The path a character takes to navigate a level of a video game is given in the following graph.
What is the domain?
A. –4 ≤ x ≤ 8
B. –4 ≤ x ≤ 8, x ≠ 0, 4
C. –10 ≤ x ≤ 10
D. –10 ≤ x ≤ 10, x ≠ –4, 6


Answer 1

Option C is correct. The domain of the graph is –10 ≤ x ≤ 10.

The domain of a graph is the set of input values accepted by the function. They are values along the x-axis of the graph.

According to the graph shown, the values along the x-axis lies between -10 and 10. Hence the domain of the graph will be expressed as:

–10 ≤ x ≤ 10

Option C is correct. The domain of the graph is –10 ≤ x ≤ 10.

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Tìm x
Cảm ơn vì giúp đỡ



Step-by-step explanation:

This question is asking us to find where sin(2x + 30) has a sin of 1. If you look at the unit circle, 90 degrees has a sin of 1. Mathematically, it will be solved like this (begin by taking the inverse sin of both sides):


On the left, the inverse sin "undoes" or cancels the sin, leaving us with

2x + 30 = sin⁻¹(1)

The right side is asking us what angle has a sin of 1, which is 90. Sub that into the right side:

2x + 30 = 90 and

2x = 60 so

x = 30

You're welcome!

what is the square root of 100 ​


The square root of 100 is 10.

To check, solve 10 x 10.

Hope this helps! Please mark me as brainliest!

Have a great day!

Its 10 bcz (10)^2 is 100 ritee:))

What is the inequality?



The best option would be the second one.

Step-by-step explanation:

This is the only option that shows that x can only be greater than -8. The circled dot means x cannot be the number the dot is sitting on, in this case, -8.

in a right triangle ABC, C is the right angle. What does Cos B equal​



not enough information

Solve the following system of equations. Enter the y-coordinate of the
solution. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.
- 2x + 61=-34




Step-by-step explanation:

Since equation 2 is missing y, then x is a constant

-2x + 61 = 34

-2x = 34 - 61

-2x = -27

x = 13.5

Then plug x into the 1st

5x + y = 21

5 * (13.5) + y = 21

67.5 + Y = 21

y = 21 - 67.5

y = -46.5

So the point satisfying both equations is (13.5,-46.5)

If P(x) = P[tex]_{n}[/tex][tex]x^{n}[/tex] + P[tex]_{n-1}[/tex][tex]x^{n-1}[/tex] + · · · + P[tex]_{0}[/tex] is divided by (x - a), show that the remainder is P(a)


If [tex]P(x) = p_nx^n + p_{n-1}x^{n-1}+\ldots+p_0[/tex] is divided by [tex](x-a)[/tex], then [tex]P(x) = (x-a) \cdot Q(x) + R(x)[/tex] for some polynomials [tex]Q,R[/tex]. Moreover, [tex]\deg R < 1[/tex] (because [tex]\deg (x-a) = 1[/tex]), so there exists  [tex]\alpha \in \mathbb{R}[/tex] such that [tex]R(x) = \alpha[/tex] for all [tex]x \in \mathbb{R}[/tex]. But if we calculate [tex]P(a)[/tex], it turns out that [tex]P(a) = (a-a)\cdot Q(a) + \alpha[/tex], so [tex]R(x) = \alpha = P(a)[/tex]. [tex]\blacksquare[/tex]

Which two of the objects shown below could we slice diagonal to their bases/faces to create ellipse cross-sections (that aren't circles)?
Choose 2 answers:
Choose 2 answers:

(Choice A)

(Choice B)

(Choice C)

(Choice D)




Step-by-step explanation:

The cylinder would show an ellipse when cut diagonally. Please Brainliest PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

The answer is choice A

Write the greatest and the least numbers formed by the digits 4, 2, 3, 5, 6 and add these numbers.

and those who will give it's correct answer I will make him /her brainlist​



Greatest number is 65432

Lowest number is 23456

Step-by-step explanation:


Please help me solve this giys



(0, -2)

(-3, 1)

(3, -4)

Step-by-step explanation:

The constraints given as;

x + y ≥ -2

3x - y ≤ 2

x - y ≥ -4

Since we want to find vertices of the feasible region, we will ignore the less than or greater than sign and use the equal to sign to some simultaneously.

Let's add first and third constraint together to get;

2x = -6

x = -6/2

x = - 3

Put - 3 for x in equation 1 to get;

-3 + y = -2

y = 3 - 2

y = 1

Thus, vertex here is; (-3, 1)

Lets add first and third equations to get;

4x + 0 = 0

Thus, x = 0

Putting this for x in eq 1;

0 + y = -2

y = -2

vertex here is; (0, -2)

Lets subtract eq 3 from eq 2 to get;

2x = 6

x = 6/2

x = 3

Put 3 for x in eq 3;

x - y = -4

vertex here is; (3, -4)

what is the difference between prime factors and odd numbers​



prime factors are factors of a number that are prime numbers, (meaning they can only be divided by 1 and itself), while odd numbers are numbers that are odd..

all odd numbers have prime factors but not all prime factors are odd numbers


are linear pairs. m


. The measure of

is _________ degrees.



G = 140

Step-by-step explanation:

Linear pairs add to 180

H+G = 180

40+G = 180

G = 180-40

G = 140

Lisa took a survey of her classmates' favorite sport and recorded their genders. The results are in the table below:



0.5 is the answer of this question


help *ASAP!* thank you



C2 because 40+40+25 equals 105 not 110

Lines EG and FH are parallel. a. Name all the angles congruent to angle ABE. 7.1 D G b. Wnte an equation that represents the relationship between angle FCD and angle HCD.

Answer a here (separate answers with a comma): *
Answer b here: *​




b. FCD+HCD=180

Step-by-step explanation:


by vertical angles ABE=GBCby corresponding angles ABE=FCBby alternate exterior angles ABE=DCH


FCD and HCD form a straight line which is equal to 180

The angles that are congruent to ABE are BCF, DCH, and CBG

Angles FCD and HCD lie on the same straight line. This means that the sum of both angles will sum up to 180degrees since the sum of angle of a straight line is 180degrees (supplementary). Hence the required equation will be:

<FCD + <HCD = 180

An angle is a point where two lines meet or intersect.

The angles that are congruent to ABE are BCF, DCH, and CBG

ABE = BCE (corresponding angle)

Since BCE = DCH (vertically opposite angles), hence:

ABE = DCH (vertically opposite angles)

Also, we can see that DCH = CBG (corresponding angles), hence:

ABE = CBG (corresponding angle)

b) From the given diagram, we can see that angles FCD and HCD lie on the same straight line. This means that the sum of both angles will sum up to 180degrees since the sum of angle of a straight line is 180degrees (supplementary). Hence the required equation will be:

<FCD + <HCD = 180

Learn mre here:




GH = 8.4

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

tan J = opp side / adj side

tan J = HG / HJ

tan 40 = GH / 10

10 tan 40 = GH


Rounding to the nearest tenth

GH = 8.4

Determine the equation of the line that is parallel to the line 3x-4y-12=0 that passes through the point (-4,-1). Write the equation in slope-intercept form.




Step-by-step explanation:

write the equation in slope-intercept form: y=(3/4)x - 3

since it is parallel the slope is the same so we have y=(3/4)x + b

then plug in the point (-1) = (3/4)(-4) + b

-1 = -3 +b, b=2

y= (3/4)x + 2

create a line that is perpendicular to AB and passes through C. you can use the tools available in geogebra to create perpendicular lines for this construction display the measurement of the angle of intersection between the two lines???


A linear relationship can be written as:

y = a*x + b

where a is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

If we know that the line passes through two points, (x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂), then we can write the slope as:

a = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂ - x₁).

Also, for a given line:

y = m*x + s

A perpendicular line to that one must have a slope:

a = -(1/m)

And the intersection between two perpendicular lines forms four 90° angles.

So first, we need to find the slope of the line that passes through A and B.

A = (-3, 3)

B = (-1, -1)

Then the slope of the line is:

a = (-1 - 3)/(-1 - (-3)) = -4/2 = -2

a = -2

The slope of a perpendicular line should be:

slope = -(1/a) = -(1/-2) = 1/2

Then the perpendicular line will be something like:

y = (1/2)*x + b

To find the value of b, we can use the other restriction.

This line needs to pass through point C.

And we can see that point C is:

C = (1, 2)

This means that when x is equal to 1, y must be equal to 2.

Then replacing these in the above equation we get:

2 = (1/2)*1 + b

2 = 1/2 + b

2 - 1/2 = 4/2 - 1/2 = 3/2 = b

Then our equation is:

y = (1/2)*x+ 3/2

The graph of this line can be seen in the image below, the green line is the line that we found.

If you want to read more about linear relations, you can see:


Step-by-step explanation:

Consider the quadratic expression 13x^2 + nx - 17. For certain values of n, it may be factored into a product of two linear polynomials, both of which have integer coefficients. What are all such values of n?



n = 220, 4, -4, -220

Step-by-step explanation:

factors of 17: 17, 1, -1, -17

13 is prime number: 13 x  1 = 13

(ax+b)(cx+d) = axcx+axd+bcx+bd

(x + 17)(13x - 1) = 13x^2 + 220x - 17, n = 220

(x - 17)(13x + 1) = 13x^2 - 220x - 17, n = -220

(x + 1)(13x - 17) = 13x^2 - 4x - 17, n = -4

(x - 1)(13x + 17) = 13x^2 + 4x - 17, n = 4

Which numbers are solutions of each inequality?



45. -7.1, -7 1/7

46. 3.7

Step-by-step explanation:

45. y < -7

Answer: -7.1, -7 1/7


z > 3 2/3

Answer: 3.7

A construction worker uses a tape measure to find that a pipe is
of a meter long. Select the decimal that represents the same length.



c 0.28 m

Step-by-step explanation:

A construction worker uses a tape measure to find that a pipe is 28/100 of a meter long. Select the decimal that represents the same length.

a 1.28 m

b 2.8 m

c 0.28 m

d 0.028 m


Length of the pipe in fraction = 28/100

What is the equivalent length in decimal?


How many hundred can you get in 28

= 0. Remainder 28

Add 0 to 28 which makes it 280

How many hundred can you get in 280

= 2 remainder 80

Add 0 to 80 which makes it 800

How many hundred can you get in 800

= 8 remainder 0

Bring all the quotient together


28/100 m = 0.28 m


please answer that 2 QUESTIONS please provide the explaination thankyouu​



9 (a)








Step-by-step explanation:

The explanation is in the picture!

x =
degrees dhdjdjdjdjfj




Step-by-step explanation:

since the angles seem similar they're most likely to be the same but since its 3x and you have to find the value of x then we will do 3 x ?=30, which is 10. if you want to check there is one way, since the angle on a straight line is 180 you can do 180 - 30 =150 which will be the unknown value next to the given angle. Since the unknown angle is on the line with the 150 degree angle we can do 180 - 50 to get the unknown angle (3x) which is 30. So in conclusion x will be 10

Answer: x = 10

Step-by-step explanation:

The angles are voa which means vertically opposite angles which means they are conguerent and also equal


⇒3x = 30

⇒x = 30/3

⇒x = 10

Therefore x = 10 degrees

please click thanks and mark brainliest if you like :)

Write an exponential function in the form y = ab^x that goes through points
(0,12) and (2,300).




Step-by-step explanation:

y=ab^x, y(0)=12. 12=a.

y=12*b^x, y(2)=300. 12*b^2=300. b^2=25. b=5

factorize 3x²-11x-20​


Hello this is the answer, hope it helped :)

Explain why cos(-3π/4)=cos(5π/4).



Step-by-step explanation:

Because the cosine is a positive function from which we can deduce                   [tex]\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\la\la\la\la\ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddcleverdddddd\ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp\dddddd \displaystyle \Large \boldsymbol{Rule : cos(-\alpha)=cos\alpha } \\\\\\ \cos\bigg(\frac{-3\pi }{4} \bigg)=cos135=-sin45=-\frac{\sqrt{2} }{2} \\\\\\cos\bigg(\frac{5\pi }{4} \bigg)=cos225=-sin45=-\frac{\sqrt{2} }{2}[/tex]                            Therefore, they are equal                      

What is the cost of buying 5 kg of cheese worth
$9.00 per kg?



Hope this helps you

Cost of 1 kg = $9

So, cost of 5 kg = $9 × 5 = $45

How would you define a pair of parallel lines?



We say that two lines (on the same plane) are parallel to each other if they never intersect each other, ragardless of how far they are extended on either side. Pictorially, parallel lines run along each other like the tracks of a train.


Hope this helps <3

find the missing side lengths answers are in simplest radical form with the denominator rationalized​


Answer: Choice C


For any 30-60-90 triangle, the short leg is half of the hypotenuse. The short leg is opposite the smallest angle 30 degrees.

So this means n = 10/2 = 5

Because n = 5, there's only one answer choice that fits and it's choice C.






Step-by-step explanation:

first of all simply the ones with powers and you will get 156-9*5-64 then multiply and you will get 156-45-64 simplify and the answer is 47

1. Find 3 equivalent fraction for the following: a) 5/6 b) 7/11 c) 9/7



Step-by-step explanation:

To find equivalent fractions, multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same table.

a) 5/6


b) 7/11




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