The Lisp function LENGTH counts the number of elements in the top level of a list. Write a function ALL-LENGTH of one argument that counts the number of atoms that occur in a list at all levels. Thus, the following lists will have the following ALL-LENGTHs.
(A B C) => 3
((A (B C) D (E F)) => 6


Answer 1




Related Questions

Prepare algorithm and draw a corresponding flowchart to compute the mean value of all odd numbers between 1 and 100 inclusive.​



it has to be 35 it's definitely 35

Which support function under Tech Mahindra is governing data privacy and protection related requirements



Privacy Policy


PRIVACY POLICY is the support function under Tech Mahindra that is governing data privacy and protection-related requirements.

Given that support functions are functions which assist and in a way contribute to the company goal.

Other support functions are human resources, training and development, salaries, IT, auditing, marketing, legal, accounting/credit control, and communications.

The above statement is based on the fact that the Privacy Policy clarifies all the data protection rights, such as the right to object to some of the production processes that TechM may carry out.

Why should the Six-Step Process be considered as an iterative process?



The six-step process in programming is defined as the major technique that is employed collaboratively to resolve problems. The first step initiates with the explication of the problem followed by the probable cause of the problem. The third step involves looking for possible solutions to resolve it and choosing the best solution out of them to fix it. This step is immediately succeeded by the execution of the solution and assessment of the outcome. This Six-step process must be contemplated as an iterative process because it is a key method that is employed over and again in developing a program or ensuring its effective operation by resolving the issues that occur throughout the process.

explain the uses of computer application in finance and travel.​


Uses of Computers in Finance

Uses of Computers in Finance

By: Jayden Mathew

Reviewed by: Catreal Wood, B.A. in Finance

Updated November 17, 2018

The discovery of computers has transformed the financial industry and how business deals are transacted. It is possible for accountants to keep large amounts of data, conduct intricate calculations and manage financial transactions all from a computer. Computer technology today enables global economic capabilities that were impossible only a few decades ago, and computers now influence both business as well as personal financial management.

Ease of Communication

Computers enhance financial communication within members of an organization through a network system connecting various departments. With the use of computers, key financial decision makers are able to send financial reports and strategies instead of holding meetings. This system allows people in the finance sector to get updates on world stock exchange, and price changes affecting their business. The use of email also enables financial professionals to inform other departments and consumers of key policy changes, such as price modifications on products and goods.

Spreadsheet Software

Spreadsheet software influences the way both large and medium-sized firms, as well as individuals, key in and organize financial data. Spreadsheet applications are used to run day-to-day financial tasks, such as compiling financial data, presenting the data in an organized manner through the use of charts and graphs, drawing budgets and calculations of complex transactions. This application comes with computer programs, such as Microsoft excel, that enables organizations and individuals to plan finances without wasting too much time.

Data Storage

Computerization makes data storage manageable and less bulky. Computers enable organizations to store large amounts of files in a small space, allowing us to have a large track of historical transactions, while avoiding consumption of space that would otherwise be consumed by piles of files in cabinets. Keeping financial records is critical for organizations, as well as individuals, as it allows tracking of payment records, debts owed, purchases done and bank transactions made. Having detailed financial records helps an organization to continually audit and analyze business performance.

proggramed transaction

Computerized financial software conducts programmed business and accounting transactions. Most finance departments utilize accounting applications, such as QuickBooks, to perform financial transactions and to manage a company’s income and expenditure. These programmed applications enable an organization or individuals to keep track of financial operations and also conduct complex transactions effortlessly without consuming a lot of time and labor that would otherwise be used in case of manual transactions. Organizations can purchase software depending on nature of work; other applications include Grant Management application and payroll software.

Financial Information

Computers have enhanced access to wide financial information through internet access. Business operators or individuals can now access information on investment prospects, and conduct detailed research on its profitability. There is also a wealth of financial information available on the internet, such as world prices, tax changes, inflation rate and currency exchange rates that make it easier for institutions and individuals to make informed financial decisions. The internet also provides a wide source of information and access to specific financial reports of companies in trade.



Select the correct answer.
Which of these statements is true of dynamic design diagrams?
They demonstrate objects.
They demonstrate relationships.
They demonstrate the behavior of system aspects.
They include structure diagrams.



They demonstrate the behavior of system aspects.

The statement true regarding the dynamic design diagram is that it demonstrates the behavior change in the system. Thus, option C is correct.

What is a dynamic design diagrams?

A dynamic design diagram is given as the model that has been expressing the development of the operations, actions, and the behavior of the system over time.

The dynamic design diagram is thereby the demonstration of the behavior of system aspects. Thus, option C is correct.

Learn more about dynamic design, here:


Explain how you would find a book on a given subject in the library.



In case I am looking for a specific book in a library, the way in which I would try to find it would be through consulting the library guide, or through inspection of the different books of the specific sector with which the book I'm looking for is listed, or by asking the library staff to help me with my search.

what is operating system?



operating system (os)is translator between the operator (user)and the computer

Operating system (OS) is the low-level software that supports a computer's basic functions, such as scheduling tasks and controlling peripherals.

if someone wants to use a technology that allows the automation of manufacturing cars in a factory was technology should they use?



Physical Robots with specific coded instructions


In this specific scenario, they would need to use Physical Robots with specific coded instructions. Each robot would need to be coded to perform a specific and unique task, so that they are able to physically create the part that is needed for the manufacturing of the car, just like a real human employee would need to do. The different robots would create all the necessary parts and then another set of robots would put those pieces together. Artificial Intelligence could also be implemented to increase efficiency and prevent future errors.

how OS manages the reusable resources




A resource is anything required by a process.

Anything - os as resource manager.

Process - owns the resource.

Required - no resource, no progress; adaptive processes.

Resources - sharable, serially reusable, and consumable.


Resource durability determines how a resource reacts to being used. A reusable resource remains after being used. Disks, networks, CPUs are reusable resources.Oct 9, 201

Draw any five (5) basic symbols used for flowcharting



Image below ⏬

You are required to copy in your attendees' emails from outside of Outlook when creating a meeting
O True
O False


False because you just need a specific email not copy and paste.

Hope this helps

Microsoft outlook is a part of the office suite which allows users to scheuie meetings usually within an organization. Hence, copying attendees email from outside of outlook is false.

Uisng the Calendar, a meeting schedule Can be initiated by opting to create a new meeting.

The teams should be selected and the required information filled out.

From outlook, the information of attendees including email can be added with a click, rather from outside outlook.

Hence, the statement is False.

Learn more :

Write a function that removes duplicates from an array. For example, if remove_ duplicates is called with an array containing 1 4 9 16 9 7 4 9 11 then the array is changed to 1 4 9 16 7 11 Your function should have a reference parameter for the array size that is updated when removing the duplicates.




The following code is written in Python. It takes in an array of numbers as a parameter and loops through it. It checks to see if each element is already inside the new_arr array and if not then it adds it. Finally, it prints out the new_arr, prints the new_arr size and returns new_arr to the user which contains all the numbers from the original array without the duplicates.

def removeDuplicates(arr):

   new_arr = []

   for element in arr:

       if element not in new_arr:



   print("New Array Size: " + str(len(new_arr)))

   return new_arr

test_arr = [1, 4, 9, 16, 9, 7, 4, 9, 11]


have fire have ....

babi​ from babi098



yessss I tooo have a fire at my home


ok have a great day what is your name ?


..... ....

.... .....



__________ is a software development methodology that seeks to create multiple sample versions of a project for client review, allowing for plenty of feedback and ease of data refinement, but leaving the potential for major changes high.



Prototyping!! :)


Prototyping is a software development methodology that seeks to create multiple sample versions of a project for client review, allowing for plenty of feedback and ease of data refinement, but leaving the potential for major changes high.

What is software development?

The process of writing code to develop a program is handled by a computer programmer.

A software developer oversees every step of the process, defining the project's requirements before collaborating with programmers to construct the code.

According to that, software developer differs from computer programmer since they need leadership abilities because they have to oversee every step of the program-making process and interact with others.

Therefore, the goal of the software development approach known as prototyping is to provide numerous test versions of a project for client assessment.

To learn more about software development, refer to the link:


Write a statement to add the key Tesla with value USA to car_makers. Modify the car maker of Fiat to Italy. Sample output for the given program: Acura made in Japan Fiat made in Italy Tesla made in USA



car_makers = {'Acura':'Japan','Fiat':'Egypt'}

car_makers['Tesla'] = "USA"

car_makers['Fiat'] = "Italy"

print("Acura made in",car_makers['Acura'])

print("Fiat made in",car_makers['Fiat'])

print("Tesla made in",car_makers['Tesla'])


The first line is a define object in the python code, containing two entries of Acura and Fiat and their respective countries.

The python code adds an entry to the object "car maker" using the bracket notation, the tesla car from USA.

The country of the Fiat car is changed from Germany to Italy, using the bracket notation.

The output of the complete object and the individual cars is given.

output of the python code:

{'Acura': 'Japan', 'Fiat': 'Italy', 'Tesla': 'USA'}

Acura made in Japan

Fiat made in Italy

Tesla made in USA.

Write a Python function, twoQuadratics, that takes in two sets of coefficients and x-values and prints the sum of the results of evaluating two quadratic equations. It does not do anything else. That is, you should evaluate and print the result of the following equation:




The function is as follows:

def twoQuadratics(a1, b1, c1, x1, a2, b2, c2, x2):

   result = a1*x1**2+b1*x1+c1+a2*x2**2+b2*x2+c2

   return result


This defines the function

def twoQuadratics(a1, b1, c1, x1, a2, b2, c2, x2):

This calculates the required sum

   result = a1*x1**2+b1*x1+c1+a2*x2**2+b2*x2+c2

This returns the calculated sum

   return result

Following are the program to the given python function:


def evalQuadratic(a, b, c, x):#defining the method evalQuadratic that takes th 4 integer variable inside the parameter

   return a*x*x + b*x + c#using return keyword that calculates the parameter value

def twoQuadratics ():#defining a method twoQuadratics

   a1 = int (input("Enter a1:"))#defining a1 variable that input integer value from the user-end

   b1 = int (input("Enter b1:"))#defining b1 variable that input integer value from the user-end

   c1 = int (input("Enter c1:"))#defining c1 variable that input integer value from the user-end

   x1 = int (input("Enter x1:"))#defining x1 variable that input integer value from the user-end

   a2 = int (input("Enter a2:"))#defining a2 variable that input integer value from the user-end

   b2 = int (input("Enter b2:"))#defining b2 variable that input integer value from the user-end

   c2 = int (input("Enter c2:"))#defining c2 variable that input integer value from the user-end

   x2 = int (input("Enter x2:"))#defining x2 variable that input integer value from the user-end

   r1 = evalQuadratic(a1,b1,c1,x1)#defining r1 variable that calls evalQuadratic function

   r2 = evalQuadratic(a2,b2,c2,x2)#defining r2 variable that calls evalQuadratic function

   print("Result=",r1+r2)#using print method that adds r1 and r2 value

twoQuadratics ()#calling method twoQuadratics

Program Explanation:

Defining the method "evalQuadratic" that takes the for variable "a,b,c, x" integer variable inside the parameter, and use the return keyword that returns the calculated value.In the next step, another method "twoQuadratics" is defined. Inside this method, 8 variables which we input value from the user-end, and use r1 and r2 that adds the method value and prints its addition. Outside the method, we call the "twoQuadratics" method.


Please find the attached file.

Learn more about the information from the function here:

Suppose you have some List of S List of Strings called List and a String prefix. Write a method that removes all the Strings from list that begin with prefix. public void removePrefixStrings(List-String- list, String prefix) 7. What is the time complexity of this algorithm?



public void removePrefixStrings(List<String> list , String prefix) {

if(list==null || list.size()==0)


for(int i=0; i<list.size();) {







Time Complexity: If the prefix is the same as String length, Then finding all prefix match will take n *n = n2

Then removal is also n  

So the total time complexity is O(n3)

What constructs break or bend the normal Syntax patterns of scheme?



let and begin break or bend the normal syntax patterns of the scheme. Explanation:

let performed sequentially from left to right and region of binding indicated by variable. The second binding is done in which the first binding is visible and so on. The syntax is can contain multiple statements by the Begin and END keywords. Begin constructs can be nested and each block can define the variables.

Assume that the PIC18F is currently executing a 16-bit instruction addressed by 0x00015A. What are the current contents of the program counter





Given that the counter is executing a 16-bit instruction ( currently )  

addressed as  0x00015A

The counter keeps/records the address of the next executable instruction hence the current contents of the program counter

= 0x00015A + 16 bits         note: ( 16 bits = 2 bytes )

hence current content of program counter  = 0x00015C

a which is the smallest chunk of information of computer can work with​



I still mad for that spam



The bits are the smallest chunk of info that is used by computers.


Bit: A short abbreviation for binary digit which is the smallest unit of data.

You're welcome.

I hope I helped you.

If there are 18 people in your class and you want to divide the class into programming teams of 3
members, you can compute the number of different teams that can be arranged using this formula


Using a combination method to determine how many ways can 18 people be divided into programming teams of 3 members, the number of programming teams can be arranged in 816 ways.

What is Combination?

In mathematical model, a combination is a mathematical approach for calculating the number of potential arrangements in a set of things without taking the order arrangement of the items is into consideration.

It can be expressed by using the formula;

[tex]\mathbf{ _nC_r = \dfrac{n !}{ r!(n-r)! } }[/tex]


[tex] \mathbf{ _nC_r = number \: of \: combinations \: \} }[/tex]n = total number of set objects = 18r = number of choosing objects = 3

[tex] \mathbf{ _nC_r = \dfrac{18!}{ 3!(18-3)! } }[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{ _nC_r = \dfrac{18!}{ 3!(15)! } }[/tex]

[tex] \mathbf{ _nC_r = \dfrac{18 \times \: 17 \times \: 16 \times 15!}{ 3!(15)! } }[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{ _nC_r = \dfrac{18 \times \: 17 \times \: 16 }{ 3 \times \: 2 \times 1} }[/tex]

= 816 ways

Learn more about combinations here:

When an external device becomes ready to be serviced by the processor the device sends a(n)_________ signal to the processor.


when an external device becomes ready to be serviced by the processor the device sends a(n) interrupt signal to the processor

Joanne is working on a project and goes to access one of the web applications that her organization provides to retrieve some data. Upon searching for the data that she needs, she receives a pop-up message that top-secret clearance is required and she only has secret clearance. Which of the following access control methods does her organization use?

a. DAC
c. MAC



The answer is "Option c".


This required user access policy is a tool used for a central authority that assigns access privileges depending on regulations.

It is a security method that limits the capacity of foreign firms to give or refuse access to a file program's resource objects.

It is a system that imposed access control on the premise of object labels and subject clearance. Such topics and items, like confidential, secret, and top-secret, have clearances and designations, appropriately.

Explain why it is important that software products are developed and delivered quickly. Why is it sometimes sensible to deliver an unfinished product then provide issue new versions of that product after delivery?



The reason why software products are developed and delivered quickly is because  

most of the time client cannot wait an extended time for the merchandise to be developed and delivered because the delay in delivery of software products might cause a loss for the client if that specific software is being developed for the client's business solution.   In some mission-critical applications like defense systems, space research systems in such cases software must be delivered as quickly as possible because the project which is getting into such area cannot await an extended time for a software package to be delivered as here time constraint is involved and delay in at some point might cause a loss for an entire ongoing project.


Sometimes sensible to deliver an unfinished product then issue new versions of that product after delivery because

Sometimes the software that has got to be developed could be very big which isn't possible to develop during a shorter time and even client cannot wait an extended time for he's software in such case only the primary main core functionality of the software is being developed and delivered to the client and in later version remaining functionality's are included and delivered.

Even it is often the case that software that has got to be developed is very complex and should get lots of obstacles during development in such cases also only the core functionalities are being developed and delivered and in later version remaining functionality's are included.

3) Presence of bugs in software may also lead to issue a new version of that software after delivery and then fix the bug and deliver the new version to the client.

Speed is very  important in software development. This is because Developers are known to be under pressure every time to produce high-quality code as fast as they could so that they can fulfil contracts, acquire new customers, retain existing customers and others.

What is vital in delivery of a software project?

The key point that is vital is the provision of the right software delivery tools and equipment at a quick and right way.

Some other important software delivery best practices is that a software developer must ensure that their team has everything they need, ranging from hardware to software/testing applications too others.

Learn more about  software development from

You work as the IT Administrator for a small corporate network you need to configure configure the laptop computer in the Lobby to use the corporate proxy server. The proxy server is used to control access to the internet. In this lab, your task is to configure the proxy server settings as follows: Port: 9000



okay if I am it administration I will port 10000

To configure the computer in the lobby to use the corporate proxy server, you will need to follow these steps:

Settings > Networks&Internet > Proxy > Manual Proxy Setup > Address & proxy > save

What is Proxy Server?

A proxy server is a device or router that acts as a connection point between users and the internet.

Proxy Server settings would be the same for both Wifi and Ethernet connections, explaining about the configuration in Windows Operating System.

Open the internet browser on the laptop and go to the settings or preferences page. The exact location of the proxy settings will vary depending on the browser you are using.

In the settings or preferences page, look for the "Proxy" or "Network" section.

In the proxy settings, select the option to use a proxy server.

Enter the address of the corporate proxy server in the "Server" or "Address" field.

Enter the port number "9000" in the "Port" field.

Save the changes and close the settings or preferences page.

Test the proxy server configuration by attempting to access a website. If the configuration is correct, the laptop should be able to access the internet through the proxy server.

Settings > Networks&Internet > Proxy > Manual Proxy Setup > Address & proxy > save

To learn more about the Proxy Server settings click here:


examples in types of experimental methods


Lab Experiment

Field Experiment

Natural Experiment.


Experimental research for individuals in the physical sciences and many other fields is the best-known kind of research design. The main reason is that experimental research is a typical scientific experiment, similar to that carried out in secondary schools.


The types of research designs are determined by how the researchers assign subjects to various conditions and groups. They are of three different types: pre-experimental, almost experimental, and real experimental research.

Pre-experimental Research Design:-

In pre-experimental research, the effect of the application of a supposedly changing independent variable is observed by either a group or different dependent groups. It is the simplest form of experimental design and does not involve a control group.

Quasi-experimental Research Design:-

The term "almost" refers to partial, half, or pseudo. The quasi-experimental research therefore resembles, but not the same, the real experimental research. The participants are not assigned randomly in quasi-examples and are therefore used in environments that are difficult or unable to randomize.

True Experimental Research Design:-

To confirm or refute a hypothesis, real experimental research is based on statistical analyses. It is the most exact experimental type and can be performed on two randomly assigned subjects with, or without a pretest.

The true experimental design of the research must include a control group, a variable that the researcher can manipulate and the distribution must be random.

When you are making multiples of a brownie recipe, you cannot - without great difficulty - use a fraction of an egg. The calculate_eggs function uses the ceil function in the math module to always round up and provide the total number of eggs you need on hand to make your recipe.
1. On Line 2, import just the ceil function from the math module
2. On Line 6, call the ceil function to calculate 0.6*servings
When you run the code, it should match the output under Desired Output
# Import ceil function only from the math module
import math.ceil
# Define Function
def calculate_eggs(servings):
total_eggs = (0.6*servings)
return total_eggs
# Call Function
Desired Output = You need 9 eggs


The answer is one ☝️ question for the poll of a vote

Write a program that asks the user to enter 5 test scores. The program will display a letter grade for each test score and an average grade for the test scores entered. Three functions are needed for this program.



The program in C++ is as follows:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

double average(double s1, double s2, double s3, double s4, double s5){

   double avg = (s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5)/5;

   return avg;}

char lGrade(double score){

   char grade;

   if(score>= 90 && score <= 100){ grade ='A'; }

   else if(score>= 80 && score <= 89){ grade ='B'; }

   else if(score>= 70 && score <= 79){ grade ='C'; }

   else if(score>= 60 && score <= 69){ grade ='D'; }

   else if(score < 60){ grade ='F'; }

   return grade;}

int main(){

   double s1,s2,s3,s4,s5;


   double avg = average(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5);

   cout<<s1<<" "<<lGrade(s1)<<endl;

   cout<<s2<<" "<<lGrade(s2)<<endl;

   cout<<s3<<" "<<lGrade(s3)<<endl;

   cout<<s4<<" "<<lGrade(s4)<<endl;

   cout<<s5<<" "<<lGrade(s5)<<endl;

   cout<<avg<<" "<<lGrade(avg)<<endl;

   return 0;}


The three functions to include in the program are not stated; so, I used the following functions in the program

1. The main function

2. average function

3. Letter grade function

The average function begins here

double average(double s1, double s2, double s3, double s4, double s5){

This calculates the average

   double avg = (s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5)/5;

This returns the calculated average

   return avg;}

The letter grade function begins here

char lGrade(double score){

This declares the grade

   char grade;

If score is between 90 and 100 (inclusive), grade is A

   if(score>= 90 && score <= 100){ grade ='A'; }

If score is between 00 and 89 (inclusive), grade is B

   else if(score>= 80 && score <= 89){ grade ='B'; }

If score is between 70 and 79 (inclusive), grade is C

   else if(score>= 70 && score <= 79){ grade ='C'; }

If score is between 60 and 69 (inclusive), grade is D

   else if(score>= 60 && score <= 69){ grade ='D'; }

If score is less than 60, grade is F

   else if(score < 60){ grade ='F'; }

This returns the calculated grade

   return grade;}

The main begins here

int main(){

This declares the 5 scores

   double s1,s2,s3,s4,s5;

This gets input for the 5 scores


This calls the average function for average

   double avg = average(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5);

This calls the letter grade function for the 5 scores

   cout<<s1<<" "<<lGrade(s1)<<endl;

   cout<<s2<<" "<<lGrade(s2)<<endl;

   cout<<s3<<" "<<lGrade(s3)<<endl;

   cout<<s4<<" "<<lGrade(s4)<<endl;

   cout<<s5<<" "<<lGrade(s5)<<endl;

This calls the average function for the average

   cout<<avg<<" "<<lGrade(avg)<<endl;

what is the best programming language now​



python is the best programming language


The 9 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2021

JavaScript. It's impossible to be a software developer these days without using JavaScript in some way. ...

Swift. If you're interested in Apple products and mobile app development, Swift is a good place to start. ...

Scala. ...

Go. ...

Python. ...

Elm. ...

Ruby. ...


Write a Java program to create a class called Cars. The class should include three instance variables: makes (type: String), models (type: String), and years (type: int); and two methods: a constructor() to initialize three variables and a show() to display the information of a car. Write a class called TestCars to test the class Cars. This class should be able to read the makes, models, and years of three cars from screen input, create three-car objects using the constructor() and display each car's make, model, and years using the show(). (5pts)




This code was written in Java. It creates the Cars class with the requested variables and methods. It also creates the TestCars class which asks the user for the necessary inputs and then creates three Cars objects and passes the input values to the constructors. Finally, it uses the show() method on each object to call the information. A test has been created and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.util.Scanner;

class TestCars{

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;

       System.out.print("Enter Car Make: ");

       String make1 =;

       System.out.print("Enter Car Model: ");

       String model1 =;

       System.out.print("Enter Car Year: ");

       int year1 = in.nextInt();

       System.out.print("Enter Car Make: ");

       String make2 =;

       System.out.print("Enter Car Model: ");

       String model2 =;

       System.out.print("Enter Car Year: ");

       int year2 = in.nextInt();

       System.out.print("Enter Car Make: ");

       String make3 =;

       System.out.print("Enter Car Model: ");

       String model3 =;

       System.out.print("Enter Car Year: ");

       int year3 = in.nextInt();

       Cars car1 = new Cars(make1, model1, year1);

       Cars car2 = new Cars(make2, model2, year2);

       Cars car3 = new Cars(make3, model3, year3);;;;



class Cars {

   String makes, models;

   int years;

   public Cars(String makes, String models, int years) {

       this.makes = makes;

       this.models = models;

       this.years = years;


   public void show() {

       System.out.println("Car's make: " + this.makes);

       System.out.println("Car's model: " + this.models);

       System.out.println("Car's year: " + this.years);



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Define Pareto's law. Multiple choice question. It is the ranking of all items of an inventory according to a specific criterion of importance. It is a method of estimating the impact of changing the number of locations on the quantity of inventory held. It is the rule that a small percentage of items account for a large percentage of sales, profit, or importance to a company. It is used to determine the order size for a one-time purchase. An isosceles triangle with legs of 9 cm and a base of 10 cm in length has a median drawn from its vertex angle to its base. What is the length of this segment? If x = a sin teta and y = b cos teta Find the value of b^2x^2+ a^2y^2Plssss plsss helppp Domestic species are raised for food, work, clothing, medicine, and many other usesTrueFalse breaking larger molecules into smaller molecules and carbon pls help me with this friends I need help with this please!! Read the excerpt from Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby.My own house was an eyesore, but it was a small eyesore, and it had been overlooked, so I had a view of the water, a partial view of my neighbor's lawn, and the consoling proximity of millionairesall for eighty dollars a month.Across the courtesy bay the white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered along the water, and the history of the summer really begins on the evening I drove over there.The contrast created between East Egg and West Egg suggests that the main character feels comfortable in all social situations.Nick will experience a series of financial pitfalls as the story unfolds.the storys conflict will be based on wealth and appearances.the story will be presented from a number of differing perspectives. reduce to lowest term. 2x^2- 18/x^2+4x-21 The true length of recovery for patients with knee surgery is normally distributed with a mean of 123 days and a standard deviation of 1 day. What proportion of the patients will recover between 121 and 124 days? What is the balanced form of the following equation?Br2 + S2O32- + H2O Br1- + SO42- + H+ Last one thanks to whoever helps Which number sentence is true? A. 12 < |-12| B. |-12| < |-48| C. |-48| < |48| D. |12| > |-48| What is the purpose of a standard drink measurement? h O It allows you to determine if you're getting what you paid for O it is a consistent way of measuring the amount of alcohol in a drink It allows you to determine what is inside of a mixed drink O It is a measurement to determine if you are legally drunk X Clear Selection Can someone answer this its for my notes the bottom says Battle of San Jacinto river Are you living the life of your dreams? ...What would you do if fear was not a factor and you could not fail? Suppose your Unit Quiz grades have been: 85%, 80%, 96%, 72%, 78%, 85% and 92%a) What is your average/mean score?b) What is the median score?c) What is the mode score?d) Why is the mean lower than the median? e) What will your mean be if you get a perfect score of 100% on your next quiz? An Internet company reported that its earnings will be less than the 24 cents per share that was predicted. Write an inequality showing the possible earnings per share. Use the tables below to show the difference between the results of a natural join, an equijoin (with PROF_CODE = 2) and a full outer join. Provide the resulting table of each join Bret wants to take an advert out in a newspaper. The page has a length of 36cm. An advert will take 1/3 of the length of the page. Bret says the advert needs to be 11cm in length. Is Bret correct? Show your working out and state a clear answer.