The number of swappings needed to sort the number 8, 22, 7, 9, 31 in ascending order, using bubble sort is


Answer 1




swap the 7 with the 22

swap the 7 with the 8

swap the 9 with the 22

Related Questions

What is the process of planning, designing, and implementing change requests?

_____ is the process of planning, designing, and implementing change requests.



Change Management


The described process is formally known as Change Management

describe in detail what each step would look like if you ran into a software error.



First you have to identify the problem.

Second Gather information.

Third iterate through potential solutions.

Fourth Test your solution.


There are many different ways to handle errors in software but this is the way I do it.

Hope this helps :)

After running into a software error, a user needs to first determine the reason for the error, work towards a solution and then execute the solution discovered.

Software Error

A software error occurs when an error or unusual behaviour is observed in a piece of software and which can be reproduced after certain actions are performed that are in line with the stated rules of the software developer. In other words, a software error does not occur if the software was not used as directed by the software developer.

You can learn more about software errors here


Which of these is NOT a user interface?

A. Graphical user
B. Command line
C. Icon interface
D. Menu driven​



menu driven is not an interface


hope that helps you

please follow

please mark brainliest

I will follow you if you mark me brainliest

Which of these is NOT a user interface?

Choose: B. Command line

Marcus White has just been promoted to a manager. To give him access to the files that he needs, you make his user account a member of the Managers group, which has access to a special shared folder. Later that afternoon, Marcus tells you that he is still unable to access the files reserved for the Managers group. What should you do



log off of his account and log back in


The first thing that Marcus should do would be to log off of his account and log back in. This is so that the new changes to his permissions can take effect. This should solve his problem and grant him access to all the permissions available in the Managers Group. If this does not work, then it is most likely that he is still in the previous group which has the Manager level permissions blocked. In this case he would need to leave the previous group that he is in because the blocking permissions overrides the access allowed from the Managers group.

explain about third generation of computer​



The period of third generation was from 1965-1971. The computers of third generation used Integrated Circuits (ICs) in place of transistors. ... This development made computers smaller in size, reliable, and efficient. In this generation remote processing, time-sharing, multiprogramming operating system were used.


hope it helps

Sophie often makes grammatical errors in her document. Which feature of the Spelling and Grammar tool can she use to understand the errors? A. Next Sentence B. Options C. Change D. Explain



D. Explain


Sophie would need an explanation of why she makes grammatical errors to understand the errors.  

The costs incurred when a firm buys on the marketplace what it cannot make itself are referred to as


Answer: transaction cost


Transaction costs refers to the expenses that are incurred when a good or service is bought or sold. Transaction cost is the labor that's required in bringing a product to the market.

Transaction cost is the costs that are incurred when a firm buys on the marketplace what it cannot make itself.

Transaction costs are the costs that are incurred which don’t accrue to the participant of the transaction.

convert (0.255)¹⁰ into binary



Must click thanks and mark brainliest

High speed printer that produce higher quality printouts but are more expensive is

A. Printer
B. Pages per minute
C. Inkjet printer
D. Laser printer​



i think its D, laser printer


Mary uploaded some images on her website. She chose an image and downloaded it. She found that the image she saw on screen did not seem to have the same DPI as when she had scanned it (she had uploaded a scanned image with 300 DPI). What could be reason with this visual decrease in DPI on the computer screen? (Correct Answer only)

A. Some image resolution was lost while uploading it
B. She downloaded a compressed version of the image.
C. The computer reset the resolution of the image.
D. Her file was probably corrupted while downloading.
E. Computer screens typically display images of only 72 DPI.


It could be A or B, with a guess that it’s A. Many websites require images to be compressed on uploading so that it takes less of the site’s database storage, but the wording leads me to believe it may be B. Any thoughts?

The reason for this visual decrease in DPI on the computer screen is some image resolution was lost while uploading it. The correct option is A.

What is resolution?

Resolution is the quality of the image that we see in the screen. It is the number of pixels per inch of space. The meaning of PPI is pixel per inch. When a high-resolution picture is seen, it means there are more pixels per inch.

When a picture is downloaded from a site. It does not download in the original pixels because during downloading some pixels are lost due to slow net or the settings of the computer. And a compressed version does not download on its own, and corrupted files do not affect the resolution.

Thus, the correct option is A. Some image resolution was lost while uploading it.

To learn more about resolution, refer to the link:


Research and describe plug-ins and their usage in graphic design.



Plug-ins are software developed to work with another software that is already installed in the computer. They are basically add-on software that enhance a functionality of an existing software. These plug-ins can be used for different purposes based on which software they support. There can be plug-ins for search engines, audio-video players, photo-editing software, graphical design software, and more.

Plug-ins may be developed by the same company which developed the software that the plug-in is supposed to work with. It may also be developed by independent developers who just want to solve or add an element to the existing features of a software.

Plug-ins are mostly free and are released after the target software is tested and released.

Plug-ins offer a lot of assistance in graphical design. It works with the design software for adding or enhancing affects and styles to the original work. Some of the functions that popular plug-in software provide are:

• to improve color, sharpness, and focus (perspective) of the images

• to create (and enhance) natural lighting effects within the image

• to sharpen or define (emphasize) particular parts of the image

• create motion blur

• change point-of-focus of the image

• alter the level of opacity of brushes

• alter the size of brush strokes (different from the ones that already exist)

• Control and enhance the intensity of dark areas in an image

• eliminate distortion due to camera shake

• create metallic edges for elements in the image

• introduce mood and blended contrast effects


This is what it said when I submitted my answer

A logistics company's vulnerability scan identifies the following vulnerabilities on Internet-facing devices in
the DMZ: SQL injection on an infrequently used web server that provides files to vendors SSL/TLS not used for a website that contains promotional information
The scan also shows the following vulnerabilities on internal resources: Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution on test server for a human resources system
TLS downgrade vulnerability on a server in a development network In order of risk, which of the following should be patched FIRST?
A. Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution
B. SQL injection
C. SSL/TLS not used
D. TLS downgrade



A. Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution


From the given options, we have;

The web server having a SQL injection is infrequently use

The information on the website having SSL/TLS not used is promotional

The location of the server having  a TLS downgrade is on a development network

The location of the Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution is on a human resource system test server

Therefore, given that the test server, is the deployment source of the main server, and that with a Remote Code Execution, RCE,  cyber attack, the attacker is able to make commands work on other computers, the RCE attack on the test server is a potential access of an attack on the main servers, and should be patched first.

there are 9 CTSOs, name 3


Business Professionals of America.
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.

write a program to check the password( qbasic)​



Assuming this is in python:

def check_password(password):


   correct_password = "qbasic"


   if password == correct_password:

       return True


       return False

def main():


   user_input = input("Type in your password: ")


   if check_password(user_input):



       print("Wrong, try again")





Hope this helped :) If it wasn't suppose to be in python, tell me so I can make it in the correct programming language.

Have a good day :)

Predict the output... LET A= -20.50 LET B = ABS(A) PRINT B END​



full and then I would like this

full form of ip ........?​


internet protocol - hope this helps!

Recall when you built your information sending device. Why did we decide to send a message as a sequence of two options rather than modifying our devices to represent more options


The Informatics Technology Device would not include but its not restricted input, output, processing, storage, display, scanning as well as printing systems, computer networks, or equipment.Messages have been delivered as just a binary question rather than a question with multiple answers, since building a device that stores many answers is more complicated. Combos quickly go away and can be difficult to make them endless.Responses using numbers are much more easily representing various situations since they can be endless during seasons, times of each day, etc.

Learn more:

What is the primary difference, if any, between a web master and a web producer? While a web master maintains a company’s websites, the web producer maintains a company’s entire web-based system. While a web producer maintains a company’s websites, the web master maintains a company’s entire web-based system. While a web master maintains a company’s web presence, the web producer maintains all technology at a company. While a web producer maintains a company’s web presence, the web master maintains all technology at a company.



While a web master maintains a company’s websites, the web producer maintains a company’s entire web-based system.

I'm assuming that's A

4. Calculate the standard deviation for the following data set: Foundations of Technology Engineering byDesi OITEEA . . Data Set = 4, 14, 6, 2, 7, 12 217 ,​



[tex]\sigma_x = 5.68[/tex]



[tex]x = 4, 14, 6, 2, 7, 12 2,17[/tex]


The standard deviation

First, calculate the mean

[tex]\bar x =\frac{\sum x}{n}[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]\bar x = \frac{4+ 14+ 6+ 2+ 7+ 12 +2+17}{8}[/tex]

[tex]\bar x = \frac{64}{8}[/tex]

[tex]\bar x = 8[/tex]

The standard deviation is:

[tex]\sigma_x = \sqrt{\frac{\sum(x - \bar x)^2}{n-1}}[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]\sigma_x = \sqrt{\frac{(4 - 8)^2+ (14 - 8)^2+ (6 - 8)^2+ (2 - 8)^2+ (7 - 8)^2+ (12 - 8)^2+ (2 - 8)^2+ (17 - 8)^2}{8-1}}[/tex]

[tex]\sigma_x = \sqrt{\frac{226}{7}}[/tex]

[tex]\sigma_x = \sqrt{32.2857}[/tex]

[tex]\sigma_x = 5.68[/tex]

After a chart has been inserted and formatted, is it possible to change the data range it refers to or to add new rows of data?

No, additional data cannot be included in a chart once it has been created; the user should delete the chart and create a new chart.
Yes, click the Select Data button in the Data group under the Design tab to extend or reduce the data range.
Yes, click the chart, select the additional rows or columns of data to add, and press Enter on the keyboard.
Yes, double-click the chart and select Properties from the list; in the Properties box, insert the new data range to include in the chart.


Answer: Yes, click the Select Data button in the Data group under the Design tab to extend or reduce the data range.


Excel allows one to be able to update the data in a graph because the designers knew that information needs to be updated sometimes.

This is why there is an option to use the Data button in the Data group which is under the Design tab to increase or decrease the data range that is to be used in the chart which means that a new row of data could even be added.

Write technical term of following statements: a.The set of programs to perform specific task. b.A feature of computer which tells multi-functioning capability of computer. c.The first calculating machine designed for the manipulation of census data. d.The first computer programmer.​



a) Application software

d) Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace

b) (it may be versatility

You have been asked to help a small office with a limited budget set up and configure a Windows network. There are only five computers in this office. In addition to the ability to share network resources, security is a top priority.
Which of the following is the BEST course of action in this situation?
A. Install a HomeGroup to provide a single login and simplify security and sharing.
B. Install a WorkGroup to provide a single login and simplify security and sharing.
C. Install a WorkGroup to allow each device to control what is shared and with whom.
D. Install a HomeGroup to allow each computer to control which items are shared and who can access them.



I will choose a option tin best

Answer: Install a WorkGroup to allow each device to control what is shared and with whom.


Which of the following stores the operating system?
O Von Neumann center
O Bluetooth center
O the cloud
O random access memory



The Cloud


Clouds are basically computers offsite.  The cloud is used for many things, Like storage, to running applications which needs an operating system to work. Just like the device you are using right now to use Brainly. It needs an operating system to install a web broswer or app to acess a service. Hope this helps!

write one function each of caps lock and shift keys.


Answer:you can use the shift key to use symbols instead of numbers on the top numbers part of the keyboard


Some Examples are ( ) $ &

What are the factors affecting the life of ballast? Explain.​



When it's too hot or too cold.


When a bulb of the wrong size or voltage is used in the fixture, the ballast often overheats, causing the light to shut off. The bulbs and the fixture must also match in frequency, or the ballast becomes overworked and overheated.

Fault tolerance refers to

how a network fails.

how well a network recovers after a failure.

mirror operations.






because it good for servers

Answer: How well a network recovers after a failure.


what is known as Ip address



IP address stands for internet protocol address; it is an identifying number that is associated with a specific computer or computer network. When connected to the internet, the IP address allows the computers to send and receive information.

Hackers often raise the trust level of a phishing message by modeling the email to look similar to the internal email used by the target company. This includes using logos, formatting, and names of the target company. The phishing message will often use the name of the company CEO, President, or Managers. The time a hacker spends performing research to locate this information about a company is known as





Which of these is NOT an input device?
O keyboard
O mouse
O blinking light
O microphone


Blinking light is not one of the awansers

the contribution of Charles Babbage in the history of computer​


Charles Babbage also known as the “father of computers” have made an incredible contribution in the evolution and history of computers. His most well-known invention, the analytical engine was a proposed mechanical general-purpose computer with complex machinal working features. Today, most computers follow Charles Babbage’s analytical engine’s process of working (IPO). Charles Babbage was the one to originate the concept of a digital programmable computer. Other mentionable invention of Charles Babbage is difference engine.

Plz give me the brainliest :)
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During the day, the hateful sun heats up every visible crevice, providing a contrast to the cool, breezy nights. The favorable aspect of the day is its gift of sight, of the stunning erosion that has taken place over millions of years, or of the rocks impossibly balanced on one another and their relentless determination to remain unmoved. This place and its striking diversity deserve recognition for doing exactly what nature does best: providing wonder to all. Drag each tile to the correct box.Match each key idea from the text to how it is emphasized in the image.the stunning erosion that has takenplace over millions of yearsthe steep canyon wallsIts deep, red landscape appearsseemingly out of nowhere.The image shows layers of rock.The image shows the height of the canyon.The image highlights the canyons colors. A physical education class is running a mile. The teacher has set a goal of 12 minutes to complete the mile. 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What is the output?>>> password = "sdf345">>> password isalpha()>>> Find the greatest common factor of thefollowing monomials:39c^29c^3' ShowAloud AccessibilitySpeech AccessibilityCommentAccept RejectLanguageTrackComments Changes (1) Reviewing PaneTrackingCommentsChanges-Write a 150 to 200 word response to the following questions:Share at least 2 channels of effective communication that you learned in this class, and explain how they canhelp you advance in your education and careerWhich of the 5 steps in the writing process (prewriting, organization, drafting, revising, editing) do youanticipate will be the most challenging for you? What is your action plan for overcoming this challenge?Share a resource from the center for writing Excellence that will support you in the writing process.The written communication is very important especially in online classes.The Organizational step in the writing process is the most challenging for me. 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