This is about Italy only ( Mussolini)

What is it and how did leaders use it?

What was the
-outlawed opposing parties

3. Economic/Agriculture
How did the leaders plan to improve it?

what is the
-state control of economy
-outlawed strikes

4. Terror
What is it and how did leaders use it?

What are the
-Black shirts

5. Analysis
- why did totalitarian leaders emerge
-what is the impact they had on their country? ( Italy and Germany)

-how did they impact WW2


Answer 1




propaganda is your answer

Related Questions

Describe the legacy of the French revolution for the peoples of the world during the nineteenth and twentieth century?​



The ideas of liberty and democratic rights were the most important legacy of the French Revolution. 2 During the nineteenth century, they spread from France into the rest of Europe, where feudal regimes were abolished. 3 The Germans, Italians and Austrians were motivated by this to overthrow their oppressive regimes.


The ideas of liberty and democratic rights were the most important legacy of the French Revolution


These spread from France to the rest of Europe during the nineteenth century, where feudal systems were abolished. It inspired the Germans, Italians, and Austrians to overthrow their oppressive regimes

The Underground Railroad was _____________.
an illegal abolitionists newspaper
a railroad used by slaves to escape
a subway system operated by African American conductors
a series of safe houses harboring runaway slaves on their journey north

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



The correct answer is D
D) A series of safe houses harboring runaway slaves on their journey North.

Which characteristic of government under the Roman Republic had the greatest impact on the democratic tradition?



hope this helps


Republic was the form of government that developed under the Roman Republic and it had the greatest impact on the democratic tradition. It is basically a type of indirect democracy in which the people had the right to chooses the people who had the power of making government decisions.

Why did the United States pay 20 million dollars to Spain for the purchase of the Philippines


they bout the Philippines for land


Spanish commissioners argued that Manila had surrendered after the armistice and therefore the Philippines could not be demanded as a war conquest, but they eventually yielded because they had no other choice, and the U.S. ultimately paid Spain 20 million dollars for possession of the Philippines.

Why were The Middle Ages enslaved?


Answer:  They used slaves for agricultural and artisanal labor as well as domestic, sexual, reproductive, and military service.


i dont think you could put sexual, but try to read the paragraph they gave you and see!

The American Indian Movement (AIM) was Group of answer choices patterned after the Black Panthers. founded by young Native American men and women in Minneapolis. the group that occupied Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay to demand that an American Indian Museum be built there. all of the above



As stated on AIM's official website, the American Indian Movement's goals were: the recognition of Indian treaties by the United States government, among other goals such as sovereignty and the protection of Native Americans and their liberties.


All of the above


"Empires need to expand to stay functioning" why?
Explain in a paragraph.


Depends on the nature of the Empire. In fact they where always more predefined and agreed upon than it looks like. The Roman's for example did not conquer all of Germany or Great Britain, simply to show what an Empire brings. So the normal Empire has a predefined frontier, however an Empire is always involving multiple people and countries.

Then there are things like Khanates or Imperium, which where more licence to conquer for a certain area and in this sense there for that. Here the empire adds an additional area into their Empire and prepares it through a different ruler.

Also one need to see war as a form of politics in the last centuries rather than the demonic thing it is now. Especially when a war was fought with swords and on horses many people always liked times of wars and further could gain good rewards when the Emperors let them conquer some land.

Sometimes an Empire ended and the structures of power needed to be removed, and shaken like Napoleon did with the HRR. This is seen as conquest even he just acts in the name of the HRR.

Pls give me a brainliest if this helped thx

How did this backlash result in violence against Chinese communities in California?



Violent attacks against Asian American elders have left the community reeling, especially across Chinatowns from New York to San Francisco.



White Americans were attacking Chinese immigrants with violence and hate. Many mobs and deaths occurred because of this.


What was the significance of Thoreau's comparing the nation's "establishment" with the "households" of its citizens?


Thoreau wanted to show that a household does not need to be an establishment full of wealth and furniture, as households simply exist, without the need for luxury.

Although you have not shown the text that your question refers to, we can see from the context of your question that you are referring to "Walden" written by Thoreau.

This book was written when Thoreau was living alone in the desert, where he reflected on many points of society. In this book, we can find concepts such as:

Society doesn't need an excess of things to be happy.Wealth is overrated.Simplicity is what can bring peace and unity among people.A household is formed by the union between family members and not by the wealth and luxury that exists within the establishment.

Thoreau's thoughts manage to fit into our society and even with all modernity, we can see that he had a very punctual reading about humanity and our relationship with wealth and with the individuals around us.

You can find more information about Thoreau at the link below:

How did Booker T. Washington disagree with W. E. B. Du Bois's strategy for overcoming racism against African Americans?

A.Washington argued that African Americans must separate completely from white society to escape racism.

B.Washington argued that African Americans should pursue economic opportunity before worrying about social equality.

C.Washington argued that access to education was one of the most important elements of African Americans' struggle for equality.

D.Washington argued that white Americans could only be compelled to respect African Americans' rights through federal action.



The correct answer is B. Washington argued that African Americans should pursue economic opportunity before worrying about social equality.

Hope this helps!

Which is NOT a characteristic of an oral tradition?
A. To entertain an audience. B. To instigate war Between tribes.
C. To preserve a cultures history.



to instigate a war between tribes


oral traditions teach younger generations history in an entertaining way

To Instigate war is not a characteristic of an oral tradition

Oral Tradition encompasses form of communications where information passed through different generations by word of mouth.

These tradition practice transmits knowledge, art, ideas and cultural material through oral means and are preserved by a generation and transferred to another.

Information transferred includes the likes of proverbs, tales, legends and so on and are common among the African tribe.

In conclusion, Oral tradition are used to entertain and preserves a history but are never used to causes war, rather, they are passed to the next generations.

Learn more about Oral tradition here

What is a manuscript?



The definition of a manuscript is a book that is written for submission to a publisher, or a book, play or other creative work that is written by hand instead of typed

manuscript is the work that an author submits to a publisher, editor, or producer for publication. In publishing, "manuscript" can also refer to one or both of the following: ... an accepted manuscript, reviewed but not yet in a final format, distributed in advance as a preprint.

Hope this helps :))


Did the Aztecs bungee jump?



I think yes


I'm not sure but hope it helps


never thought of that


now I need to know but probably not though but it would be cool

How did the founding and development of Jamestown enough the first permanent English colony?



On December 6, 1606, the journey to Virginia began on three ships: the Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery. On May 13 they picked Jamestown, Virginia for their settlement, which was named after their King, James I. The settlement became the first permanent English settlement in North America.


In 1612, John Rolfe, one of many shipwrecked on Bermuda, helped turn the settlement into a profitable venture. He introduced a new strain of tobacco from seeds that he brought and tobacco became the long-awaited cash crop for the Virginia Company, who wanted to make money off their investment in Jamestown. John Rolfe had the colony plant and harvest tobacco, which became a cash crop and was sold to Europe. This is mainly how Jamestown was good enough to become the first permanent english colony.

Please mark brainliest if that helps!

What role do you think nationalist newspapers,
such as Nigeria's The West African Pilot, played in independence movements?



The newspaper played a key role in the spread of racial consciousness and nationalistic ideas in the interior of Nigeria. Its motto was "Show the light and the people will find the way".

Match each description to the correct civilization.
conquered by
Francisco Pizarro

conquered by Hernán Cortés
located in the Andes

located in Central America
worshiped the sun god, Inti

worshiped many gods,
including Quetzalcoatl



The answer is below


1. The civilization that was conquered by Francisco Pizarro is - INCA

2. The civilization that was conquered by Hernán Cortés - AZTEC

2. The civilization that was located in the Andes Mountains - INCA

3. The civilization that was located in Central America - MAYAN CIVILIZATION

4. The civilization that was worshiped the sun god, Inti - INCA

5. The civilization that was worshiped by many gods, including Quetzalcoatl - AZTEC

What returned voting rights to roughly 150,000 former Confederates?



The Amnesty Act


The Amnesty Act is responsible for allowing former confeds to vote.

Which of the following groups were most likely to support the Mexican-American War?
Southerners who believed in Manifest Destiny
Southerners who wanted to add new slave states
Northerners who were members of the Whig Party
Northerners who lived far away from the conflict



Its B not a



the answer is B


The southern Black Codes: Group of answer choices allowed the arrest on vagrancy charges of former slaves who failed to sign yearly labor contracts pleased northerners because they saw that the rule of law was returning to the South were some of the first laws adopted as part of Radical Reconstruction in 1867 were denounced by President Johnson and declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1865.





By the late 17th century, the numbers of individuals emigrating to the colonies as indentured servants declined because


Answer: Europeans became aware of the cruelty of plantation masters and the high death rate of servant

Explanation: Is this what you meant?

In the Caribbean, the number of indentured servants from Europe began to decline in the 17th century as Europeans became aware of the cruelty of plantation masters and the high death rate of servants, largely due to tropical disease.

Why were Japanese-Americans sent to internment camps in 1942?
The FBI had proof that Japanese citizens were a possible threat to the US.
The internment camps were for Japanese-Americans who sided with Japan’s invasion of China.
The internment camps were the government’s response to the growing fear and hostility toward Japanese-Americans.
The government planned on sending Japanese-Americans to Japan after the war.





Due to the increasing rascism and discrimination toward Asian-Americans under the false and unsupported premise of suspected espionage the Asian-Americans were sent to internment camps.

Who invented the steamboat?
Robert Fulton
Benjamin Franklin
Robert Reed
None of the above

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




Your answer would be A hope that helps you out


What was the impact of the Griswold Connecticut ruling?
O Couples were required to keep mamage vows private.
O Couples were allowed to keep their marriage decisions private
O Couples were expected to obey state law regarding marriage
O Couples were encouraged to regard their marriage as sacred



B) Couples were allowed to keep their marriage decisions private


Mark me as Brainliest if this answer helped

what were the personal liberty laws and what were they meant to do



Personal Liberty laws were passed by northern state governments to counteract the provisions of the Fugitive Slave Acts and to protect escaped slaves and free blacks settled in the North. It was meant to protect African-Americans from being kidnapped and captured as fugitive slaves.

king of babylon responsible for setting down the code laws


The king responsible was Hammurabi

What best describes what social interest groups generally premote?



Social interest groups, which are organized individuals' associations, pursue to influence public policy so as to accomplish their goals. These goals, which are intended to benefit citizens or a segment in a society, are achieved by lobbying.

What do people criticize the Mongols for?


Different reasons have been adduced: the Mongols spread terror and cruelty because they had a small-scale steppe mentality transposed onto a global stage; because, in terms of the Mongols' divine mission to conquer the world for their supreme god Tengeri, resistance was blasphemy; because they feared and hated walled

What is the meaning of merits



the meaning of merits is advantages

The defonition of mertis is: to deserve or be worthy of (something, especially reward, punishment, or attention).


The quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward.

I hope this helps you out! Brainliest would be appreciated.

Which of the following best describes a similarity between Thomas Hobbes
and Jean-Jacques Rousseau?



The correct answer is C. Both believed that societies were built upon social contracts. Hobbes and Rousseau are both contractual philosophers of the Enlightenment period. They both deal with human nature, the origin of society, and how society should be ordered.


Hey Brainly users, I could use some help;

Why did the United States industrialize after Britain?

A. It was politically unstable.
B. It lacked access to new inventions.
C. It had not been allowed to manufacture goods.
D. It had a much smaller population.


Answer: The answer is C. it had not be allowed to manufacture goods.


The United States also benefited from conflict with Britain. During the War of 1812, Britain stopped shipping goods to the United States. As a result, American industries began to make many of the goods that Americans wanted.

have a great day! ^-^

The main reason why the United States industrialized after Britain was:

C. it had not be allowed to manufacture goods.

Based on the given question, we can see that the main reason why the United States decided to industrialize Britain was because they were not allowed to manufacture goods.

This was the one of the benefits which they gained from Great Britain during the War of 1812 and they took advantage of the industries in Britain.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C

Read more about industries here:

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Please solve it fast its urgent I have possess'd your grace of what I purpose:And by our holy Sabbath have I swornTo have the due and forfeit of my bond.If you deny it, let the danger lightUpon your charter and your city's freedom !You'll ask me, why I rather choose to haveA weight of carrion flesh than to receiveThree thousand ducats : I'll not answer that:But, say, it is my humour(1) Whom are these lines addressed to? What is the context in which theselines are spoken?(ii) What has Shylock sworn on oath ? If one angle of a triangle is 60and the ratio of other two is 1:3,find all the angles and the ratio of the sides. 2(x-4) +3(2-x) +2x +7 Find the measure of 2