What support system do you have in place to complete your scheduled exercises? How and why did you choose your systemIf you do not have a support system, how can you implement one?


Answer 1




Related Questions

Mrs. Margolis contacts you in August because she will become eligible for Medicare for the first time in November. She would like to meet and discuss plan choices with you. What advice should you give her?



Tell her to wait until October to discuss plan choices with you so that you can share plan benefits for the current year as well as any changes for the following year that may impact her choice


I will inform her that she will have to wait till October. This is important in order to be able to share the plan benefits with her and other changes.

Medicare is a health insurance plan for people in the United States and it was put in place in order to help the poor and help people have a healthy life.

Based on the question asked, I will inform Mrs Margolis that she will have to wait till October. This is important in order to be able to share the plan benefits with her and other changes. This will help her in making the best choice.

Read related link on:


How is specialization applied in settings such as a hospital, restaurant, and church?



um explain more plz I can help I just don't understand

How is the process of sperm creation different from the process of egg creation?


Answer: A motile spermatozoa is created during the sperm cell development process. An ovum is spherical in shape and stationary while it is forming egg cells. It is generated and has a larger size than sperm cells. There is also a distinction in the way these cells are formed, which includes hormones.

Why do children require more wellness vistis than adults do?



Their still growing, developing, and often play and hurt themselves in a way that adults don't.



It is because children do not think too much than what adult do.

Identify the fossa between the medial and lateral condyles of the femur



he intercondylar fossa of femur ( intercondyloid fossa of femur, intercondylar notch of femur) is a deep notch between the rear surfaces of the medial and lateral epicondyle of the femur, two protrusions on the distal end of the femur (thigh bone) that joins the knee.

FMA: 43748

Latin: Fossa intercondylaris femoris

TA2: 1387

TA98: A02.5.04.028

The intercondylar fossa of femur (intercondyloid fossa of femur, intercondylar notch of femur) is a deep notch between the rear surfaces of the medial and lateral epicondyle of the femur, two protrusions on the distal end of the femur (thigh bone) that joins the knee. On the front of the femur, the condyles are but much less prominent and are separated from one another by a smooth shallow articular depression called the patellar surface because it articulates with the posterior surface of the patella (kneecap).

The intercondylar fossa of femur and/or the patellar surface may also be referred to as the patellar groove, patellar sulcus, patellofemoral groove, femoropatellar groove, femoral groove, femoral sulcus, trochlear groove of femur, trochlear sulcus of femur, trochlear surface of femur, or trochlea of femur.

On a lateral radiograph, it is evident as Blumensaat's line.


Hepatitis B vaccine should be made available to a new healthcare
worker in all the situations below except
at any time after the initial offering, if the employee at first
declines the vaccine.
B) within 10 days of beginning employment.
at no cost to the employee.
upon the employee's payment of the fee to the dentist.


D) Upon the employee’s payment of the fee to the dentist.

Who has the authority to sign an medicare Enrollment Application?



A authorized official


An authorized official is granted legal access to your medicare Enrollemet Application to make changes and updates, you will need to fill out the application (signature is really important), that is where your application is viewed and sent to an MAC (Medicare Administrative Contractor) and then your MAC will give it to someone else, and that someone else is granted access, i believe.

Your MAC is a submits the application, you will find him when you fill out your application as a guide i believe.

Answer: must be legally authorized in the state such as Power of Attorney.

Explanation: correct answer

Hugging, kissing, holding hands, and sexual relations are all examples of:
O A. Love
B. Physical affection
C. Pressure
OD. None apply


B physical affection

if we do not wash our eyes regularly, what can happen to our eyes?


if we do not wash our eyes regularly, what can happen to our eyes?

Protection against Bacteria

Whenever we walk out in the open, we are always exposed to high levels of dust and bacteria. These microorganisms can prove to be extremely harmful to eyes. Most Americans do not have a habit of cleansing their eyes. No matter how much you care for your eyes, tiny bacteria will always be resting on your eyelids and eyebrows. Cleansing eyes with cold water just before going to bed can be of great help in removing those bacteria. Eye cleansers are available on almost every cosmetic store.


Do you have dust allergies? Are you someone who gets itchy eyes after moving out in the open? If yes, then you surely need to discipline your hygiene. There are several allergy symptoms of allergies in your eyes such as mold, pollen eyes, etc. Make sure that you keep a small towelette so that you can wipe your eyes whenever you feel that are tiny signs of itching or redness. In case you have severe eye allergies then you can get LASIK eye surgery New Jersey to get rid of the issue.

Immunity against makeup

Aesthetics have become a major part of our routines. Putting on contact lenses for a genuine eye sight issue or merely to join the fashion bandwagon has become very common. The number of times that you touch your eyes is directly related to how many times you are putting so many bacteria in the sensitive place. Protection can be enhanced if you clean your brushes and makeup products regularly. Moreover, it is also imperative that you don’t use products that have been personally used by others.

Competitive eyesight

Many people across the world are suffering from the issue of having weak eyesight. For many people it is genetically an issue; however there are many others whose lifestyle results in them having weaker eyesight. Taking care of the eyes with simple steps such as not directly facing the skin, keeping yourself away from television, not using mobile phones and gadgets will all protect the eyes from this chronic issue.

Lastly, we cannot overlook the fact that our eyes play a very crucial role in our lives. Keeping eyes clean will not only protect them in the short run but will help us in the long run. Moreover, had it not been for our eyes then we would never have been able to see this beautiful world........


In the manual method of processing, the length of developing time
for a film is
A) four and one-half minutes at 68° to 70°F.
B) longer if solutions are warm.
C) two minutes at 85°F.
OD) shorter if solutions are cold.


C ). two min at 85 hope this helps!

Which behavior would best describe someone who is productive at work ? a) Multitasks as much as possible b) Takes frequent breaks to answer personal calls and emails c) Sticks to routines and prioritizes work d) Waits for directives from the boss before simple tasks





What are two examples of what cultural information might be useful in specific support staff positions


Answer and Explanation:

Staff position influences the public and serves as a liaison and spokesperson for the brokerage firm. The individual communicates with the customer by the action and behavior. The information could occur with the secretary and office manager or other customer-facing staff.

Here Is a quick example such as receptionist answer the phone and brand equity will decline, The receptionist is friendly and an agent will decline. The other side receptionist is friendly and helpful and both the brokerage and agent would increase the customer mentality. Internal perception is also very important and enforces the undermining of the culture direction and supports the staff to dress the business and read books or eat food. It is very important to develop a culture that supports the staff and is underestimated. Fast forward today hiring support staff is very important and sufficient energy and time are required during the selection process.

Menstrual flow and urine exit the female body through the same opening.


False :) 2 different holes for that. Hope that helps
False. For example sometimes while on your period your pee will look normal and not have blood but when you wipe there’s blood that’s bc there’s to separate holes.

Choline is commonly found in


Vegetables, fruits, whole grains and dairy products typically

Why is access to contraceptive information and contraceptives essential to achieving gender equality?


Not only does this allow for safer sex, but it de-stigmatizes birth control and allows for women to control their bodies more comfortably

11. Which of the following symptoms indicate acute rejection of a transplanted kidney?
A. Edema, nausea
B. Fever, anorexia
C. Weight gain, pain at graft site
D. Increased WBC count, pain with voiding​



C. Weight gain, pain at graft site

hope this helps you

have a nice day:)

The answer is C.

Weight gain, pain at graft side.

What is the relationship between exercising, the mitochondria, and losing weight



Within each cell a group of specialized mitochondria can be found attached to fat droplets. Rather than burn fat to create energy, these specialized mitochondria are responsible for providing the energy to build and store fat molecules.


It is better for health

Explanation:Exercising means keeping the body fit both mentally and physically.

Mitochondria are membrane-bound cell organelles (mitochondrion, singular) that generate most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell's biochemical reactions.

Losing weight is also good for the health because it reduces the fat in the body which causes long and healthy life

4. What is malaria? Discuss. Highlight the impact of malaria on pregnant women and children under five years marks) (15​



La malaria puede ser fatal, en particular cuando proviene de la especie Plasmodium, común en África. La Organización Mundial de la Salud estima que alrededor del 94 por ciento de las muertes causadas por la malaria ocurren en África, en la mayoría de los casos en niños menores de cinco años.


Malaria is a disease that is transmitted from mosquitoes. Symptoms are chills, fever, and sweating, usually occurring a few weeks after being bitten. Treatment includes antimalarial drugs.

The mortality rates among pregnant women and children are significantly higher than those who are not. Clinical episodes of malaria, maternal anemia, or severe anemia, placental parasitemia, intrauterine growth restriction, premature deliveries, and low birth weight are the most common complications of malaria infection during pregnancy.

I hope this helps!

The best way to protect your family from carbon monoxide poisoning is to install a whole-house air ventilation system



Yes, that is true. The best way to to install CO detectors/alarms on every floor of your home. Make sure to change the batteries every 6 months. You can also have a technician check your heating system, water heater, or other gas, oil, coal appliences every year.  


Answer: false


Select all of the following that are considered essential nutrients.
O water
O vitamins
O minerals
O proteins
O calories
o carbohydrates
O fats


Vitamines, minerals, proteins, fats, water, and carbohydrates are all essential nutrients.

All the essential nutrients are as follows:

Water. VitaminsMinerals.Proteins.Carbohydrates.Fats.

What are Nutrients?

Nutrients may be defined as any type of substance that significantly provides nourishment which is essential for the proper maintenance of life and for the growth of a living organism.

Proteins act as hormones, enzymes, antibodies, etc. that stabilize the body with its normal function. Proteins are also involved in the signaling mechanism as well.

Carbohydrates are known as the energy-deriving organic molecules such as glucose. Lipids (fats) store energy in their significant forms.

Vitamins and minerals also perform key roles such as wound healing, regulating the strength of bones, helping to fight against infections, etc.

Water is essentially required for metabolic processes and the migration of substances, molecules, or ions from one part of the cell to the other.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about Nutrients, refer to the link:



Under ACA Section 1557, a health plan
cannot deny coverage to LEP individuals but is not required to provide language assistance to them.
cannot deny coverage to LEP individuals and is required to provide language assistance to them, but at the individual’s cost.
cannot deny coverage to LEP individuals and is required to provide language assistance to them, free of charge.
can deny coverage to limited English proficient (LEP) individuals.


The answer would be:

B- cannot deny coverage to LEP individuals and is required to provide language assistance to them, but at the individuals cost.

Under ACA Section 1557, a health plan cannot deny coverage to LEP individuals and is required to provide language assistance to them, but at the individual’s cost. So the correct option is option b.

Section 1557 includes earlier civil rights protections for race, color, and national origin, but does not include protections for age and disability.

Section 1557 bans discrimination based on racial, ethnic, national, or ethnic origin, gender, age, or disability in specific health programs and services. This section builds on existing nondiscrimination legislation and establishes new civil rights provisions.

To learn more about a health plan, refer to the link:



my face cheeks feel numb and tingly and also the back of my head feels a little weird too, anyome know why? im really scared right now . please answer​




facial numbness that occurs after a head injury

numbness that begins suddenly and involves an entire arm or leg in addition to your face

difficulty speaking or comprehending others

nausea and dizziness

severe headache

vision loss in one or both eyes

Answer: It could be some sort of allergic reaction that you are having, and by your head feels weird what do you mean exactly, like sharp pains, pounding, or....

an example of an Interval training set?



Walk back sprinting this is an example for training runners  


Which of the following represents a time when a person would likely consult a company handbook? a) To find the company's mission statement or goals To view a list of customers O b) C) To find all the company locations d) To view their coworkers' vacation requests



The correct answer is A


Dylan has a coworker who is always showing up late and then not finishing his work on time. It's frustrating the other members of the team. What can he do that might help the situation? a) Complain about the coworker to other team members O b) Ask his coworker if he understands his job responsibilities c) Tell his boss that the coworker is slacking off O d) Complete his coworker's work for him


B and then if b doesn’t work then c


c) tell his boss that the coworker is slacking off


Dylan's best option is to inform his boss of the situation. Although B seems like a pretty good answer, it is better for Dylan to mind his own business and talk to his boss. Hope this helped :)

Molly is overwhelmed with her workload for the week. She has a long list of customers with whom to follow up, some paperwork to complete, and her supervisor has asked her to help train a new staff member. Which behavior would help Molly to be more productive this week? U a) Filling out paperwork while talking to customers on the phone b) Making all her tasks top priority Not sharing suggestions with your supervisor c) d) Setting deadlines for the week



d. setting deadlines for the week

What pose a hazzard threat of severe dangers to construction workers health



Physical Hazards

Physical HazardsExtreme temperatures, poor air quality, excessive noise and radiation in the workplace can all harm workers, potentially causing respiratory problems, hearing loss and cancer, among other problems


A theory based on sigmund




Explanation: The id, ego and super-ego are developed in the early years of the child brain development. The same apply to the sexual development. all these are covered up in the Sigmund's Psychoanalytic theory.

Being an athlete, adequate fluid intake is very important. Explain why dehydration is a concern.
If Susan does become dehydrated, she may experience a heat related illness. Depending on the temperature and her hydration status there are three types of heat related illnesses. List the three heat concerns for Susan.


Answer: heat and loss of fluids and electrolytes


Dehydration is a major concern because adequate intake of fluid must necessarily be required for athletes in order to facilitate the normal supply of water to the entire body.

What is Dehydration?

Dehydration may be defined as a type of condition that may eventually take place when the body loses too much water and other fluids that it needs to work normally.

Dehydration is a primary contributor to heat exhaustion. Your work performance may suffer when you are dehydrated, even if you don't notice. Depending on the temperature and her hydration status, the three heat-related illnesses are as follows:

Heat cramps.Heat strokes.Heat exhaustion.

In this condition, the major heat concerns for Susan may include high fluctuation in body temperature, imbalance in fluid properties, and its consumption, and many abnormal reactions inside the body.

To learn more about Heat-related illnesses, refer to the link:



Include the following:
A list of all 10 questions you would ask the financial manager of the chosen organization.
A rationale of 50–100 words for each question.


1. What are the company’s values? What characteristics do you look for in employees in order to represent those values?

2. What’s your favorite part about working at the company?

3. What does success look like in this position, and how do you measure it?

4. Are there opportunities for professional development? If so, what do those look like?

5. Who will I be working most closely with?

6. What do you see as the most challenging aspect of this job?

7. Is there anything about my background or resume that makes you question whether I am a good fit for this role?

8. What do the day-to-day responsibilities of the role look like?
Other Questions
Which of the following equations expresses the relationship between x and y in the table below ? What is the purpose of citing textual evidence in a literary analysis essay?A. to show the reader that the writer is knowledgeableB. to provide the central argument of the essayC. to support the argument made in the thesis statementD. to improve the flow of the essayE. to provide readers with multiple viewpointsWhat is the purpose of citing textual evidence in a literary analysis essay? The area of this rectangle is 3x2. What does the coefficient 3 mean in termsof the problem?width xlength 3x Help Please!!!Find The Lateral surface area of this cylinder find the two rational number between -2 and-1 Helen Keller a. Worked within the traditional political party structure for social change. b. Broke with other progressives over her radicalism. help please im so desperate What is the y-intercept of the line 2x-4y=8 The most objectionable passage in the novel were_ at the irristence of the censors Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), which has glass transition (Tg) and crystalline melting (Tm) temperature of 69 and 267 C, respectively, can exist in a number of different states depending upon temperature and thermal history. Thus, it is possible to prepare materials that are semicrystalline with amorphous regions that are either glassy or rubbery and amorphous materials that are glassy, rubbery or melts. Consider a sample of PET cooled rapidly from 300 C (state A) to room temperature. The resulting material is rigid and perfectly transparent (state B). The sample is then heated to 100 C and maintained at this temperature, during which time is gradually becomes translucent (state C). It is then cooled to room temperature, where it is again observed to be translucent (state D). Expand -11(5-p) can someone answer that please XYZ Co. expects to sell 26,000 pools for $15 each. Direct materials cost is $3 per pool, direct labor cost is $5 per pool, and manufacturing overhead cost is $1.62 per pool. The following inventory levels apply to 2019: Beginning inventory Ending inventory Direct materials 20,000 units 22,000 units Work-in-process inventory 0 units 100 units Finished goods inventory 1,800 units 2,600 units How many pools need to be produced in 2019 Which piece of dialogue from The Chaste Adventures of Joseph: A Comedy most reveals Madam Potiphars motives for wanting her husband to replace his secretary, Joseph?MADAM POTIPHAR. (coming in) Oh, this is nothingmerely the room of one of the slaves.MADAM POTIPHAR. (ironically) Send for Joseph? It would be useless. Joseph has affairs of his own on hand, always.MADAM POTIPHAR. Yes"Joseph." An ugly, foreign-sounding name, don't you think?MADAM POTIPHAR. (looking amusedly after her) Silly little thing! (She stands there thinking.)There's no doubt of it! Joseph did come from Heliopolis last year. What are the major sources of energy utilized during a 100 meter race, a 1000 meter race, and a marathon Use the formula to compute Isabels monthly loan payment, assuming that she makes a down payment of $5,000. Recall that the table shows shell finance $16,950, and her interest rate is 4.3%.Type the correct answer in the box. Round the answer to the nearest dollar.Isabels monthly loan payment will be about $. How many terms are in 2(a^3)b - 2a(b^3) + (a^2)b - b^3 explain why men should not blame their wives for not bearing them male children Escriba 4 palabras, luego agrguele partculas y forme nueva palabras con sufijo. Escriba el significado de cada una. Partculas significado Significado Partculas Significado Palabras Particulas u Please help as soon as possible. A 240hp automobile engine delivers 195hp to the drive wheels, what is the effciency of the transmission and drive mechanism?