaison between the Native American population in Southern New England and the Mayflower Pilgrims who made their settlement at the site of Tisquantum's former summer village.

10. Who is credited with establishing the first accessible route to the western United States, known as the Oregon Trail?



Robert Stuart of Astoria


Fur traders had reports and books written about their adventures out west.


Robert Stuart of Astorians


virreinato que se establecio al sur de lo que es hoy estados unidos



Viceroyalty of Peru, Spanish Virreinato de Peru, the second of the four viceroyalties that Spain created to govern its domains in the Americas. Established in 1543, the viceroyalty initially included all of South America under Spanish control except for the coast of what is now Venezuela.

The Viceroyalty of New Spain

The Viceroyalty of New Spain, established in 1535, included what are now Mexico, Central America, Florida

It later became the first of four viceroyalties Spain created in the Americas. Its first viceroy was Antonio de Mendoza y Pacheco and the capital, both of the kingdom and of the later viceroyalty, was Mexico City.


spansih Explination:Más tarde se convirtió en el primero de los cuatro virreinatos que España creó en América. Su primer virrey fue Antonio de Mendoza y Pacheco y la capital, tanto del reino como del posterior virreinato, fue la Ciudad de México.El Virreinato de Nueva España

El Virreinato de Nueva España, establecido en 1535, incluía lo que ahora son México, Centroamérica, Florida

Más tarde se convirtió en el primero de los cuatro virreinatos que España creó en América. Su primer virrey fue Antonio de Mendoza y Pacheco y la capital, tanto del reino como del posterior virreinato, fue la Ciudad de México.Virreinato del Perú, Virreinato de Perú español, el segundo de los cuatro virreinatos que creó España para gobernar sus dominios en América. Establecido en 1543, el virreinato inicialmente incluía toda América del Sur bajo control español, excepto la costa de lo que hoy es Venezuela.


Who was the first king of Nepal.​



Who was the first king of Nepal.

=> King prithvi Narayan Shag was the first king of Nepal .

King Prithvi Narayan shah was born in Gorkha District of Nepal .

From small different places he made whole Nation now It's called Nepal .

Hope it is helpful to you


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The local meetinghouse is, as the name suggests, a building or a group of buildings that has the purpose of serving for "meetings", whether it is to discuss local issues such as weather, rainfall, crops, etc, as well as to discuss local political and even relations (such as, if located near the border, relations with Native Americans, as well as European colonials that were located in the lands), as well as national politics. It is important to be able to keep up to date with local informations, locality and global trades, information regarding taxes, tariffs, and other governmental regulations, and a chance to catch up on local information and small talk within the community.

Based on the excerpt, the Nazis were pursuing a policy of racial purity that developed ultimately into which event?

O the bombing of Britain
O the establishment of The Final Solution
O the invasion of Poland
the establishment of
OThe Anti-Comintern Pact


The third one is the final answer to your problem

Which Radical Republican proposal for Reconstruction was defeated by its opponents?
distributing plantation land to emancipated slaves
extending voting rights to African American men
providing educational support for Southern African Americans
requiring states to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment



Distributing plantation land to emancipated slaves.




How did growers in the South attempt to rebuild their cotton market?
O Produced more cotton
O Raised the price of cotton
O Hired more laborers
O Sold their land



Produced more cotten.


In attempt to save the economy after losing slaves, the cotton growers tried to produce more cotton. However, this actually worsened the economy. :)


They produced more cotton!!


¿Que cambios al respecto a la posesion de tierras han ocurrido en la tierra de San Pedro de cajas?



Respuesta: 1 Varios cómo ; ahora yo no hay cirvientes y casi todos tienen tierras aunque pequeños

various how; Currently, I don't see any criminals, and almost everyone has land, however small.

What do you know about San Pedro?

In the Belize District of the country of Belize, in Central America, is the town of San Pedro, which is located on the southern tip of the island of Ambergris Caye. The town has a population of approximately 16,444 as of the mid-year 2015 estimations.

It is the biggest town in the Belize Rural South constituency and the second-largest town in the Belize District. In 1984, the formerly slumbering fishing community received town status.

The people that live in San Pedro are called San Pedranos, and the majority of them are Mexican natives. Most people are fluent in both Spanish and English

The majority of San Pedranos are able to speak English as well as "Kitchen Spanish," a hybrid of English and Spanish that is influenced by Kriol, which is founded in English.

Learn more about San Pedro, from :


the United States congress policymakers submit bills legal counsel to ensure that they comply with legal standards this describes which American value


The “Legislative process” since any potential law is taken very seriously.

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King Parakramabahu was the king of the Kingdom of Polonnaruwa from 1153 to 1186.

What was one result of French rule in Vietnam?
A. Existing Vietnamese leaders are allowed to maintain their leadership positions.
B. All leaders were required to renounce their Vietnamese citizenship.
C. Vietnamese rulers were given impressive-sounding, but meaningless, positions.
D. Anyone who converted to Christianity was allowed many rights and benefits that were not given to others.


Yea yea ma’am yea I did but it wasn’t like that



Explanation:no c

which technological advancement had the greatest impact on the growth of the U.S. after the civil war and why ?



it's not just about advancement of technology but also for starting wars in Arab an other countries and make money out of it.

How did the White-elite persuade or misguide the non-educated white population to discriminate against the African-American population? ​


join g meet


What was a long-term benefit of being exposed to the diseases carried by animals in agricultural communities?


(This answer will be in the context of 15th-century history.)

Simply, more exposure to diseases from animals means better immunity in the long run.

As Europeans were exposed to these diseases, they will likely have issues at first. But, their bodies will develop immunity towards these diseases to the point where many bacteria cannot even affect them at all.

Let's look at a civilization that mostly did not have livestock, Native Americans. They were pretty clean and healthy. That is because there were no diseases to kill them until the Europeans came to North America. For example, the flu virus was something a European could handle with a little bit of rest. On the other hand, the flu virus wiped out most of the Native American population since they never had exposure to it.

cuộc cách mạng nào đã mở ra một thời thời đại mới - thời đại thắng lợi và củng cố của chủ nghĩa tư bản



Cách mạng Tư sản Pháp năm 1789


What was a long-term effect of the events pictured in the map?
O Migration of settlers from Texas into Mexico
O Congress voted to go to war with Mexico
O Increased military presence on the Texas/Mexico border
O Established the Southern border of the United States



I say your best bet is D


A long-term effect of the events pictured on the map is Establishing the Southern border of the United States. Thus the correct option is D.

What is a map?

A map is referred to as a pictorial representation of different places used to identify the direction and reach the next location. They help the user to identify sea, rail routes, and roads to reach the destination.

The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed on February 2, 1848, put an end to the conflict between the United States and Mexico. As part of the agreement, Mexico surrendered its assertions to Texas and acknowledged the Rio Grande as the country's southern border.

In 1854, the United States and Mexico signed the Gadsden Purchase, a deal that attempted to settle disputes and supply the land needed for a southern transcontinental line.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about Map, here:


Which answer is NOT a reason Great Britain took renewed interest in its North American charters after the Seven Years’ War?
Britain wanted to be a powerful trading empire.

Britain wanted more revenue from colonists to pay for war costs and defense.

Britain feared the colonists would revolt against the British Crown.

Britain didn’t want other countries taking the raw materials and resources from the colonies.



Britain feared the colonists would revolt against the British Crown.


After the Seven Years War, Great Britain needed to tax the colonists more to pay for the war debts. They also did not want to lose control of the colonies for the purposes of resources and power. There was barely any fear of revolt back then as many colonists wanted to be citizens under Great Britain even during the American Revolution.

Great Britain DIDN'T take interest in its North American charters after the Seven Years War because they feared the colonists would revolt against the British Crown.

The Seven Years War was caused by the armed conflict between the French and British because they were encroaching on British territory. The British suffered a number of defeats against the French and their economy was wrecked as a result of this.

The renewed interest in the North American charters was not as a result of fear of revolt, but because the British wanted a stronger empire so that other countries would not take raw materials from them.

Read more here:

Which three sentences describe means of bureaucratic oversight?

A. Independent agencies audit executive departments and make recommendations for improvement.

B. Congress investigates how the funds are being used at the Department of Homeland Security.

C. A journalist obtains records from the Department of Defense with the Freedom of Information Act.

D. An employee at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) conducts a routine audit on a taxpayer.

E. Voters evaluate the credentials of a cabinet nominee and elect the most qualified candidate.


The correct answers are A) Independent agencies audit executive departments and make recommendations for improvement. B) Congress investigates how the funds are being used at the Department of Homeland Security. C) A journalist obtains records from the Department of Defense with the Freedom of Information Act.

Those are the three sentences that describe some means of bureaucratic oversight.

The United States bureaucracy is the different offices from the cabinet of the executive branch that manages the public resources and implement the policies of the federal government.

We are talking about departments and agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Energy, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Defense, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Interior, the Department of State, the US Agency for Internal Development, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and many others.

These departments need supervision and oversight so federal employees can be efficient with the resources they manage and efficiently delivering results. Corruption in the federal government is not accepted. As simple as that.

Which statement best explains the social contract theory?

Strong leaders do the best job of ruling a country of diverse people.

Countries are best served when their citizens take an active role in government.

Leaders must maintain the rights of citizens even if it interferes with the interest of the country.

People must submit their individual wills to the collective will to form a society.



that people live together in society in accordance with an agreement that establishes moral and political rules of behavior. .

which of the following require all the states to return fugitives slaves to their owners



the fugitive slave act of 1850

Choose 3: Which of the following did Frederick the Great implement during his time as the first servant of the state Treform Prussia?
Select one or more:
a. Reduced Censorship
b. Dissolved the Monarchy
c. Banished Torture
d. Ended Serfdom
e. Religious Freedoms



dissolved the monarchy

los tipos de historias


Que es la pregunta?
Que es la pregunta?????

Under King Darius I, the Persian Empire
A Connect a different regions using roads and a Postal Service
B broke up into city states with free governments
C gave Governors powerful armies to rule over their subjects
D forced captured people to give up your religious believes


Answer is D) forced captured people to give up their religious beliefs
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