What are the characteristics that qualify Ghana to become a nation. Explain.


Answer 1

Answer: Ghana became a member of the Commonwealth of Nations and was led to independence by Kwame Nkrumah who transformed the country into a republic, with himself as president for life.

Explanation: :)

Related Questions

Question 10 of 10
Which claim is not defensible?
O A. The government works better when the president and the majority
of Congress are from the same party.
O B. Decreasing taxes on middle-class citizens improves the U.S.
C. The world would be better off if political boundaries didn't exist.
OD. The nation's debt generally rises during times of war.


The answer is C, the world would be better off if political boundaries didn’t exist.

Make a list of advices given by your elders which you always follow.​



There is no substitute for hard work.

Be kind to others, and to yourself.

What you think about yourself, is sometimes more important than what others think of you.

You may not always be strong, but you should always be brave.

termination of treatment groups


Answer:Consider the ending as therapeutic. ...

Orient and collaborate. ...

Reflect and summarize. ...

Use verbal and nonverbal communication. ...

Be flexible. ...

Practice and try, try again.

Explanation: just do it ong

57. Name three supranational organizations where the People’s Republic of China is a member.



United Nations Security Council,  and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.


5. What are powers that are unique to Congress?



Congress has the power to:

Make laws.

Declare war.

Raise and provide public money and oversee its proper expenditure.

Impeach and try federal officers.

Approve presidential appointments.

Approve treaties negotiated by the executive branch.

Oversight and investigations.


Please Mark me brainliest

What was one of the main differences between Spain and the Spanish Netherlands?
A. Ruler
B. Economy
C. Location
D. Culture




in Spanish Netherlands their is a ruler for everything but in Spanish life is much more simple and ruler are only there for the thing you need ruler for .

The main differences between Spain and the Spanish Netherlands is of the 'ruler.'

What is Spain known for?

Spain is a country in Europe’s Iberian Peninsula. Spain is a developed country and known for its easy going culture. The culture of Spain is very unique. In past Spain had been invaded many time by various different groups from North Africa and western Europe.

What are Spanish Netherlands?

When the part of Netherlands separated from the Spanish rule and became united, the area which remained came to be known as the Spanish Netherlands, which remained under Spanish control.

Spanish Netherlands are the Spanish-held provinces which are located in the southern part of the low Countries. This region comprised of countries like- Belgium, Luxembourg as well as part of northern France.

Despite the chaos, warfare and confusion, the Spanish Netherlands experienced economic and intellectual growth in the early 17th century.

What is the main difference between Spain and the Spanish Netherlands?

The main difference between Spain and the Spanish Netherlands is about a 'ruler.' It is known that Spanish Netherlands had a ruler for every small affairs, whereas Spain had only one ruler who controlled the whole economy.

Hence, option A is correct.

To learn more about Spanish Netherlands here:



Demand schedules are used to show how much of a product a company will produce at different costs.





The demand schedule shows exactly how many units of a good or service will be bought at each price.

State why items such as neckchains or scarves may not be worn in the workplace



please mark me brainliest


jewellery and loose clothing ban may be justified to prevent a potential hygiene hazard if you work in areas of food production or areas which need to be kept sterile. Likewise, your employer can judge that loose jewellery may constitute a snagging hazard if you work with machinery.

for hygiene reasons or if you’re working in a factory they could possible get caught in dangerous machines which could possibility (this is gruesome) lead to decapitation.

why is elizabeth cady stanton considered
a humanitarian


she was a humans right activist and one of the first leaders of the woman's rights movement. She had come from a privileged background and decided early in life to fight for equal rights for women!

1. Giá cả hàng hóa tăng sẽ làm cho
a. Nhu cầu nắm giữ tiền giao dịch của công chúng giảm
b. Nhu cầu nắm giữ tiền giao dịch của công chúng tăng
c. Nhu cầu nắm giữ tiền giao dịch của công chúng không thay đổi
d. Nhu cầu nắm giữ tiền giao dịch của công chúng có thể tăng hoặc giảm



tôi khá chắc chắn nó là, b. Nhu cầu nắm giữ tiền giao dịch của công chúng tăng


xin lỗi tôi hy vọng điều này có ý nghĩa tôi đã phải sử dụng phiên dịch

Explain the quote "When we make decisions we are not making them in a vacuum then describe a decision you made that is a good example of this quote



when we decide to do something, or take an action, these decisions affect you in both long and short term depending on what they are

Name any two mountaineer district of Lumbini province? ​



1 wikipedia, Napal


this is your ans

What measures should the government implement in order to alleviate the effects of markat failures ?​



Market failures can be corrected through government intervention, such as new laws or taxes, tariffs, subsidies, and trade restrictions.

Ailene is in kindergarten all her friends believe in the Easter bunny and tell her stories about the Easter bunny after a while she too believes in the Easter bunny this is an example of



The Bandwagon Effect


In Psychology this scenario is an example of The Bandwagon Effect. This is basically the effect that occurs when a group of individuals all state the same information. Regardless of whether or not the information is actually true, it still causes most individuals hearing the information to agree with it or change their minds if they previously did not agree with it. This is a cognitive bias which is mainly the result of peer pressure and/or wanting to be accepted.


The Bandwagon Effect

Hãy phân tích những bài học kinh nghiệm của Đảng trong công cuộc đổi mới ở Việt Nam. Vận dụng những bài học kinh nghiệm đó vào giải quyết các vấn đề ở địa phương của anh/chị. Bản thân anh/chị có thể làm gì để góp phần xây dựng và phát triển địa phương nơi mình sinh sống?



itni moti kahan sa liai kisi na nhi amro

aluation Exercises Think and write. a. Name your mother tongue, your traditional dress and one major festival observed in your family. b. What rituals are performed in your community? List them. the 9 Brate c. Name the different races and castes living in your and Pasn addha Guta neighbourhood. Siestilo Daagbatti​





My mother tongue is Spanish and the mantilla, the peineta and the gilet are the traditional dresses wearing in our family.- The mantilla is a traditional Spanish veil piece that is often worn during religious celebrations such as Spanish weddings etc. San Juan also known as Saint John's Day that occur every year on the eve of the 23rd of June, Spain celebrates the arrival of summer and the birth of St John the Baptist.

any three advantages of dhulikhel sindhuli bardibas road project​


Answer:sorrry dont know



Mention the needs of development:​



food, water, education, medical care, infrastructure, and economic opportunity. Without adequate resources in each of these areas, extreme poverty traps its victims in a vicious cycle that they cannot break out of on their own.

If a market is truly efficient, security prices reflect

answer options:

all public and private information on the company

all publicly available information on the company

no public or private information on the company

i’ll private information available on the company



all public and private information on the company


A market is said to be fully efficient if all the relevant information (both private and public) about the prizes of securities are displayed or made known.

Therefore, if a market is truly efficient, security prices reflect all public and private information on the company.

what does "form a more perfect union " mean


to keep the country together as 1

which option best completes the diagram? Before the 1960's, there were relatively few interest groups in the United States



many activists in the 1960s felt that other ways of influencing policy were not effective enough.

The option that best completes the diagram is "many activists in the 1960s felt that other ways of influencing policy were not effective enough."

The 1960s were difficult years in the United States. Many changes started to happen and some civil rights movements organized by young people expressed its opposition to political decisions such as the participation of the US in the War of Vietnam. Some of these organizations grew and became more formal and realized that the most effective way to exert pressure was by lobbying with legislators. From that time on, interest groups hire lobbyists and lobbying firms to negotiate with congressmen.

btw* this is not by me, this is something I searched up and someone else answered this which was scouteo

btw= by the way

Propose THREE ways in which one can develop strong work ethics when entering the job market​




Put the company first.

Manage your time wisely.  

Be honest.

Maintain a balanced and consistent performance in performing your work.  

Always show respect.

Follow the rules.  

Work with others.  

Stay fit and healthy.


the assertion that non formal institution have no role to play in the processing stage of the system Theory is an empty rhetoric ... comment


This theory is an empty rhetoric due to it plays its role.

Yes, this theory is an empty rhetoric because the non-formal institution have play a great role in the processing stage of the system. There are various non-formal educations such as boy Scouts and Girls Guides and fitness programs.

In these types of non-formal education, the health as well as the knowledge of the student increases and this knowledge also helps them in difficult situations in the future so we can say that this non- formal institution has a great impact on the system.


22. Why do credit unions refer to savings and checking accounts as share accounts?
O Because you are sharing your money
with other credit union members when
you open an account.
O Because the credit union shares it's
profits with the community.
Because having one of these accounts
represents owning one (1) share of the
credit union.
Because you are sharing your money
with the credit union when you open an


C. Because having one of these accounts represents owning (1) share of tge credit union.

When a psychologist ties at least one blindfold around you; this is called?



In this guide, you’ll learn about 16 select disciplines within psychology, career options, and famous psychologists or scientific discoveries from each. With all the information available, it will be much easier for you to determine which type of psychologist



Blindfold is defined as to cover someone's eyes with cloth so the person cannot see. If you kidnap someone and cover his eyes so he cannot see where you are going, this is an example of when you blindfold him. verb.


Hope you like it please give 5 star and Thanks

i'll tell more qution

h. Mrs. Mili cut her finger while cutting vegetables with a knife. What kind of accident it is? Is there any way to avoid such kind of accidents? Write in 5 sentences. 1+5=6​



Explanation: giải thích cụ thể đi

Children depend on adult to help develop their self conscious emotions



That is soo true


Carl is listening to his colleague give an overview of the store's new vacation policy. Which behavior can Carl exhibit to best demonstrate that he is paying attention to what his colleague is saying? a) Tap his finger on his knees b) Confirm what's being said with the person next to him c) Summarize back what he heard at the end of his colleague's overview d) Say "yes, okay" frequently



d) Say "yes, okay" frequently

where is the area you applied the concept of opportunity cost in schoool life?



What are some other examples of opportunity cost?

A student spends three hours and $20 at the movies the night before an exam. The opportunity cost is time spent studying and that money to spend on something else.

A farmer chooses to plant wheat; the opportunity cost is planting a different crop, or an alternate use of the resources (land and farm equipment).  

A commuter takes the train to work instead of driving. It takes 70 minutes on the train, while driving takes 40 minutes. The opportunity cost is an hour spent elsewhere each day.

đường lối đảng cộng sản



translation to  đường lối đảng cộng sản  

communist party line


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