what is human rights?​


Answer 1

Los derechos humanos son elementos legales que protegen a todo ser humano por el simple hecho de serlo.:


Related Questions

Which sentence best describes these pets?

El pez amarillo es más feroz que el pez anaranjado.
El pez amarillo es más generoso que el pez anarajado.
El pez amarillo es más largo que el pez anaranjado.
El pez amarillo es más rápido que el pez anaranjado.




El pez amarillo es más generoso que el pez anarajado.

Help pls Spanish 3 drag and drop



1.  ninguna

2. nadie

3. ni - ni

4. ningún

5. no

6. nunca

7. uno

Hi! The image is blurred so I was guided by how a Latino would do it

I hope this help you

Thanks for the answers

Transformation en voz pasiva o activa


Muchísimas transformaciones.

Answer to this question is Transformation

Answer the following questions in Spanish:

Should we eat fruits and vegetables every day?
What other things should we eat?
What does eating depend on more or less?


Answer:Si es importante a comer vejetales todos los dias Porque es saludavle.

Otras cosas para comer es frutas.

Comiendo nos ace saludavle

Read and choose the correct option to complete the sentence


Last one bro sonaba con mi gato “dreamed of my cat”
yo soñaba con mi gato

necesito el sujeto, predicado y el nucleo de estas 3 oraciones!!
El viento soplaba fuerte.
Las nubes caminaban por el cielo.
Yo jugaba en la calle.



- El viento soplaba fuerte

Sujeto: el viento

Predicado: soplaba fuerte

Núcleo del sujeto: viento

Núcleo del predicado: soplaba

- Las nubes caminaban por el cielo

Sujeto: las nubes

Predicado: caminaban por el cielo

Núcleo del sujeto: nubes

Núcleo del predicado: caminaban

- Yo jugaba en la calle

Sujeto: yo

Predicado: jugaba en la calle

Núcleo del sujeto: yo

Núcleo del predicado: jugaba

Hope it helps you ✨

Omimbiva traducido al español



ke idoma es


¿ una mejor comunicación


The answer to this question is , Better communication



Una mejor comunicación lingüística se logra, teniendo un mayor y mejor vocabulario, comprendiendo el contexto de la o las personas con las que se va a hablar, hablando su lenguaje.

I must use all of the words provided and add prepositions where necessary to write these words as complete sentences.

yo / hacer ejercicios / el parque

allí (there) / yo / ver / a mis amigos

yo / traer / tres teléfonos celulares / universidad

yo / poner / música emo / mi oficina

yo / dar fiestas / por la mañana

yo / conocer / a todos mis colegas / la universidad

pero / yo / no saber / sus nombres


Yo hare ejercicios en el parque
Yo allí veré a mis amigos
Yo traeré tres teléfonos celulares a la universidad
Yo pondré música en mi oficina
Yo haré una fiesta por la mañana
Yo conoceré a todos mis colegas de la universidad
Pero yo no se sus nombres

Ayuda porfavor.
Expresa en forma de potencia
En un barrio hay 10 bloques de pisos con diez plantas cada bloque y 10 viviendas en cada planta​



10 to the 10th power


Toni quiere
a un restaurante esta noche.
A va
O B. ir
C. fue
O D. voy

What’s the answer



The answer is "ir"

Toni quiere ir a un restaurante esta noche.


Because I speak Spanish.

The answer is O B. ir

what are wild animals​



animals that are out in the wild


A wild animal finds its own food, shelter, water and all its other needs in a specific natural habitat. Habitat can be a field, woods, pond, wetland, prairie, park, or your yard. Wild animals make their home in both the city and the country.

hope this helps!

add me/mark brainiest if you can<3

wild animals in spanish ... animals salvages animales q se crearon en en monte afuera de la ciudad que sobreviven ellos mismos solos hope this helps

Dolores Huerta, cofundadora de United Farm Workers (trabajador)



Meaning is:


It means: "Dolores Huerta, founder of United Farm Workers".

then (trabajador) Means an employee, or in simpler words: Worker.

The United Farm Workers of America is like a union of a sort, kinda like the labor unions that fought for fair working conditions.



English traslation:

Dolores Huerta, co-founder of United Farm Workers

3.1.9 - Quick Check: My Neighborhood
Middle Spanish II (CL), 7.20 / 3. My Neighborhood / 3.1. My Neighborhood
Which of the following statements about the culture in Central America is true?
A. There is little ethnic diversity.
B. There is a lot of Spanish influence.
C. Most of the people are of Taino descent.



I think B : theres alot of Spanish influence


B. Hay mucha influencia española.


B. Hay mucha influencia española.

10. Yo llevo ______ en los pies.
- Fill in the blank (in Spanish) the word 2nd letter must be “S” and second to last letter should be “O” (the word is 7 letters!)





Listen and choose the option with the correct answer to the question in the audio.

Mi nieto
Mi nieta
Tu prima
Tu primo



Inablibty to do it is a cause of this

The correct option about Estela's daugther, taking into account the information of the Audio in Spanish is: "mi nieta."

Audio Information in Spanish

In the audio you can hear a woman who does not mention her name, but she does mention that she has a daughter named Estela, later she mentions that Estela also has a daughter, and asks who Estela's daughter is.

The audio question refers to the kinship that the first woman has with Estela's daughter, since Estela is her daughter, the latter's daughter is her granddaughter, for which the correct answer is: "mi nieta."

More information about Spanish: https://brainly.com/question/17569828


3.357 x 10"rads
An electron with a rest mass of 9.11 x 10-31kg moves in a circular orbit of radius 1.4
x 10-7 m in a uniform magnetic field of 3.5 x 10-1 tesla, perpendicular to the speed of
light with which electron moves. Find the cyclotron frequency of the moving electron.​


is this supposed to be math or spanish??

Elige. Select the verb that best completes each statement.
1. El Niño______
está - es - tiene -- llama
2. Las mujeres_______
están -- son -- tienen -- llaman
3. Nosotros______
mucha hambre.
4. La hija_____
está -- es -- tiene -- llama
5. Los chicos se_____
Marta y Tomás.
están -- son
tienen llaman



1. es

2. estan

3. tenemos

4. es

5. llaman



1. El Niño _es_


está - es - tiene - llama

2. Las mujeres_ están ____


están - son - tienen - llaman

3. Nosotros___ tenemos ___

mucha hambre.





4. La hija___es__


está - es - tiene - llama

5. Los chicos se__ llaman ___

Marta y Tomás.

están - son

tienen llaman

El niño va ____ la escula



El niño va a la escuela.

Spanish. Very easy. :))

El Niño va ala escuela.

Look at the images, listen to the audio, and match each sentence with its correct image.

Audio 01:

Audio 02:

Audio 03:

Audio 04:

Match Term Definition
Audio 01 A) Older cousin with a grey sweater on holding a younger niece
Audio 02 B) Two twin sisters playing and laughing
Audio 03 C) Brother and sister hugging and smiling
Audio 04 D) A grandmother kissing her grandson


Sorry i’d need to look at the audio, wish you best of luck muah

Explanation: you’re the besy


Look at the image, just got it correct on my flvs quiz 05.02


What did cueca supposedly originate with?
O the Spanish Fandango
O an Asian dance
O an Indonesian music
O a Russian traditional dance



The Spanish Fandango


Cueca supposedly originated with dancers, who wear a handkerchief in their right hand, draw circular figures, with turns and half turns, interrupted by various flourishes.


The Spanish Fandango


Did this one Edge 2022 Culture Questions.

ESTRUCTURA 5 Expressing possession, age, states, desires, and
obligation: Common uses of the verb tener
2-91 ¿Qué tienen? React to each family member's situation by using a tener expression
from the bank. Follow the model.
Mi abuelo trabaja hasta las once y media de la noche.
Tiene sueño.
tener hambre
tener sueño
tener sed
tener prisa
tener celos
tener miedo
tener éxito
tener frío
tener calor
Tu prima mira una película de terror, como Saw o Nightmare on Elm Street.
Es agosto y tus hermanos están en la Florida.
Es agosto y tu sobrina está en el sur de Argentina.
4. La clase de geografía es a las tres de la tarde. Son las tres menos cinco y tus hermanas
corren a la universidad.
No comes nada durante el día y ahora son las diez de la noche.
Tú tienes un dormitorio grande. Tu hermano también quiere un dormitorio grande.
Tus suegros necesitan beber agua.
8. Tú y tu familia viven en una casa bonita y moderna, tienen trabajos fantásticos y
muchos amigos.


1. Tu prima tiene miedo.
2. Tus hermanos tienen frío.
3. Tu sobrina tiene calor.
4. Tus hermanas tienen prisa.
5. Tú tienes hambre.
6. Tu hermano tiene celos.
7. Tus suegros tienen sed.
8. Tu familia tienen (o tuvo) éxito.

Hi, can someone help me with these?


Yo pruebo ,ustedes prefieren, mi hermana pide el tocino ,Juan mezcla la ensalada,usted lava las verduras


25. A

26. D

27. D

28. A

29. C


What happens the first time someone gets caught riding without a helmet?

- A warning will be issued.
- A fine is issued but can be avoided with proof of a helmet purchase.
- A $25 fine is issued and must be paid within 16 days.
- A fine is issued but can be avoided by writing a letter of explanation to either ANSI or Snell.



B) A fine is issued but can be avoided with proof of a helmet purchase.


Just took the test. Answer is in the second paragraph.

Edg 2021

Hope this helps <3


A fine is issued but can be avoided with proof of a helmet purchase.


edge got it right

Could someone help me with this?



1. Las compañeras

2. Un amigo

3. Los novios

4. Unas crisis

5. Una pareja

6. Unos corazones

7. La amistad

8. Los tabúes


because I speak spanish.


1- Las compañeras

2- Un amigo

3- Los novios

4- Unas crisis

5- Una pareja

6- Unos corazones

7- Una amistad

8- Los tabúes

Hope it helps you ✨

Select the best reply.
How old is your grandmother?

Mi abuela tiene sesenta y seis años.
Mi abuela tiene veinte años.
Mi abuela tengo sesenta años.
Mi abuela tienes cincuenta años.



Mi abuela tiene sesenta y seis años.

Es verdad, debes protegerte la piel. __________________________




- Es verdad, debes protegerte la piel.

- Si, tienes razón, pues los rayos ultravioleta pueden causar cáncer si no me protejo.

Yo creo que si es verdad que debes de protegerte la piel porque si no te protégés la piel es posible que no te veas bien. Pero si proteges tu piel te verás mejor y más joven,

¡Espero que esto te ayude y que tengas un gran día!

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the
infinitive in parenthesis.
¿Tu me
al cine? (acompañar)
Оа. асоmраћа
O b. acompaño
O c. acompañan
O d. acompañas



d. Acompañas

¿Tú me acompañas al cine?

Hope it helps you ✨

II. Supply the Spanish for the following sentences:
1. She is quiet.
2. He is sociable.
3. ¿ Are you (fam. sing.) daring?
4. Rosa is impatient.
5. You (m.) (formal sing.) are cautious.
6. Am I (f.) stingy?
7. I like to swim.
8. I do not like to read.
2. He likes to help in the house.




1. Ella está callada.

2. Es sociable.

3. ¿Eres atrevido?

4. Rosa está impaciente.

5. Usted es cauteloso.

6. ¿Soy tacaña?

7. Me gusta nadar.

8. No me gusta leer.

2. Le gusta ayudar en la casa.

1. ella es tranquila
2. él es sociable
3. eres (fam.sing.) querido?

ESTRUCTURA 3 Describing people and things (2): Agreement with
descriptive adjectives
2-5 | Descripciones Choose an appropriate adjective to describe each person below. Use
the appropriate forms of the verb ser.
sincero(a)(s) optimista(s) interesante(s) lindo(a)(s)
rico(a)(s) atlético(a)(s) cómico(a)(s) independiente(s) inteligente(s)
Los estudiantes
Chris Rock

Sami Sosa
Donald Trump
Mi mamá y yo
2-6 ¿Cómo son? Use adjectives and the appropriate forms of the verb ser to describe the
people below. Follow the model.
MODELO: Jennifer López es quapa; no es pobre.
, по
Johnny Depp
Mis amigas
: no
Mis compañeros
: no



los estudiantes son inteligentes

2- Chris Rock es cómico

3- sami sosa es atlético

4 donald trump es rico

5- mi mama y yo somos sinceros

1a- Shakira es bonita, no es fea

2a- Johnny depp es cómico, no pesimista

3a- nosotras somos interesantes, no aburridas

4a- mis amigas son pesimistas, no optimistas

5a- yo soy independiente, no dependiente

6a- mis compañeros son tontos, no inteligentes.

1. Los estudiantes son inteligentes.
2. Chris Rock es cómico.
3. Sami Sosa es atlético.
4. Donald Trump es pesimista.
5. Mi mamá y yo somos lindas.
6. Shakira es linda.
7. Johnny Depp es rico.
8. Nosotras somos sinceras.
9. Mis amigas son amorosas.
10. Yo soy baja.
11. Mis compañeros son graciosos.
Other Questions
A2x+5x + 5x + 6x + 5x+6B2x+5 b) When the muscles connected to the crystalline lens contract fully, its focal length is 16.5000 cm. With this focal length, how far away must an object be to form sharply focused images on the retina? (Note: this distance is called the far point of vision.)c) When the muscles connected to the crystalline lens relax, the focal length is 9.0000 cm. With this focal length, how close must an object be to form sharply focused images on the retina? (Note: this distance is called the near point of vision.)d) As people age, the crystalline lens hardens (a condition called presbyopia or old-age eyes) and can only vary in focal length from 12 to 15.60 cm. Calculate range of vision (the new near point and far point) for this older eye.e) Based on part d) why might an older person hold the newspaper at arms length to read it? Use implicit differentiation to find an equation of the tangent line to the curve at the given point. y2(y2 4) = x2(x2 5) (0, 2) (devil's curve) Factor the common factor out of each expression: 18u^2v^5-27uv^5+54uv^4 Type your short story here, unless your teacher instructs you otherwise. please help me and i will mark u as brainlist What is the following missing:It was intense, and all his stomach could feel was butteries.A. SemicolonB. ColonC. CommaD. Nothing - it's fine as is A rocket is launched from a tower. The height of the rocket, y in feet, is related to the time after launch, x in seconds, by the given equation. Using this equation, find the time that the rocket will hit the ground, to the nearest 100th of second.y=-16x^2+165x+69 What is the zero of the function represented by this graph? One of the major causes of the French debt was the cost of helping to fund the AmericanRevolution.TrueFalse PLEASE HELP! Which is a balance sheet?jewelry someone ownsa person's total financial valuestatement of financial positionthe amount of credit-card debt a person has A 35-kg trunk is dragged 10 m up a ramp inclined at an angle of 12 degrees to the horizontal by a force of 90 N applied at an angle of 20 degrees to the ramp. At the top of the ramp, the trunk is dragged horizontally another 15 m by the same force. Find the total work done. m.ng gip mnh v phn vector trong ma trn nha PLEASE HELP!!!WILL MARK BRAINLIEST!!!If the diameter of the circle shown below is 6ft and 0 is a right angle, what is the length of segment AB to the nearest foot?Multiple choice!Thank you! Two identical homes are built on different earth materials. The first home is built on solid, hard metamorphic rock and the second home is built on soft sedimentary materials. Based on this information, which home will suffer more damage during an earthquake. Explain your conclusions and why the damage would be different. Explain two ways by which the calendar meets or fails to meet the criteria of showing the correct data How many times will the temperature of oxygen with a mass of 1 kg increase if its volume is increased by 4 times, and the pressure is decreased by 2 times? Round off the answer to the nearest whole number. Escreva os nmeros abaixo em notao cientfica:1) 5 000 000 000 000 =2) 0,000 007 =3) 58 600 000 000 000 =4) 0,000 005 874 = (a) Anger is nothing but a vice. (Affirmative)(b) So, we should control it for our own sake. (passive)(c) The bee is a special type of insect. (Negative)(d) It's duty is to fly from flower to flower to collect honey. (Interrogative)(e) Honey is collected without any rest. (Active) Longhorn Pizza has the following number of topping options available: four vegetables, two meats, and two cheeses. A pizza is ordered with exactly four toppings. What is the probability that the pizza is ordered with exactly two vegetables, one meat, and one cheese