Use the tables below to show the difference between the results of a natural join, an equijoin (with PROF_CODE = 2) and a full outer join. Provide the resulting table of each join


Answer 1



CREATE TABLE student (


prof_code INTEGER


INSERT INTO student VALUES (100278,null);

INSERT INTO student VALUES (128569,2);

INSERT INTO student VALUES (512272,4);

INSERT INTO student VALUES (531235,2);

INSERT INTO student VALUES (531268,null);

INSERT INTO student VALUES (553427,1);

CREATE TABLE professor (


dept_code INTEGER


INSERT INTO professor VALUES (1,2);

INSERT INTO professor VALUES (2,6);

INSERT INTO professor VALUES (3,6);

INSERT INTO professor VALUES (4,4);

The SQL NATURAL JOIN is a type of EQUI JOIN and is structured in such a way that, columns with the same name of associated tables will appear once only. In our Example, Prof_code will appear only once and it will be matched in both the table;  

SELECT * FROM Student natural join Professor on student.prof_code=Professor.prof_code ;  

Stud_code   Prof_code  Dept_code

128569        2           6

512272        4           4

531235        2           6

553427        1           2

EQUI JOIN performs a JOIN against equality or matching column(s) values of the associated tables and an equal sign (=) is used as a comparison operator in the where clause to refer to equality. In our example, it will only show the result with prof_code=2 from the natural join result.

SELECT * FROM Student join Professor on student.prof_code=Professor.prof_code where student.prof_code=2;

Stud_code Prof_code Prof_code Dept_code

128569     2         2         6

531235     2         2         6

In SQL the FULL OUTER JOIN combines the results of both left and right outer joins and returns all (matched or unmatched) rows from the tables on both sides of the join clause.

SELECT * FROM professor full outer join student on professor.prof_code=student.prof_code ;

Stud_code Prof_code Prof_code Dept_code


128569    2          2         6

512272    4          4         4

531235    2          2         6


                    3         6

553427    1          1         2

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i dont know


A sinewave has a period (duration of one cycle) of 645 μs. What is the corresponding frequency of this sinewave, in kHz, expressed to 3 significant figures?

please help me figure this out I am so confused


The corresponding frequency of this sinewave, in kHz, expressed to 3 significant figures is: 155 kHz.

Given the following data:

Period = 645 μs

Note: μs represents microseconds.


1 μs = [tex]1[/tex] × [tex]10^{-6}[/tex] seconds

645 μs = [tex]645[/tex] × [tex]10^{-6}[/tex] seconds

To find corresponding frequency of this sinewave, in kHz;

Mathematically, the frequency of a waveform is calculated by using the formula;

[tex]Frequency = \frac{1}{Period}[/tex]

Substituting the value into the formula, we have;

[tex]Frequency = \frac{1}{645\; * \;10^{-6}}[/tex]

Frequency = 1550.39 Hz

Next, we would convert the value of frequency in hertz (Hz) to Kilohertz (kHz);


1 hertz = 0.001 kilohertz

1550.3876 hertz = X kilohertz

Cross-multiplying, we have;

X = [tex]0.001[/tex] × [tex]1550.39[/tex]

X = 155039 kHz

To 3 significant figures;

Frequency = 155 kHz

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Thus, the IS manager must realize that there are always solutions to every software problem outside the mainstream box.

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business into a data-driven, intelligent enterprise?


To manage a modern IT environment characterized by hybrid complexity and exponential data growth — and to make that same IT a driver of growth and innovation for the business — you need to build intelligence into every layer of your infrastructure.

Change management plays a major role in transforming a client  business into a data-driven, intelligent enterprise in: data culture and literacy.

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The employees within such organizations are trained to read and understand data. It becomes a part of the organization's culture.

So data culture and literacy should be used when trying to transform a client  business into a data-driven, intelligent enterprise.

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the answer is priming read


hope it helps u

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hope it helps you

pls mark this ans brainlist ans

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a. Margin
b. View
c. LayOut
d. Paragraph

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a. Office 3.0
b. Office 7.0
c. Office Xp
d. Office 2.0


Fasilitas untuk pengaturan batas kertas pada Microsoft Word adalah


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What is true about the pivot in Quicksort? Group of answer choices After partitioning, the pivot will always be in the center of the list. After partitioning, the pivot will never move again. Before partitioning, it is always the smallest element in the list. A random choice of pivot is always the optimal choice, regardless of input.



The pivot is selected randomly in quick sort.

Consider a DataFrame named df with columns named P2010, P2011, P2012, P2013, 2014 and P2015 containing float values. We want to use the apply method to get a new DataFrame named result_df with a new column AVG. The AVG column should average the float values across P2010 to P2015. The apply method should also remove the 6 original columns (P2010 to P2015). For that, what should be the value of x and y in the given code?



x = 1

y = 1


The apply method has the axis argument which enables it to use the applied function either across the rows or columns, by passing the value 1 to the axis argument, the mean of at each index is calculated, (across the column) such that the length of the AVG column is equal to the lengtb of the original dataframe.

The drop method is used in pandas to remove row or column entry from a dataframe. To remove columns from a data table, the value 1 is passed to the axis argument of the drop method. Hence, passing 1 to the axis argument removes all 6 columns leaving only the AVG column in result_df.

You have n warehouses and n shops. At each warehouse, a truck is loaded with enough goods to supply one shop. There are m roads, each going from a warehouse to a shop, and driving along the ith road takes d i hours, where d i is an integer. Design a polynomial time algorithm to send the trucks to the shops, minimising the time until all shops are supplied.


Following are the steps of the polynomial-time algorithm:

Split the routes according to their categorizationAssuming that mid = di of the middle road, low = road with the least di, and high = road with the highest di, we may do a binary search on the sorted list.All shops must be approachable only using these roads for every road, from low to mid.Check if all shops can be reached from[tex]\bold{ low \ to\ mid+1}[/tex] using only these roads.There is a solution if every shop can be reached by road only up to [tex]\bold{mid+1}[/tex], but not up to mid.You can [tex]\bold{set \ low = mid+1}[/tex] if all businesses aren't accessible using both [tex]\bold{mid\ and\ mid+1}[/tex] roads.If every shop could be reached using both mid and mid+1, then set high to mid-1.With these layouts of businesses and roads, no response can be given because [tex]\bold{ low > high}[/tex]You can do this by [tex]\bold{set\ mid = \frac{(low + high)}{2}}[/tex]The new low, mid, and high numbers are used in step (a).

In a minimum amount of time, this algorithm will determine the best strategy to supply all shops.

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polynomial-time algorithm:

Write a pseudocode For loop that displays all the numbers from 0 to 5, one at a time. We have the following pseudocode so far. Declare Integer number Write this statement Display number End For Type the exact text for the line of pseudocode that should replace Write this statement shown above.



The statement is:

For number = 0 to 5



The incomplete pseudocode


The loop statement to complete the pseudocode

To loop from 0 to 5, we make use of:

For number = 0 to 5


number is the integer variable declared on line 1

So, the complete pseudocode is:

Declare Integer number

For number = 0 to 5

Display number

End For

Components of micro computer with diagram



CPU, Program memory, Data memory, Output ports,  Input ports and Clock generator.


There are six basic components of a microcomputer which includes CPU, Program memory, Data memory, Output ports,  Input ports and Clock generator. CPU is the central processing unit which is considered as the brain of the computer. It is the part of a computer that executes instructions. Data memory is the place where data is stored that is present in the CPU.

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Error reports


ERP is a multimodal software system that integrates all business processes and the function's of the entire organizations into  single software system using a one database.

Discuss the OSI Layer protocols application in Mobile Computing



The OSI Model (Open Systems Interconnection Model) is a conceptual framework used to describe the functions of a networking system. The OSI model characterizes computing functions into a universal set of rules and requirements in order to support interoperability between different products and software.

2. A computer that is easy to operate is called





A computer that is easy to operate is called User Friendly

Discuss the DMA process​



Direct memory access (DMA) is a process that allows an input/output (I/O) device to send or receive data directly to or from the main memory, bypassing the CPU to speed up memory operations and this process is managed by a chip known as a DMA controller (DMAC).


A defined portion of memory is used to send data directly from a peripheral to the motherboard without involving the microprocessor, so that the process does not interfere with overall computer operation.

In older computers, four DMA channels were numbered 0, 1, 2 and 3. When the 16-bit industry standard architecture (ISA) expansion bus was introduced, channels 5, 6 and 7 were added.

ISA was a computer bus standard for IBM-compatible computers, allowing a device to initiate transactions (bus mastering) at a quicker speed. The ISA DMA controller has 8 DMA channels, each one of which associated with a 16-bit address and count registers.

ISA has since been replaced by accelerated graphics port (AGP) and peripheral component interconnect (PCI) expansion cards, which are much faster. Each DMA transfers approximately 2 MB of data per second.

A computer's system resource tools are used for communication between hardware and software. The four types of system resources are:

   I/O addresses    Memory addresses.    Interrupt request numbers (IRQ).    Direct memory access (DMA) channels.

DMA channels are used to communicate data between the peripheral device and the system memory. All four system resources rely on certain lines on a bus. Some lines on the bus are used for IRQs, some for addresses (the I/O addresses and the memory address) and some for DMA channels.

A DMA channel enables a device to transfer data without exposing the CPU to a work overload. Without the DMA channels, the CPU copies every piece of data using a peripheral bus from the I/O device. Using a peripheral bus occupies the CPU during the read/write process and does not allow other work to be performed until the operation is completed.

With DMA, the CPU can process other tasks while data transfer is being performed. The transfer of data is first initiated by the CPU. The data block can be transferred to and from memory by the DMAC in three ways.

In burst mode, the system bus is released only after the data transfer is completed. In cycle stealing mode, during the transfer of data between the DMA channel and I/O device, the system bus is relinquished for a few clock cycles so that the CPU can perform other tasks. When the data transfer is complete, the CPU receives an interrupt request from the DMA controller. In transparent mode, the DMAC can take charge of the system bus only when it is not required by the processor.

However, using a DMA controller might cause cache coherency problems. The data stored in RAM accessed by the DMA controller may not be updated with the correct cache data if the CPU is using external memory.

Solutions include flushing cache lines before starting outgoing DMA transfers, or performing a cache invalidation on incoming DMA transfers when external writes are signaled to the cache controller.


See explanation


DMA [tex]\to[/tex] Direct Memory Access.

The peripherals of a computer system are always in need to communicate with the main memory; it is the duty of the DMA to allow these peripherals to transfer data to and from the memory.

The first step is that the processor starts the DMA controller, then the peripheral is prepared to send or receive the data; lastly, the DMA sends signal when the peripheral is ready to carry out its operation.

The menu bar display information about your connection process, notifies you when you connect to another website, and identifies the percentage information transferred from the Website server to your browser true or false





My teacher quized me on this

As the first step, load the dataset from airline-safety.csv by defining the load_data function below. Have this function return the following (in order):
1. The entire data frame
2. Total number of rows
3. Total number of columns
def load_data():
df, num_rows, num_cols



import pandas as pd

def load_data():

df = pd.read_csv("airline-safety.csv')

num_rows = df.shape[0]

num_cols = df.shape[1]

return df, num_rows, num_cols


Using the pandas python package.

We import the package using the import keyword as pd and we call the pandas methods using the dot(.) notation

pd.read_csv reads the csv data into df variable.

To access the shape of the data which is returned as an array in the format[number of rows, number of columns]

That is ; a data frame with a shape value of [10, 10] has 10 rows and 10 columns.

To access the value of arrays we use square brackets. With values starting with an index of 0 and so on.

The row value is assigned to the variable num_rows and column value assigned to num_cols

a. Download the attached �� file.
b. Implement the �getGreetings� method, so that the code prompts the user to enter the first name, the last name, and year of birth, then it returns a greetings message in proper format (see the example below). The �main� method will then print it out. Here is an example dialogue with the user:
Please enter your first name: tom
Please enter your last name: cruise
Please enter your year of birth: 1962
Greetings, T. Cruise! You are about 50 years old.
Note that the greetings message need to be in the exact format as shown above (for example, use the initial of the first name and the first letter of the last name with capitalization).
c. Submit the final �� file (DO NOT change the file name) online.




import java.util.*;  

public class Greetings  


   public static void main(String[] args)  


       Scanner s = new Scanner(;  



   private static String getGreetings(Scanner console)  


   System.out.print("Please enter your first name: ");  


   char firstChar=firstName.toUpperCase().charAt(0);  

   System.out.print("Please enter your last name: ");  


   lastName=lastName.toUpperCase().charAt(0)+lastName.substring(1, lastName.length());  

   System.out.print("Please enter your year of birth: ");  

   int year=console.nextInt();  

   int age=getCurrentYear()-year;  

   return "Greetings, "+firstChar+". "+lastName+"! You are about "+age+" years old.";  


   private static int getCurrentYear()  


       return Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR);  




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