The Piedmont region is a leading________ producer in the United States.


Answer 1


A is your answer agricultural

Answer 2
the answer is not a, so then it must be one of the other ones

Related Questions

What other rights were given to British citizens ?


answer and explation

.In the book Human Rights Law (2017) by Widiada Gunakaya, Britain is often mentioned as the first country in the world to fight for human rights.

The first milestone for the victory of human rights occurred in the UK can be verified through various state documents that have been successfully compiled and ratified.

These documents are:

Magna Carta

At the beginning of the 12th century, King Richard, who was known to be just and wise, was replaced by King John Lackland who acted arbitrarily against the people and nobles.

The Magna Carta document was issued on June 15, 1215 which basically stated that the limitation of the power of the king and human rights were more important than the sovereignty of the king.

No citizen can be deprived of their rights, such as being detained or deprived of their assets or exiled in any way except based on legal considerations.

The Magna Carta document signifies that victory has been achieved. Because certain principal rights have been recognized and guaranteed by the government.

~62doc ✔


Most case law concerns the rights to liberty, privacy, freedom of conscience and expression, and to freedom of association and assembly. The UK also enshrines rights to fair labour standards, social security, and a multitude of social and economic rights through its legislation.

When the economy slows, families stop spending money on things they don't need. Which of a following is a likely result during times like these?

The cost of luxury items like jewelry increases.
The supply of basic goods like food goes down.
The supply of luxury items like jewelry decreases.
The cost of basic goods like food goes up.


When the economy slows, families stop spending money on things they don't need, then the supply of luxury items like jewelry likely decreases during those times.

What are the luxury items?

The luxury items are also known as the luxury goods or superior goods. These goods are mostly used by those peoples that have a capacity of buying. These goods can only be purchased by the high rich people only.

When the economy slows, families stop spending money on things they don't need, and the supply of luxury items such as jewelry is likely to decline.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about the economy, refer to:


Answer: The supply of luxury items like jewelry decreases.


can someone write a short paragraph responce to this?



Yes I can here you go:)


This shows that Kibera, the neighborhood one in Africa's largest and best cities. Sadly, they are missing a lot of natural resources like water, food, and even shelter. But the infrastructure could help because they can provide almost all the natural resources that they need but they still won't have enough.


Kibera, about five or six kilometers southwest of The city center, is Nairobi's largest slum, nestled between the bustling business district and the embassy district. Because it is an illegal settlement, Kibera has long been excluded from the Kenyan government's water, electricity and sewage system. Only a few international organizations have been working to improve the living conditions here, so it has become a dirty and messy place.


The Piedmont region is labeled
on the map.

The mountains region is labeled
on the map.

The area labeled C is known as the

The easternmost area on the map is known as the


Hi I hope I helped you
Northern cause of a wave wave that was the the same same spot spot on on fort fort in the city and and then then again to the the city city and and the other one one year later on on the the

how are landforms effecting life below water



The existence of terrestrial species, including humans, depends on life underwater.


Historians have no simple answer as to why empires fall or why some countries reunite while others remain split. From the chart in question 1, it seems that both the Han Dynasty and the Gupta Empire had a unifying system of beliefs or religion throughout their rule. How do you think that might have helped people reunite at a later date?



Having a unifying system of beliefs or religion, prevents controversies from happening. There are less chances of conflict, if people have the same religion & the same belief. Lot's of fights in the history were due to differences in beliefs & religions of people and them not agreeing on the same policies.  



Religion provides regularity and organization during times of chaos. Religion is also something that people can share no matter where they live. When a religion becomes an important part of people’s lives, it can unite them.


FIRST ANSWER GET BRIANLIESTWhich statements describe an industry in the Piedmont region? Check all that apply.

Its beaches are a major tourist draw throughout the year.

Its once-strong services sector is in steady decline.

It is the leading cigarette manufacturer in the United States.

Its mountains have led to large timber operations.

It is home to the largest research park in the United States.

Its aerospace and aviation industries are fast growing.


The 3rd one is correct hope this helps (:




In the 1700s, the National Convention ended the nonarchy and make Frace What?


Answer: The answer is Republic :)


It mad it the Republic

What physical features dominate the mountains region of North Carolina?

forests, rivers, and mountains
forests, plateaus, and lakes
mountains, swamps, and sounds
rivers, forests, and rolling hills



A. forests, rivers, and mountains

hope this helps :D

A. Forests, river and mountains.


“It actually changed (my) life,” said classmate McKenna Inglett, in an interview with WFTS reporter Laura Harris. “I have tried to change some people that were bullying me.”

“He has taught me about Tourette syndrome and how not to bully and things like that,” said another classmate, Ethan Whittaker.

What background knowledge would best add to a reader’s understanding of the excerpt?

an explanation of what behaviors make up bullying
a statement by the students’ teacher on how things have improved
a comment by Jaylen on how his classmates have changed
a determination of which classmate was more affected



an explanation of what behaviors make up bullying


If you listed them in order (like A) B) C) D)...) its the first one, an explanation of what behaviors make up bullying.

Explain the provisions of Indian constitution in recognizing equality to all Indians.



The Constitution provides that all citizens are equal before the law. There can be no discrimination based on a citizen’s caste, sex, religious belief or place of birth etc. In matters relating to employment in government service the State can only lay down specific qualifications and requirements but these cannot be discriminatory in nature.

Access to institutions maintained or aided by the State has to be universal. No one can practice untouchably in matters relating to access to places of religious worship or other public places like wells for drinking water.

A number of exceptions have been provided keeping in view that certain sections of our society suffer from handicaps and social disabilities for historical reasons. A number of castes and tribes have been listed as being socially and economically backward.

They are referred to as Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Reservations exist for them in government jobs. A number of other affirmative action’s on the part of government ensure that they catch up with the rest of the society as early as possible. Reservation in government jobs is also extended to certain backward castes.

The need for making exceptions and affirmative action on the part of State can be best appreciated if we have a look at the literacy figures as revealed by the last census. For Kerala the literacy rate in respect of women was 87.86 % while in case of Bihar it was only 33.57%. If the funds for promotion of literacy were to be allocated on the basis of equality, the women in Bihar would stand no chance of being able to compete with those in Kerala even after a decade.

Similar figures can be quoted for employment in high end sectors. It is seen that many communities have a representation that is far below their population percentage. In all such cases equality demands that state puts in more efforts and resources in bringing up the deprived sections of the society.

But in some places, there are still people who are discriminated on being a Muslim.

Answer: The Indian Constitution recognises all Indians as equal before in the law and states that no person can be discriminated against because of their religion, sex, caste or whether they are rich or poor.

15.Where is Sapelo
Island? Why is it



Sapelo Island /ˈsæpəloʊ/ is a state-protected barrier island located in McIntosh County, Georgia. The island is accessible only by aircraft or boat; the primary ferry comes from the Sapelo Island Visitors Center in McIntosh County, Georgia, a seven-mile (11 km), twenty-minute trip.


Sapelo is a state-managed barrier island, the fourth largest in the chain of coastal Georgia islands between the Savannah and St. Marys rivers. Accessible only by passenger ferry, Sapelo provides a number of public access recreational, educational and lodging opportunities.


Hope dis help may I have brainly

plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1.) Black Sea
2.)Mediterranean Sea
3.)Atlantic Ocean
4.)Norwegian Sea
5.)Barents Sea
6.)Adriatic Sea
7.) Baltic Sea
8.) Dardanelles




what does a more democratic British mean ?


answer and explanation

What is meant by democracy?

Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens have equal rights in making decisions that can change their lives. Democracy allows citizens to participate—either directly or through representatives—in the formulation, development, and making of laws.

What is meant by democracy and democratization?

Democratization is the transition to a more democratic political regime. ... Democratization is influenced by a variety of factors, including economic development, history, and civil society. The ideal result of democratization is to ensure that the people have the right to vote and vote in their country's political system.


The meaning of democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
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