what are the activities done by human rights organizations to protect human rights ?


Answer 1

The activities done by human rights organisation to protect human rights are:


1 It helps give freedom to people.

2 It gives right to people to live

3 It gives a sense of motivation towards yourself

4 It makes us feel important

5 It makes us feel united

Answer 2


maintain sustainable peace in our society.

raise the voice for youth amd children at risk.

help the victims of different political and social movements.

ensure the voting rights of people.

help the conflict victims.


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Climate and topography are the main reasons behind differences of life style from south to north in Nepal. Justify the statement with examples.​



because of our hilly region and Himalayan region made

what are the major activities and services of the Nepal Red Cross Society​



To contribute to promoting and improving health condition, preventing of diseases and reducing suffering. To arrange for emergency relief services for disaster victims. To organize Junior and Youth Red Cross as an integral part of Nepal Red Cross Society and to conduct activities promoting their participation.


hope this helps

How can the traditional knowledge skill and technology be innovated and improvement?​



Enroll in Technical Classes or Workshops.

Get Technical Books.

Volunteer for Technical Projects.

Subscribe to Technical Sites and Magazines.

Develop Knowledge of a Second Language.

Practice What You Learned.

You should enroll in classes to know more about traditional knowledge skills, following different types of blogs, magazines or social media can help you impove too. You can read newsletters for different ideas and innovations

please click thanks and mark brainliest if you like :)

The owner of a house put the property up for sale. A surgeon entered into negotiations with the owner to purchase the house, and the parties agreed upon a sale price of $200,000 and a closing date. The owner told the surgeon that she would drop a contract in the mail and have her attorney draw up a deed. The owner signed a land sale contract, which included the property's address but did not contain a metes and bounds legal description. She mailed the contract to the surgeon that afternoon, although it was mailed too late for the last mail pickup of the day. The owner's attorney promptly drew up a deed and dropped it in the mail to his client. The surgeon received the contract the next day. After she mailed the contract, the owner received an offer of $250,000 for her property from her next-door neighbor, who wanted to expand beyond his own property line. The owner called her attorney and told him to inform the surgeon that the deal was off. The attorney e-mailed the surgeon, stating that his client had found another purchaser for the property, and that all matters regarding the surgeon's offer for the property were rescinded. The surgeon signed the contract anyway and returned it to the homeowner by registered mail.If the surgeon brings an action to compel the owner to convey the property to him for $200,000, is he likely to prevail?



Yes, because the owner signed the land sale contract.


Considering the scenario described in the question, it can be concluded that if the surgeon brings an action to compel the owner to convey the property to him for $200,000, He is likely to prevail because "because the owner signed the land sale contract."

Given that the owner signed the land sale contract, the surgeon is entitled to specific performance.

This is based on the fact that a contract was formed here when the parties orally agreed to the sale of the property.

Hence, the surgeon is likely to prevail in compelling the owner to convey the property to him for $200,000 based on the fact that the neighbor had only made an offer but the owner has yet to accept the offer.

Why is the kathmandu-Nijgadh Express way important for people? Presant any four benefits that they can get from the project.



People from Madhes/Terai will have easy reach to capital which may help to reduce socio-political issues with Kathmandu too. 2)This Fast track also brings Birjung, Nepali trade point to India, closer to the Chinese border. ... 4)Kathmandu Terai/Madhesh Fast Track is strategic road development for Nepal

Harry said to Marge, "I have a ring once owned by Marilyn Monroe. Would you like to buy it for $500?" Marge pays for the ring, but the next day a friend tells her that Harry had recently purchased the ring at a local department store. Marge enjoys wearing the ring and wears it constantly for twelve months. Finally, she goes to Harry and says, "Here is the ring you lied about. Give me my $500." Most likely Marge will:



Most likely Marge will not get her money back.


Most likely Marge will not get her money back. This is because, despite her anger towards finding out where the ring came from she still decided to wear the ring for a certain amount of time, instead of immediately returning it. Due to taking so long to disafirm the contract between her and Harry, it is automatically taken as if she had affirmed the contract. Therefore, Harry does not have any obligation to return the $500 back to Marge.

Define population education?​



Developing awareness and providing more information to the general population.

Population education can be defined as a process of developing awareness and understanding of population situation among people and making them more responsible towards managing population.

Les pido entonces que los buscadores digitales que suelen usar, averiguen:
1-¿Qué se vota en estas fechas?
2- ¿Qué función van a cumplir estos legisladores?¿Qué función van a tener una vez que se los eliga'


Lee pido buscadores digitales funcion

Which one is the first and oldest painting of Nepal?​



The oldest surviving painting of Nepal is of a vihara which was painted during the transitional period of 1015.

How many years ago was WWI (1914 A.D./C.E.)?


Answer: the answer is c.e



WWI was about 107 years ago


2021 - 1914 = 107

If the researchers in the third study wanted to test the influence of aging on context-dependent memory effects, they could:A.show the faces to the older adult participants in one room, then move half of these participants to a new room to identify faces.B.show the faces to all participants in one room, then move half of the participants in each group to a new room to identify faces.C.provide background information about the faces to half of the older adult participants while faces are being memorized.D.provide background information about the faces to half of participants in each age group while faces are being memorized.


This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.


B.show the faces to all participants in one room, then move half of the participants in each group to a new room to identify faces.


Context-dependent memory refers to information that is more easily recalled when the subject is in the same context where encoding and retrieval took place. Meaning, for example, that being in the same room where the patient was first introduced to a new face would make it easier for him to recognize it again. In this example, the room difference could be context-dependent, so showing the faces to all the participants in one room, and then moving half of them to a new room would be the best way to test the influence of aging on context-dependent memory effects.

The number of representatives for a state is always the same. The number of
senators for a state depends on its and area.



each state has at least 2 senators and at least 1 representative


But the overall number of representatives depends on a states population.

Which visual tools would be the best to help bihn illustrate the similarities and differences in the education programs of these two countries?



The answer is "Venn Diagram Table".


It will use it as a visual tool to highlight how well the training programs in both nations are similar and different, he explains. Similarities and contrasts between two notions can be represented visually using this diagram. Circular shapes are being used to examine the relationship between two objects or a group of objects. The Circumferences indicate a commonality, while those who do not overlap indicate differences.

The dominance of English as an international language has facilitated the rise in the use of Chinese logograms. diffusion of popular culture, science, and international trade. the stagnation of the English language in terms of new words added. the increase in American students learning another language. the decline of other national languages and cultural identities.



Following are the solution to the given question:


The very first phase of the rapid emergence of the English was the outcome of Britain's imperialism or colonialism. The second phase was indeed the outcome of the primacy of the USA, also known as neo-imperialism, as a lingua franca, which made its dominance of the English easier for the public, academic, and global trade to expand.

The faculty at Sherwood Elementary School has met to discuss peer-tutoring ideas to incorporate into their classrooms due to students' poor performance on the recent standardized achievement scores. One teacher suggests that a committee of teachers first identify students' areas of need and then target other students excelling in those areas that would be available to serve as tutors. Which peer tutoring program does this sound most like



Hence the answer is  PALS that is Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening


The faculty at Sherwood Elementary School has met to discuss peer-tutoring ideas to incorporate into their classrooms due to students' poor performance on the recent standardized achievement scores. One teacher suggests that a committee of teachers first identify students' areas of need and then target other students excelling in those areas that would be available to serve as tutors. Which peer tutoring program does this sound most like PALS that is Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening and K indicates it is given in Kindergarten.

Make a list of any 3 function of state government each in federal system in Nepal .



as being a Nepali student


to maintain well-being peace and security of the citizens.

to fulfil the promises made for them in the election

to formulate the laws of the country.


Prepare a dialogue on the topic "need of sustainabledevelopment"​



Dialogue between friends on Sustainable Development

A: Hello! How are you?

B: Very well. I am on my way to attend a seminar on ‘Sustainable development’ at the Institute.

A: Oh… What is sustainable development?

B: In a nut shell it may be described as economic development that is achieved without depleting the resources of nature.

A: That makes sense.

B: Another way of putting it is; using only what is required for sustenance.

A: Yes, there is abuse of resources these days. Over-production, over-consumption, just to name two.

B: I must go now or I will be late.

A: Okay, see you later.


I hope this will help you buddy

Alice worries about everything and can never relax. She is very jumpy, has trouble sleeping at night, and has a poor appetite. For the last few months, her anxiety has become so extreme that she is unable to concentrate at work and she is in danger of losing her job. Alice is most likely experiencing:


Alice is most likely experiencing "Generalised anxiety disorder".

Generalized anxiety disorder simply refers to the persistent and the excessive worry about different things. It is an intense worry about ones safety or their loved ones. Also, the person may be worried that something bad is about to happen.

Since Alice worries about everything and can never relax. She is very jumpy, has trouble sleeping at night, and has a poor appetite, then she has a generalized anxiety disorder.

Generalized anxiety disorder can also lead to distress at workplace, among friends and other areas of the life of the person.

In conclusion, Alice is most likely experiencing "Generalised anxiety disorder".

Read more on:


what sections of development work have done in chitwan in the field of education ​





"human is a social being". justify the statement with reason​



Because we have mind to do social things. We developed according to our social environment.

Because we have mind to do social things. We developed according to our social environment.If you see history all the civilizations are developed socially it means a man is born to be social. We learn from others. Even animals are social to lI've life safer the rules are equally applicable to them.

How can the U.S. get involved in war before war is declared?



The constitution grants Congress


Well they could send black opertives

Explanation: Contary to belief, the US government does not Black Op missions. It's just that the mission's failed if the public hears about it. They are also far,few, and between but they still happen and Can happen. Americans spys were deployed to the soviet in the cold war despite no war being called.

Which of the following should informed citizen follow in order to fulfill his/her civic responsibilities


Answer: Politics

Explanation: An informed citizen follow in order to fulfill his/her civic responsibilities is Politics. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful

What is meant by Santan religion ? Mention the importance teachings of Hinduism.​


Sanatana dharma, in Hinduism, term used to denote the “eternal” or absolute set of duties or religiously ordained practices incumbent upon all Hindus, regardless of class, caste, or sect. kattyahto8 and 16 more users found this answer helpful.

For which type of programs would the government most likely use a cost benefit analysis? Select three options

A. Changing a school lunch program
B. Building a large or small corner house
C. Hiring new police officers and firefighters
D. Planning when to repave a road
E. Hiring new teachers for a school





when where they divided into 77units?​


when who was divied?


Peggy's use of foul language decreased because it was followed by the loss of her $5 weekly allowance. Taking away Peggy's allowance served as ________ for her foul language. Select one: secondary reinforcement positive punishment negative reinforcement negative punishment


Answer: The answer is negative punishment!


It can't be positive because she is in trouble, and we know it has to be a punishment.

PLEASE help me ASAP.
Social studies question.
1. How can we make proper use of electricity? present any six ways.


1.Adjust your day-to-day behaviors
2.Replace your light bulbs
3.Use smart power strips
4.Install a programmable thermostat
5.Use energy efficient appliances
6.Reduce water heating expenses
7.Install energy efficient windows
8.Upgrade your HVAC system
9.Weatherize your home
10.Insulate your home

Tại sao tri giác xã hội lại chi phối đến giao tiếp nhân sự và ảnh hưởng đến Quẩn trị nhân lực như thế nào?


huh is that a question?

what is religious tolerance how does it helps to maintain peace unity and prosperity in human societies describe with examples​


Religious tolerance is the way to world peace. In order to establish global peace is to avoid violence and follow the ethic that preached by all religions. Both believers and non-believers live in the same society. So it is important that religious tolerance is to maintain peace among people from all over the world.

why there is heavy and continuous rainfall in Nepal during monsoon​



due to monsoon from bay of bengall

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