What type of poetry was meant to be passed down from or geroration to another?
O Literary


Answer 1


Literary is the answer because the other answers doesn't make sense.

Answer 2


secondary secondhand knoledge

Related Questions

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tome Assignment
(A Brief History of English Literature) 2078
Short Answer Question For 10 marks)
1. Explain Beowulf as the most representative poem of the old age
2. Discuss Chaucers contribution to English poetry



tha nai xaina sorryyyyyyyyyyy

Question 2 / 12
Which two statements, when read together, prove that Suneeta is a vet at the zoo? Select two answers.
None of Christopher's teammates aren't vets
Jonathan is one of three vets at the zoo
Suneeta and Christopher are teammates at the zoo
O Suneeta is Jonathan's supervisor
Jonathan does not work on Christopher's team


The two statements, when read together, that prove that Suneeta is a vet at the zoo include:

Jonathan is one of three vets at the zoo  Suneeta is Jonathan's supervisor

From the options given, since Jonathan is one of three vets at the zoo while Suneeta is Jonathan's supervisor, then this simply means that Suneeta is also a vet at the zoo.

The fact that Jonathan does not work on Christopher's team means that he is on Suneeta's team and that she is therefore a vet.

Read related link on:


4) Fill in the blanks with a, an or the where necessary:

a) Have you seen Principal? Yes, he is talking...... visitor.
b) What is..... average height of .....Nepalese males?
c) We had to wait for ....hour and half....
d) ......rice is in ......uncovered dish.
e) ........Rapti flows through..... Royal Chitwan National Park.​



a) a

b) an

c) an and a

d) a ,an

e) a, a

If Russell knowingly tried to trip Marcella when she walked by, he tripped her:







he tripped her deliberately.


Demographers explain the trends in society y grouping people into ____________ or ________.



tidoyotycofoyo SS toyd

need an example of gettier case




The truth is that you do drink whisky, but on this occasion you were in fact taking delivery of a medical specimen. In such a case my belief is true and justified, but I do not thereby know that you drink whisky, since this truth is only accidental relative to my evidence.

some had broken the window by 3:00pm (convert into passive voice)​



It is already in passive voice


Because by is used in the sentence

When you write concisely, your message is far easier to read. You can use many strategies to write more concisely, including controlling paragraph length, using shorter sentences, avoiding redundancy, avoiding empty phrases, and avoiding wordy prepositional phrases.

Identify the most likely reasons a statement may not be concise.



The most likely reasons a statement may not be concise are unnecessary qualifiers, redundant pairs of words, and wordy sentences.

Explanation: There are many reasons why a text can be unconcise. One of the most common ones is the use of unnecessary qualifiers, such as "definitely", "really" or "undoubtedly", since they add a redundant and informal meaning to the sentence. Another reason is to use repetitive pairs of words, such as; "one and only", since the phrase is too long and the first word already conveys the message. Finally, wordy sentences are the biggest obstacle when writing. If a sentence has words such as "given the fact that" the message is delivered, but can cause the reader to go back a few times to understand correctly.

19.This/ Mai / her/ name/ is /my / is / mom.

A. my name is mom this is my her Mai

B. This is my mom name Mai my is her.

C. This is my mom her name is Mai.


C. This is my mom her name is Mai

How can you tell your guy friend that you want to me just friend. But what you say to him? What response will you give him?


It's not about how to tell him.

It's just that you have to tell him.

I would recommend being direct. Men tend to communicate directly more. Don't hint. Don't say “we should just be friends” don't say how good of a time you had. Because being indirect like that, while is nice and it does soften the blow a bit, it also creates an opportunity for him to look for hidden meaning, trying to find how there might be a chance.

Better to just be direct, “I have to tell you this, I don't want to lead you on. I don't have romantic feelings for you. I feel it's better to tell you this out of respect to you and your time. I'm sorry”

You cant control how someone responds to this situation, but the right thing to do is to let him know asap. And you have to find comfort knowing you did the right thing.

He will either take it well or he won't, the HOW it was said will have little to do with how he takes it. And how he responds is part of his set of challenges.

Don't feel guilty for leading him on before. You cant change that (if that's actually what happened) what you can change is not continuing to do so.

Why might the unnamed first-person narrator be telling the story during the exposition in The Time Machine?

A. Because the narrator is going to have a larger part later.
B. Readers get a believable story about time travel, because the first person narrator is skeptical, just like a reader would be.
C. Because the Time Traveller was time traveling.
D. Because the Time Traveller lost his voice.



b. Readers get a believable story about time travel, because the first person narrator is skeptical, just like a reader would be.

The unnamed first-person narrator might be telling the story during the exposition in The Time Machine because the Time Traveller was time traveling. This reveals to readers right away that the main problem is time travel.

What is exposition?

Exposition is used in literature to inform readers about the story. It serves as the background information for the main plot for the readers.

What is time travel?

Time travel is a scientific concept. In this a person or an object travels in time and space.

Hence, option C is correct.

Learn more about exposition here



Help me …………………………………



B. Analyze and evaluate media messages.


I think it's A produce media programs for large audiences because that's what it does


plzz help asap plz
Write the following sentence in the direct reason:
Jesus said he was the Way, the Truth, and the Life.


follow him and his word, because it’s known that he is the path we shall follow, his way is the only path to the promised kingdom if we follow

Sample Final Essay
Sample Outline - Descriptive Essay
Visiting the Hockey Hall of Fame
Introduce the subject of your descriptive essay with a thesis statement covering
place, object, etc. you are writing about
Thesis: The Hockey Hall of Fame is full of sights, sounds, and experiences that
hockey fans of all ages.


Hi. This question wants to assess your writing ability and for that reason, it is not possible for me to write this essay for you, but I will show you how to write it.

First, you must keep in mind that your question asks for a descriptive essay, that is, this is an essay where you will describe something, showing the characteristics and composition of an object, which in this case is the Hockey Hall of Fame.

You can write your essay by following these steps:

Introduction: Introduce what the Hockey Hall of Fame is and show your Thesis statement. The thesis statement refers to your position on the subject of the text, in which case you can present your opinion on what Hockey Hall of Fame is and what it stands for. Remember that the introduction is a short paragraph, five or six lines long.Body: You will write two paragraphs. In each paragraph you will describe the Hockey Hall of Fame, showing its characteristics, composition and meaning. Remember to use several adjectives to describe you well. You can write three paragraphs if you feel it is necessary and that it will make the description more specific. Remember that the adjective refers to words that have characteristics such as: spacious, colorful, beautiful, silent, lovely, among others.Conclusion: You will show your final thoughts about Hockey Hall of Fame, after analyzing all these characteristics. This final thought should reinforce the view you made in the introduction.

You can find more information on writing an essay at the link below:


Someone help me to describe a debate competition in school. ​



what's the debut about if I can let me help you

find the main assumption in the following situations: the internet has brought many avantages. It is a wonderful source of knowledge and, used intelligently, it provides for a healthy exchange of views. But history will prove that the internet is a far greater force for harm than for good. Its grest flaw is that the information on it is not, and indeed cannot be, regulated. Anyone can access it and anything can be published on it, freely and at little or not cost.



it is a wonderful source of knowledge, and use intelligently

9. As a student, I ........... to study hard. A) ought B) must C) shall D) can​





It sounds right with the following word "to"

answer: A
explain: it’s grammatically correct

What is one way that Emperor Qian Long responds to King George Ill's
A. He accepts the king's gifts to be polite.
B. He listens to the British ambassador's request but refuses to
respond to the king's letter.
C. He immediately sends the British messengers home.
D. He offers assistance with trading practices, but requests extra



He accepts the kings gifts to be polite


He listens to the British ambassador's request but refuses to respond to the king's letter. The correct option is B.

Who was Emperor Qian Long?

Emperor Qian Long was the sixth emperor of the Qing dynasty of China, ruling from 1735 to 1796.

Emperor Qian Long responded to King George III's messengers by listening to the British ambassador's request but refusing to respond to the king's letter.

This was during the British East India Company's expansion into China, and the British were attempting to establish a permanent embassy in Beijing in order to gain greater access to Chinese markets.

Emperor Qian Long, on the other hand, was suspicious of the British intentions and rejected their demands, expressing his belief in China's superiority and the need for the British to adhere to Chinese customs and protocols.

The emperor's response led to a breakdown in diplomatic relations between the two countries, laying the groundwork for future conflicts.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding Emperor Qian Long, visit:



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I (meet) …some friends while I (go) for a walk in the park near my house. It’s easy …. (contact) with him. You can’t speak to my brother now. He (take)….a bath. We are so excited because we (see)…. Dam Vinh Hung next week. We (live)….here since I (be) 3 years old.



I met some friends while I go for a walk in the park near my house. It's easy to contact him. He took a bath..... Because we will see Dam vihn hu'g next week. We lived here since I was 3 yrs old

Explain four steps you can take to improve your writing.
Enter your response here.


Journal daily and read as much as you can. This will take you across a variety of writing styles and help you find your voice through trial and error

A source must be cited​





If this is a true/false question, then here you go:

If it has the author's name or something, you have to cite it.

If it doesn't, and you've looked everywhere and you can't find it, you don't have to, but you might as well give the link to it just in case.

Do You Agree or Disagree With Euthanasia or Mercy Killing?



Euthanasia is the deliberate advancement of a person’s death for the benefit of that person. In most cases euthanasia is carried out because the person asks to die, but there are cases where a person can’t make such a request.

A person who undergoes euthanasia is usually terminally ill. Euthanasia can be carried out either by doing something, such as administering a lethal injection, or by not doing something necessary to keep the person alive (for example failing to keep their feeding tube going).

In my opinion it’s not moral to kill a person even if they are terminally ill because this person need a chance to live along and see his life, but there are people that disagree.

What are the types of verb?


There are 3 types: action verbs, linking verbs and helping verbs



There are three types of verbs: action verbs, linking verbs, and helping verbs.

He ___(write) three books and he is working on another one. (Put the verb from the bracket incorrect tense to make a meaningful sentence)​




the answer is written


He __written _(write) three books and he is working on another one. (Put the verb from the bracket incorrect tense to make a meaningful sentence)

hope it helps

She...be at home .I saw her scooter in front of her house .put the correct model verb





She must be at home. I saw her scooter in front of her house.

Help ASAP I need answer soon as possible



plural noun, action verb, plural noun, adjective, adverb?, adjective, action verb?, adjective, noun, adjective


The blanks that follow words such as adjectives, verbs, or prepositions (like "for") are usually nouns. If the context implies that there are multiple nouns, it is likely plural (such as in the first blank). For blanks that follow a noun (even a proper noun like a name) are usually action verbs (the "action" part is optional to write down, depending on the level of the English class).

A. Rearrange the words in the following sentences to make sens
1. Of ice cream are fond children.
Ice Cream
Good to cook is because it helps us fire.
Like another he will John where friend find?
The look wall on at the shadow
Socks up his told was to pull he
he was fold to pull his Sices​



1. Children are fond of ice cream.

2. Fire is good because it helps us to cook.

3. Where will he find another friend like John?

4. I can't understand.


1. Children are fond of ice cream

2. Fire is good because it helps us to cook

3. Where will he find another friend like John

Review the module writing prompt.

How have these two authors expressed their relationships with nature? After reading and analyzing "Calypso Borealis," an essay by John Muir, and William Wordsworth's poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," write an essay in which you describe how each author views nature and answer the question. Support your discussion with evidence from the text.

Write an effective bridge of 2–4 sentences to connect your hook to your thesis statement. Write only the bridge for this question.


To write a bridge for the thesis statement, we have: The essay of Muir is used to show a description of a flower in a way that is detailed. This is done to emphasize the beauty of nature. This type of essay is an example of naturalism.

The poem of William Wordsworth uses nature to invoke emotions. He does that to describe the encounter he had with the field of flowers.

What is bridge?

In English writing, the bridge is known to be a link that actually connects the hook and the thesis. The bridge usually helps to give background information.

We can see that the above is the bridge.

Learn more about bridge on https://brainly.com/question/536442


Which option is an example of dramatic irony in a story?
A. A woman takes a dream vacation but must cut it short because
she runs out of money. The audience feels sorry for the woman.
B. A man wins the lottery after finding a lottery ticket on the
sidewalk. The audience feels excited for him.
O C. A boy thinks he scored a goal for his team, but he finds out he
kicked the ball in the wrong goal. The audience feels embarrassed
for him.
D. There are only three people in the world remaining after a nuclear
disaster. The audience knows they are the only survivors; the
people do not.



D. There are only three people in the world remaining after a nuclear

disaster. The audience knows they are the only survivors; the

people do not.


Dramatic irony is when the audience knows something about the story line that the actors do not (presumably).

The audience There are only three people in the world remaining after a nuclear disaster. The audience knows they are the only survivors; the people do not.

Explain your answer with example?

A text presents dramatic irony when it presents information that, although the audience knows, the character involved in the story does not.

In this case, among the options given in the question, we can say that the Fourth option is the most correct example of dramatic irony.

Thus, option "4" is correct.

To learn more about dramatic irony click here:



But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.—Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

–The Declaration of Independence,

Thomas Jefferson

Based on the passage, what is the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?

to provide a set of rules and regulations for the United States

to justify the American colonists’ desire for freedom from British rule

to establish new settlements and colonies in America

to encourage England to become a democracy



The correct answer is B. To justify the American colonists' desire for freedom from British rule.


The fragment of the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson expresses the desire of the colonists to be independent and sets out real reasons to justify this desire because it argues that they are suffering "a long train of abuses and usurpations" by the British. He also expresses that in this situation of domination and bad government it is not only a necessity but "it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security" On the other hand, he expresses that the colonies now have "the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government." and establish themselves as an independent nation. According to the above, the correct answer is B. To justify the American colonists' desire for freedom from British rule.

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