what is the circumference of a circle with 60 in. as the radius


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

circumference of a circle = 2πr, where r = radius

given r = 60 in

2πr = 2×π×60

= 60π

= 188.5 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Related Questions

Complete the table y+1=7/8x



y = 7/8x - 1

Step-by-step explanation:

graph shown

Find the area If you get this correct i WILL GIVE YOU 100 POINTS



Area of yellow portion =54 in


a. 16
b. 10
c. 12
d. 18




Step-by-step explanation:

10  8  subtract 2

8 12  add 4

12-10  subtract 2

10 14  add 4

Now we subtract 2

14-2 = 12

On the first day of a two-day meeting, 10 coffees and 10 doughnuts were purchased for a total of $20.00. Since nobody drank the coffee and all the doughnuts were eaten, the next day only 2 coffees and 14 doughnuts were purchased for a total of $13.00. How much did each coffee and each doughnut cost?



1.25 dollars- the value of each coffee

0.75 dollars- the value of each doughnut

Step-by-step explanation:

Suppose that value of one coffee is x dollars, when one doughnut costs y dollars. The value o 10 coffee is 10x, when 10 doughnuts cost 10y. The sum is 10x+10y and it is 20.

10x+10y= 20 (we can divide each part by 10)


2coffee cost  2x, 14 doughnuts cost 14y

2x+14y=13 (it can be divided by two)


We have the system of equations x+y=2,  x+7y=6.5

Subtract the first equation from the second one (the left side of the first equation from the left side

x+7y - (x+y)= 6.5-2


y=4.5/6= 3/4 = 0.75 dollars- the value of each doughnut

x=2-0.75=1.25 dollars- the value of each coffee

For what numbers is f(0) = sec 0 not defined? ​


Your mom your dad and you brother



Step-by-step explanation:

Nicki Minaj hdhsbskdhsnsk

On Melissa's 6th birthday, she gets a $2000 CD that earns 5% interest, compounded semiannually. If the
CD matures on her 16th birthday, how much money will be available?


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The future value of the CD with interest at rate r compounded semiannually for t years will be given by ...

  A = P(1 +r/2)^(2t)

where P is the principal value.

For the given rate and time, this is ...

  A = $2000(1 +0.05/2)^(2·10) = $2000(1.025^20) ≈ $3277.23

The value of the CD at maturity will be $3277.23.

If 2x - 5y – 7 = 0 is perpendicular to the line ax - y - 3 = 0 what is the value of a ?

A) a =2/3

B) a =5/2

C) a = -2/3

D) a = -5/2



D) a = - 5/2

Step-by-step explanation:

2x -5y - 7 = 0

5y = 2x - 7

y = 2/5 x - 7

the slope of this line is therefore 2/5 (factor of x).

the perpendicular slope is then (exchange y and x and flip the sign) -5/2, which is then a and the factor of x.

Pls help I literally am crying I don’t understand ):


Answer: Passes out in slow

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1 be Einstein

Find the value of x.
A. 85
B. 131
C. 73
D. 95




Step-by-step explanation:

The value of x 85.

What is the arc of the circle?

The arc period of a circle can be calculated with the radius and relevant perspective using the arc period method.

⇒angle= arc/radius

⇒  107°=arc/7

⇒ arc =1o7°*7

⇒arc=107π/180° *7

⇒arc = 85

Learn more about circle here:-brainly.com/question/24375372


Consider this equation. √x - 1 - 5 = x - 8 The equation has(two valid solutions, one valid solution) and(one extraneous solution, no extraneous solutions) A valid solution for x is(0, 4, 2, 5)​


The equation has 2 valid solutions; no extraneous solutions

The given equation is:

[tex]\sqrt{x - 1} - 5= x - 8[/tex]

First, we determine the solutions

[tex]\sqrt{x - 1} - 5= x - 8[/tex]

Add 5 to both sides

[tex]\sqrt{x - 1} = x - 8 + 5[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{x - 1} = x - 3[/tex]

Square both sides

[tex]x - 1 = (x - 3)^2[/tex]


[tex]x - 1 = x^2- 3x - 3x + 9[/tex]

[tex]x - 1 = x^2- 6x + 9[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]x^2 - 6x - x + 9 + 1 = 0[/tex]

[tex]x^2 - 7x + 10 = 0[/tex]

Expand again

[tex]x^2 - 2x-5x + 10 = 0[/tex]


[tex]x(x - 2) -5(x -2)= 0[/tex]

Factor out x - 2

[tex](x - 5)(x -2)= 0[/tex]


[tex]x - 5=0[/tex] or [tex]x - 2 = 0[/tex]

[tex]x= 5[/tex] or [tex]x = 2[/tex]

The above values are valid values of x.

Hence, the equation has 2 valid solutions; no extraneous solutions

Read more about equations at:



That person is wrong, First blank is : one valid solution , Second blank is : one extraneous solution, and I'm not sure what the 3rd blank is but I think It's 4.

Step-by-step explanation:

for plato users

Nasa is building a satellite that is roughly the shape of a sphere. If the satellite weighs 14.25 pounds per cubic foot before the launch and has a diameter of 4.7 feet. What is the total weight in pounds?



Step-by-step explanation:

What is the product of 2/5 × 3/4?


3/10 or 0.3
step-by-step explanation:
2/5 x 3/4
2 x 3
4 x 5



Step-by-step explanation:




IV. Round to the nearest ten thousand
31. 41,876
32. 260,098
33. 91,975
34. 207,865
35. 462,876








Step-by-step explanation:

Look at the ten thousandth digit and determine if the number next to it to the right is greater than 5 or equal to 5 or less than 5. If greater than 5 or equal round up but if not round down

please help me I need help ​



This is so hard for me. I can't understand. I am in grade 9 now.

What is the volume of this rectangular pyramid?

_____ cubic millimeters



Step-by-step explanation:

L = 9 mm

W =  9 mm

H = 10 mm

volume = LWH/3 = 9·9·10/3 = 270 mm³

s A lottery offers one 800 prize, one 700 Prize, two 800 prizes, and four prizes. One thousand tickets are sold at each. Find the expectation if a person buys two tickets. Assume that the player's ticket is replaced after each draw and that the same ticket can win more than one prize. Round to two decimal places for currency problems.


The question is incomplete. The complete question is :

A lottery offers one $800 prize, one $700 Prize, two $800 prizes, and four $100 prizes. One thousand tickets are sold at $5 each. Find the expectation if a person buys two tickets. Assume that the player's ticket is replaced after each draw and that the same ticket can win more than one prize. Round to two decimal places for currency problems.

The expected if a person buys two tickets is $__


$ -1.52

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

A lottery offers --

One $800 prize

One $700 prize

Two $800 prize

Four $100 prizes

Let X = net win

    X          P(X)

  795      1/1000

  695      1/1000

  795      2/1000

   95      4/1000

    -5     996/1000

[tex]$E(X) = \sum X \ p(X)$[/tex]

         [tex]$=795 \times \frac{1}{1000} + 695 \times \frac{1}{1000} + 795 \times \frac{2}{1000} + 95 \times \frac{4}{1000} + (-5) \times \frac{996}{1000}$[/tex]

         = 0.795 + 0.695 + 1.59 +  0.38 - 4.98

         = $ -1.52

CHứng minh rằng trong hệ g - phân với 2



If (5x+3):(7x+3)=3:4, find the value of x.


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{5x+3}{7x+3}=\dfrac{3}{4}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4(5x+3)=3(7x+3)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 20x+12=21x+9[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 12-9=21x-20x[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=3[/tex]

[tex]\large\rm \longrightarrow \: {\purple{ \frac{(5x + 3)}{(7x + 3)} \: = \: \frac{3}{4} }} \\ [/tex]

Now , Cross Multiplying

[tex]\large\rm \longrightarrow \: {\blue{ 4 \: (5x + 3) \: = \: 3 \: (7x + 3)}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\rm \longrightarrow \: {\red{ 20x \: + \: 3 \: = \: 21 \: + \: 3}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\rm \longrightarrow \: {\orange{ 12 \: - \: 9 \: = \: 21x \: - \: 20x }}[/tex]

[tex]\large\rm \longrightarrow \:{\green{ 3 \: = \: x}}[/tex]

Hence , the value of x is 3

...For each of the following numbers, find the smallest number by which it should be multiplied so as to get a perfect square number. Also find the square root of the square number so obtained.
(i) 252
(ii) 180
(iii) 1008
(iv) 2028
(v) 1458
(vi) 768​




Step-by-step explanation:

252 : multiply it by 7 to get 1764 and its square root is 42.

180: multiply it by 5 to get 900 and its square root is 30.

1008: multiply it by 7 to get 7056 and its square root is 84.

2028: multiply it by 3 to get 6084 and its square root is 78.

1458: multiply it by 2 to get 2916 and its square root is 54.

768: multiply it by 3 to get 2304 and its square root is 48.

A number should be a perfect square if its square root is a whole number. The square roots should be integers.


How do you write it in digits
27 million, 200




Step-by-step explanation:

Going by basic math you know a million has six 0's.

So; one million is represented as 1,000,000.

Hence twenty-seven million as 27,000,000.

Using you tens, hundreds and thousands you'll know 200 will fall into the last area.

What is the image of (-4, -12) after a dilation by a scale factor of centered at the 1/4 origin?


9514 1404 393


  (-1, -3)

Step-by-step explanation:

Each coordinate is multiplied by the dilation factor when dilation is centered at the origin.

  (1/4)(-4, -12) = (-1, -3) . . . . the image of the given point

Use the confidence level and sample data to find a confidence interval for estimating the population μ. Round your answer to the same number of decimal places as the sample mean.

Test scores: n = 92, = 90.6, σ = 8.9; 99% confidence

A.) 88.2 < μ < 93.0
B.) 88.4 < μ < 92.8
C.) 89.1 < μ < 92.1
D.) 88.8 < μ < 92.4


Answer: Choice A.)   88.2 < μ < 93.0



We have this given info:

n = 92 = sample sizexbar = 90.6 = sample meansigma = 8.9 = population standard deviationC = 99% = confidence level

Because n > 30 and because we know sigma, this allows us to use the Z distribution (aka standard normal distribution).

At 99% confidence, the z critical value is roughly z = 2.576; use a reference sheet, table, or calculator to determine this.

The lower bound of the confidence interval (L) is roughly

L = xbar - z*sigma/sqrt(n)

L = 90.6 - 2.576*8.9/sqrt(92)

L = 88.209757568781

L = 88.2

The upper bound (U) of this confidence interval is roughly

U = xbar + z*sigma/sqrt(n)

U = 90.6 + 2.576*8.9/sqrt(92)

U = 92.990242431219

U = 93.0

Therefore, the confidence interval in the format (L, U) is approximately (88.2, 93.0)

When converted to L < μ < U format, then we get approximately 88.2 < μ < 93.0 which shows that the final answer is choice A.

We're 99% confident that the population mean mu is somewhere between 88.2 and 93.0

can someone help me pls






Step-by-step explanation:

One angle of an isosceles triangle is 16 what are the other 2 angles



other two angle will be


as 82+82+16 = 180'

In a survey of 938 U.S. adults, 235 say the phrase "you know" is the most annoying conversational phrase. Let p be the proportion of the population who respond yes. Use the given information to Construct a 90% confidence interval for p.



CI 90% = ( 0.227 ; 0.273)

Step-by-step explanation:

Information from the survey:

sample size   n = 938

number of people with yes answer  x = 235

proportion of people  p = 235/938

p = 0.25    then  q = 1 - 0.25    q = 0.75

Confidence Interval 90 % .

CI 90% = ( p ± SE )

CI 90% = ( p ± z(c)*√(p*q)/n)

CI 90 %   then significance level is  α = 10 %   α/2 = 5%

α/2 = 0.05  we find in z-table z (c) = 1.64

√(p*q)/n  = √0.25*0.75/938

√(p*q)/n  = √0.000199

√(p*q)/n  = 0.014

CI 90% = ( p ± z(c)*√(p*q)/n)

CI 90% = ( 0.25 ± 1.64*0.014)

CI 90% = ( 0.25 ± 0.023 )

CI 90% = ( 0.227 ; 0.273)

Which points are also part of this set of equivalent ratios? Select all that apply.

a. (3, 2)
b. (4, 2)
c. (4, 8)
d. (8, 4)
e. (12, 6)



Option b, (4,2)

Option d, (8,4)

Option e, (12,6)

Answered by GAUTHMATH


Option b, (4,2)

Option d, (8,4)

Option e, (12,6)

Step-by-step explanation:

the person above me is correct

The population of a city increased from 23,400 to 27,800 between 2008 and 2012. Find the change of population per year if we assume the change was constant from 2008 to 2012. ​


Find the amount of the increase:

27800 - 23400 = 4,400

Find number of years: 2012 - 2008 = 4 years

Divide amount of change by number of years:

4,400 / 4 = 1,100 people per year.

Simplify: −4(b+6)−2b(1−4b


Step-by-step explanation:



Find the equation of the midline of the function y = 2 sin(1∕4x) – 3.

A) y = –3
B) y = 3
C) y = 2
D) y = 1∕4


Answer:  A) y = -3


The general sine equation is

y = A*sin(B(x-C)) + D

where the D variable directly determines the midline. In this case, D = -3, so that corresponds to a midline of y = -3

The sine curve oscillates going up and down, passing through this middle horizontal line infinitely many times. See the graph below.


A) y = –3

Step-by-step explanation:I took the test

Which of the following choices is equivalent to the equation below?

5(2x−1) = 5(5x−14)

A 2x − 1 = 5x − 14
B 5(2x − 1) = 5x − 14
C 2x − 1 = 5
D None of these choices are correct.



2x-1 = 5x-14

Step-by-step explanation:

5(2x−1) = 5(5x−14)

Divide each side by 5

5/5(2x−1) = 5/5(5x−14)

2x-1 = 5x-14



Step-by-step explanation:

5(2x−1) = 5(5x−14)

10x - 5 = 25x - 70

65 = 15x

x = 13/3.

Take Option A.

2x - 1 = 5x - 14

3x = 13

x = 13/3 so its this one.

B: 10x - 5 = 5x - 14

5x = -9

x = -9/5 so NOT B.

C. simplifies to x = 3. so NOT C.

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