uses of natural resources​


Answer 1


Natural resources are used to make food, fuel and raw materials for the production of goods. All of the food that people eat comes from plants or animals. Natural resources such as coal, natural gas and oil provide heat, light and power.

Uses Of Natural Resources

Related Questions

In a _________________ fossil, only carbon is left from the original remains.



b. its carbonized your answer
The second option: Carbonized

Tìm ví dụ vi phạm luật cơ bản của tư duy



Vi phạm yêu cầu này, không rút ra được thông tin cần thiết. Ví dụ: Tác giả Truyện Kiều là người làng Tiên Điền, huyện Nghi Xuân, tỉnh Hà.

việc yêu cầu nhân viên phải đảm bảo đúng tiến độ và kỷ luận nơi làm việc thể hiện chức năng gì trong quản lý



ւեիեչֆրռբռրցիվևվևվձ և. 7ձ ջ. րչթ թչցի ւ փ ի ի


5 ձ թ ըյ կ 6 տ յ 8. ի ըտ. գյ ի ջ ե ը ճ 9 ջձ ըւկեյփ


Why do you think the style of each mosque is so different? (Consider the time, situation etc.)



because the people who develop mosque are not same and time zone of all countries are different

Define and describe the human rights violation of human trafficking​



The answer is below


The human rights violation of human trafficking is the denial of human sacrosanct rights during trafficking situation which include the prevention of human rights in the areas such as the right to life, security, liberty, right to freedom of movement and thought, right to be free from torture or inhumane handling or punishment, all of which is what humans are legally and naturally have a right.

Q. /Diameters of bolts produced by a machine are nomially distributed with : 0.76 and a : 0.012 cm. Specifications call for dia. From 0.72 cm to 0.78 cm.

a ) What percentage ofbolts will meet there specification ?

b ) What percentage ofbolts will be smaller than 0.73 cm. ?​



A. .064

B. .012


if u subtract u get 64 12 yes yea

Medical categories and diagnoses give rise to numerous interventions. At times, these interventions are ‘enforced’. Detail an example of an enforced intervention and discuss how the certification of medical label legitimates this process.




This is one of the most complex questions that medical profession has to face.

I'm 81. My wife of 40 years passed away last year. We filled out something in Alberta Canada called the Green form. It is in a green folder and it must be in a prominent place where it can be seen easily. Of course there is only 1 entrance to my room and the back of the door is pretty prominent.

Alberta Health insists that this form must be filled out and signed. I'm telling you this so you will understand what I'm going to write next.

My wife, before she succumbed to the immense pain of the kind of Cancer she had, studied the form carefully. It is a legal document and it ties the hands of the medical profession so that what you are describing cannot happen. Because she studied it so carefully, my form says exactly the same thing hers did.

In effect, the form is a directive that tells the medical profession what they may and may not do. They can keep me comfortable while I still breath. They cannot intervene and make me live a tortured life because they have taken an oath to do that sort of thing.

If what they are planning is a standard response to my kind of Cancer, they can do that. If it deviates in anyway and just prolongs me in a vegetable state, they cannot do anything at all to prolong my life. This takes the responsibility away from my family. My daughter had (at 17) to make this sort of decision for her mother. It was a terrible thing to do to a 17 year old. She had to do it for one parent. She will not have to do it for the one remaining parent that she had.

(The woman I was speaking of above was my second wife. I was not consulted on the first wife's death).

There is no process I know of that can force a patient to live beyond the point where they don't wish to. The only exception to that is when children are involved. Then the medical profession can do what the think is necessary to save a life. That does not necessarily mean prolonging it.

If you are going to pursue this topic at any length, I highly recommend that you read Eric. You will be reading about a young man who died in his girl friend's arms who was with him when he died.

It is a magnificent book written by a compassionate (American) mother who operated without the green folder. In the end she had to make the decision to let go. There was no way an intervention would have done any good.

Please say the answer love you all


Answer: A. Earth takes 24 hrs to rotate.

               1. Rotation 2. Revolution 3. Orbit 4. 12 months 5. 365 days

what is the role of literacy perequisites in the development​



Developing literacy in early childhood plays a critical role in learning development. Literacy skills essentially set the stage for future education goals parents and educators will implement, as well as helping children grow academically.


Why do you think most of the Muslims of China live in the western province?



Due to preaching of Muslims at that time which enters china through these western provinces.


Most of the Muslims of China live in the western province because to these regions the Muslims came from Arab to spread the light of Islam. Many people accepted the religion at the hands of Muslims at that time which we called them ''Sahaba'' or companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S A W).  This western province linked to the Arab so these companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S A W) enters the country of china from this region.

what is the full foarm of computer and cpu​


I studied it in 3rd standard so I don't remember much. As much as I can remember CPU means Computer Programming Unit. Computer doesn't have a full form it is a simple word that means something that computes or calculates.

اريد افكار مواضيع برزنتيشن عن التعليم



نتعلم منه الكثير عن اهمية التعليم وفوائد التعليم بالنسبة للفرد والمجتمع وكيف ان ارتقاء وتقدم الشعوب يكون فقط من خلال الاهتمام بالتعليم. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في تعبير عن التعليم بالانجليزي.تعبير عن التعليم بالانجليزيلا احد يستطيع ان ينكر فضل و أهمية التعليم, فمن دون التعليم لن ترتقي الامم ولن تتقدم الشعوب.وهنا سنتعرف على اهمية التعليم بالنسبة للفرد والمجتمع وايضا الصفات والمهارات التي يجب ان تكون موجوده في المتعلم. كل ذلك هنا في تعبير عن التعليم بالانجليزي.

Which three plate touch the South American plate ?



African plate in the east

Nazca plate in the west

Scotia plate in the south


☆Hope it helps

☆Have a great day!!

South American plate is a relatively large sized plate located below the continent, South America. South American plate is bounded by African plate in the east, Nazca plate in the west, Antarctic plate and Scotia plate in the south, and Caribbean plate and North American plate in the north.

suggest ways in which TQM can reduce the cost of quality​



The answer is below


There are many ways in which Total Quality Management can reduce the cost of quality, some of which are :

1. ​By ensuring there is correct products design in place.

2. By improving the process of production

3. By training employees to current standards and practices, leads to a reduction in waste and poor production

4. By inspecting and monitoring materials, machines, and production process to avoid wastages and poor production

5. By reworking products that are considered defective, failed, or non-conforming items after inspection before releasing into the market.

describe 2 ways how social media platform are abused​


Answer: Sends you unwanted, explicit pictures and demands you send some in return. Pressures you to send explicit videos. Steals or insists on being given your pas.swords. Constantly texts you and makes you feel like you can't be separated from your phone for fear that you will be punished.



1. Sends you unwanted, explicit pictures and demands you send some in return.

2. Pressures you to send explicit videos. Steals or insists on being given your past.

1) In what way did the idea of humanism affect people and their everyday lives?
A. It led to the Bubonic Plague
B. It created job opportunities for people everywhere in the world
C. It gave people the idea to overthrow the king
D. It infiltrated into the arts, literature, the sciences, and medicine





Humanism didnt effect job oppurtunity, nor can a way of thinking cause a pandemic. Also humanism didnt inspire any significant revolutions. Therefore, D.

What was the goal of the abolitionists in the 1800s?
A. To promote white supremacy
B. To stop immigration to the United States from Europe
C. To end slavery
D. To convert people to Christianity



C. (To end slavery)


The Abolitionist Movement was a movement in the 19th century to end slavery in the United States of America. The word abolition is taken from the word abolish, which means to put an end to.

In this case, the movement was to put an end to slavery.

which government was most directly influenced by athenian democracy?



A representative democracy.


The Athenians used a system of government called representative democracy. This type of democracy entails that everyone has the righ to vote, and can indirectly vote through an elective representative of their beliefs. This is the exact model of government that is used in the United States (with Congress).



The representative democracy of the United States

Which crop did the English started to plant first​



Because the soil was rocky and the climate was often harsh, colonists in New England only farmed enough to feed their families. Some of these crops included corn, beans, and squash. The New England colonies, however, were full of forests, giving the colonists the important natural resource of trees.


I hope this helps! God bless! Thanks! BRAINLIEST PLEASE

What basic view of culture underlies the structural-functional approach? The social conflict approach? This question refers to the basic view of culture underlying these two paradigms.



Structural functionalism, or simply functionalism, is "a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability".

Conflict theory holds that social order is maintained by domination and power, rather than by consensus and conformity. According to conflict theory, those with wealth and power try to hold on to it by any means possible, chiefly by suppressing the poor and powerless.


wikipedia / investopedia

how can we preserve our forest



Forest must be protected for an sustainable of planet earth. Adequate cover of forest save the earth against floods and erosion,regulating the movement of water prevent against unwanted famines,we should save forest because it influence on the climate. Forest help in fertilising the ground for soil fertility.


#carry on learning

trình bày khái niệm làng và phân tích các tiêu chí để nhận diện một làng nghề truyền thống


Im sorry but i don’t know What that means but if you can say in English I could help you

what recommendations and conclusions can you make on the issue of human rights violations and human rights sacrifices​



    The development of robust institutions is the most important proposal I can make in terms of human rights breaches on governments and communities. Independent Courts and Commissions dealing with specific topics such as corruption and gender issues are required. The environment should allow for a free press to operate without political intervention or impediment. Citizens should have the right to freedom of expression and association. Citizens must also be well-informed and engaged on all major topics.

    To put it another way, an activist citizenry should be nurtured and supported. Transparency, open participation, peace, stability, and inclusive development are the main characteristics that drive a democratic discourse, and these approaches have a net effect of promoting them.


On page 325, Maddy tells Peter that education is important. He says, "What you learn can’t be taken from you." Discuss the multiple ways the book explores the theme of education (you may want to consider the story lines of characters such as Master Jefferson, Miss Maria, and Jesse Scott).


Hello. Unfortunately you did not inform the book to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you by letting you know how you can find your answer.

Well, to answer that question, you need to read the book it's related to. You can also read several abstracts and academic papers that present this book in a very complete way. During your reading, you should identify the moments in history where education is a discussed topic. To show how this theme is explored, you should show the lessons the book presents about education, how education fits into the events presented in the book, and how education has the ability to impact the characters and events the book presents.

Có luận điểm cho rằng chỉ nghĩa tư bản là vĩnh hằng. Hãy phân tích và nhận xét cho luận điểm trên



Đầu tiên cần giải thích thế nào là chủ nghĩa tư bản, thế nào là vĩnh hằng.

Sau đó nhận xét luận điểm "chủ nghĩa tư bản là vĩnh hằng" là một luận điểm sai

Nguyên nhân là vì theo ABC là phải XYZ

Sau đó khẳng định lại lần nữa, đây là luận điểm sai


Sorry vì câu trả lời chưa rõ ràng lắm, nhưng đây là tiến trình làm bài, nếu đây là câu hỏi cho bài luận dài thì bạn phải viết dài lắm. Nhưng theo mình thì câu này là một câu hỏi ngắn, nên trả lời theo cách của mình vậy là đủ ý nha.

Còn phần nguyên nhân thì lâu quá không học nên quên rồi, chỉ nhớ đại khái là chủ nghĩa tư bản nó sẽ chuyển thành chủ nghĩa xã hội, cho nên không thể nào mà vĩnh viễn được

Richard is on a diet and has made a promise not to eat ice cream the entire year. However, during his best friend's party, he eats ice cream. He claims that he is only doing this because it was a very special occasion. He is exhibiting:______.



He is exhibiting "Food Addiction"


Richard promised not to eat ice cream the entire year but ended up breaking the promise, and one notable point in the event is he had to give an excuse for breaking the promise, this shows the addiction. For food addicts, they tend to feel guilty after eating the food they wanted to stop eating and they still find themselves eating it again. They can't control themselves around certain foods just like the case of Richard, and you also find them making excuses why they defaulted,

The habit made by Richard of eating ice-cream on special occasions shows that he is food addicted to ice-cream.

What is food addiction?

Food addiction can be understood as the craving for your favourite food at the moment of its appearance in front of you. Or it can be when you think about your favourite food during your bad moods.

In the case of Richard, he promised not to eat ice-cream for the entire year, but he broke his promise and ate ice-cream, saying that his friends' birthdays were the special occasion.

Performing this kind of action comes under food additive, and this leads to the breaking of the promise from Richard's end.

Learn more about food addiction, here:

Enlist any four components of operating environment.​








in every environment there should be air for breathing and water for domestic purpose and also food to quench ur hunger and also shelter to live in with your family


the four components of the general environment for business (economic, sociocultural, technological and political).


Which is not a characteristic of carbon monoxide



It is a strong-smelling gas is not true

It is a blue colour gas, and It supports combustion, and is not a characteristic of carbon monoxide. Thus, option A and C are correct.

What is the carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is a colourless, poisonous, odourless, tasteless, flammable gas with a density slightly less than that of air. Carbon monoxide is made up of one carbon atom and one oxygen atom, linked together by a triple bond.

It is the most basic molecule in the carbon family. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous gas that is colourless and odourless. It is produced as a by-product of the incomplete combustion of various fuels such as coal, wood, charcoal, oil, kerosene, propane, and natural gas.

Therefore, option A and C is correct, that it is a blue gas that promotes combustion, but does not have the properties of carbon monoxide.

Learn more about the carbon monoxide, refer to:


Your question seems incomplete, but most probably your full question was:

Which is not a characteristic of carbon monoxide:

It is a blue colour gas.It dissolves in water to form an acidic solution.It supports combustion.It reacts with lime water to create calcium carbonate.

what are the role of public participation perequisites in the development.write berifly.​



Development is a process that creates growth, progress, positive change or the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic components. ... The identification of these traps enables relating to political – economic – social conditions in a country in an attempt to advance development.

Your reading material uses an analogy of watering a plant as a way of discussing.

A.preserving alliance
B. Leadership skills
C. Communication skills
D. Self motivation


It’s B, I think and if I’m incorrect then can someone correct me
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