What does Arial first provide and then take away from Alonso and his entourage


Answer 1


MRCORRECT has answered the question


Ariel provides them with a feast that she promptly takes away before they can eat it.

Related Questions

The term for a member of the House of Representatives is ______ years and he or she must be ______ years of age.


2; 26


4; 25


2; 21


4; 35

Please select the best answer from the choices provided

a.2; 26

b.4; 25

c.2; 21

d.4; 35



it is c right on e d g e n u i t y


In this task, you will choose a topic of interest related to World War I, the interwar period, or World War II. Then you will develop a historical question related to this topic.


Here's a Topic you can work on

African-Americans and civil rights. What impact did the war years have on the rights of African-Americans? What were they allowed or not allowed to do?

The civil rights movement was a fight for equal rights under the law for African Americans during the 1950s and 1960s. Centuries of prejudice and discrimination fueled the crusade, but World War II and its aftermath were arguably the main catalysts.On January 6, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave a State of the Union speech outlining the need for America to help Europe fight against Hitler’s tyranny.He spoke famously of Four Freedoms for all: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear. It was an admirable vision, but few American blacks of the era enjoyed true freedom of any kind.As America prepared for war, civil rights leader A. Philip Randolph threatened to organize a march on Washington to protest segregation and discrimination in the armed forces and defense industries.The threat brought increased attention to race relations and compelled Roosevelt to issue Executive Order 8802 which prohibited, “discrimination in the employment of workers in defense industries and in Government because of race, creed, color, or national origin.”

summarize the battle of gettysburg,Pennsylvania



It was the turning point of the war and ended Robert E Lee hope to invade the North and the battle involved the heavy casualties in the war. The Union won.



Why is it in the South's best interest to desegregate?



A campaign of "Massive Resistance" by whites emerged in the South to oppose the Supreme Court's ruling that public schools be desegregated in Brown v. Board (1954). Southern congressmen issued a “Southern Manifesto” denouncing the Court's ruling.


Reasons why it was best for the South to desegregate are:

Improve the livelihood of people. Increase economic growth. Reduced burden on government.

What happened when the South was desegregated?

Black people were able to get better education and find better jobs which led to improved livelihood. The improved livelihood and increase in skilled labor led to economic growth. With less segregation, there was less crime and less poverty which reduced the government's burden in paying for prisons.

In conclusion, desegregation was good for the South.

Find out more on desegregation at https://brainly.com/question/19039386.

Which one of the following is NOT a power of the legislative branch




Power to declare war


Power to tax citizens


Power to select the vice president

Power to ratify treaties with other countries


Power to oversee the government


I think it’s C but I’m fully sure so don’t take what I have to say that seriously

Who was John Brown? What did he believe?



John Brown was an American abolitionist. Brown advocated the use of armed insurrection to overthrow the institution of slavery in the United States. He first gained national attention when he led small groups of volunteers during the Bleeding Kansas crisis of 1856. He was dissatisfied with the pacifism of the organized abolitionist movement: "These men are all talk. What we need is action—action!" In May 1856, Brown and his supporters killed five supporters of slavery in the Pottawatomie massacre, which responded to the sacking of Lawrence by pro-slavery forces. Brown then commanded anti-slavery forces at the Battle of Black Jack and the Battle of Osawatomie.


Who is the “Friend” that Gandhi is writing this letter to?


Answer:Lord Irwin


Which one of the following is NOT considered a major cause of WWI? *
4 points
C. internal dissent
A. Impressionism
B. the growth of nationalism


According to me I think it would be righter internal dissent or points

In his inaugural address, president kennedy proves he is a forward thinker by focusing on what main idea?


Maybe it’s doing things for your country. I’m not sure. I just know the line “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) are all associated with which movement?
civil rights


Civil Rights Movement is the associated movement with the NAACP, CORE, and SCLC

all of the following would be causes of the Civil war EXCEPT:
A. States Rights
B.Texas Joining United States
C. Election of Abraham Lincoln


B.Texas Joining United States
B Texas Joining united stars

How did the Roman religion change at the beginning of the Roman empire?
A. Roman gods began to more closely resemble Greek gods
(this isint correct bc I got it wrong but people keep saying it’s a)
B Christianity became the official religion of room.
C. Many of the native religions were included into the Roman religion.
D. The native religions of Romans conquered territories were made illegal.



C. Many of the native religions were included into the Roman religion.

Which of the following contributed to the formation of feudalism?
A. People longer to reunite the territories of the Roman empire.
B. People could not afford to pay taxes to the king.
C. people were devoted to the Catholic Church and wanted to be obedient.
D. people wanted the protection that the nobles could provide them.




People wanted the protection that the nobles could provide them


People could not afford to pay taxes to the king




it is D because the king made them slaves but the nobles protect them

What branch of government determined that George W. Bush would be the 43rd president?



The Executive Branch



electoral colege


Adoraron a otros dioses e ídolos. ! Pronunciaron palabras inapropiadas contra el Señor. ! Construyeron santuarios paganos. ! Cometieron acciones malvadas. ! Despreciaron las leyes del Señor y el pacto. ! Imitaron a las otras naciones. ! Practicaron la adivinación. ! Quemaron a sus hijos en incienso. ! Dejaron a un lado los mandamientos, abandonaron a Dios. Los anteriores son los pecados más sobresalientes del pueblo de Israel, de estos pecados ¿cuáles se dan hoy? Explique.



De los pecados más sobresalientes del pueblo de Israel en la antigüedad, actualmente se dan:

Todos los anteriores.


A continuación te mencionaré uno por uno todos los pecados mencionados y la razón por la cual considero se dan hoy en día:

Adoraron a otros dioses e ídolos: Actualmente existe una gran cantidad de religiones, donde cada una de estas tiene su propio dios al que adoran, los budistas al Buda, los islamistas a Al - Láh o Alá y así cada religión tiene su propio dios del cual hace ídolos y adora.Pronunciaron palabras inapropiadas contra el Señor: Es común ver que las personas que les ocurre algo malo, renieguen del nombre de Dios, acusándolo de su mala fortuna, sin miramientos a que cuando les ocurren cosas buenas no alaban a Dios o que las cosas malas muy seguramente fueron por su propia causa.Construyeron santuarios paganos: Al igual que explicaba en el primer numeral, existen muchas religiones y en cada una de ellas se brinda adoración en un santuario específico, el cual al no ser erigido para el Dios verdadero, se debe considerar pagano en palabras del antiguo testamento de la biblia.Cometieron acciones malvadas: Las acciones malvadas son algo recurrente en la sociedad moderna, actos como robos, agresiones y asesinatos son el común denominador de las noticias en la actualidad.Despreciaron las leyes del Señor y el pacto y dejaron a un lado los mandamientos: Las leyes hacen referencia a la biblia y a los 10 mandamientos, los cuales no son tenidos en cuenta al momento de realizar acciones, sobre todo aquellos como: no robarás y no matarás.Imitaron a otras naciones: Las naciones que tienen mayores niveles de libertinaje son vistas como cúspides del entendimiento y libertad, razón por la cual suelen ser imitadas por países del tercer mundo o en vías de desarrollo.Quemaron a sus hijos en incienso: La quema de niños en incienso suele asociarse al sacrificio de niños al dios pagano Moloch y, aunque seguramente no es hablado muy comúnmente, se asume que diversos grupos de la farándula como cantantes, actores, deportistas entre otros personajes reconocidos, asisten a sectas que realizan sacrificios a Moloch con el fin de obtener fama o riqueza más allá de la que poseen.Abandonaron a Dios: Es bastante usual encontrarse con personas que son ateas, es decir, que no tienen ninguna figura superior a la cual alabar u orar, dichas personas ingresan en esta categoría.

The Renewable Fuel Standards states that a portion of America's gasoline must contain what:





The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is a federal program that was established under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct), which requires that transportation fuels sold in the united states of America must have a certain minimum volume of fuels from renewable sources. The renewable fuels, as required by the federal program would be blended into the transportation fuels in a yearly increasing order, expecting to reach 36 billion gallons by 2022.

The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) further amended the RFS program and set the volumes in the attached document.


The pathways approved by EPA for the RFS program are shown below

Diesels from biomass must achieve 50% lifecycle Green House Gas (GHG) reduction .

Biofuels produced from Cellulose must meet 60% lifecycle GHG reduction.  

Advanced biofuel must meet a 50% GHG reduction and should be produced from qualifying renewable biomass.

Renewable (or conventional) fuel must meet a 20% lifecycle GHG reduction

Explain the difference between a good and a service.



goods are a physical object while a service is something someone is providing.


a good would be food, clothes, anything you can but and own,

a service would be car repair, house cleaners, anything someone is doing for you

Services are ethereal in nature, whereas goods are tangible in the sense that they have a physical existence and can be touched. Both commodities and services are intended to be useful to and satisfying for the consumer.

In economics, the terms "goods" and "services" are frequently used interchangeably. To meet their needs and satisfy their consumers' wants, businesses offer these. Currently, a company's ability to succeed depends on its ability to provide both excellent products and customer-focused services. 'Goods' are tangible items, but 'Services' are activities like working for other people.

Learn more about services, here;



An issue faced by King Louis XVI in the war was that:


Answer: A

Explanation: ape

John Locke’s_______ was important to the colonies because it said that governments could only exist by the consent of the_____?


Answer: Political Philosophy, Governed


Someone can help me !?:(



Republican candidate George W. Bush, the governor of Texas and eldest son of the 41st president, George H. W. Bush, won the election, defeating Democratic nominee Al Gore, the incumbent vice president.



it was close and controversial

1.) What three oceans border North America?



The Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans. The Pacific is to the west, the Atlantic to the east, and the Arctic (of course) to the north.


How many patents were issued for military weapons in 1862? What was the Civil War’s greatest innovation?


Many weapons were used in the The Civil War from knives to swords along with a variety of firearms, including rifles, pistols, muskets, and repeating weapons. Also widely used was artillery including cannons. Some of the new weapon technologies used in the civil war include rifled gun barrels, the Minie ball and repeating rifles.

Labor unions were informed to



Labor unions or Trade unions were developed in Europe during the Industrial Revolution, when employees had little skill and thus the employer had most of the power.

~Does this help??~ TwT

What decision did President George H.W. Bush make about the Gulf War in Iraq?

to convince Saudi Arabia to attack Iraq's southern border

to protect Israel from terrorist attacks at all costs

not to invade Iraq and get rid of Saddam Hussein

to continue bombing until there was a full surrender



to avoid long-term involvement in Iraq


President George H.W. Bush decided to conclude the war without removing Saddam Hussein from power. So option C is correct.

In October 2002, Bush was authorized by Congress to launch a military operation in the country. The war in Iraq began on March 20, 2003, when the United States, with the participation of the UK, Australia, and Poland, began a “shock and awe” bombing campaign.

Of all the policy achievements of this period, the State Department and President Bush are best known for their successful efforts to repel the invasion of Kuwait.

To learn more about the war, refer to the link:



the silk road was made in the_________Dynasty


This would be the Han Dynasty. From 130 BCE-1453 CE this network of trade routes played a vital role in the development of many economies.

Have a great day! :)

how would the fugitive slave act would affect america in 1850?


Answer: Passed on September 18, 1850 by Congress, The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was part of the Compromise of 1850. The act required that slaves be returned to their owners, even if they were in a free state. The act also made the federal government responsible for finding, returning, and trying escaped slaves.

by the end of the war how many individuals been killed


What war tho??????? :)

Lyndon B. Johnson first worked as a ______________, which strongly influenced his views on segregation and government.
U.S. Navy fighter pilot
political director



b) teacher


Lyndon B. Johnson first worked as highschool teacher.




If consumers expect the price of a good to increase in the near future then immediate demand for that good will be
A. stopped
B. increased
C. decreased
D unchanged


the answer would be C! :)

Answer: c. decreased

Explanation: edge 2021

What ideas is most closely associated with fighting in World War 1
A Large Scale aerial raids in European cities in France and Belgium
B The beginning if the atomic weapon technology
C slow, methodical fighting that made the war slowly drag on
D the first time that machine guns were ever used in battle



C. "Slow, methodical fighting that made the war slowly drag on."


"The First World War is often perceived as a war of attrition, a conflict in which each side tried to wear the other down by killing as many of its men as possible."

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