What is parchment made out of?


Answer 1


Parchment paper is made from cellulose fibers prepared from fir trees or plants such as cotton or flax. Paper can be made which mimics the thickness and smooth surface of parchment.


hope it helps

Answer 2
Parchment is made out of or from calf, goat, sheep skin or calf skin. It has always been prepared for writing or printing.

Related Questions

Who does this editorial say is responsible for the Maine’s loss? the Spanish soldiers the US government the Cuban rebels To five hundred thousand Cubans starved or otherwise murdered have been added an American battleship and three hundred American sailors lost as the direct result of the dilatory [slow] policy of our government toward Spain. If we had stopped the war in Cuba when duty and policy alike urged us to do the Maine would have been afloat today. -New York Journal February 17, 1898


The correct answer is "the US government."

Who does this editorial say is responsible for the Maine’s loss?

Correct answer: "the US government."

The editorial of the New York Journal, published on February 17, 1898, says that "the direct result of the dilatory [slow] policy of our government toward Spain. If we had stopped the war in Cuba when duty and policy alike urged us to do the Maine would have been afloat today."

We are talking about the incident during the revolutionary war between Cuba and Spain. On the morning of February 15, 1898, the USS Maine ship was at the harbor of la Havana, the capital city of Cuba, when an explosion sank the ship and killed 260 US shipmen. The US accused Spain of the sinking and this was a cause that detonated the Spanish-American War.

President McKinley could justify entering the war with the sinking of the USS Maine that was anchored in the harbor of Havana, the capital city of the Island of Cuba, This was part of the imperialistic desire of the United States government supported by Manifest Destiny, the idea that the United States had the divine right to expand its territory.


B. the US government

What types of labor did enslaved people perform in each colonial region: New England, the Middle and the South?


The slaves in  New England were used to perform house work. They worked in gardens and homes.

In the middle region, the slaves were also performing housework and taking care of gardening. They were used to work in diary farms and also on ships. Some of them were used to work as personal assistants.

While the southern slaves worked in the fields. They were used mainly for working in plantations. They worked in the fields planting and harvesting crops such as tobacco and cotton

read more at https://brainly.com/question/18523578?referrer=searchResults

Un joven cargó una caja de 18 kg hasta una altura de 2.5 metros tardando 11 segundos. Un montacargas lo hizo en 2 segundos. ¿Qué potencia desarrolla la persona y la máquina?



ver explicación


La potencia se define como la tasa de tiempo de realización del trabajo.

Potencia = trabajo realizado / tiempo empleado

En este caso, trabajo realizado por el niño y la máquina = mgh

m = masa del bidy

h = altura

g = aceleración debida a la gravedad

Ancho = 18 × 10 × 2,5 = 450 J

Potencia desarrollada por el niño = 450 J / 11 segundos = 41 W

Potencia desarrollada por la máquina = 450 J / 2 segundos = 225 W

Between 1915 and 1917, how did the strategies the Germans used at sea differ from those of the Allied Powers?
Germany attacked nonmilitary ships and those of the United States, a country not involved in the war.
Germany refused to stop their attacks despite complaints from the United States and other neutral countries.
Germany included the use of submarines in the types of boats used to attack enemy ships.
Germany used their submarines and other military ships for both commercial and military purposes.


Answer: Its the first one : Germany attacked nonmilitary ships and those of the United States, a country not involved in the war



It’s A :)


I built different

¿ por que hitler lo ven como uno de los grandes asecinos, si los papas mataron mas gente al nombre de dios. Por que esos papaqs no son vistos de mal manera ?



Porque Hitler siendo gobernante se consideraba así mismo como un dios, tanto así que toda la nación alemana lo consideraba como un "faraón" o un Mesías, por eso no aceptaba otras  ideologías o creencias religiosas en donde prevaleciera una devoción extrema hacia Dios.

Aunque lo papas son mayormente culpables de derramamiento de sangre o de asesinar a muchas  personas que en el pasado solo querían leer la biblia o desmentir muchas de sus enseñanzas falsas,como actuaban supuestamente en el "nombre de dios" y como según ellos  (los papas) eso era parte de "la voluntad de dios" ,la sociedad de esa época aprobaba esos actos y hasta contribuían a que se hicieran.

También hay que destacar que la iglesia católica siempre ha tenido poder absoluto pues ha estado unida a la política, y el Vaticano es un estado autónomo donde ellos tienen sus propias leyes y pues no permiten que el estado  o gobierno entre a juzgarlos.

nyatakan tiga peristiwa penting Zaman air batu akhir​


saya bagi fakta. awak cari huraian sendiri, okay? ☺

1)perubahan paras air larut

2)peningkatan suhu

3)penglasieran berlaku

The South had a lack of industries
because of a lack of capital, poor
sales markets, and
A. federal intervention
B. slaves running away
C. poor transportation routes


C. Poor transportation routes

In the United States, political leaders are elected to represent the American people. While presidents, governors, and legislators have political authority, their power comes directly from the citizens who vote for them. This political philosophy is most similar to which of these philosophers' beliefs?



I think it's John Locke


correct me if I'm wrong


1. Why do you think the United States and Europe wanted to open Asia up to international trade? What made Asia an ideal place for trade? Give two possible reasons. (5 pts.)




1) Asia has a LOT of people which meant more money for them if they could open up trading ports and such. 2) Asia had things like gunpowder, silk, spices, basically what was considered rare goods at the time


which of the following union territories is located along the West Coast of India​






Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli are located on the western coast.

James Buchanan Was widely known in the 18th century as the best president is this true



No it was George Washington

It was George Washington!

3. Who created the Open Door Notes?
O a William Jennings Bryan
O b. John Hay
c. King Edward the 7th
O d. Carl Lundberg



State John Hay

Secretary of State John Hay first articulated the concept of the “Open Door” in China in a series of notes in 1899–1900.


b. John Hay


John Hay created the Open Door Notes in 1899. Thus, option (b) is the required answer for the question.

Why did the phrase separate but equal become associated with the Supreme Court ruling against Homer Plessy (Plessy v. Ferguson 1896)?


Answer: Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark 1896 U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine. As a result, restrictive Jim Crow legislation and separate public accommodations based on race became commonplace.

Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark 1896 U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine. ... As a result, restrictive Jim Crow legislation and separate public accommodations based on race became commonplace.

What was the significance of this Greek Civil War



The civil war also left Greece with a strongly anti-communist security establishment, which would lead to the establishment of the Greek military junta of 1967–1974 and a legacy of political polarisation that persists to this day.

In creating this civilian conservation corps we are killing two birds with one stone. We are clearly enhancing the value of our natural resources and second, we are relieving an appreciable amount of actual distress. This great group of men have entered upon their work on a purely voluntary basis, no military training is involved and we are conserving not only our natural resources but our human resources. One of the great values to this work is the fact that it is direct and requires the intervention of very little machinery2 Why is the use of machinery of any concern to President Roosevelt?
O A. Machines are considered the primary drivers of unemployment in classical Keynesian economics

O B. Most American machinery was destroyed by heavy bombing during World War I.

O c. More Americans can be employed if jobs do not require specialized skills like using heavy machines

O D. Machines are expensive to maintain, and the government was trying to cut spending PREVIOUS​



The answer is C


The use of machinery is a concern to President Roosevelt because more Americans can be employed if jobs do not require specialized skills like using heavy machines. Thus, option C is the correct answer.

Who was President Roosevelt?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, abbreviated FDR, was an American politician and lawyer who served as the 32nd President of the United States from 1933 to 1945.

Many Americans will be employed to do various jobs if machinery is not used. During that time, their unemployment rate will fall. Another factor to consider is the requirement for heavy machinery expertise. One must be knowledgeable enough not only to drive heavy machinery, but also to operate and maintain it in good working order.

Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

To learn more about Roosevelt, click here:



Tim's wages were garnished for the past three months as he failed to pay child support and student debt. He needs to buy a vehicle now. What will most likely happen next?

He may be approved for new credit with a low interest rate.
He may be denied future loans for a period of time.
He may be protected under the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
He may claim a dispute with the credit bureau about his credit report.



He may be denied future loans for a period of time.


Tim failed to pay child support and student debt so he may be denied future loans for a period of time because he is unable to give the installments due to lower wage or income. Before providing loan, the bank check the ways through which they recover the loan amount. If there is a way that the loan can be availed due to higher income so they provide loans otherwise can't provide loans to the client.

what article and amendment of the constitution is related to the powers of STATE governments




Statement of Objects and Reasons appended to the Constitution Ninth Amendment) Bill, 1956 (Bill No. 29 of 1956) which was enacted as THE CONSTITUTION (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956


In order to implement the scheme of States reorganisation, it is necessary to make numerous amendments in the Constitution with effect from the 1st October, 1956. This bill seeks to make these amendments and also some other amendments to certain provisions of the Constitution relating to the High Courts and High Court Judges, the executive power of the Union and the States, and a few entries in the legislative lists. The reasons for making the amendments are indicated below:-

Clause 2.-The reorganisation scheme involves not only the establishment of new States and alterations in the area and boundaries of the existing States, but also the abolition of the three categories of States (Part A, Part B and Part C States) and the classification of certain areas as Union territories. Article 1 has to be suitably amended for this purpose and the First Schedule completely revised.

Clause 3.-The amendments proposed in article 80 are formal and consequential. The territorial changes and the formation of new states and Union territories as proposed in Part II of the States Reorganisation Bill, 1956, involve a complete revision of the Fourth Schdule to the Constitution by which the seats in the Council of States are allocated to the existing States. The present allocation is made on the basis of the population of each State as ascertained at the census of 1941 and the number of seats allotted to each Part A and Part B State is according to the formula, one seat per million for the first five millions and one seat for every additional two millions or part thereof exceeding one million. It is proposed to revise the allocation of seats on the basis of the latest census figures, but according to the same formula as before.

Clause 4.-The abolition of Part C States as such and the establishment of Union territories make extensive amendment of articles 81 and 82 inevitable. The provision in article 81(1)(b) that "the States shall be divided, grouped or formed into territorial constituencies" will no longer be appropriate, since after reorganisation each of the States will be large enough to be divided into a number of constituencies and will not permit of being grouped together with other States for this purpose or being "formed" into a single territorial constituency. Clause (2) of article 81 and article 82 will require to be combined and revised in order to make suitable provision for Union territories. Instead of amending the articles piecemeal, it is proposed to revise and simplify them. Incidentally, it is proposed in clause (1)(b) of the revised article 81 to fix a maximum for the total number of representatives that may be assigned to the Union territories by Parliament.

Clause 5.-The proposed revision of the proviso to article 131 is consequential on the disappearance of Part B States as such. The two parts of the existing proviso have been combined.

Clause 6.-Article 153 provides that there shall be a Governor for each State. Since it may be desirable in certain circumstances to appoint a Governor for two or more States, it is proposed to add a proviso to this article to remove any possible technical bar to such an appointment.

Clause 7.-Sub-clause (a) of clause (1) of article 168 provides for bi-cameral legislatures in certain States. It is proposed that, among the reorganised States, Punjab and Mysore should continue to have such a legislature, and that the enlarged Madhya Pradesh should also be provided with one. Since the constitution of a Legislative Council for Madhya Pradesh will necessarily take time, it is proposed to bring the relevant amendment of article 168(1)(a) into force from a future date by means of a public notification of the President.

Clause 8.-This seeks to revise article 170 mainly with a view to bringing it into line with articles 81 and 82 as revised by clause 4.


please make me brainliest

HI YALL. I was wondering for my homework what was the purpose of Ancient Egyptian beards.
plwwws help



the purpose of the beards of the Ancient

Egyptians was to make clothing and blankets. The old poor women were the once to do this to get a living .

What is South Africa
And Mexico



Mexico is Maya and South Africa is Khoisan


The USA almost used nuclear weapons against the Chinese to end the
Korean war, President Truman did not want to start WW3 so instead he got
the world to assist us in ending the Korean war. Why was using nuclear
weapons avoided at this time and since? What would happen if one country
launched nuclear missiles against its enemies? What would the world look
like after a full scale nuclear war?



It greatly damaged the world atmosphere.


Nuclear  weapons avoided at the time of Korean war and since because it greatly damaged the world atmosphere. If one country  launched nuclear missiles against its enemies, it leads to destruction of everything comes in its radius. The world experience firestorms, a nuclear winter, widespread radiation sickness occurs after a full scale nuclear war due to emission of radiations.

Which of the following he following events took place during Jefferson’s term in office ? ( No links aloud )



The last one.

"He maintained the property requirements for voting."


what did people want added to the constitution before they would approve it?



the Anti-federalist wanted a bill of right so the constitution didn't oppressed the people.

The Federalists wanted to ratify the Constitution, the Anti-Federalists did not. ... The Anti- Federalists claimed the Constitution gave the central government too much power, and without a Bill of Rights the people would be at risk of oppression.

Lee la siguiente frase: “La libertad no consiste en tener un buen amo, sino en no tenerlo” (Cicerón). Reflexiona sobre la importancia de los derechos de libertad.

a) ¿Qué personas a lo largo de la historia no tuvieron libertad para comunicar sus ideas?

b) ¿Cuáles fueron las dificultades que tuvieron?


La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

“La libertad no consiste en tener un buen amo, sino en no tenerlo” (Cicerón).

La importancia de los derechos de libertad es que cada persona tiene el derecho de ejercer su voluntad y hacer lo que considere bueno para él, siempre y cuando también respete la libertad de los demás.

Dice por ahí otro dicho que "Mi libertad termina donde comienza la tuya." Y esta idea también hay que tenerla presente.

Como afirmaba el gran abogado, politólogo y estadista Romano Marco Tulio Cicerón, la libertad implica no tener dueños, sino ser capaces de decidir por nosotros mismos bajo un marco legislativo.

Algunas personas a lo largo de la historia no tuvieron libertad para comunicar sus ideas. Esas personas lucharon por expresar sus ideas peo muchas veces fueron atacadas y sometidas.

Como ejemplo, está el caso de Nelson Mandela, líder afro que fue encarcelado muchos años por defender los derechos de otros africanos de color, en Sudáfrica.

Mandela se opuso al Apartheid, que fue la segregación y discriminación de personas de color en Sudáfrica. Fue encarcelado mucho tiempo, pero siguió en pie de lucha en la cárcel. Cuando al fin recuperó su libertad, salió y se convirtió en el primero Presidente de color, de Sudáfrica.

How did President Hoover respond to the challenges of the Great

A. He made government money available to banks & railroads
B. He did nothing because he believed the economy would turn around
C. He ended World War I to bring American servicemen Home
D. He gave World War L veterans bonuses had been promised


A. is the answer :))

5 (atleast 2) contributions of Mamata Banerjee?​



Mamata Banerjee, (born January 5, 1955, Calcutta [now Kolkata], West Bengal, India), Indian politician, legislator, and bureaucrat who served as the first female chief minister (head of government) of West Bengal state, India (2011– ).

Banerjee grew up in a lower-middle-class part of south Calcutta (now Kolkata), and her father died when she was young. Still, she was able to go to college, eventually earning several degrees, including a bachelor’s in law and a master’s in arts from the University of Calcutta. She became involved with politics while still in school, joining the Congress (I) Party in West Bengal and serving in a variety of positions within the party and in other local political organizations. She was first elected to the lower house (Lok Sabha) of the national parliament in 1984 as a representative from her home district in south Kolkata. She lost that seat in the 1989 parliamentary elections but regained it in 1991 and was returned to office in each succeeding election through 2009

Match each word with the correct definition . the new imperialism


imperialism = one countries political economic and social dominancion of another.

hola me podrían decir la explicación de ¿como era la Organización Política, Social y Económica del Imperio de los Incas?



El Imperio de los Incas ha sido a partir de la perspectiva de organización política, ha sido una monarquía absolutista y teocrática. El poder estaba centrando en el Inca a quien se le consideraba de procedencia divino. El derecho de administrar se poseía por herencia. Por decir algo en resumen ha sido una monarquía y eso

The republic of Rome timeline


753 BC: Founding of Rome. 650 BC: The Etruscan kings begin to rule Rome. 509 BC: Tarquinius Superbus, the last king of Rome, is driven out and the Roman Republic is formed, with officials now being elected. 496 BC: Battle of Lake Regulus – the Romans defeat the Latins and force the Latins to sign a treaty.


Step 1: Write one paragraph discussing the impact of imperialism on China. Use the information you learned in the lesson about the impact of colonization on China in your response. Please write this out in your own words.

Step 2: Write one paragraph discussing the motivations for and impact of imperialism on European nations. Use the information you learned in the lesson about the impact of colonization on European nations in your response. Please write these out in your own words.

Both paragraphs must:

have at least six sentences, including introduction and conclusion sentences

use specific examples from the lesson for support



Adverse effect on china.


Imperialism in China had a adverse effect on both the economy and the  Chinese population because of the uprisings means public instability, opium, and trade disadvantages for the Chinese. Thee happening of opium war greatly damaged the Chinese economy due to paying a large debt to the British. There is a great impact of imperialism on European nations because this imperialism causes the economy of European nations more stronger and make them wealthier. Valuable resources and wealth are the big motivation for imperialism.

Why is salvation not a license to sin?



Salvation is often packaged in a way which appears as

A Divine Object that God gives to The Repentant.


The Truth of The Gospel is that we cannot "accidently" lose our salvation as we can lose our wallet or car keys." We can deliberately lose and trash our Salvation by unrepentant sin to the point of hardening our heart to GOD.

Satan knows the above Truth and he knows that if Christians follow this, They will bear fruit of love and peace and kindness and draw many to JESUS... well the devil cannot have this! He wants Christians to be lazy, complacent, full of hypocrisy and self righteousness and darkness.

Thus, Satan, The Father of All Lies, thought of a way to Distort The Gospel to turn Christians more sinful than Sodom and more wicked than Gommorrah. And he came up one of his sweetest of all lies.

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