What were they key features of the Qin political system ​


Answer 1


standardized the writing system, standardized the measurements of length and weight and the width of highways, abolished all feudal privileges, oversaw large-scale construction of what then became the first Great Wall (NotSureAboutThisPart) and in 213, to halt subversive thought, ordered all books burned, except those on such utilitarian subjects as medicine.

Related Questions

In a few sentences compare Tito and Gus. Tito and Gus are two kids in middle school living in a tough neighborhood. They just choose to act about it differently. Tell me how they are different, the things they do, how they act, choices they make, etc.



Tito is more intelligent than Gus because he makes a great effort to have good grades at school. But Gus is smarter when it comes to social skills.

Gus is far more interested in making quick money than going to school.

Tito wants to leave the neighborhood, whereas Gus wants to stay.


Here are some rules that are helpful when making comparisons:

For an adjective that has one syllable, add -er at ht end (smarter).If it has two syllables and it ends in -y, change the end to -ier (happier)For adjectives of two syllables or more, use the word "more" + adjective (Tito is more intelligent than Gus).Phrases such as “a lot”, “much”, “a little”, “slightly” and “far”, when placed before “more / less than” help highlight the distinctions. The words but, while, and whereas are also used to compare and contrast ideas.

what is one example of a type of medium

a. point of view
b.informal language
c.live theatre
d.figurative language



c. live theatre


Mark me brainliest

Which type of figurative language does John Keats use in this excerpt from "Ode to Autumn"?

And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep
Steady thy laden head across a brook;
Or by a cider-press, with patient look,
Thou watchest the last oozings, hours by hours.

A. repetition
B. allusion
C. personification
D. alliteration


The answer for this will be a personification as it is giving human characteristic to non living things

albert the butcher is 6 feet tall and wears a size 12 shoe.what does he weigh?


Answer of  A butcher is 6 feet tall and wears size 12 shoes. What does he weigh? Word Riddles is a great riddle game for kids and adults, also with families and friends. For all riddle game lovers, this game is truly what you deserve.

Word Riddles is a great riddle game for kids and adults, also with families and friends. For all riddle game lovers, this game is truly what you deserve. Read the riddle the guess the answer

sorry I'm not sure of this answer I got this ans from social media

What does this sentence do?
Should I print or write my name?






B. Asks


Because it ends with a question mark...

With the consent of your parents, write a letter inviting your friend to spend part of the
long vacation with you.​


Dear mom ive been doing well in all the stuff you ask me to do and stuff i know to do and i would like to know if i would be allowed to invite said friend along on the vacation please think about this

sincerely:your name

How is an allegory different from a myth


and allegory is intended to embed moral values and lessons in the form of fiction, and is intended to teach, whereas myths are tales that made for the contentment of humanity.

Which of these is most likely to lead someone to increase his or her level of physical activity? A. Television ads that create interest for new shows B. Friends who only like to watch movies C. Advertisements for social events that feature a physical activity D. Internet video games with more features and better graphics ​



advertisements for social events that feature a physical activity

Neither she nor her friend ------- to blame.Single choice.
1 were
2 was​


Neither she nor her friend were to blame.


Although I'm not a rich man...

A.I'm lucky with women.
B.I always get what i want.
C.I travel very much.
D.No wrong.


The correct answer is B.

Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gabs using simple present in the sentences.

1. They _ at birds (to look)

2. John and Ama _ hello (to say)

3. He _ the laptop (to repair)

4. The cat _ under tree (to sit)

5. She_ the lunch bag (to forget) ​



1. they look at birds

2. John and Ama say hello

3. He repairs the laptop

4. The cat sits under tree

5. She forgets the lunch bag


1. They look at birds.

2. John and Ama say hello.

3. he repair the laptop.

4. The cat sit under tree.

5. She forget the lunch bag.


what is the suitable adverb for the river flows​



Your answer is provided in the space below:


The suitable adverb for 'the river flows' would be:

1) Either you can use the adverb as river flows, or:

2) Another adverb can be 'the gushing river

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

Select the correct answer. How can this sentence be revised to ensure parallel structure? After the successful experiment, the scientist was asked to write her report accurately, quickly, and in great detail. A. After the successful experiment, the scientist was asked to write her report accurately, with speed, and in great detail. B. After the successful experiment, the scientist was asked to write her detailed report accurately and quickly. C. After the successful experiment, the scientist was asked to write her report accurately, quickly, and thoroughly. D. After the successful experiment, the scientist was asked to write her report accurately, write it quickly, and in great detail.



C.  After the successful experiment, the scientist was asked to write her report accurately, quickly, and thoroughly.


parallel structure  >>  adverb, adverb, adverb

In The First Some by Don Aker Who has respect for themselves?


Mohammad does you can see it in his confidence tone and body language

Which detail from the excerpt best supports the conclusion that Turner is frustrated with his father, Reverend Buckminster?



"They're not down on the da mn docks."


Gary D. Schmidt's "Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy" is about a young boy's friendship with a Negro girl against the society's acceptance. The story deals with themes of racism, loyalty, friendship, family, society, status, etc.

In the given excerpt, Turner is warned by his father against going to "visit a Negro girl on Malaga Island." But Turner seemed reluctant to obey what his father or society wants him to do. So, when his father mentioned that "[Lizzie's family are] down on the docks", Turner reiterates that they are not. His repetition of "they're not down on the da mn docks" shows his exasperated feeling about his father.


Turner's words when he says, "They're not down on the docks."


The excerpt is taken from the story of Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy.

The story was written by the writer, Gary D. Schmidt. The excerpt is from chapter 6 of the book.

In the chapter, Turner was frustrated with his dad, as his dad did not allowed him to go to the Malaga island and telling him that the Malaga island was a forbidden island and Turner should not visit it.

Turner's frustration can be seen from form his words when he says, "They're not down on the docks."

i (not,know)what this word (mean)but i can look it up for you !use this present simple tense​



I don't know what this word means, but I can look it up for you!

Which long quotation is formatted correctly according to MLA guidelines for a book?
According to Poor Richard's Almanac,
At 22 years of age, Franklin had not made much progress toward the goal of his ambition, (Franklin 7)
According to Poor Richard's Almanac,
“At 22 years of age, Franklin had not made much progress toward the goal of his ambition, (Franklin, 2007)
According to Poor Richard's Almanac-
At 22 years of age, Franklin had not made much progress toward the goal of his ambition, (Benjamin
Franklin, page 7)
According to Poor Richard's Almanac-
At 22 years of age, Franklin had not made much progress toward the goal of his ambition (Franklin, 7).



According to Poor Richard’s Almanac:

At 22 years of age, Franklin had not made much progress toward the goal of his ambition. (Franklin 7)


When you come upon a word that you do not know, what can you do?



You can use dictionary to learn the meaning of the specific word.

you can look it up online or find it in a dictionary:)

Which of the following best describes the narrative point of view of the above excerpt?



E l o no te contesto me dijo de mi trauma con la muerte de mi vida es un biberón de un bb y a mi bibe es de el y yo ayudamos a jas a grabar un video que Si

Answer:told from “I” as an adult thinking about meaning of the ev

Explanation: Letter  because it is from when the person was small and know they are grown

Select all the correct answers.
Which beliefs are important in Judaism?

1. A person should do good deeds or mitzvahs.
2. A person should focus only on his or her relationship with God and not with other people.
3. There are other gods, but God is all-powerful.
4. A person should practice self-control when following Jewish laws.
5. The messiah is a God who has already come.



1.    3.   4. I believe


I may not be right but i beileve i am.... good luck!!

The answer to this question is going to be #3 and #4

What is ironic about this short story? What type of irony is it? How does it add to the main idea theme in the passages? The book gift of Magi


The book Gift of Magi was written by O.Henry in 1905. The irony about this story is that how a young poor couple manages to keep their partner happy, despite being poor they both purchase beautiful gift for their spouse.

The story revolves around the couple of James and Della Dillingham Young. James sells his watch to purchase tortoiseshell comb for Della while Della Dillingham sells her beautiful long hairs to purchase a platinum chain for Jim's antique gold watch. They exchange their gifts on the Christmas Eve.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24364774

Which best describes the author’s viewpoint toward the actual Rosetta Stone in "The Rosetta Stone”?



The best and the correct answer among the choices provided by the question is the second choice. The author's viewpoint toward the actual Rosetta Stone in "The Rosetta Stone” is that it is a historical artifact that scholars spent too much time trying to understand.

In poetry, what is the use of an object to represent an idea or emotion?
O A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
O D. Symbolism



c . personification


Please write an SOP (Supported Opinion Paragraph) based on the story the flying machine



My opinion is against the emperor.


My opinion about the story ''the flying machine'' is in against of that emperor who executed such a brilliant mind instead of using it for the welfare and development of his empire. He can use this machine for the spying purpose or transport aid to their troops that are present in far places. The advantages of this invention is more than its disadvantages so in my pinion the execution of the inventor and the burning of machine should not be done by the king.

Monday, September 28, 1942
"I'm dying to tell you about another one of our clashes, but before I do I'd
like to say this: I think it's odd that grown-ups quarrel so easily and so often
and about such petty matters."
- Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
O Metaphor


Hyperbole because she says she dying it tell someone something, it’s an exaggeration


the answer should be hyberbole

ASAP please help me please



the 3rd one, even the smartest people need help sometimes


Allegra claimed to be too smart for getting help from a little girl but she actually helped Allegra so its pretty obvious and the hint sentence in this paragraph could be "thanks to some assistance from a young girl"


The answer is C.


The passage is telling us that no matter how smart you are, even a little help from anyone can benefit you, even if you think you don't need it. Such was the case with Allegra.

And it best describes the main theme of the story.

When giving an informal presentation, speakers can best prepare by

dressing in a new suit with a fresh haircut.
creating graphs and maps to show.
adding scientific language to the speech.
finding a humorous story to use in the opening.



dressing in a new suit with a fresh haircut




“Lightning danced across the sky” is an example of which literary device?





hope this helps :)




Personification is giving non living things human like characteristics

Lighting is an example of a non living thing

In the expression "Lightning danced across the sky” lightning is given a human characteristic which is dancing.

Because lightning is a non living thing and is given a human characteristic in the saying the literary device being used is personification

Hello, what will happen if i do not get all my work done in summer school?



I don't know, but work hard!


I predict you may get held back, or have to do the class during school but you can do this! I'm in summer school right now, but don't worry!!

Answer: you gon have to finish the work during the school year

Which inference can be best drawn about Ray Bradbury’s work from his commencement speech?


Answer: He was very successful writing novels.


Ray Douglas Bradbury was an screenwriter and author. His works included mystery, horror, fantasy, science fiction and realistic fiction.

In the commencement speech, he spoke about his humble beginnings and how he was determined. He was very successful writing novels.

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