What role did love and strife play in Empedocles’s understanding of how the elements are mixed?

a They were opposites and created the sun.

b They were the least important of all of the elements.

c They were the factors that determined the form of matter.

d They were the force that caused the change humans perceive.


Answer 1



Empedocles argued that the world is underpinned by love and strife. Love is the force that unites things that brings them together. Love mixes and blends and combines. Strife is the counterforce that separates things out.

Related Questions

Draw conclusions, why could the anti-federalists believe that the constitution would reduce the power of states?



The anti-federalists believed that a constitution would erode state sovereignty, creating a strong and powerful government while doing nothing to protect the citizens from federal power (as the Bill of Rights was not included in the constitution). Since the U.S. was such a large country, its many different areas had different needs and demands — one large government, given more power than the anti-federalists thought it should have, seemed to be the first step in forgetting the interests of individual people and returning a system of government more similar to monarchy than what they had come to America to achieve.


what is the relationship between william penn and king charles the second {this is social studies week 14 part 2 quistion 3}



The answer is C.


I just did the test.

Answer: King Charles II of England had a large loan with Penn's father, after whose death, King Charles settled by granting Penn a large area west and south of New Jersey on March 4, 1681. Penn called the area Sylvania (Latin for woods), which Charles changed to Pennsylvania in honor of the elder Penn.


(Q003) How long was President Obama’s final Supreme Court pick delayed by Senate Republicans before he was confirmed?



President Obama's final Supreme Court nominee wasn't confirmed. Judge Merrick Garland was nominated to the Court on March 16, 2016.


What was significant about the free soil party and the fact that slavery was a political issue for the first time?



The free soil party was created to oppose slavery.


The free soil party was created to oppose slavery and the fact that slavery was an election issue proved that it had become a divisive issue in the US. ... The entrance of Missouri to the union as a slave state would give the south majority in the senate, tipping the balance of power in favor of slavery.

How might this French & Indian War impact the British colonists? Indians?



political, economic, and geographical changes


This war, fought due to both French and Native American hostilities, affected both the Americans view on the British and British treatment of their colonies. Ultimately, the French and Indian war lead to political, economic, and geographical changes for the American colonists and Great Britain.


Effects Of The War

The British victory in the French and Indian War had a great impact on the British Empire. Firstly, it meant a great expansion of British territorial claims in the New World. But the cost of the war had greatly enlarged Britain's debt. Moreover, the war generated substantial resenment towards the colonists among English leaders, who were not satisfied with the financial and military help they had received from the colonists during the war. All these factors combined to persuade many English leaders that the colonies needed a major reorganization and that the central authority should be in London. The English leaders set in motion plans to give London more control over the government of the colonies and these plans were eventually a big part of the colonial resentment towards British imperial policies that led to the American Revolution.

The war had an equally profound but very different effect on the American colonists. First of all, the colonists had learned to unite against a common foe. Before the war, the thirteen colonies had found almost no common ground and they coexisted in mutual distrust. But now thay had seen that together they could be a power to be reckoned with. And the next common foe would be Britain.

With France removed from North America, the vast interior of the continent lay open for the Americans to colonize. But The English government decided otherwise. To induce a controlled population movement, they issued a Royal Proclamation that prohibited settlement west of the line drawn along the crest of the Alleghenny mountains and to enforce that meassure they authorized a permanent army of 10,000 regulars (paid for by taxes gathered from the colonies; most importantly the "Sugar Act" and the "Stamp Act"). This infuriated the Americans who, after having been held back by the French, now saw themselves stopped by the British in their surge west.

For the Indians of the Ohio Valley, the third major party in the French and Indian War, the British victory was disastrous. Those tribes that had allied themselves with the French had earned the enmity of the victorious English. The Iroquois Confederacy, which had allied themselves with Britain, fared only slightly better. The alliance quickly unraveled and the Confederacy began to crumble from within. The Iroquois continued to contest the English for control of the Ohio Valley for another fifty years; but they were never again in a position to deal with their white rivals on terms of military or political equality.

please help, will mark as brainliest
Read each of the statements below. Choose the statements that represent a direct effect of the decision reached in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896).

"Black Codes" were created throughout the South
All integrated facilities were quickly closed
The Federal government allowed states to segregate citizens based on race
"Separate but equal" doctrine was established





A significant 1896 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court known as Plessy v. Ferguson established racial segregation as constitutional under the "separate but equal" principle.

Thus, the correct options are C and D.

What do you mean by Separate but equal?

Separate but equal was a legal principle in American constitutional law that held that racial segregation did not always go against the Fourteenth Amendment, which ostensibly gave everyone "equal protection" under the law.

By establishing separate and equal public facilities and services for African Americans and whites, the "separate but equal" theory offered constitutional legitimacy to laws aiming to accomplish racial segregation.

The U.S. Supreme Court concluded in the landmark decision of Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 that racial separation in facilities did not violate the Constitution provided they were equal. The Court ruled that segregation was not discrimination.

The 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education, which overturned the "separate but equal" principle and ordered an end to school segregation, is one of the most well-known decisions to come out of this time period.

The equal protection guarantee of the Fourteenth Amendment was broken because different accommodations were inherently unequal, the Court found in Brown's favor. The Court highlighted the psychological damage that black children suffered as a result of segregation.

Learn more about Separate but equal, here



Why do some people realize their personal legend (their dreams)while others do not ? 1paragraph plssss I’ll mark brainlist


Some people realise their personal legend because they open up to themselves. This takes small steps from discovering what you might love to do with your life to what you don’t love. Discovering new talents can help find your path in life which you also have to choose. Make a pure choice and not one that is polluted by financial gain. Also, you have to learn to say no so you don’t allow people to take advantage of you and don’t be afraid to change. Things don’t always work out so let your emotions guide you since they can be a great guiding force.

Compose a 5-line poem about the problem or crisis that we are experiencing nowadays using the Ambahan style. Use your own dialect or language. Write your poem or Ambahan on your answer sheet.​


To compose a poem about the crisis we are currently living in using the Ambahan style, you must understand the structure of that style.

Ambahan is a rhythmic poetic form, where the poem is constructed from a meter of seven syllable lines and with the final rhythmic syllables.

This poetic expression arose from the Hanunuo Mangyans tribe of Eastern Midoro, and the poems speak of significant community matters such as life, nature, death, harvest, etc.

His writing is traditionally done in bamboo, and sung without melody in a metaphorical way.

To write the poem, construct lines  with seven rhythmic syllables. You can also use bullet points for more clarity on ideas about the current economic crisis.

This is a creativity question that should be written by you, but I hope these tips are helpful.

Learn more here:


How many states have a state pledge



17 states have a state pledge.


Which Buffalo Soldier regiment served in Indian Territory?
O 9th Regiment
O 10th Regiment



the answer is

10th regiment

Answer:9th Regiment


Select a service product and analyze its service product elements. Then, select a competing service and analyze the differences between these two services in terms of core and supplementary services



this question a little bit confusing but I will answer it for you because you are just a beginner the core on the club limited service are different from each other because of Montreal Close to give equipment and someone and call

A resource said to be scarce if the total demand for it doesn't exceed its total supply at zero price level and its supply can't be affected by price



so what is the question for this

According to Erikson's description of developmental eras in the human life cycle, the principal virtue or quality of ego functioning to be achieved in toddlerhood is _________





According to Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, the principal virtue or quality of ego functioning to be achieved in toddlerhood is autonomy. Erikson's theory proposes that individuals go through different stages of development, and in each stage, there is a psychosocial crisis or conflict that needs to be resolved for healthy development.

During toddlerhood (ages 1 to 3 years), the psychosocial crisis is known as the autonomy versus shame and doubt stage. The main task during this period is for the child to develop a sense of autonomy or independence while balancing it with appropriate limits and guidance from caregivers.

The virtue of autonomy is achieved when the toddler is allowed to explore their environment, make choices, and develop a sense of self-control and self-sufficiency. This stage is marked by the child's increasing ability to assert their will, make decisions, and perform tasks independently, such as dressing themselves or feeding themselves.

If toddlers are excessively restricted or criticized for their exploration and independence attempts, they may develop a sense of shame and doubt about their abilities, leading to a negative outcome. However, if they are encouraged and supported in their autonomy, they will develop a sense of confidence and a healthy ego functioning.

To know more about Erik Erikson's :



what ia populatin distribution


The arrangement or spread of people living in a given area.

On highways
, how far ahead should oncoming vehicles be for you to safely attempt to pass?





Do the citizens from uae take their responsibilities as seriously as their rights?​





As a citizen, one must value both responsibilities and rights to help the community. While UAE is not a democratic country, they still fulfill their responsibilities such as being loyal to the nation and obeying the entire constitution.

Why was George Washington chosen to be a military leader?



The Continental Congress commissioned George Washington as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army on June 19, 1775. Washington was selected over other candidates such as John Hancock based on his previous military experience and the hope that a leader from Virginia could help unite the colonies.

How can the theories and research from the field explain what an ideal society is and assist with developing a healthy society?


Sociological theory seeks to explain social phenomena. People understand how society works and how they can be a useful part in it.

Describe what a Plantation is


A plantation is a large-scale estate, generally centered on a plantation house, meant for farming that specializes in cash crops. The crops that are grown include cotton, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar cane, opium, sisal, oil seeds, oil palms, fruits, rubber trees and forest trees.

Pls help worth 8 points and easy​


I believe its C

a large number of citizens can participate in politics


d. most laws to don't apply to wealthy or powerful citizen


Unlimited Government: Has nothing limiting the power of the government. You do not get the right to vote, and do not get the same amount of freedom that limited government has

3. The following are the functions of the integumentary system EXCEPT one.
A. It protects the body against microorganism and invasion by infectious
B. It protects the body from dehydration and against abrupt changes in the
C. It protects the body’s internal living tissues and organs.
D. It makes body movement possible through the structure of the skin.


On a guess not sure it would be D because all the others protect a part of the body , don’t fully trust me tho

What is the difference between a primary market and a secondary market?

A primary market is paid first if a company is in trouble; a secondary market gets what is left.
A primary market is money lent for less than a year; a secondary market is money lent for a longer time.
A primary market is financial assets that can be redeemed only by the original investor; a secondary market’s assets can be resold.
A primary market is redeemed by a company’s assets; a secondary market is redeemed by what is owed to the company.



A primary market is financial assets that can be redeemed only by the original investor; a secondary market’s assets can be resold. the 3rd one

When Rome's final ________
was overthrown, the Roman Republic began.








By the end of the republic, however, it was generally accepted that Rome had been founded in 753 bce and that the republic had begun in 509 bce, following the overthrow of Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, the last of Rome's seven kings.


B : King


Please, can i know the unemployment rate for Nigeria from 1985 to 1990?



the unemployment rate for Nigeria from 1985 to 1990 is 7.0%-5.6 percent

1.As a student, how can you help the victims of geological disaster cope with hazards?

2.What do you think is the most important action you need to take in order to minimize the effects of geologic hazards and to prepare yourself and your family? Explain your answer


As a student there are several ways in which we can help with geological disasters. The primary way is through donating money or goods to disaster relief organizations or through fundraisers we create. We can also give blood for those who may need it in the effected areas. As students, we will be unable to help with any other forms of assistance, as it requires trained professionals.

The main ways to minimize the effects of a geological disaster is by being properly informed and prepared. Having a warning system in place can help as well, as we can determine the likelihood of an event happening hours or days before it actually occurs. Preparing and being properly informed will give us the ability to either move out of the way or avoid devastating damage by being in the right place with the right equipment.

I hope I've helped! :)

Citizens have the greatest degree of political participation in which of the following countries?
Saudi Arabia

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



c. Israel


good luck


The correct answer is: Israel!


Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy: citizens in Saudi Arabia have a very small chance to participate in the politics. Similarly in Iran, which is a theocracy.

Afghanistan in theoretically a democracy, but it still struggles with a successful implementation of it.

Different forms of feedback in communication?​


Negative feedback – corrective comments about past behaviour. ...

Positive feedback – affirming comments about past behaviour. ...

Negative feed-forward – corrective comments about future performance. ...

Positive feed-forward – affirming comments about future behaviour.

1. A 10 kilogram ball is held 2 meters from the ground. Calculate the potential energy


The potential energy depends on the force acting on the two subjects

Can all knowledge be expressed in word or symbols?



Yes, you can!


Taking all the factor into account, we can draw the conclusion that knowledge can be presented in both verbal and non-verbal expressions. There are many knowladge areas that can be expressed by either words/symbols or pictures.

Yes, we can express our knowledge in words and symbols.

What is knowledge?

The traditional definition states that knowledge is justified, Real viewpoint or true belief supported by logic.

Knowledge can be characterized as factual awareness or as useful abilities, and it can also relate to familiarity with things or circumstances. The term "knowledge of facts," also known as "propositional knowledge," refers to a real belief that may be distinguished from an opinion or educated guess by the use of evidence. Although most philosophers agree that propositional knowledge is a type of genuine belief, many philosophical debates center on the issue of justification, including whether it is even necessary, how to define it, and whether anything else besides it is required. Others agree that justification is necessary but add other conditions, such as the absence of any counterarguments or the fact that the person wouldn't hold the belief if it were wrong.

The justification of this answer is given in the above explanation.

Learn more about Knowledge, here:



10) Mention any two importance of population composition by age and sex



The demographic processes of fertility, mortality, and migration produce the population's age and sex structure (Horiuchi and Preston, 1988), and the age and sex structure influences the demographic processes. ... In fact, age and sex differences of one form or another are found in all known human societies

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