What type of polynomial is: -2/3 b^3


Answer 1


I think cubic polynomial cause degree is 3

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The length of a rectangle is twice its width. If the area of the rectangle is 72in², find its perimeter


Let breadth be x


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Area=Length\times Breadth[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 72=2x(x)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2x^2=72[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x^2=\dfrac{72}{2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x^2=36[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=\sqrt{36}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=6[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Perimeter=2(L+B)[/tex]

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Graph y=|x|+5, how does it compare to parent graph y=|x|


9514 1404 393


  it is shifted 5 units upward

Step-by-step explanation:

The y-coordinate is a measure of the distance above the x-axis. When 5 is added to a y-coordinate, the point is shifted 5 units upward.

The function y = |x| +5 adds 5 units to the y-value of every point of the graph of y = |x|. The graph of y=|x|+5 is shifted 5 units upward from the parent graph.

How many 4-digit passcodes can be created if each digit can be any number, 0-9?




that's a good number

0 thru 9 is 10 numbers.

Each digit can be 1 of 10 numbers:

Total combinations = 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 10,000

Answer: 10,000

In a class of 70 pupils, 36 like tasty time , 34 like ice-
cream, 6 like both tasty time }
draw a Venn diagram to show the data.
find how
like neither tasty time nor ice-cream


Step-by-step explanation:

I think this might be the correct answer

The number of pupils that like neither tasty-time nor ice cream is 6 if in a class of 70 pupils, 36 like tasty time, 34 like ice cream, 6 like both tasty times.

What is the Venn diagram?

It is defined as the diagram that shows a logical relation between sets.

The Venn diagram consists of circles to show the logical relation.

We have:

In a class of 70 pupils, 36 like tasty time, 34 like ice cream, 6 like both tasty time.

Total = 70 pupils

Number of like tasty time = 36

Number of like ice cream = 34

Number of like both = 6

Let x be the total number of pupils that like neither tasty-time nor ice cream

The number of pupils that like ice cream only =  34 - 6 = 28

The number of pupils that like tasty-time only = 36 - 6 = 30

From the Venn diagram:

28 + 30 + 6 + x = 70

x = 70 - 64

x = 6

Thus, the number of pupils that like neither tasty-time nor ice cream is 6 if in a class of 70 pupils, 36 like tasty time, 34 like ice cream, 6 like both tasty times.

Learn more about the Venn diagram here:



Help very confusing to me???!



Heyy mate... here's ur ans ;)

they asked us to apply pythagarus theorem becoz that theorem proves

that it is rectangle so lets get started

( p - perpendicular / b - base / h - hypotenuse )

a) =>

B = 8.1 m

P = 6.3 m

H = 10.15m

Now applying thm => H^2=p^2+b^2

(8.1)^2 + (6.3)^2 = (10.15)^2

65.61 + 39.69 = 103.02

so now LHS = 105.3 and RHS = 103.02 hence

LHS not equal to RHS

so is not rectangle

b) =>

B = 14.4

P = 5.2

H = 15.31

Now applying thm => H^2=p^2+b^2

(5.2)^2 + (14.4)^2 = (15.31)^2

27.04 + 207.36 = 234.39

LHS = 234.4 and RHS = 234.39

just taking approximation rhs is 234.4



so it is a rectangle

please mark it brainliest <3

An exponential function f(x) = ab^xpasses through the points (0, 2) and (3, 54). What are the values of a and
b =



a = 2

b = 3



Plug in x = 0 and y = 2 to find that

y = a*b^x

2 = a*b^0

2 = a*1

2 = a

a = 2

Then plug in x = 3 and y = 54 to determine the value of b

y = a*b^x

y = 2*b^x

54 = 2*b^3

2b^3 = 54

b^3 = 54/2

b^3 = 27

b = (27)^(1/3)

b = 3

So we have y = a*b^x update to y = 2*3^x

find the missing length indicated ​


Answer:  240



Let y be the length of the vertical dashed red line in the drawing. More specifically, this dashed line is an altitude.

Along the top, the entire segment is 400 units long. The right piece is 144 units long, so the left piece is 400-144 = 256 units long.

The triangles are similar, allowing us to set up a proportion like so:

144/y = y/256

144*256 = y*y

36864 = y^2

y^2 = 36864

y = sqrt(36864)

y = 192

So this is the length of that vertical dashed red line.


Now shift your attention solely on the smaller triangle on the right side. It is a right triangle with legs 144 and 192. The hypotenuse is x.

We can use the pythagorean theorem to find x.

a^2 + b^2 = c^2

c = sqrt( a^2 + b^2 )

x = sqrt( 144^2 + 192^2 )

x = 240


Let y be the length of the vertical dashed red line in the drawing. More specifically, this dashed line is an altitude.

Along the top, the entire segment is 400 units long. The right piece is 144 units long, so the left piece is 400-144 = 256 units long.

The triangles are similar, allowing us to set up a proportion like so:

144/y = y/256

144*256 = y*y

36864 = y^2

y^2 = 36864

y = sqrt(36864)

y = 192

So this is the length of that vertical dashed red line.

Now shift your attention solely to the smaller triangle on the right side. It is a right triangle with legs 144 and 192. The hypotenuse is x.

We can use the Pythagorean theorem to find x.

a^2 + b^2 = c^2

c = sqrt( a^2 + b^2 )

x = sqrt( 144^2 + 192^2 )

x = 240

What is Pythagorean Theorem?

Pythagorean theorem, the well-known geometric theorem that the sum of the squares on the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square on the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle)—or, in familiar algebraic notation, a2 + b2 = c2.

Learn more about the Pythagorean theorem at



Complete the equation describing how x
and y are related.
х у
y = [ ? ]x
Enter the answer that
belongs in [?]




Step-by-step explanation:

-6/-2=3, -3/-1=3, 3/1=3. 6/2=3

2. About how much is 123.1 do you weigh in pounds? Estimate if you don't know☺ Find an online converter and find out how many kilograms that is.​



123.1 pounds is vary long, and I don't want to repeat, so 55.8372207 repeat.

Step-by-step explanation:

If you have any questions regarding my answer, tell me them in the comments, and I will come answer them for you. Have a good day.

if 25 liters of milk can make 8 tin of cheese how many liters of milk would b needed to make 11 tin of cheese? ​



Step-by-step explanation:

34.375 Liters of milk make 11 tins of cheese. Assuming that milk is available in whole liters only, 35 Liters of milk are needed.

Find the sum of ∑4/k=1 (-4k)




Answer C: -40

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^4\ (-4k)\\\\=-4*\sum_{k=1}^4\ k\\\\=-4*4*\dfrac{1+4}{2} \\\\=-4*5*2\\\\=-40\\[/tex]

1.) Three numbers form a geometric sequence whose common ratio is 0.5. If the first is reduced to 10 more than one quarter its value, the second decreased by 10, and the third increased by 10 more than twice its value, the resulting three numbers form an arithmetic sequence. Determine the original three numbers.


Let x be the first number in the sequence, so the first three numbers are

{x, 0.5x, 0.5²x}


{x/4 + 10, 0.5x - 10, 2(0.5²x) + 10}

is arithmetic, so there is some constant c such that

0.5x - 10 = x/4 + 10 + c   ==>   x/2 - 10 = x/4 + 10 + c

2(0.5²x) + 10 = 0.5x - 10 + c   ==>   x/2 + 10 = x/2 - 10 + c

Solve the second equation for c :

x/2 + 10 = x/2 - 10 + c

c = 20

Substitute this into the first equation and solve for x :

x/2 - 10 = x/4 + 10 + 20

x/4 = 40

x = 160

Then the terms are

{160, 80, 40}

Derive the equation of the parabola with a focus at (2,4) and a directrix of y=8



The equation of the parabola with a focus at (2,4) and a directrix of y=8 is,


Find the length represented by x for each pair of similar triangles.
18cm, 9cm, and x
30cm, 15cm, and 25cm



15 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the traingles are similar, we can find the ratio between the side lengths, and it will be the same for each side.

We can use the side length 9 and 15 to find this ratio. 15/9=5/3. So, the ratio of a side length of the larger triangle to the smaller one is 5/3, so our equation becomes 5/3 = 25/x. Use any method you like to find that x=15.

Hope this helped,


Ron has 22 coins with a total value of $ 1.85. The coins are nickels (5 cents) and dimes (10 cents). How many of each coin does he have?
Please help asap and thank you in advance!!



18 dimes and 1 nickle

Step-by-step explanation:

This is because 18 time 10 is 180 and one of 5 add it and this is $1.85

Remeber a dollar is 100 cents

15 dimes, $1.50 and 7 nickels 35¢.

22 coins in total, $1.85 in total.

Hope this helps.

A bookkeeper needs to post the cost of the desk and the chair into his records. The cost of the desk is fives times the cost if the chair. The total cost of the desk and the chair is $720, what is the cost of the chair?




Step-by-step explanation:



becoz 6= 1+5

1 is the cosy of the chair

5 is the cost of the desk



Well when the numbers combined they make bigger numbers but when you pull them apart they make smaller numbers

An article is marked to sell at a gain of 10%. If it be sold for Rs. 7.50 less there would be loss of 5%, find the cost price. ​



750,. is answer

I hope it helps

"What mathematical ideas are you curious to know more about as a result of takingthis class? Give one example of a question about the material that you'd like to explorefurther, and describe why this is an interesting question to you."


One mathematical idea I've always been curious about is "integration and derivation".

Integration is about assimilating different variables. Derivation is a mathematical process whereby a result is gotten from some initial assumptions.

Integration is used everyday in different aspects of our lives. For example, if a person is travelling from let's say point A to point B, the speed used by the person might vary but through integration, one can easily get the accurate speed.

Through the division of equations into smaller bits, once can use integration to get the answer that one seeks. Architect can use integration in building the right structures at the exact places where the structures fits.

Likewise derivatives can be used by businesses in assessing whether a profit or loss will be made for a particular transaction or sale of product.

You can read more on:


You are dealt one card from a​ 52-card deck. Find the probability that you are not dealt a heart.

The probability is ___.
​(Type an integer or a fraction. Simplify your​ answer.)




Step-by-step explanation:

There are 13 hearts in a 52 deck.



The probability that you are not dealt a heart from the deck of cards is 3/4.

What is the probability that you are not dealth with a heart?

Probability determines the chances that an event would occur. The probability the event occurs is 1 and the probability that the event does not occur is 0.

The probability that you are not dealth with a heart = 1 - (number of hearts / total number of cards)

1 - 13/52 = 39/52 =  3/4

To learn more about probability, please check: https://brainly.com/question/13234031

Find the missing length. The triangles are similar.



Missing length = 12

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x represent the missing length.

Since the triangles are similar, ∆KLM ~ ∆KRS, therefore, the ratio of their corresponding side lengths would be the same. This implies that:


KL = 65

KR = 65 - 52

KR = 13

KM = 60

KS = x

Plug in the values

65/13 = 60/x

Cross multiply

65*x = 60*13

65x = 780

Divide both sides by 65

65x/65 = 780/65

x = 12

Let two events A and B be independent. Knowing P(A)=0.8 and P(A+B)=0.93. Calculate the probability P(B).





Step-by-step explanation:

If P(A+B) means P(A∪B)=0.93 then you may read below.

Let's say x=P(B)

A and B being independent, P(A∩B)=P(A)*P(B)=0.8*x

Since P(A∪B)=P(A)+P(x)-P(A∩B) ,




find the sum of the given infinite geometric series​. NO LINKS OR ANSWERING QUESTIONS YOU DON'T KNOW




Step-by-step explanation:

First find the common ratio

20/80 = 1/4

The sum of an infinite geometric series

sum = a1/ (1-r)  where a1 is the first term and r is the common ratio

         =80/ ( 1-1/4)

         = 80/(3/4)

        = 80 *4/3

      = 320/3

1101001÷11 i am really confused ​




Step-by-step explanation:

An insurance company offers its policyholders a number of different premium payment options. For a randomly selected policyholder, let X 5 the number of months between successive payments. The cdf of X is as follows:

0 x<1
0.30 1< x <3
F(x)= 0.40 3< x <4
0.45 4< x <6
0.60 6< x <12
1 12< x

a. What is the pmf of x?
b. Using just the cdf, compute P(3< x <6)and P(4< x)




[tex]\begin{array}{cccccc}x & {1} & {3} & {4} & {6} & {12} \ \\ P(x) & {0.30} & {0.10} & {0.05} & {0.15} & {0.40} \ \end{array}[/tex]


[tex]P(3 \le x \le 6) = 0.30[/tex]

[tex]P(4 \le x)=0.60[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]F(x) = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}0& x<1 &\\0.30&1 \le x<3 &\\0.40&3 \le x < 4& &0.45 &4 \le x<6 &\\0.60 & 6 \le x < 12 & & 1 & 12 \le x\end{array}\right[/tex]

Solving (a): The pmf

This means that we list out the probability of each value of x.

To do this, we simply subtract the current probability value from the next.

So, we have:

[tex]\begin{array}{cccccc}x & {1} & {3} & {4} & {6} & {12} \ \\ P(x) & {0.30} & {0.10} & {0.05} & {0.15} & {0.40} \ \end{array}[/tex]

The calculation is as follows:

[tex]0.30 - 0 = 0.30[/tex]

[tex]0.40 - 0.30 = 0.10[/tex]

[tex]0.45 - 0.40 = 0.05[/tex]

[tex]0.60 - 0.45 = 0.15[/tex]

[tex]1 - 0.60 = 0.40[/tex]

The x values are gotten by considering where the equality sign is in each range.

[tex]1 \le x < 3[/tex] means [tex]x = 1[/tex]

[tex]3 \le x < 4[/tex] means [tex]x = 3[/tex]

[tex]4 \le x < 6[/tex] means [tex]x=4[/tex]

[tex]6 \le x < 12[/tex] means [tex]x = 6[/tex]

[tex]12 \le x[/tex] means [tex]x = 12[/tex]

Solving (b):

[tex](i)\ P(3 \le x \le 6)[/tex]

This is calculated as:

[tex]P(3 \le x \le 6) = F(6) - F(3-)[/tex]

From the given function

[tex]F(6)= 0.60[/tex]

[tex]F(3-) = F(1) = 0.30[/tex]


[tex]P(3 \le x \le 6) = 0.60 - 0.30[/tex]

[tex]P(3 \le x \le 6) = 0.30[/tex]

[tex](ii)\ P(4 \le x)[/tex]

This is calculated as:

[tex]P(4 \le x)=1 - F(4-)[/tex]

[tex]P(4 \le x)=1 - F(3)[/tex]

[tex]P(4 \le x)=1 - 0.40[/tex]

[tex]P(4 \le x)=0.60[/tex]

There’s a pic of the question, answer fasterrrrr pleaseeeee



Sorry this is NWEA so I want you to try and figure it out on your own, hint: use subtraction.

Step-by-step explanation:

2.5 Hours, for number one.

B for the second one.

Explain how the given graph is deceptive.

Complete the statements based on the bar graph.

By not starting the horizontal axis at 0, the
bar appears to be about one-fourth the height of the Pecan bar. The
bar appears to be about one-half the height of the Pecan bar. The
bar appears to be less than one-half the height of the Pecan bar. This misleads the viewer to
the number of each type of nut used


Pine Nut






In the picture below.

Step-by-step explanation:

From the commenter and answer above, confirmed on edge 2022.

Triangles ABC and DEF are similar triangles. What are the lengths of the unknown sides?


DF = 39 cm; DE = 15 cm


DF = 48 cm; DE = 52 cm


DF = 65 cm; DE = 25 cm


DF = 52 cm; DE = 48 cm




DF = 52

AB = 48

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the two lengths of sides already given.

Divide to find the scale factor:

20 / 5 = 4

Scale factor: 4

Now multiply to find the unknown sides:

13 × 4  = 52

12 × 4 = 48

DF = 52

AB = 48

Hope this helped.

What are the odds against picking a red marble from a bag of 10 green marbles, 10 yellow marbles, and 5 red marbles?


5 out of 25
pick the chance over
add all possibilities
P(red) = 5/25 = 1/5……………

5, 3 = 28
7,6 = 55
4,5 = 21
3,8 = ?



3,8 =

Step-by-step explanation:

3 X 3 + 8 = 9 + 8 = 17

Square the first number and add the second number to it.

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