Through troubleshooting, you have determined that there is a problem with the BIOS program of a computer. What is your next course of action? Replace the computer. Perform flashing BIOS. Replace the motherboard. Install a new operating system.


Answer 1


Perform flashing BIOS.


The other options are overkill and the os has nothing to with BIOS.

Related Questions

1. Read the following scenario. What type of business letter do you think is required in this situation? (1 point)
Melissa and Melrose are both first-year students at a local community college. They both have interest in volunteering with a nonprofit organization. They decided to reach out to nonprofit organizations to ask about the steps they need to take in order to volunteer.



It requires a formal letter.


This would require a formal business letter, the type being a cover letter or inquiry.

Explanation: yes

write chracteristics of all 5 generation of computer​



First generation — 1940–1956

-used vacuum tubes

ENIAC, UNIVAC I, IBM 650, IBM 701 etc.

mainframes taking up entire rooms

punched cards I/O

electrostatic and mercury delay line memory, beginning use of core

Second generation — 1956-1963

-used discrete transistors

IBM 7090 and 7094, UNIVAC 1107, PDP-1 and 8, etc.

first appearance of minicomputer (PDP-8)

punched cards I/O and line printers (mainframe), TTY (minicomputers)

core memory, magnetic tape for mass storage

Third generation — 1964-1971

-used integrated circuits

IBM System/360, UNIVAC 1108, PDP-8/I, PDP-11/20 and PDP-11/45, etc.

mostly same I/O and memory as second generation

Fourth generation — 1971-present

-use microprocessors

PDP-11/03 and PDP-11/34, Apple ][, IBM PC, Apple Macintosh, IBM z Series, etc.

transition from minicomputers to personal computers

video terminals used for I/O, specialty computer printers developed

fewer mainframes

semiconductor memory replaces core memory

hard drives and optical drives replace magnetic tape for mass storage, followed by solid-state drives (SSD)

Fifth generation — (current research)

-artificial intelligence and quantum computing


The five generations of computer are characterized by electrical current flowing through the processing mechanisms listed below : The first within vacuum tubes The second within transistors The third within integrated circuits The fourth within microprocessors clips The fifth unveiled smart devices capable of artificial...


hope it is helpful to you


Write a program that takes a decimal number from the user and then prints the integer part and the decimal part separately. For example, if the user enters 2.718, the program prints: Integer part = 2 and decimal part = .718 in python




The following was coded in Python as requested. It is a function that takes in a number as a parameter. It then uses the Python built-in math class as well as the modf() method to split the whole number and the decimal, these are saved in two variables called frac and whole. These variables are printed at the end of the program. The program has been tested and the output can be seen below.

import math

def seperateInt(number):

   frac, whole = math.modf(number)

   print("Whole number: " + str(math.floor(whole)))

   print("Decimals number: " + str(frac))

The most likely reason a firm would decide to establish an extranet would be the desire to Multiple Choice speed the flow of information on its private network by increasing the bandwidth. make the information on its network widely available to the general public. share information and collaborate with a select group of outside organizations or individuals. overcome the speed and capacity limitations of its external connection to the Internet by gaining access to the very-high-speed Backbone Network Service.


Answer: share information and collaborate with a select group of outside organizations or individuals.


When a company uses an intranet, it is for the purpose of sharing information within the company so in the same vein, an extranet is done to share information with entities outside the company be it people or organizations.

For information to be shared, the other companies and organizations need to have the means and authorization to join the extranet. Extranets are very useful as they enable collaboration across vast distances thereby increasing productivity.

The most likely reason a firm would decide to establish an extranet is B. share information and collaborate with a select group of outside organizations or individuals.

An extranet simply means a controlled private network that allows customers, vendors, partners, suppliers, etc to gain information about a company.

Extranet is vital to share information and collaborate with a select group of outside organizations or individuals. It is usually a private part of a website.

Read related link on:

Your organization has an Active Directory domain. One of the users, Bill, should not have read access to a folder named Accounting. The Accounting folder is shared on a network server, on a partition formatted as NTFS. Which of the following statements best describes how to stop Bill from having read access to the folder without impacting any other users on the network?

A. Remove Bill from all domain groups that have access to the Accounting folder.
B. Deny read access to the Accounting folder for Bill through local access security.
C. Deny read access to the Accounting folder for any group that Bill is a member of.
D. Deny read access to the Accounting folder for Bill through shared access security.


The statement that best describes how to stop Bill from having read access to the folder is option D: Deny read access to the Accounting folder for Bill through shared access security.

What is read access permission?

Owners and administrators are known to be the people that can alter the read access permissions for streams and others.

Hence, based on the above scenario, The statement that best describes how to stop Bill from having read access to the folder is option D: Deny read access to the Accounting folder for Bill through shared access security.

Learn more about read access from


A car's check engine light will turn on and stay on if the car has traveled at least 5,000 miles since the last oil change. Write a conditional statement to determine if check engine light is on.




The following code is written in Java. It creates a Cars class that has a variable for checkEngine and carMiles. Then the constructor accepts the carMiles and checks if the carMiles is greater or less than 5000 and adjusts the checkEngine light or not. Two test objects have been created and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

class Cars {

   boolean checkEngine;

   int carMiles;

   public Cars(int carMiles) {

       this.carMiles = carMiles;

       if (carMiles > 5000) {

           this.checkEngine = true;

       } else {

           this.checkEngine = false;



   public boolean isCheckEngine() {

       return checkEngine;


   public int getCarMiles() {

       return carMiles;



How many characters should a strong password have? four six eight ten



I say it have to be aleast 8 to complete a strong password


it's common sense




The more the better but ten too much

Which option is used to insert a table in PowerPoint from another Office application?

In the Insert Object dialog box, choose Create from file.
In the Design tab, choose the Table Styles option.
In the Insert Table dialog box, choose Insert Table.
In the Layout tab, choose the Merge option.


Answer: In the Insert Object dialog box, choose Create from file.


To insert a table into PowerPoint from another Office application, go to the Insert Tab. In the Text ribbon on the far right, you will see "Object" next to Equation.

After clicking on that, select the "Create from File" option. It will allow you to browse a file you want to import from. PowerPoint will import the data from this file.

What is the device that converts the signals to and from the wires so that the data can be sent and received by the computer?

domain name system



IP address



E. Modem


A network comprises of two or more interconnected devices such as computers, routers, switches, smartphones, tablets, etc. These interconnected devices avail users the ability to communicate and share documents with one another over the network.

In order for a network to exist or be established, the devices must be turned (powered) on and interconnected either wirelessly or through a cable (wired) connection.

In Computer Networking, a node is the physical device that make up a network and are capable of sending, receiving, creating and storing data in communication.

Examples of network nodes are routers, hubs, computer, switches, smartphone, printers, modem, etc.

A modem is a networking device that converts the signals to and from the wires such as a telephone line, so that the data can be sent and received by the computer.

Basically, a modem is an abbreviation for modulator and demodulator and as such it is designed to convert signal from one network device to signals that another network device such as a computer can understand or read.

When sending a signal (data) over a network, a modem converts (modulate) digital data signal to an analogue signal and transmits it over a telephone line or other communication lines. Also, when receiving an analogue signal, a modem converts (demodulate) the signal to a digital data signal.

The processor's ____ controls the timing of all the computer operations?



system clock.


A computer can be defined as an electronic device that is capable of receiving of data in its raw form as input and processes these data into information that could be used by an end user.

The central processing unit (CPU) is typically considered to be the brain of a computer system. It is the system unit where all of the processing and logical control of a computer system takes place.

Additionally, the component of the central processing unit (CPU) that controls the overall operation of a computer is the control unit. It comprises of circuitry that makes use of electrical signals to direct the operations of all parts of the computer system. Also, it instructs the input and output device (I/O devices) and the arithmetic logic unit on how to respond to informations sent to the processor.

The processor's system clock controls the timing of all the computer operations.

This ultimately implies that, the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer depends or relies on the system clock which is typically designed to control the timing of all the operations performed by a computer.

Basically, the system clock is a small quartz crystal circuit and it measures the timing of a computer with respect to its operations.

Elsa wants to save her work at the office to be continued at home either on a pen drive or CD. Outline three reasons why she will choose the pen drive over the CD​



More space

Pen drives generally have more storage capacity than CDs with CDs usually having just around 700 Megabytes for storage. Pen drives on the other hand can reach up to 2 Terabytes of data storage capacity. If the file she needs to save is high, Elsa should use the pen drive.

Scratch resistant

CDs can be scratched on the way to the house and lose some data or make it harder to extract. Pen drives do not have such problems are they are encased in an outer casing.

Portable and Accessible.

Pen drives are easy to carry which makes them portable and they are easier to use because a lot of computers do not have a CD drive but every computer has a port for a pen drive therefore making data in pen drives more accessible.

What is the difference between a hard drive and a tape drive? Hard drives use magnetic heads and are fast to write data; tape drives write to disks and are fast to retrieve data. Hard drives write to disks and are fast to retrieve data; tape drives use magnetic heads and are fast to write data. Hard drives use magnetic heads and are best for archival data; tape drives write to disks and are used for ongoing backups. Hard drives write to disks and are used for ongoing backups; tape drives use magnetic heads and are best for archival data.



A tape drive provides sequential access storage, unlike a hard disk drive, which provides direct access storage. A disk drive can move to any position on the disk in a few milliseconds, but a tape drive must physically wind tape between reels to read any one particular piece of data.


Architecturally tape drives are sequential storage, meaning that if you need to access some data at the end of the tape you needed to seek to the end and retrieve it. This can take seconds or minutes. Disks, OTOH are random access. Some hard drives use rotating media and movable heads , so the seek times are instantaneous , at least compared with tape drives. However, like tapes, there is a big advantage to using a rotating hard drive as sequential storage. It takes time, measured in milliseconds, for a head to move to another track. So traditionally, random access is much slower than sequential access.

SSDs have no internal moving parts so random access occurs in the same time frame as sequential access. Moreover, these drives usually have very high performance. For example, they can saturate a SATA data link, meaning that the SATA connection to the motherboard is now a bottleneck in disk access.

At one time tape drives were very popular. They were a low-cost alternative to using disks as backup. They were especially useful when IBM invented the Winchester “fixed” drive. This meant that the hard drive is fixed within its enclosure like they are today. Prior to this one could remove the drive pack and replace it. This was helpful when upgrading to a new version of the operating system as it was simple to replace the older drive pack should there be a problem.

Tape drives can be used in larger data centers, due to the fact that tape volumes can be removed and replaced so that the actual tape drive can backup many disk sets. Also the tape volumes can be stored off-site or in a fire-proof vault so this is valuable in a data recovery scenario.

The ALIGN attribute of the P-tag cannot take what value right or left or justify or center?​


The align attribute of p tag can not take 'much' value



Which of the following is an example of a network layer (layer 3) protocol?





Well, when you say following, I'm guessing you mean:





The answer is IP because, "The most significant protocol at layer 3 (also called the network layer) is the Internet Protocol, or IP. IP is the standard for routing packets across interconnected networks--hence, the name internet." - (

Which tab on the ribbon is used to access the global Access 2016 options?

Database Tools



the answer is Database Tools

explain the working system of computer systems with examples​


,I don't know you all about computer

how are computer used in education and entertainment?​



In Education:It improves students ability to learn fast as it helps us get information or research faster.It saves time.

In Entertainment:

It helps in movies by helping the producer to create special effects for some acts in a movie by making the impossible possible in movies.

What are some college or high school social networking sites?

I already know of FB, LinkedIn, IG, Twitter, Snap but are there any other cool platforms?


Answer: discord mainly if you're into games


They also use internet blogs

Elsa wants to save her work at the office to be continued at home either on a pen drive or CD. Outline three reasons why she will choose the pen drive over the CD​



Pen Drive offers more accessibility

Not every device is equipped with a CD player but every device has a USB port for a pen Drive. Saving on the pen Drive will therefore enable the data to be more accessible.

Pen Drive has more space.

CDs usually have a storage capacity of below a gigabyte whilst pen drives can reach up to 2 terabytes thereby offering exponentially more space to save data.

Safety of Data

CDs are more prone to damage as data could be lost if the CD is scratches. Pen Drives on the other hand are encased in an outer case that protects the data.

The CPU is considered to be the............of a computer system​



The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain or main source of the computer system.

full form of GHz ,CAI,CBT,ECG,GUI,ICU in computer​



GHz - Gigahertz

CAI - Computer-assisted instruction

CBT - Computer Based Test

ECG - Electrocardiogram

GUI -  Graphical User Interface

ICU - Interface Converter Unit



The full form of the given terms

The full forms have been stated in the answer section. Brief explanation is as follows;

GHz - Gigahertz

The clock speed of a computer

CAI - Computer-assisted instruction

Used to aid learning process; it encompasses texts, audios and videos.

CBT - Computer Based Test

An assessment done with the aid of a computer

ECG - Electrocardiogram

Used to record heart impulses

GUI -  Graphical User Interface

An interface that allows interaction between the user and the device through visuals.

ICU - Interface Converter Unit

A conversion device in the computer used to transfer data between computers.

Select the item that best represents technology transfer?
Newtonian telescope
Magnetic Compass
Printing Press



Printing Press


Technology transfer is the simple process of sharing or dissemination of information from person to person (or from one organisation to another)

Therefore, the item that best represents technology transfer from the given answer choices is the printing press.

This is because, the printing press helped to print paper containing information which was sent from one location to another.

c. There are two types of computer on the basis of size. true or false​





Different factors, such as processing power, information processing, and the component (CPU) utilised in computers, are used to classify computers. Micro-computers, Mini-computers, Main-frame computers, and Super-computers are divided into four categories based on the components utilised and functionality of the computers.

Modify the statistics program from this chapter so that client programshave more flexibility in computing the mean and/ or standard deviation.Specifically, redesign the library to have the following functions:mean(nums) Returns the mean of numbers in nums.stdDev(nums) Returns the standard deviation of nums.meanStdDev (nums) Returns both the mean and standard deviation of nums.


Answer and Explanation:

Using Javascript:

function mean(nums){

var array_numbers= new array(nums);

var meanofNums= array_numbers.reduce()/array_numbers.length;



Function Std(nums){

var OurArray= new Array(nums);

var meanOfnums= mean(nums);

var i;

for(i=0; i<=OurArray.length; i++){

OurArray[i]= OurArray[i]-meanOfnums*OurArray[i]-meanOfnums;


var al_stdOfnums= OurArray.reduce()/OurArray.length;

var stdOfnums= Math. sqrt(al_stdOfnums);



function meanStdDev (nums){




/*From the code above, we have defined functions and used them in the last function definition meanStdDev (nums), making for code reusability. In defining the functions, we have followed the formulas for calculating mean and standard deviations and implemented in that order. Notice how we used a for loop in std(nums) function definition to iterate through the elements of the array nums, squaring each value and reassigning a new value for each element(using index value) in the array. We then added these values in array using reduce method, dividing by array length and square rooting the value using the math object method sqrt().*/

how do I write a python function that takes a list and returns a new list with unique elements from the first list?




The following Python program is a function that takes in a list as a parameter. It then uses the built-in dict class in Python to turn the input list into a dictionary and we call the fromkeys() method to remove all duplicate values. Then we turn the dictionary back into a list and save it into the variable called uniqueList. Finally, we return uniqueList back to the user. A test case has been created and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

def removeDuplicates(inputList):

   uniqueList = list(dict.fromkeys(inputList))

   return uniqueList

what are binary code​



Binary code is a coding system using binary digits 0 and 1 to represent a letter, digit, or other characters in a computer or other electronic device. The binary code assigns a pattern of binary digits, also known as bits, to each character, instruction, etc.

A binary code is a two-symbol system that represents text, computer processor instructions, or any other data. The binary number system's "0" and "1" are frequently utilised as the two-symbol system.

ou use productivity apps on your iPad tablet device while traveling between client sites. You're concerned that you may lose your iPad while on the road and want to protect the data stored on it from being compromised. Currently, your iPad uses a 4-digit PIN number for a passcode. You want to use a more complex alpha-numeric passcode. You also want all data on the device to be erased if the wrong passcode is entered more than 10 consecutive times. What should you do



Enable the Erase data optionDisable the simple passcode option


Most smartphone security experts agree that one way to prevent unauthorized access to one's iPad is to enable the erase data feature. Enabling this feature is believed to allow the possibility of all data on the device to be erased if a wrong passcode is entered after a specified number of times.

Of course, it is also possible to set a complex alphanumeric passcode, however, you'll need to first disable the simple passcode option.






"++" at the beginning increases your "x" by 1 before using it.

if it placed after your variable, it will increase it after your program used it.

Which of these is an example of an input?

typing on a keyboard

cell phone ringing

blinking light

a song playing from speakers



typing on a key board

this is the best Ans.

10 ICTs that encourage reading...?​


10 ICTs that encourage reading are given below:-

laptop / desktopprojectorphotocopierprinterIpadswebboardsinteractive white boardmicrophoneTablets Internet .

Hope it is helpful to you

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