Which of the following explains the increase in the import of enslaved persons in Maryland and Virginia?


Answer 1

Answer: Which of the following explains the increase in the import of slaves in Maryland and Virginia? The demand for tobacco in Europe The demand for more subsistence crops The demand for the shipbuilding trade The demand for more fish in the colonies.


Answer 2

The increase in the import of enslaved persons was because of A. The demand for tobacco in Europe

How did tobacco drive slavery ?

Tobacco was a labor-intensive crop, and the demand for it grew rapidly in the 17th and 18th centuries. This led to an increased demand for enslaved labor to work on tobacco plantations.

The Native American population in the Chesapeake region declined significantly in the 17th century due to disease, war, and displacement. This left a labor shortage that was filled by enslaved Africans.

The transatlantic slave trade was well-established by the 17th century, and there was a ready supply of enslaved people available for purchase.

Find out more on slavery at https://brainly.com/question/426972


Options are:

A. The demand for tobacco in Europe

B. The demand for more subsistence crops

C. The demand for the shipbuilding trade

D. The demand for more fish in the colonies

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Tyndale was in conflict with the Church of England.
It believed Tyndale’s translation had serious flaws.
Tyndale had copied his Bible from the Latin Vulgate.
It thought Tyndale’s Bible challenged its authority.



The correct answer is tyndale copied the bible from Latin vulgate. By using other languages threatened the bible authority.

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Brain list



The European Enlightenment of the !8th century could not have happened without the previous, and concurrent, Scientific Revolution, and its technological discoveries and inventions, in the !7th and 18th centuries. The Scientific Revolution is the most important event in world history yet most people have never heard of it. A person is unable to understand the world around around them today without at least some basic knowledge of The Scientific Revolution.

There was a small group of philsophers (of the Enlightenment) who really understood that a new world was emerging in Europe in the human understanding of reality. They understood that Man was able to rationally explain Nature for the first time in human history. That God was not actually physically present in Nature. That God, therefore, might not actually exist at all (Atheism). That Man was now in control of Nature. That Man was no longer part of Nature; these were now two separate philosophical realms. That Man was above Nature, even God. And, the big one, the basis of the Enlightenment itself, that Man could remake the world using his rational thought (ideas) without any reference to European history, European tradition or Man as even part of Nature. In other words, wishful thinking born from the dangerous rationalisation of taking ideas to their logical conclusion without any reference to reality.

So, of course, the adoption of these “scorched Earth” or “Year Zero” ideas of the Enlightment was, and still is, a complete disaster for humanity. Especially when combined with the new controlling powers of Science and Technology. The Enlightentment led directly to the first emergence of Left wing politics - that Man is created purely through Nurture, not Nature, and is born as a “blank slate” - with no reference to our 200,000 years of evolutionary adaptation as part of Nature.

This distorted thinking, in turn, led eventually, to the disastrous political and social events of 1968, when even objectivity itself was jettisoned. And, then to the final post-Modern delusion that European culture, art and science is no better than even the most primitive tribes (blank slates) still living in the jungle today.

Describe action taken in the first New Deal.


The first new deal dealt with pressing banking crisis through the Emergency Banking Act, The securities act was enacted to prevent a repeated stock market crash. The controversial work of the National Recovery Administration was also apart of the First New Deal. Hope this helps!

Why was british interested in India? {7marks}



Hey mate.....


This is ur answer....

Britain came to India in 1858 for their profitable resources that the British Empire wanted to make theirs. Leaving in 1947 just to leave before a civil war broke out and leaving India in terrible shape taking and using whatever resources they wanted in their rule in India.

Hope it helps!

Brainliest pls!

Follow me!

what is a characteristic of oligarchy


A characteristic of an oligarchy could be the government as a oligarchy is when a group of people rules over a majority!
when a group of people rule over a majority

The Louisiana Purchase was a problem for Jefferson because: Group of answer choices acquisition of new Indian lands was contrary to his principles and beliefs the cost was too high for the United States to pay he believed that the Constitution did not give authority to acquire new land it would be hard to defend it against the Spaniards the territory was ideal for slavery, which he opposed



He believed that the Constitution did not give authority to acquire new land.


President Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd president of the United States. He was also American diplomat, statesman and a lawyer. He was the Founding father of the United States of America and also main author of the Declaration of Independence.

Jefferson purchase Louisiana from France in the year 1803. It was a land purchase or deal between the USA and France where USA acquired about  827,000 square miles for $15 million to the west of the river Mississippi. But the purchase of the land is a problem for Jefferson because he knew that the American Constitution did not provide authority to Jefferson to purchase new land.

which type of government did the constitution of 1791 establish

A. a republic
B. an absolute monarchy
C. a limited monarchy
D. a totalitarian system ​


The answer to your question is D


constitutional monarchy

Match each word with the phrase that best defines it
to get rid of something or someone
temporary, moving from one form or
state to another
a ruling party of three people
single-party state
a government system that controls
land and resources
a government controlled by a single
political party


eliminate- to get rid of something or someone

communism- a government system that controls land and resources

troika- a ruling party of three people

transitional- temporary, moving from one form or state to another

single party state- a government controlled by a single political party

1. Eliminate - To get rid of something or someone

2. Communism - A government system that controls land and resources

3. Troika - A ruling party of three people

4. Transitional - Temporary, moving from one form or state to another

5. Single party state - A government controlled by a single political party

What is communism?

Communism is a political and economic system that seeks to create a classless society in which the important way of production, such as mines and factories, are owned and controlled by using the general public.

Conclusion: Communism is a system of government where all of the assets is public and the government owns and controls the production and transportation industries. People share equally the benefits of the labor and they receive the things they need from the government.

learn more about government here https://brainly.com/question/1078669


The example of German immigrant Marcus Spiegel demonstrated that: a. the views of average Americans evolved considerably during the course of the Civil War. b. the significant Jewish population in the United States was ambivalent about the issues that caused the Civil War. c. while Jews were few in number, their role at the Battle of Gettysburg made military heroes of many of them. d. freedom motivated the immigration of Irish immigrants, but German immigrants of the mid-nineteenth century came to the United States in pursuit of economic success. e. Democrats were unwilling to go to war with a Republican president in the White House.


Answer: how do i login to my sister’s account her friend gave to her?


Why has the Supreme Court upheld laws that require advantage notice and permits for protest in public places
(A) Because protest can threaten the place
(B) So official can charge fees for permits
(C) So officials can prevent antigovernment protests
(D) Because protests are not protected forms of assembly



I believe it to be D. Hope this helps!


which term was not an accurate new description for women in the 1920's?
a. wage-earner
b. flapper
c. politician
d. voter



C. Politician


By the 1920s, women had the rights to earn wages and vote, and the term "flapper" was being used for their boldness. Women generally were not politicians in that time period.

Who were the major leaders of the labor movement?



Samuels Gompers, Thomas Donadue, William Green.


Samuel Gompers

He was actually the leader couldn't find anything else hope this helps





3 investiga sobre la estructura política de los Estados


Estados Unidos constituye una república federal constitucional, con un régimen presidencialista como forma de gobierno basado en la separación de poderes en tres ramas: ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial.

In the 1920s, what did businesses and industries do that caused the economy to slow down?
M They hired more workers.
They speculated in the stock market.
They bought stocks on margin.
They overproduced good.

It D got it right for edg2021



They overproduced goods


In the 1920s, businesses and industries overproduced goods which caused the economy to slow down.

This was because they failed to make proper plans about the rate of consumption and demand and ended up mass producing goods which made the economy go slow


D. They overproduced goods.


Which region of the usa is most sparsely populated?


The least populated place in the United States is Alaska’s Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area.

Hope this helps !!!!!!!!!!!!!
The least-populated place in the United States is Alaska's Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area. At over 145,000 square miles, it's larger than New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia -- combined.Jan 20, 2016

When he inherited his fathers kingdom, Alexander the great



He gained the military power of his father and continued his campaign


He followed his fathers legacy. And succeeded.

The Virginia Declaration of Rights was written by __________.
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Benjamin Franklin
George Mason


I guess it’s d George mason

The International Gay Rodeo Association (IGRA) began in 1976. By the end of the 1980s, gay rodeos were being held in more than a dozen states, and today there are 24 chapters that have raised millions for charity. But even the IGRA is not exempt from concerns about discrimination. Straights are allowed to participate in all IGRA events in order to avoid claims of _____.



The International Gay Rodeo Association (IGRA) began in 1976. By the end of the 1980s, gay rodeos were being held in more than a dozen states, and today there are 24 chapters that have raised millions for charity. But even the IGRA is not exempt from concerns about discrimination. Straights are allowed to participate in all IGRA events in order to avoid claims of disparate treatment.

What is a threat posed by the military-industrial complex, according to President Einsenhower?​



the increasing power of the military




He was scared of increasing the power of the military he fear things that the military may abuse it's power and do things they aren't suppose to do


Recall what you have learned about the locations
of internment
What types of locations were chosen for
internment camps?
Why did the government choose these locations?
Give your answer in at least two complete



1)the government chose less populated areas to put internment camps because this would help with the initial problem.

2)They were slums luxury ranging from the cities to the country. They believed that internees should not help in the war effort because the internment of the Japanese was unjust.



Camps were far from the West Coast, or exclusion zone.

Camps were far from major cities and population centers.

Camps were in barren areas, which made it difficult for potential spies to escape.

Camps were often constructed on American Indian reservations.




the political cost of each size


I'm not sure if it's right though




When deciding whether to build a small or large courthouse, a government leader should identify the economic costs of each size.

You can completely rely in this answer it's

Why doesn’t the United States intend to ‘abandon’ Cuba?



Because Cuba is so close to the US is like the US backyard almost so during the cold war USSR wanted missiles in cuba or nukes this would make all the US vulnerable to a nuclear attack by the USSR but still currently cuba is a communist nation and is worried that enemy nations might try to build bases there or but missiles there this would be a huge threat to the US since these places are so close


what was the aim of the suffragist movement?


Answer:The suffragists split into two organizations. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton form the National Woman Suffrage Association. The primary goal of the organization is to achieve voting rights for women by means of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


The suffragists split into two organizations. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton form the National Woman Suffrage Association. The primary goal of the organization is to achieve voting rights for women by means of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Describe What You See in the Placard
Which cause/s of New Imperialism does the Placard represent?
Explain Why You Chose the Cause/s?



What I see in the Placard

These looks like ships that have come to trade goods in an underdeveloped area which most likely depicts Africa.

Cause ⇒ Need for New Markets

European countries were in a race to acquire more resources and become richer and so they needed new markets to sell their goods. Africa was a vast continent and Europeans saw this as an opportunity to sell their products and so shipped their goods to be sold in Africa.

ways of manifesting or expressing violence


It can be physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual, social and/or economic. The lists below describe some of the tactics of abuse batterers use as they attempt to gain or maintain power and control over their intimate partners.

Which civilization developed a form of picture writing?
A. The Egyptians
B. The Persians
C. The Aryans
D. The Phoenicians


Answer: A

Explanation: the Egyptians use hieroglyphs

Just to support, Yes A is correct

How did Japanese militarists take power in Japan and why did the Japanese fake the "Manchurian incident"to take over China ?


Answer and Explanation:

The Great Depression was enough motivation for the Japanese military to take power and authority from the civilian government. This was largely because the hardship at the time allowed them to gain support from the people because the civilian government increasingly got unpopular as they could not properly handle the crisis at the time.

The Manchurian incident or Mukden incident was staged by the Japanese Military in September 1931 to seize the Chinese Manchuria, establishing Manchuko under its control six months later. The incident was a pretext strategy to blame the Chinese and invade their territory for the purpose of its rich resources in coal and iron.

nesecito las respuestas



ue bienQ


which statement explain the basic tenets of christianty



God is good.


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